Outside the Wuming Cave, Li Zedao was sitting on a huge rock, looking up at the blood-red moon in the sky.

Probably because of the clouds and mist, the blood-red full moon looked a little ethereal, as if it was covered with a veil.

It seemed that those strong men sent from the sky outside the confinement were tired and began to rest, so the confinement was restored to its strongest state.

Tian Meng sat down in front of Li Zedao and looked at the full moon with an inexplicable expression.

No one spoke for a while, as if he was afraid of breaking this kind of quietness that seemed a little beautiful.

After a long time, Li Zedao pointed to the full moon and suddenly said, "Sister Tianmeng, you said that the imprisonment set by Pangu can exist forever?"

Tian Meng's charming eyes glanced at Li Zedao and smiled: "I am afraid that even the sky does not dare to say that he is eternal."

"Have you seen the sky?" Li Zedao asked again.

"I haven't seen it." Tian Meng smiled.

Li Zedao looked at that face and felt that this woman was lying.

"Actually, you said before that you witnessed Pangu's slaughter in your mother's womb and your clansman was a lie, right?" Li Zedao asked.

There was a terrible gloom in Tianmeng's eyes, and he said gloomily: "My family was really destroyed by Pangu."

After a moment of silence, Li Zedao cautiously said: "Sister Tianmeng, since you haven't seen the sky, naturally you don't know how good the outside space is. Why don't you try and like it here?"

He glanced at the starry sky vigilantly, and there was no thunder, which was a little relieved.

To persuade people to be kind is usually to be struck by lightning.

Tian Meng sneered and asked: "Would you like the home where you killed your father and your mother? Will you let go of your enemy's blood?"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, and he didn't like it either. Instead of being himself, he would desperately want to escape here.

"That's what I said." Li Zedao said angrily.

Tian Meng did not continue this boring topic, but exclaimed: "Xiao Daozi, you have repaired it perfectly, even if it's my sister, don't think of pushing it down."

She naturally knew that Li Zedao was waiting for her identification result.

Indeed, the repair is quite perfect. Without any gaps, Tianmeng is like a mouse pulling a tortoise. There is no way to start.

Under this circumstance, unless you have the sky-breaking axe in your hand or you have a higher level of cultivation and become a powerful player like Pangu, don't want to break the colorful fence.

"That's good." Li Zedao gently exhaled a foul breath.

Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao and sneered: "Really good? You should know that this way, you are afraid that it will be difficult to return to the mortal domain. This was originally an excellent opportunity to go back. Don't be with your sister. Say, you don't want to go back at all."

Li Zedao's heart suddenly twitched, but his face was indifferent, and he waved his hand fairly: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I become a powerful person like Pangu.

Tianmeng chuckled: "Xiao Daozi, you are so stupid when you pretend to be calm, so pitiful and helpless, like a pitiful stray dog, my sister is so happy...well..."

Li Zedao turned his head and blocked the woman's mouth with his own mouth.

Your sister, shut up if you can't speak!

Damn it, dare to attack sister?

Tianmeng hugged Li Zedao's neck fiercely, and responded frantically.

After playing the game, Li Zedao asked: "Sister Tianmeng, do you think the time between God's Domain and Fanyu is the same?"

Li Zedao glanced at it, "It's natural."

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

He was worried that one day he would go back, and as a result, mobile phones and computers became human communication tools thousands of years ago.


Dragon Palace, Panlong Palace.

The blood-red night sprinkled on this magnificent palace, but it gave people an extremely gloomy feeling, as if what the palace represented was not absolute light, but absolute darkness, and it was the place where demons lived.

On the golden dragon chair at the top of the main hall, Li Zedao sat there expressionlessly, and the seven main gate masters and the eight spiritual gods were standing aside.

There seems to be an invisible ditch between the seven main gate masters and the eight spiritual gods, which is very clear.

At this time, the entire Panlong Temple was shrouded in dignity that was enough to suffocate people. The eight spiritual gods and the seven main masters had extremely ugly faces, and their scalp was extremely numb.

Before, the master said that Chilong led the group of demons to fight over, so that they could combine their strengths and be prepared to stop the demons.

They will inevitably hold a disapproving attitude, thinking that maybe the Lord is joking with them.

Otherwise, why did the Lord lose track after he finished his command? This disappearance even went missing for a year!

Of course, because of Li Zedao's deterrence, they paid much attention to this matter at first, but after Li Zedao did not show up for a long time, they completely slackened.

Although there is no violent conflict between the two sides in normal times, they still look at each other upset, secretly you despise me, I spit your mouth.

Now they are completely panicked.

Because of the most accurate news, the colorful wall built by Nuwa in the past has collapsed. The collapse of the colorful wall means that the conveyor belt protected by the colorful wall is not far from breaking again.

This means that Chi Long really wants to lead the group of demons to kill.

"All the forces are integrated?"

Li Zedao's cold eyes swept across the faces of the Eleven Spirit Gods and the Seven Great Masters.

As a powerful person in the spiritual universe, Li Zedao naturally possesses extremely terrible coercion. In addition, because of a guilty conscience, the eight spiritual gods and the seven main masters all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Li Zedao more.

Li Zedao knew it would be such a result, and his voice became cold.

"It seems that this young man is so handsome because he is so handsome that you think that even if I am a strong person in the Lingyu realm, I still won't beat people, right?"

Li Zedao was deeply angry. He had reminded them a long time ago that they must be prepared to meet the devil, but what are these guys doing?

Do they think they are joking with them? Do they really think that they can't beat or even kill?

The seven main gate masters and the eight spiritual gods are silent, but they are quite puzzled in their hearts. Does being handsome have something to do with not being able to beat people? Doesn't it matter?

Little tortoise thinks that the tortoise is quite attractive, but he also likes to hit people.

At this moment, Master Long's body suddenly tightened.

It raised its head with difficulty, already seeing Li Zedao's cold face, so it quickly squeezed out a humble smile on his face.

Li Zedao raised his hand and slapped the face of Master Long directly.

What are you laughing laughing? what's so funny?

Master Long instinctively wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.


Master Long's face was hit hard by a slap in the face, and the crisp slap man made the hearts of the surrounding seven spirit gods and the seven masters almost jump out of their throats.

The next moment, Li Zedao made a heavy kick, and Master Long's body flew out directly. After a breath, his body slammed into the wall forcibly, and was directly embedded in it.

If it hadn't been for that wall was shrouded by a powerful soul formation, I was afraid it would break through the wall directly.

Looking at its face, it turned into a stomped bun once again.

Everyone was silent, and their little hearts almost jumped out of their throats.

"Plap!" There was another clear muffled sound. This time the ignorant sect master flew out. He also stiffly got into the wall. His face collapsed directly, which was extremely miserable.

Li Zedao didn't continue his hands, his figure returned to the dragon chair again.

The dragon master and the ignorant sect master only felt extremely humiliated, and wanted to die even more to let this damned traitor die!

Why are only the two of them beaten? This is unfair.

Li Zedao pointed at these guys and cursed: "For up to two days, if I haven't seen you lead those who are above the spiritual fairyland cultivation level through the Demon Valley to gather in the Eternal Night Demon Realm, then there will be no need for Chilong to find you one by one. , If you beat you to death, my son will kill you first! Damn!"

Li Zedao intends to stop Chilong in that Demon Realm.

On the one hand, in the Demon Realm, even if a fierce battle erupts, it will not affect the innocent people. More importantly, he is an astral body, and he is afraid of sunlight.

Choosing to stop the demon led by Chilong in the Demon Realm, there is no need to worry about being attacked by the sun.

"Follow the Lord's will." Everyone hurriedly bowed their heads and dared not let out the atmosphere.

"Get out!" Li Zedao waved his hands irritably.

Everyone hurried over and pulled the ignorant sect master and the dragon master who were embarrassed on the wall, and they wanted to walk out of the palaces that made them extremely suppressed.

The master of the ignorant sect swept Li Zedao with the corner of his eye, a vicious light surging in the depths of his eyes.

Li Zedao clearly caught the insidiousness of the ignorant sect master, his mouth curled up with a icy margin, and he said gloomily, "Ignorance, what do you mean by that look?"

The ignorant sect master who was walking out took a halt, turned back quickly, and said in a humble manner: "The little one doesn't quite understand what the Lord means..."

A terrifying aura swept in madly.

The face of the ignorant sect master changed wildly, with a strong sense of powerlessness and fear in his heart, as well as a hint of hatred.


The terrifying power of the ignorant sect master overturned fiercely on the ground, a mouthful of muffled blood spurted out.

Although I didn't suffer too much damage, it was really shameful!

Li Zedao's figure already appeared in front of the ignorant sect master. He scanned the guy who dared to look at him with a vicious look at his feet with disdain, lifted his foot and stepped on his face that had been smashed and pressed hard. The crushed a few times.

"Want to die? I will fulfill you now!"

The ignorant sect master was so frightened that he was about to lose his soul, and said with difficulty begging for mercy: "Lord... Lord... Forgive me..."


Li Zedao passed by again, and the ignorant keeper turned into a ball and flew out of the Panlong Temple.

"You want to fly out too?" Li Zedao glanced at the stiff body of the six masters and the eight spiritual gods.

The six main gate masters and the eight great spirit gods were frightened, and quickly fled the Panlong Temple.

"Fak!" Li Zedao couldn't help but explode, very irritable.

It was originally their responsibility to stop the demon led by Chilong, at least the responsibility of the eight spirit gods, and if the seven masters wanted to survive, they had to actively participate.

But what are they doing?

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