The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2669: Dragon Breath

The demon was so scared that his face was pale as paper, his body was shaking like chaff, tears and nose came out.

I want to know that this **** Nuwa clan sensed that Lord Chilong was approaching, so he deliberately said something like that.

What's even more exaggerated is that afterwards he even looked apologetic and innocent.

Whenever possible, the demon even wanted to die with the other party.

"Devil, what he said is true?" Chilong's angry voice rippled far away, as if the entire space was shaking.

At the same time, the devilish energy shrouded in it became more and more intense.

The throat of the devil was very thirsty, and it wanted to explain something, but even if it opened its mouth so wide, it couldn't say a word.

It has a deep-seated fear of Lord Chi Long, or all demons, and Lord Chi Long.

Nvwa and Panlong, or the descendants of Nvwa and the woman who didn't know where they came from, couldn't easily kill them, after all, they possessed extremely powerful soul bodies.

But Chilong can!

Chilong can easily disperse their souls, as if they had never appeared on this land shrouded in devilish energy.


A horrible devilish energy swept wildly.

Li Zedao and Tianmeng both wrinkled their brows, their figures flashed, and they moved back quickly.

In front of the angry Chilong, the demon directly lost any ability to resist. In addition to fear, it was still fear.

While breathing, the terrifying devilish energy immediately entangled its body.

"Master Chilong, go around... forgive... please listen... explain... explain..."

Feeling the extreme soul is about to be squeezed and exploded by this terrifying devilish energy, the heavenly devil squirmed desperately, but it was a trembling sound.

It was so frightened that its round eyes almost jumped from its sockets, its nose and tears streaming wildly.

"Xiao Daozi, don't you save it?" Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao with a smile, feeling that Xiao Daozi was more sinister than he thought.

Li Zedao looked at the black mist entwining the devil with a solemn expression: "It can't be saved, unless my sister is holding the soul sword, she can't split the devilish energy."

Tianmeng smiled charmingly: "My sister can't save me. My sister can't wait for these guys to die."

In fact, the reason why Li Zedao chose the Overcast Demon was actually to anger Chilong. Once Chilong became angry, it would not leave a few unnutritious nonsense and ran away like the last time.

It will choose crazy hands, unreserved shots.

Sure enough, the easily emotional Chilong was furious.

At this time, Chi Long didn't want to hear any explanation from the Heavenly Demon, it was very angry! It has never been so angry before!

Even if Nuwa and Panlong were rather shamelessly teaming up to deal with it in the past, it was not so angry.

Even if it was attacked by the woman when confronting the descendant of Nuwa before, and then scolded by the woman as an idiot, it was not so angry, it was more depressed.

Now, its anger has almost reached its extreme.

It found that it really seemed to be an idiot! It was actually deceived by its loyal subordinates and gave it all the heavenly stones.

Although the sky stone seems to be of no use to a strong man who has no talent in refining tools, it does not mean that the sky stone is useless to this Nuwa descendant, to this woman!

Chi Long didn't dare to forget how terrifying Nu Wa's talent in refining tools was. That kind of perverted colorful wall was made by her using sky stones.

Who knows, what kind of horrible thing will become when the stone falls into the hands of these two people that day?

Now, these two people dare to go deep into Chilong City and threaten to kill it. Does it mean that they have used the sky stone to refine what kind of terrifying weapon?

Chi Long's eyes, which were enveloped by the rich devilish energy, began to turn scarlet, as if blood were about to drip.

Immediately, layers of weird black scales appeared on its extremely sturdy arms. The scales were like parasites, spreading wildly in all directions, and quickly spread all over Chilong's body, including its face. .

"What's going on?" Li Zedao's pupils widened at once, his throat thirsty.

"Hualong." Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao and spoke at random, feeling that Xiaodaozi is really rare and strange.

Li Zedao's pupils stared wider, and he said unbelievably, "Dragon? Chilong is actually a dragon?"

"Pangu is a dragon. The Chilong it created is naturally a dragon. Nuwa and Chilong are naturally dragons, but they look different." Tian Meng felt Xiaodaozi was really an idiot.

Li Zedao's eyes were round and his mind was rippling fiercely. He didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

It seems that words like "the descendants of the dragon" are not casually said.

"The Chilong of Hualong is so powerful that even Nuwa and Panlong can't stop it, Xiao Daozi, be careful yourself." Tian Meng held the soul sword tightly in his hand, preparing for the battle.

If it had been in the past, Tian Meng didn't want to face the Chilong who had transformed into a dragon.

But now she was holding a powerful soul sword, so naturally she didn't put Chi Long in her eyes at all.

She is sure to completely suppress the Chilong of Hualong!

Li Zedao's little heart trembled, and he wanted to hide behind Tian Meng. After all, he was not too embarrassed.

I wanted to stop the Heavenly Dream behind me, but felt that this behavior was too dangerous. It was completely inconsistent with my guidelines for being a human being. It was also an insult to this woman's strength and the soul sword in her hand, so I chose to shoulder her. Stand side by side.

"Xiao Daozi, you go behind my sister, you are too much." Tian Meng said in disgust.


Li Zedao was ashamed, and silently retreated behind Tian Meng.

All of a sudden, the sense of security burst.

"You all deserve to die!"

Chilong made a deafening roar, and then its extremely large body became extremely long, and its hands and feet directly turned into sharp claws shining with black light.

The pair of horns on its head that looked like blood swords stuck in there were the dragon's horns.

After a while, a black dragon hovering in a dense death devilish aura, those big eyes looked at the terrifying demon with ferocious eyes.

Even if Li Zedao has seen many monsters in God's Domain and Demon's Domain, he has also seen the dragon python, but at this time, seeing the dragon described in the book and the dragon appearing in the movie does not seem to be very different. Heilong, the whole person is still in a state of absolute shock.

Mom, mom, come out and see, there are really dragons.

At the same time, in Chilong City.

Many demons felt a strong sense of oppression, and they all looked up.

When they saw the black dragon in mid-air, their expressions changed wildly, and a monstrous wolf raged in their hearts.

In fact, the Demon Region has such an order that when Lord Chilong turns into a dragon, it means that there is a strong attack, so if you don't want to die, just stay away.

So Chi Longcheng was immediately in a state of absolute chaos.

A wave of devilish energy swept away from Chilong City madly, away from the dragon in midair that made their minds tremble, so as not to be affected.

Just as the demon in Chilong City quickly fled, the black dragon opened its big mouth and breathed at the heavenly demon.

"This is Dragon's Breath!"

Tian Meng knew that Xiao Daozi had little insight, so he took the initiative to help explain it.

"Dragon breath?" Li Zedao swallowed uncontrollably.

He was familiar with such words, but he learned from movies and novels what terrible power the dragon breath possesses.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a dragon's breath can destroy a city.

I don't know if the real dragon's breath is so terrible.


A terrifying black flame suddenly erupted from Chilong's mouth, and the black flame quickly formed a weird and extremely black fireball, madly crushing the second area toward the immobile demon.

Even if you stay far away, Li Zedao still clearly feels the terrifying heat and the suffocating power contained in the black fireball.

The temperature released by the black flame made Li Zedao far away feel extremely hot, as if his soul was about to be roasted.

Li Zedao's scalp was extremely numb. He knew that if such a fireball hit the center of Phoenix, then the entire Phoenix City would be gone as if it had been attacked by a ***.


The fireball hit the demon heavily.

No, it's not! Instead, he attacked the past without any hindrance, and the huge body of the Heaven Demon couldn't stop the terrifying black fireball even for a moment.

Destroyed and decayed, it was crushed from the demon in this way.

The demon didn't even scream, but immediately disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

The patriarch of the Heavenly Demon clan, the Heavenly Demon with a powerful soul body and the enviable and enviable eye of the Demon, was so breathless by the Heavenly Demon that he was breathless.

From this point of view, Chilong's methods are indeed more terrifying than Nuwa and Panlong, at least they have nothing to do with the demon with a powerful soul body.

At the same time, the fireball burning with black flames continued to crush Li Zedao and Heavenly Dream with the power of destroying the world.

As the black fireball approached, Li Zedao clearly felt the terrifying heat wave, which made him feel fearful.

Had it not been for a terrifying woman to protect himself in front of him, Li Zedao would have turned around and ran away as far as he would have to hide.

It's a fool to head-to-head with such a terrifying dragon's breath.

Tian Meng's beautiful eyes were full of disdain. She stepped forward and shook the soul sword slightly. Those charming and unusual eyes were instantly replaced by coldness.

In an instant, a sword net with a frightening atmosphere appeared in the sky.

The sword net was not big, it was a weird crimson, as if it had been stained with blood countless times, and it seemed to come from the Jiuyou Hell, full of suffocating death breath.

Li Zedao's eyeballs that were already staring widened widened, and his throat became extremely thirsty.

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