Inexplicably, Li Zedao's nose was slightly sour, but he reluctantly said: "Let's go for the little one... But can I not stew the soup? Can I use roasted ones?"

"Deputy Sect Master, you dare to disobey the meaning of this Sect Master, you have violated the 27th rule of my Hanfeng Sect, you..."

Hanguang's voice changed slightly, it seemed to choke a little, and then he was silent, without going on.

Sure enough, the Deputy Sect Master was right and couldn't go back.

Even if she deliberately acted, she wouldn't have the interesting taste before.

There is only sadness, only depression, only reluctance.

Li Zedao fished for the fish, and Hanguang stood motionless on the bridge looking at it, like a sculpture, not knowing what he was thinking.

Li Zedao started to kill the fish and stew the fish soup, and grilled the fish by the way, Han Guang remained motionless.

Li Zedao brought the stewed fish soup to him and handed the grilled fish over. He wanted to see the face under the soul robe, but with every opportunity, she would not eat fish.

Li Zedao is very sorry.

So, Li Zedao was eating grilled fish and drinking fish soup while standing there with Hanguang. His lack of brain was to fill his brain for what Hanguang's face looked like.

An incompletely evolved face appeared like a flower accidentally, and Li Zedao almost vomited out all the fish he had eaten before.

One day passed, two days passed, three days passed... and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Hanguang still resembled a sculpture, and Li Zedao ate all the dead fish in the fish pond.

On this day, Hanguang suddenly said, "Where is the deputy master?"

Li Zedao saw that Hanguang finally had a reaction, so he hurriedly said: "What is the command of the sovereign?"

"From now on, there is no more Hanfengzong in the medicine domain." Hanguang said.

"...There are still some." Li Zedao said.

You don't want to be the master, you can be me.

"Never see you again." Han Guang said again.


"I wanted to give you something, but when I left the villa, I really didn't bring any precious things out." Hanguang said.

Li Zedao wanted to say yes, yes, don’t you have a ghost? If you give me the ghost hand, I will definitely not postpone it.

Thinking so in my heart, I blurted out: "Don't you have a ghost hand?"

After Hanguang's body had a meal, he wanted to turn this shameless person into a dead fish.

"I know you must still have them, but the more such things, the better, and I'll give it back to you."

Hanguang handed over the two bags, which was exactly the antidote for the big idiot and the big idiot she got when Li Zedao made a deal.

Li Zedao was not very polite, and he took it away and put it away, just because his inventory was not too much.

He can naturally refine more, but in this perilous heaven, he simply has no conditions to refine.

"I also have something to give you, but you must promise me to wait until you return to the Luguang Mountain Villa and wait for no one before you can open it."

Li Zedao said seriously: "If I don't agree, I won't send it."

Hanguang was surprised, but felt curious and interesting, and nodded solemnly: "I promise you."

Li Zedao took out a box and handed it over. The box was wrapped in the soul formation. In this way, unless the soul formation was broken, you would not want to open the box.

Of course, these soul formations, not to mention Hanguang, such as those who are strong in the great realm, are those of the low-grade cultivation base of the Lingyu realm, and they will be able to disperse the soul formation with a few more blows.

Hanguang took it and put it away solemnly.

She received a lot of gifts, even ghost hands, which were also given by grandpa.

But she never seemed to put away a gift so seriously like now.

Then, Hanguang didn't say anything, turned around, his figure disappeared instantly, without taking away any cloud.

"Good luck." Li Zedao looked up at the blue sky and said in a voice that only he could hear.

A breeze blew, Li Zedao's back was cold.

Looking back, Mr. Crocodile's gray eyes were staring at him, really startled.

"From now on, the old man is responsible for your safety." Crocodile said blankly.

But Li Zedao clearly captured the dislike between his words.

Li Zedao hurriedly said: "There is an old crocodile...Old crocodile, can I ask you a few questions?"

Old Crocodile didn't respond, he just disappeared.

Li Zedao shook his head, this old man is too difficult to get along with, it's better for the Sect Master.

Although the lord is quite wordy at times, like a swarm of flies, at least he is not lonely.

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the blue sky, feeling a deep loneliness in his heart.

After finishing his mood, he sat cross-legged and began to practice.


Among the beautiful mountain streams, there are many palaces scattered around.

This is where Luguang Villa is located.

The Glory family is powerful, and its status in the heavens is low-key even above that of the realm. Therefore, there are not too many people who know the Glory family.

The five poisonous sects, Qinglongmen and Yaofang Pavilion, which are famous in the medicine domain, knew Yunmeng Villa because they were all forces formed by Yunmeng Villa.

These forces exist alone, hostile to each other, but they are at the Yunmeng Villa.

This is why Hanguang would say that Ming Du and Qinglong Zhenren are all dogs raised by Yunmeng Villa.

At this time, Liuguang Villa is "being happy".

A few days later, it will be a happy day for the young lady to marry Yunmeng Villa.

Up and down the Luguang Villa, as if it was finally sunny, everyone had a rare smile on their faces.

Hanguang Maple Leaf's marriage to Yunmengxi, although there is no way to completely solve the troubles that Liuguang Villa is facing, even this matter is quite shameful.

But it was also enough for Liuguang Villa to take a breather.

Except for two people.

In front of the magnificent palace in the middle, an old man stood weakly looking at the misty abyss ahead.

The sun fell on his pale face, but his face didn't have the slightest temperature, but it was cold and hazy.

His bloodshot eyes had no emotions other than a strong humiliation.

A weak and ferocious roar, rippling away in this huge palace, remained for a long time.

In another quiet attic, Hanguang stood in front of the window, looking at the blue sky, and that very delicate little face was also covered with haze.

Suddenly thinking of something, she took out a box wrapped in the soul formation.

Looking at the box, the smog on Hanguang's face disappeared slightly.

She remembered that before she left, the deputy sect master had seriously confessed like a child that she had to return to the Luguang Mountain Villa and open it when there was no one else, otherwise the parting gift would not be given.

"I don't know what's in this box." Hanguang was a little curious.

When he patted the box, please hear a soft "bang", and the soul array covering the box was directly broken up.

Hanguang opened the box full of curiosity.

"What is this? Wait..."

When I saw the contents of the box clearly, the light eyes suddenly rounded up, my mind roared violently, and a monstrous wolf raged inside, and I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.


Contains Maple Valley.

In that unique manor, Crocodile stood on top of a big tree like a ghost, bathed in sunlight.

He couldn't think of two days, it was the day of the young lady’s wedding. Although it is not a happy thing to marry Yunmeng Villa, it is after all the only joyous event in Luguang Villa for a long time. Shouldn’t it be go back?

The old eye glanced at the weak person who was meditating in the distance and shook his head slightly.

I still don't go back. I have to protect this kid's safety. I can't bring him back to Luguang Mountain Villa, right?

Is he worthy to step into the threshold of Luguang Mountain Villa? Not worthy!

"Why would the young lady treat such a worthless kid differently?" Old Crocodile shook his head again, really can't understand.

At this moment, the old crocodile narrowed his eyes slightly, and his body instantly disappeared in place.

But breathing, the old Crocodile's figure is already under a big tree dozens of feet away, and at the same time, his dry hands are firmly clasped on a person's neck.

This is a middle-aged man.

Although the middle-aged man was overpowered all at once, there was no trace of panic on his face, instead he looked at the old crocodile respectfully.

"You really deserve to be the old crocodile. You have already hidden your breath so carefully and carefully, and you still found it." The middle-aged man exclaimed.

Crocodile swept the extremely ethereal white auspicious cloud embroidered on the chest of the middle-aged man, his eyes narrowed into a line: "Yunmeng Villa?"

Then, the dry hand let go.

The middle-aged man respectfully said with a smile, "Yunmengyao, see Mr. Crocodile."

The old crocodile nodded without expression, "What's the matter?"

The young lady is about to marry Yunmeng Villa, so she can't be too rude.

If it had been in the past, Crocodile had already taught the other side severely, letting the other side's heart know that sneaking is a very infamous thing.

"By the order of the son, come here to'please' alone to go to Yunmeng Villa to participate in the son's wedding ceremony." Yun Mengyao did not hide it, and directly explained his intentions.

Old Crocodile's eyes widened slightly, and he looked at the chic courtyard in the distance.


"Exactly." Yun Mengyao said again, "Please don't stop the old Crocodile, let me bring this Hanfengzong deputy master back to Yunmeng Villa."

Old Crocodile's eyes were directly fascinated into a line, and an extremely dangerous cold light appeared in the slit.

"You should be fortunate that if my lady is about to marry you at Yunmeng Villa, even if you are the core disciple of Yunmeng Villa, and a strong master of quality cultivation in the great realm, you are already dead now."

Yun Mengyao smiled, and said respectfully: "The Northern Wild Swordsman is in Yunmeng Villa."

Old Crocodile's face changed wildly, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard, and hissed, "What did you say?"

Yun Mengyao said again: "The Northern Wild Swordsman is in Yunmeng Villa, my guest of Yunmeng Villa."


Li Zedao's current life is very simple, except for cultivation, it is to miss.

The scenery here is so pleasant, and there is a powerful person like the crocodile elder to protect his safety. If you don't take this opportunity to practice quickly and improve your comfort, it is really a foolish behavior.

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