The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2785: Dipu Ginseng Tree

In fact, a consensus was basically reached before such a decision, so no one had any objections.

"The old man thinks so too."

Feng Lao of Yunmeng Villa was the first to agree with a smile: "Then the family will first send two people to find out, and my Yunmeng Villa will be explored by the old man and his follower Zhao Guanglu."

Zhao Guanglu, who was standing behind Feng Lao, moved forward and said to everyone.

This is a tall and thin man with a top-grade cultivation base in the Lingyu Realm. His eyes are full of insidiousness, and he is obviously extremely uncomfortable.

Old Crocodile said lightly: "My old man and his follower Ning Feng will go to explore the way in my Luguang Villa."

Li Zedao hurriedly followed Zhao Guanglu's example and stepped forward to make an effort.

The Yunwu Gate master smiled and said, "The Medicine Domain Mansion will send Yaoying to follow Lou Duoduo."

Yaoying, standing behind the master of Yunwumen, nodded with Lou Duoduo.

Master Yaoying, Li Zedao, had known each other a long time ago. As for that Lou Duoduo was a woman, and she was also the top cultivation base of Lingyu Realm.

Li Zedao sadly discovered that among these people, his cultivation was the weakest.

I don't know what Hanguang thinks, and even let him follow. If there really is a fight, he and the old Crocodile will have no chance of winning at all.

Forget it, who let her save his life? Then work hard to help her get that fire marble.

"Miss Hanguang, Young Master Yunmeng, please take out the map in your hands. Let's study and study together."

With that said, Palace Master Yunwu took the lead in taking out the map he had obtained and spread it out on the large desk in front.

For a moment, Li Zedao only felt a horrible coldness radiating from the map with only a few irregular strokes.

Obviously, the map was refined from the soul, and the three sheets were combined into one, and the line patterns on the map would change greatly.

Yun Mengxi smiled slightly, and took out the map and placed it on the desk.

Han Guang also stepped forward, spread out the map in her hand, and put it up.

Palace Master Yunwu nodded, stretched out his hand, and pieced the three maps together.

Old Crocodile, Old Feng, and Master Yao Ying all stepped forward and stared at them.

In an instant, a cold mist that was visible to the naked eye radiated from the map, but after breathing, the three maps were combined into one. At the same time, the line pattern on the top also changed drastically.

At the same time, a terrible coldness filled the entire reception room, and Li Zedao felt a strong sense of fear in his heart, and couldn't help but fight a cold war.

It feels like being bitten by a snake in the same direction. Suddenly encountering even a straw rope will make you shocked.

This kind of weird and extremely cold, obviously once bit Li Zedao severely, otherwise Li Zedao would not have such a reaction.

Li Zedao was making waves in his heart, and his mind roared violently.

Hantan! And the box with that weird colorful butterfly!

Li Zedao clearly felt that the coldness exuding from this map was exactly the same as the coldness exuding from the cold pool and the box I had fallen into before?

Suddenly thinking of something, under the soul robe, Li Zedao's eyes were so round that his small heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Is this map too simple?" Palace Master Yunwu frowned and shook his head.

I thought that there would be a very detailed route, but I didn't expect that only a mountain, a tree on the mountain, and that's it.

Of course this mountain is extremely familiar, and this tree is even more familiar.

But at a glance, Palace Master Yunwu knew what this place was.

"This seems to be the Soul Mountain in the center of Medicine Valley?" Feng Lao's eyes widened slightly.

"I'm afraid this is the case. This tree is probably the Divine Ginseng Tree. The entrance is probably under the Divine Ginseng Tree." Yunmengxi pointed to the tree-shaped pattern on the map and said.

"Young Master Yunmeng makes sense." Master Yaoying echoed the picture.

Not long ago, she had just witnessed the ground spirit ginseng mature and landed under the ginseng tree of the soul mountain, and she also blocked its way, so it can be said that she is very familiar with the soul mountain.

"There are countless trees on the Earth Soul Mountain, but the only ones who are eligible to appear on this map as a symbol are probably the Earth Soul Ginseng Tree." The old Crocodile agreed.

But other than that, everyone can't get other useful information from this map, and they have to secretly say that this map is really too simple.

Just let them know that if they want to get the fire marble and butterfly wings left by the old fire, they have to go to the Soul Mountain of the Medicine Valley under the sacred ginseng tree, and then there is no more.

Palace Master Yunwu nodded and said: "Since I have determined the place, I will bother Mr. Crocodile, and Mr. Feng will set out to find out under the sacred ginseng tree. Wait for your good news."

Old Crocodile and Old Feng looked at each other and nodded without objection.

The current map was once again divided into three, and the three major forces put away their own maps.

After a few sticks of incense, the three soul clouds left Qianyun Peak and floated towards the medicine valley.

Han Guang looked up at the soul cloud, because Han Fengzong had existed in name only, he was really lost, and worried about the safety of the old Crocodile, especially the deputy sovereign.

Although the deputy lord's luck is indeed so good that there is no reason at all, but this does not mean that he can rely on luck to escape his life every time.

Yun Mengxi walked to the front, just like a caring boyfriend, he almost gently hugged the beautiful woman beside him.

He comforted with a soft voice: "I believe the crocodile can bring back the Fire Marble, and your grandpa will be fine."

Han Guang said coldly: "Since Young Master Yunmeng hopes that my grandfather is okay, why not give away all the flaming stones in Yunmeng Villa's collection?"

Yun Mengxi smiled bitterly: "You know, I can't decide this matter."

"Ha ha."

Hanguang sneered and turned to leave.

Yun Mengxi was not angry, he just shook his head with a helpless wry smile, and then looked up at the blue sky.


Above one of the soul clouds, the crocodile stood there quietly, like an old wood about to decay.

Crocodile always stood, Li Zedao naturally couldn't sit, he could only stand there, but it was a mad wolf in his heart that couldn't calm down for a while.

The chill released by the map is exactly the same as that of the cold pool and the box. Does this mean that the place where the Earth Soul God Ginseng takes itself is exactly the place where the fire eater and hides the fire marble and the butterfly wings. Where?

The so-called fire marble is not the shining stone flower, right?

The so-called butterfly wing is not the colorful butterfly specimen that you swallowed?

If this is the case, Li Zedao feels that his situation is indeed a bit dangerous, and if one is not careful, he is afraid that he will be dumped a lot.

It seems that you have to find a chance to be alone and secretly take out the stone flower and show it to Hanguang. If it is really the fire marble she needs, give it to her directly.

Of course, let's go through the current difficulties first.

Who knows what terrible accidents will happen under that Dipo's Ginseng Tree?

In Li Zedao's extreme anxiety, the three soul clouds finally came to the Earth Soul Mountain located in the center of Medicine Valley.

The Earth Soul Mountain is surrounded by terrifyingly bad water, and the mountains are full of dense poisonous miasma, which is crushed by darkness for years and months, and the sky is hardly visible.

From time to time, there were terrifying and stern sounds, which made Li Zedao's nerves always in a state of absolute tension, and he did not dare to be careless.

Soon, Li Zedao was attracted by the towering tree ahead.

The tree is very tall and big, and the thick branches may require dozens of adults to hold hands to hold it together.

What is even more amazing is that the extremely dense leaves are golden yellow, like pieces of gold leaf inlaid there, looking extremely noble and luxurious.

"This is extremely willful. I don't know when it will bloom, when it will bloom, and when it will bear fruit, and when it will be fruitful, it will mature."

Li Zedao admired again and again, and his heart was shocked by the luxurious, capricious and majestic atmosphere of this big tree.

"Feng Lao, Crocodile, the location on the map is the Dipo Divine Ginseng Tree, so the entrance is probably hidden around this Dipo Divine Ginseng Tree. Let's search carefully separately?" Master Yaoying asked Feng Lao. Alligator's opinion.

Everyone knows that the appearance of this map is really weird, so I don't dare to be too careless. It's the best if it can be spread too far.

In this way, even if there is such a shocking surprise, it will not be caught off guard.

Feng Lao swept around, then looked at the towering tree ahead: "It might be on that tree."

Old Crocodile said: "I want to know that it must be very secretive, otherwise I am afraid that I will be discovered early."

Feng felt that Mr. Crocodile said a nonsense, but he smiled and echoed: "What the Crocodile said is very true. In this way, let's first take this tree as our loyalty and search for a few miles around. We really didn't find it. Expand the scope of the search."

Old Crocodile had no objection to Master Yaoying.

At the moment, everyone began to circle around the Dipo God Ginseng Tree, or carefully looked for clues from the side.

Li Zedao swayed in front of the Dipo Divine Ginseng Tree.

In his opinion, since a tree appeared on the map, Feng Lao's deduction may be real, and the breakthrough is likely to be on this tree.

It's just that this tree is really too big. If the entrance mechanism is set on this tree, or even on a certain leaf, then trying to find it out would be extremely difficult.

Li Zedao came to the big tree and looked at the branches that looked like a small hill standing there. He repeatedly admired that the tree was too **** big, and what was even more amazing was that it could give birth to children.

At the moment, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked the rough bark from top to bottom.

At the next moment, Li Zedao's hand seemed to suddenly touch an electric current, and he instinctively shrank away, and the eyes under the soul robe were already wide.


The bark unexpectedly released the coldness exactly as the cold pool, the box, and the map.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to the huge tree trunk little by little.

In the end, it was discovered that only the bark in a small area of ​​the palm exuded that kind of chill, and the bark in other places was no different from ordinary bark.

Soon, Li Zedao felt that there was a powerful formation hidden in the cold bark.

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