The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2728: Flattering

Once, dozens of dragon breaths poured down, and the extremely cold death breath was not as terrifying as the death breath brought by this huge hoe.

Li Zedao felt a strong sense of powerlessness. Is this the heaven where there are so many powerful souls as dogs? This is the celestial realm that enters the spiritual world but has the qualification to walk in the celestial realm?

What are you still thinking about? Can't you go back and wait for death?

"I can't step over your corpse, because you have scattered your soul, and there is no bones left." Yao Shizi's extremely indifferent voice came.

It's as easy as killing a low-grade cultivation base expert in the Lingyu realm is like taking a sip of water.

In the next moment, the **** condensed with aura was so terrifying that it was firmly grasped by an invisible hand, and lifted up high, as if Li Zedao was the very obscure grass, slamming at him. After hoeing his head, he must **** it off.

In an instant, the entire space seemed to be shattered by this terrifying breath, Li Zedao felt that his breathing had stagnated, and the rich danger crazily stimulated his nerves.

Li Zedao knew that the woman on the side wouldn't even try to block the **** for herself. She wanted to use herself to humiliate this pharmacist.

As long as she makes the pharmacist feel embarrassed, her goal will be achieved.

So she wants to let her life go to fight the medicine master!

A trace of blood flashed in Li Zedao's eyes!

At this time, the only thing you can rely on is yourself!


In an instant, a fierce Wanjun Thunder burst out from the long sword in Li Zedao's hand, and swept away at the crushed hoe, the posture seemed to crush the hoe.

At the same time, Li Zedao even deployed the defensive soul array with the fastest speed.

The next moment, his body was even more enveloped by mysterious light, it was a golden cover!


The **** and the Wanjun Thunder that swept away violently collided with each other, and a huge sound erupted. The entire space trembles, and the bad water below raises even more terrifying waves, and the towering peaks continue to There are huge rocks tumbling down.

The next moment, Thunder was hoeed to pieces without any accident, but the momentum of the **** crushing downward also stagnated, and it just stagnated, and then continued to smash down frantically.

"Boom!" There was another deafening muffled sound, with a breath of terror overflowing.

The powerful defensive soul formation arranged by Li Zedao was ruthlessly eradicated by the hoe, as if hoeing a few weeds, it was that simple.

Immediately afterwards, the **** continued to fall crazily on top of Li Zedao's head.

This time, the **** failed to continue downward, but was in a stagnant state, and could no longer continue downward.

Its sharp edge was stopped by a mysterious golden light, no matter what terrifying sound it made or the terrifying sense of oppression it released, it was stunned that it could not go down even an inch.

Yakushizi's eyes turned round in an instant, his expression was not much different from seeing a ghost.

Jin Huan's face was dull, with a huge wave in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Although he finally blocked the hoe, Li Zedao felt uncomfortable at all, and he gritted his teeth to support it.

He knew that once the last breath was relaxed, the **** would definitely hit him hard.

Even if he does not die by that time, his soul will have to suffer extremely serious damage.

Fortunately, his last breath can continue to support, and even more fortunately, the **** **** above his head has lost its momentum.

Unless, Yao Shizi waved his **** again.

Li Zedao was basically sure that the other party would not continue to do it.

Yao Shizi did not continue to do it, he is now in a daze.

His mind roared violently, and a huge wave that was tens of thousands of times more irritable than the bad water below was set off. His expression was so weird that he couldn't believe it was true.

In his expectation, the **** in his own hand would naturally not easily let the weak soul fly away. After all, no matter how weak the opponent is, he is also a strong person who has stepped into the spiritual realm, and he cannot be treated as an ordinary ant.

Not to mention that this is still under the premise that life is threatened, this weak person is bound to explode with a stronger breath.

However, Yao Shizi didn't expect to say that the obstacle he received was much stronger than he had imagined, and he was stopped by this weak man with a full blow!

He is a strong person with a high-grade cultivation base in the Lingyu realm, and this weak has just entered the Lingyu realm. There is a huge gap between them that the blind can see. No matter how powerful his spiritual skills are, it is impossible to block his attack. ?

However, this weird thing happened like this.

What makes Pharmacists even more concerned is that this weak person can deploy three defensive soul formations in such a short period of time. You must know that this can only be done by a very skilled soul formation master.

In other words, if he was given more time, he would definitely be able to lay out a more powerful soul formation, and even his own **** would not be able to break that soul formation. This was undoubtedly terrifying!

Underestimate the weak.

All the surprises in Jin Huan's eyes were replaced by splendor.

Ning Feng's performance was much better than she had imagined.

Moreover, he turned out to be an extremely clever soul formation master, which is really quite surprising.

His mind surged for a moment, Jin Huan looked at Yao Shizi with his eyes, pulled out the snake sword again, and said loudly: "Yao Shizi, you are also the young pavilion master of the medicine prescription pavilion anyway, you actually did something to my five poison sect junior, Don’t you be afraid of embarrassment if you spread it out?

"This woman is too shameless!"

Pharmacist cursed secretly, his slightly pale face looked a bit ugly, the horrible cold light flashed in his eyes, but he did not continue to smash the hoe, but put it away.

In an instant, the sense of terror and oppression that hung over Li Zedao's head instantly dissipated, and Li Zedao was relieved.

Li Zedao looked extremely wilted, his body trembled, his mouth opened and he spouted a mouthful of blood.

It was too shameless to curse this woman while vomiting blood. She had to find a woman who was more shameless than her. It could only be Tianmeng sister.

In Li Zedao's heart, no one is more shameless and unreasonable than Tian Meng sister.

Of course, Xiao Daozi is the most shameless person in Tian Meng's eyes.

Li Zedao's body was trembling, if it hadn't been struggling, he would be unable to stand still...Of course, Li Zedao was actually not that weak, he was acting out.

He has to hide part of his strength.

Of course, Li Zedao knew why Yakushizi didn't continue to attack, because he had realized that he was not as weak as he had imagined, and he would have to pay a higher price if he wanted to kill himself.

Not to mention, Jin Huan is about to do it, so the pharmacist can only stop.

In addition, Yao Shizi definitely didn't want to fight Jin Huan, because he was in a state of absolute crushing just now, but he also consumed a lot of aura.

Li Zedao continued to play with flawless acting skills.

He tried to raise his head, tried to raise the sword in his hand, and gritted his teeth and said, "Come again!"

Then, he opened his mouth and spouted a gorgeous mouthful of blood, but it gave people a sense of iron and blood that they would rather die than surrender, even if you die, you have to bite a piece of flesh from your body.

The pharmacist did not continue to look at Li Zedao with the eyes of the dead, and the astonishment disappeared.

His eyes showed appreciation, and he said sincerely: "I am the master pharmacist of the Medicine Fang Pavilion. Compared with the Five Poison Sect, the strength of our Medicine Fang Pavilion in the medicine domain is only strong or not weak."

Jin Huan snorted coldly: "Hehe, is it? Why doesn't this saint know when your prescription pavilion is so strong?"

The pharmacist ignored this shameless woman and continued to say sincerely: "I underestimated you. I thought you were not a sublime cultivation base in Lingyu Realm, and even thought you were an eyesore and cut off your hair. I apologize to you. "

Li Zedao didn't feel flattered, but secretly scolded this young master pharmacist who came from what kind of prescription pavilion is really too vicious.

The pharmacist said seriously: "If you are willing to join my prescription pavilion, my pharmacist will definitely treat you with courtesy, never take you as a follower, and will not allow anyone to step over your body."

Jin Huan's expression became gloomy, and he smiled and said, "Master Yao, you dare to dig my five-poison sect in front of this saint. Do you really think that my five-poison sect is good for bullying?"

Li Zedao twitched the corners of his mouth. This woman was really shameless. She had just considered him a follower who could be slaughtered casually, but now she was regarded as a powerhouse of the Five Poison Sect.

The pharmacist sneered, ignoring Jin Huan, and continued to look at Li Ze with admiration: "You can consider it."

Li Zedao only felt that his back was cold, as if a poisonous snake was staring at him steadily.

He knew that he dared to have any hesitation, the poisonous snake would definitely open its poisonous mouth and swallow itself in one bite.

Continuing to scold this pharmacist secretly is really too vicious, he just wanted to kill himself with Jin Huan's hand.

So, he looked at the pharmacist with an idiotic look, and said with a sneer: "With your little **** medicine recipe pavilion, what qualifications do you have to be comparable to my Five Poison Sect?"

"Compared with my Five Poison Sect, is your strength only strong? Isn't it weak? You are also the Young Pavilion Master, so you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you say this?"

The pharmacist's expression solidified, and the muscles on his face began to twitch.

Li Zedao lifted his head and said sternly: "Master Yak, you listen carefully, I, Ning Feng, is a person of the Golden Ring Saint, and death is the ghost of the Golden Ring Saint!"

As soon as he said this, Li Zedao felt lonely and lonely. On flattering, he was afraid that he would have no opponents in the heavens, and he would be cold and lonely.


The muscles on Yakushizi's face were twitching even more severely. His expression was like eating shit, how uncomfortable it was.

He couldn't stand the look in the eyes of this weak man, and he couldn't stand the unheard of words he said, but it sounded quite disgusting and annoying.

He couldn't even understand, how could he speak so frankly with such disgusting and hypocritical words?

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