The Seven Great Lords and the Eight Great Spiritual Gods were naturally not infected by Li Zedao's simple but distracting words, but sneered, thinking that this shameless traitor had begun to pretend to be disgusting again.

The ignorant sect master and Longshi were quite aggrieved and wondered why we planned to escape?

Is it really because we are greedy for life and afraid of death? Well, there are such a small part of the reason, and the main reason is that we can feel better in our hearts only if we escape, it's that simple.

Why can you come here for the sake of feeling better, and we can't escape here for the sake of feeling better?

Your sister, you can't be too double standard!

Li Zedao turned around, the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Masters hurriedly squeezed out the emotions touched by these words, even the little turtle's mung bean-big eyes were out of water, and one pair was almost moved to death. Looks like.

Li Zedao looked at those pretty hypocritical faces and was so depressed that he felt that he was a fool. He was playing the piano against a group of fools, wasting time, energy, life, and saliva, wasting his acting talent...

It seems that these guys are determined to run away. If that's the case, you don't need to be polite with them.

"There is still some time. I am idle anyway, so let's beat you up."

Li Zedao twisted his neck, and his voice was flat and unusual, as if he was talking about a handful of green vegetables for a dollar. It was a simple matter.

"..." The expressions of the seven masters and the eight great spirit gods suddenly became embarrassed.

The enemy is in front, this damned traitor is still trying to do such a mess that can disturb the military's mind? Really is too much!

After more than a dozen breaths, the seven main gate masters and the eight great spirit gods collapsed there.

Their faces were crushed by Li Zedao.

Li Zedao hated the old ghosts, dragon masters and ignorant sect masters a lot, so he focused on "care" for them, especially the old ghosts, whose round body was even crushed.

Their eyes are sad and angry, and their little hearts are shrouded in hideousness. If they can, they all want to die with this **** guy!

But no, so they can only do things that are completely incompatible with their status.

They abruptly squeezed a humble and aggrieved expression on their faces, and then cursed in their hearts! The most vicious kind.

Li Zedao seemed as if nothing had happened, clapped his hands, and walked to the light screen that was emitting a faint colorful light.

He couldn't hear any abnormal noise, and he couldn't see that the light screen was shaking or anything, but he knew better than anyone else that on the other side of the light screen, someone was violently hitting the light screen.

That person is Chilong, and only Chilong!

Want to smash this conveyor belt, only the powerhouse of Chi Long's level can do it.


Li Zedao's long sword was unsheathed, and he took a deep breath, his expression became abnormally cold, his whole person was like an unsheathed sword, sharp and hideous!

The seven main gate masters and the eight great spirit gods who were struggling to get up all looked awkward, and for a moment they didn't know what this shameless traitor was going to do.

Li Zedao was not fancy, and simply pierced the light screen with a sword.

In an instant, the terrifying sound of thunder exploded in this nameless cave, severely irritating the nerves of the eight spiritual gods and the seven main masters, causing their scalps to become severely numb.

Then, they immediately understood what this shameless traitor was going to do.

He is going to crush the conveyor belt!

At the moment, the pupils were round, his mind roared fiercely, and there was a violent wave in his heart.

You know, in this case, shouldn't a dead horse be a living horse doctor, and quickly arrange a few powerful defensive soul formations on that light screen?

Although facing Chilong, that kind of defensive soul formation didn't seem to have much effect, but it was better than nothing.

But the traitor didn't set up a defensive soul formation. He actually slashed at the light screen with a single sword!

Is he worried that Chilong is too tired, so help him? So, this traitor has already returned to the demon clan? Is he a slave of Chilong?

No wonder, he can have the Eye of Demon!

When the seven main gate masters and the eight spiritual gods were shocked, a terrifying thunder slashed at the light screen fiercely.


It seemed as if something was broken, and then the colorful light completely disappeared, and the light screen completely turned into a black hole.

The hearts of the Seven Great Lords and the Eight Great Spiritual Gods were lifted up in an instant, almost jumping out of their throats, and the scalp numbness even disappeared.

The conveyor belt was broken again after all! What made them even more unacceptable was that the last blow came from their master!

The hypocritical master who forcibly brought them here to lead them to stop Chi Long, he actually smashed the conveyor belt himself.

Li Zedao's eyes were cold, and he clenched his long sword tightly, and plunged into the black hole with a flash, and suddenly lost his trace.

For a moment, the whole Wuming Donggui was shrouded in a strange and dead silence.

The eight spiritual gods and the seven main gates looked at each other for a moment.

The situation seems to be different from what they thought.

Master Long said: "It seems that we have misunderstood the betrayal... Lord, he is taking the initiative to attack, intending to keep Chi Long in the Demon Realm with one stroke.

Master Long almost uttered the word "traitor", so scared that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The ignorant sect master's eyes narrowed slightly: "The Lord rushes over like this, the demon on the other side of the conveyor belt can't get through for a while, so this is us..."

The ignorant sect master did not continue to speak, and some words could only be understood and could not be said.

The eyes of the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the other six main masters all lit up, and they decisively felt that the Lord was too great.

Although he beat them, scolded them, and humiliated them, he still thought about their safety after all! In this way, he actively smashed the conveyor belt and rushed to the Demon Realm, and temporarily stopped the demon led by Chi Long in one fell swoop, in order to create precious time for them to evacuate the Demon Realm.

"The master is too great! We must not betray his kindness to us!"

The little turtle's voice was choked.

Immediately, a golden tortoise rushed towards the exit of the nameless hole like an arrow from the string.

"Bang!" There was a dull muffled sound.

The little tortoise's head abruptly smashed against an invisible and colorless wall that didn't know when it appeared, almost smashing its entire body out of the tortoise shell.


Another dull voice sounded, and the nameless master, who was not much slower than the little tortoise, slammed heavily on the colorless wall. The movement caused even the entire nameless hole to shake.

The others hurriedly stopped, staring at the entrance of the cave with wide-eyed eyes, and a monstrous wolf raged in their hearts, their minds roared violently, they could not believe it was true.

The entrance of the cave, I don't know when, was actually blocked by the powerful soul formation!

In other words, they have become the turtles in the urn!

If they want to leave this cave, they can only crack the soul formation, or force the soul formation to smash it, but how easy is that?

This may require a lot of time and energy, and even some costs, such as severe damage to the soul!

What's more terrible is that the conveyor belt leading to the Demon Realm has been broken, so a large number of demons will pass through the broken conveyor belt and pour into this nameless cave...

The picture that will happen next is so beautiful that the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and Seven Great Masters dare not continue thinking about it.

"Xiao Daozi, my sister, Master Turtle will never end with you..."

The little tortoise's roar with a trace of fear echoed in the nameless cave.


When he plunged into the broken conveyor belt, Li Zedao found himself in another unknown hole.

This nameless hole is similar to the nameless hole of God's Domain, but above the head is not the most beautiful starry sky, but a strong devilish energy.

The entire Wuming Cave was shrouded in a terrifying devilish air, almost making people breathless.

Through that strong devilish energy, Li Zedao saw many monsters.

Many monsters of different shapes and sizes, with fur or scales or disgusting liquid on their bodies are undoubtedly quite ferocious monsters.

Those pairs were either blood red, or green, or simply white as snow, with black as ink eyes staring at him, revealing bursts of terrible light.

Li Zedao also saw a demon with a pair of familiar eyes that looked like a black hole on its forehead.

That is the Eye of the Demon, it seems that this extremely cruel guy should be the leader of the Sky Demon clan.

What caught Li Zedao's attention even more was the tall giant sitting on the huge rock directly in front.

The bodies of the eight masters are tall and big, but compared to this giant, they are like kindergarten children.

Compared with other demons, this giant looks normal, with barely clear facial features, and his fist-sized eyes are also black.

The only weird thing is that his naked head has a pair of sharp horns with **** edges, like two **** bayonets stuck in the big head.

Li Zedao had heard Tianmeng's description of Chilong before, so he knew that this eyeball had a giant with his own fist, it was Chilong!

Li Zedao never expected to say that he and the legendary Chilong would meet in such a sudden.

Suddenly, being stared at by so many disgusting monsters, Li Zedao, even if he was a strong person in the Lingyu realm, his little heart began to tremble.

He even felt that he was too much, how could he treat the ignorant sect master and dragon master like that? Isn't it a normal reaction for them to think of fleeing?

Li Zedao now wanted to turn around and escape back to the realm of God, plunged into the soft and sweet embrace of Tianmeng, seeking comfort.

Chi Long was stunned obviously, and the demons around him were dumbfounded, unable to believe what his eyes were seeing.

The great Chilong-sama is hitting the conveyor belt with its incomparable head. This is not tired, take a rest, wait for the energy, and then smash the **** conveyor belt completely, and then they will Can once again enter the realm of God, a shame!

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