"Perhaps, the Skybreaking Axe is hidden in this jail, and when we find the Skybreaking Axe, we can easily open a passage out."

Tianmeng talked about it and said his opinion.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, smiling but not smiling: "My sister is really lying to me."

You think I'm stupid, there may not be an axe in this place, but it is absolutely impossible that there is no exit, unless you, an unsuspecting woman deliberately ruined that exit.

Tian Meng blinked his big eyes, an innocent expression that you can't help me if you don't believe me.

Li Zedao was not paying attention to this woman, got up and looked for an exit.

One day later, Li Zedao could not find the exit, and the entrance disappeared without a trace, as Tianmeng said, as if it had never appeared before.

Li Zedao really didn't believe this evil anymore, he searched more carefully.

After several days passed, Li Zedao still couldn't find an exit.

Despair began to spread from the depths of Li Zedao's heart. He had to believe this woman's words. There really seemed to be no exit here.

They seem to be really trapped here.

"Are we really going to be trapped here from now on?" Li Zedao looked at Tianmeng. He hoped that this woman would stop "joking" and quickly tell what he knew.

I dreamt that Li Zedao was so decadent and felt quite comfortable, and he giggled and said, "Maybe, who knows?"

Those big eyes cast a glamorous look at Li Zedao: "And it's pretty good too, so that my sister can play games with you every day."


"But Xiao Daozi, if you have a way to crack the soul formation that surrounds the surrounding walls, we can naturally break through the wall."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, even Pangu's kind of terrifying powerhouse could not help these soul formations. This woman could only stay away from those soul formations. What can he do for a rookie?

Tianmeng smiled charmingly and said: "There is another way, we can find the Heavenly Shaking Axe, and we can go out."

"Sister Tianmeng really thinks that Skybreaker is in this jail?" Li Zedao asked.

While looking for the exit, Li Zedao was actually looking for the trace of the Heaven-Breaking Axe, but found nothing. He could not find any clues like he found the sky stone in the nameless cave.

Tianmeng frowned slightly and shook his head and said, "I only know that Pangu left the sky stone in that nameless cave to guide him to this jail. I must leave something in this jail. Is it to trap people here?"

"You must know that the one who can come in most definitely is Yan Luo who lives in the nameless cave. What good is it for him to trap Yan Luo here?"

"Perhaps Pangu discovered your sister's existence a long time ago, and even knows that you will definitely look for the Heaven-Breaking Axe, so this prison was prepared for you?" Li Zedao pondered.

Tianmeng chuckled: "Xiao Daozi, if Pan Gu really has discovered my existence, do you think I can live to this day? Do you think Panlong, Chilong, Nuwa and Yan Luo will have any defenses, but rather stupid. I provoke?"

Li Zedao frowned and asked, "Can't Pangu be derived?"

He didn't like the sarcasm of this woman, which gave him an urge to slap her ass.

"Perhaps, who knows?" Tianmeng smiled charmingly.

Li Zedao frowned even more.

Thinking about it carefully, this matter itself is quite unreasonable.

This is the sky prison where Pangu was imprisoned. After Pangu got out of trouble, there was no reason to leave the sky prison that kept him imprisoned for a long time. Normally, he should be quite disgusted with this place.

But not only was it left, but even a small piece of sky stone was left behind, and a dark array was arranged, which clearly told the discoverer that as long as the dark array was broken, something could be gained.

What is the gain? I'm afraid that a fool would think it is a skybreaker, right?

After breaking through the dark array, the entrance of the hole appeared, and then came to prison on this day. Even if there is no gain, you can't get out?

According to this woman, it is Yama Luo who is most likely to enter here, is it...

Li Zedao suddenly thought of something and suddenly raised his head to look at Tianmeng.

When I dreamt that Li Zedao reacted like this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Little Daozi, did you think of something?"

She knew that there was a trick, she said nothing would be trapped here to die.

"Where is the sky stone?" Li Ze asked.

"Sky stone? Sky stone is the key to leaving here?" Tianmeng was shocked, but he also took out the sky stone that resembled an egg.

When in the nameless cave, half of the sky stone was firmly embedded in the ground, but it blended perfectly with the ground, perfectly seamless.

If it hadn't been for Li Zedao to crawl over there because of his idle time, he would be caught, otherwise it would be extremely difficult to be found.

After the dark array was cracked, this precious sky stone was easily taken out.

"The sky stone may really be the key to leaving here." Li Zedao took the sky stone and looked at it carefully.

He naturally didn't understand what the sky stone was, right as a precious material that could make powerful weapons.

From the appearance only, this sky stone released an extremely cold aura, heavy and abnormal. From the appearance only, it seemed to be an ordinary stone, nothing special.


Tian Meng was a little dazed, and then quite depressed, this guy pretending to be mysterious, really made people want to slap over.

"I'm just thinking about Pangu's purpose, not only to keep this jail, but also to destroy the exit of the jail. As my sister said, it is Yan Luo who is most likely to enter this place. It is Pangu. With the important task of Yama, if Yama accidentally gets trapped here and can't get out, isn't Pangu busy?"

Li Zedao looked thoughtful.

Tian Meng's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking about it for a moment, she still didn't know what Xiao Daozi was talking about, so she became even more angry and wanted to give this guy who likes to pretend to be violently beaten.

Li Zedao worried that this woman would do something to herself, and quickly explained: "This may be a test Panlong left for Yan Luo."

Tianmeng froze: "Test?"

Li Zedao said: "If you want to refine a terrible weapon that surpasses the Skyshaking Axe, you must have an extremely superb soul-refining technique, you must have hair and subtle thoughts, and it may take a bit of luck."

Tian Meng's eyes gradually lit up, and he took Li Zedao's words and said, "So what this heavenly stone tests is whether Yan Luo's mind is subtle enough and luck is good enough."

"If Yan Luo's mind is subtle enough, and if he is lucky enough, he should be able to discover this sky stone and thus the dark formation."

"Then the next test of his ability to break the formation, if you can't break it, then continue to learn and continue to practice! When the dark formation is finally broken and entered here, the final round of testing will begin."

Li Zedao didn't want to see this woman say everything she wanted to say, and immediately took the words: "This time the test is the true soul-refining ability!"

"I think Pangu definitely hopes that Yan Luo will use this sky stone to refine a powerful weapon. The weapon is naturally not as powerful as the Heaven Breaking Axe. There is no way to split the chaos, but it is enough to weaken the surroundings. That powerful soul formation leaves this prison."

Tianmeng smiled charmingly: "Cuckold, Xiaodaozi, you are not stupid."

"..." Li Zedao was surprised to find that this woman was a bit shameless than he had imagined.

"So Xiao Daozi, you have to work hard. Sister believes that you will live up to the expectations of your ancestor Pangu. Use the small piece of heavenly stone in your hand to refine the powerful soul formation that can weaken or even crush the surrounding area. , Come on."

There was encouragement in Tianmeng's big watery eyes.


The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently. He looked at this shameless and extremely shameless woman who obviously wanted to sit back and enjoy her achievements, and said rather modestly: "The little one is on the way of refining, there is no accomplishment."

Tian Meng's big eyes blinked, helpless.

"Sister knows, but you are extremely talented, you can learn now, and your luck is too unreasonable, plus this test is left by your ancestor Pangu... so it can only be you."

"Of course, my elder sister must be by your side, cheering for you silently, even my elder sister has collected a lot of ancient books about refining tools, it is exactly what your ancestor Pangu left behind, and my elder sister will take it out for you. "


For a long, long period of time, Li Zedao sat in that corner silently, studying the books that Tianmeng sent to him, which is said to be the ancient books about refining tools left by Pangu.

Refining tools, it is the soul into the utensils, making the utensils seem to have life.

This is undoubtedly more difficult than refining soul pills and soul formations.

Ordinary Horcruxes can naturally be refined easily by Li Zedao, but if he wants to refine a Horcrux that can weaken the terrible soul formation or even crush the terrible soul formation, Li Zedao has no idea.

The reason why Sky Breaking Axe is so powerful is not only that he used things like Heavenly Stones, but also because the soul he used was Pangu's own soul!

Li Zedao can't separate his soul, right? Let alone whether he has that kind of courage, he really doesn't have that kind of ability.

Even if he has courage and ability, the key is that his soul is not as perverted as Pangu.

Now the Heavenly Stone has...Of course, it's just a small piece, so no big guy can be refined.

Naturally, there are souls. There are soul gathering bottles in Xumi Ring, and souls in the bottles.

These souls were enough to refine the Ninth-Rank Horcrux that was as powerful as a golden cover, but they certainly couldn't refine the weapon of the Heavenly Axe level.

Li Zedao thought about it seriously. Pangu asked Yan Luo to refine a weapon that surpassed the Heavenly Shaking Axe. Could it be just his dream that he knew was impossible to achieve?

One month has passed, half a year has passed, and a year has passed.

Unconsciously, Li Zedao had been sitting in that corner for a year, and he had also painstakingly studied those ancient books on refining for a year.

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