After half an hour, all the orders were passed, and all the gates moved quickly. Those who should return to Xumiyu should return to Xumiyu, and those who should let them go.

Although the descendants of Nuwa were puzzled and even worried, they intuitively told them that they were afraid that something terrible had happened, otherwise the sect master who hadn't asked about the Eight Gates would not personally issue such things. Unexplainable order.

But they didn't dare to violate or even perfunctory. They honestly sent all the women of God's Domain and those female poisonous insects and beasts who were captured by them out of Sumiyu, and they found a place far away. Fend for themselves.

For these gods' realm women, the end of their own fate is far better than the inhuman torture that they endured in Xumi realm.

Those of Nuwa descendants who are outside also rush back as fast as possible

"Let's go to Xiumen now." said the master of ignorance.

The other masters had no objections and immediately got up and set off.

After a stick of incense, seven clouds of different colors floated out of the Xumi domain where the door was opened, and entered the violent storm.

At this moment, Wuming's eyes condensed, and the faces of the other six masters became ugly.

They clearly saw a figure lying upright in the muddy water, allowing it to be washed by the storm, like a cold corpse.

Such a corpse appeared in Xumi Wai, and it was nothing. Perhaps the descendants of Nuwa who had thrown the body were lazy and threw the corpse there.

It is also possible that he lost his way and strayed into this dangerous area and died.

The point is, this is not the **** traitor and who is it?

Subconsciously, the nerves of the Seven Great Masters came in tightly, their eyes were full of dignity and vigilance, and they scanned the surroundings.

All of them released an extremely powerful aura of deterrence. They were like the huge balloons that were blown up. They only need to be pierced with a needle to cause a terrifying explosion.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became solemn and solemn, extremely depressing, and it made people breathless.

In the eyes of the seven main gate masters, this traitor was lying swaggering over there, does it mean that the terrifying woman is also around?

Even, did that woman and this traitor have an extremely strong purpose for Liujin to play this heavy hand? Are they trying to lure them to come, so as to catch them all?

What a vicious strategy!

After all, what is flowing through his body is also the blood of Nuwa, so he wants to see the Nuwa clan completely destroyed?

The face of the seven main gate masters became extremely ugly, his heart was anxious, his body was in a state of absolute tension, and he didn't know for a moment whether he should walk away without seeing it or bite the bullet and curse the traitor.

One stick of incense time passed, two sticks of incense time passed, and half an hour passed.

Li Zedao still lay there motionless, as if dead.

The scary woman did not appear either, as if she was not lurking around at all.

Shengmen Menzuxing couldn't help but whispered: "That woman doesn't seem to be around?"

"I'm afraid this is the case." The Master of the Wuming Sect was slightly relieved, "A person with such a terrible cultivation base should disdain to hide in the dark and try to attack."

The master of life and death stared at the motionless corpse on the ground, and said uncertainly: "Don't you think that is a corpse?"

The sect master of life and death couldn't feel any aliveness from the traitor, only felt cold. Could it be that he changed his body, and this body was thrown here at will?

"It should be a physical change." The Master of Ignorance was extremely ugly.

The other sect masters only breathed a sigh of relief. They felt that their old faces were hot. They were so scared by a corpse that they were afraid of fear for a short time here, which was really shameful.

So they vented this depression on the flesh.

The main line of the Sanmen Gate has always been a person who doesn't speak much, and has the most violent temper. His figure has appeared above the corpse for a flash, and his big dry hands are rushing at the madness that is coming. The torrential rain was severely caught.

In an instant, a strange scene appeared.

However, a water ball with a frightening atmosphere was formed. As the wind and rain attacked, the faster the water ball rotated, the larger the volume, and the more frightening atmosphere it contained.

After a few breaths, the crazy spinning water ball turned out to be the size of a small house.

"go to hell!"

The sect master was full of savage faces, and slammed the huge water ball against the corpse below, as if he was not smashing a corpse, but the traitor!

While breathing, this huge water ball containing terrifying energy hit Li Zedao hard.


There was a muffled sound like the sky and the earth cracked, and the whole earth trembled.

But I saw the water ball smashed a terrifying hole in the ground, and the water quickly filled the hole and turned it into a huge puddle.

As for the traitor's corpse, it might have been crushed to pieces and no longer exist.

The Xingmen Master gently exhaled a suffocating breath, only to feel that the full of anger had a little vent, and it was a lot of comfort.

The other six masters were quite critical of Xingmen master's move, and we also need to vent, but you killed the corpse all at once, which is too much.

At this moment, a corpse floated out of the water abruptly, still motionless, just like a corpse.

The nearest protagonist's eyes turned round, almost jumping out of his eye sockets.

The other six masters were also dumbfounded, their minds roared so loudly, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts, and they didn't dare to compare what their eyes saw.

Shouldn't the corpse have turned into scum? Why is it still floating there?

"How is this possible?" The master's throat squirmed hard.

He knew how terrifying the water polo he had just created, even if it hit the eight beasts, they had to avoid their sharp edges for the time being, and he didn't even want to fight it hard.

Using such a terrifying water ball to deal with a corpse is basically equivalent to using a broken sky ax to chop a broiler. The corpse should be turned into scraps, but why, there is no trace of damage?

Missed? How can this be?

"What the **** is going on here?" The life and death sect master looked at the ignorant sect master with a wonderful expression.

Not to mention a corpse, it's a hill. At this time, it should have been pierced by the water polo of the sect master, but the corpse was safe and sound, which was undoubtedly quite strange.

Unless, the corpse avoided... it was obviously impossible.

Unless, that corpse has the strength above Lingyu, can withstand the attack of the master of the travel sect... this is even more impossible!

The Master of the Ignorance Sect became very solemn and said, "You go try."

The master of life and death nodded, and his figure appeared above the corpse in a flash.

Immediately, there was no fancy, from top to bottom, a fist hit the corpse below.

The master of life and death clearly felt that his fist completely touched the chest of the cold corpse.


The horrible water splashed everywhere, as if a gun was thrown in the big puddle. At the same time, the corpse lost its trace again.

"How?" Xingmen asked impatiently.

The expression on the face of the master of life and death became stiff, and he said with difficulty: "My punch seems to just knock the corpse into the water."

"How can this be?"

When the six masters heard the words, he felt that his scalp was extremely numb, and he sucked in cold breath.

The water ball failed to smash the body, they could only force themselves to think that the sect master had missed it, but they all saw that the fist of the sect master hit the corpse's chest without reservation. Up.

In the consternation of the Seven Gate Master, the corpse once again surfaced as a victor, intact, seriously irritating the Seven Gate Master's eyeballs.

The next moment, a scene that made their eyes stare wider appeared.

The body floating there actually moved, and then he stood up, he actually stood up!

Li Zedao looked blankly at his stunned mouth, like a sculpture's life and death master, twisted his neck slightly, and said: "The power of your fist, um, that's it... As for the water polo, it's quite spectacular."


The scalp of the master of life and death was numb, and the other six masters were the same.

Not only because of the words the traitor said, but also because they clearly felt the terrifying and extremely oppressive feeling released from him.

This kind of oppression, they have felt in the Lord Nuwa, felt it in Panlong, and felt it in Chilong.

Now, they felt it from this traitor.

Having not seen it for such a short time, he has broken through the shackles, entered the Lingyu Realm, and became the strongest in a realm! Does this make any sense?

Seven main gate masters were shocked, panicked, terrified, and regretted.

Knowing this, they should bow to this traitor, respect him, and let him lead the entire Nuwa clan, instead of trying to obliterate and control the use.

"Give you ten breaths of time to consider, or surrender to me, or I will kill you all."

Li Zedao smiled, this is an extremely powerful smile, this is a smile that can finally control his own destiny, which makes him feel very cool.

He felt the breath in his body, and thought that even if he faced that woman, he would have the power to fight, and it would not be too unimaginable to even strengthen her.

Li Zedao swallowed Lingyu Pill, naturally he was betting.

Fortunately, he was right! The Lingyu Pill really made his cultivation soar, and he is now a strong person in the Lingyu realm.

However, he is a cultivator of heavenly secrets, so his realm at this time has naturally broken through the Tuxian realm, touching the threshold of the next realm, which is the dominance realm.

If he could enter the dominance state in the future, he would be able to completely suppress that woman.


Before Li Zedao's words came to an end, the master of life and death slid his knees on the ground, and his body trembled.

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