The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2616: Encircle and suppress

When Nangong Meili opened her eyes, she saw a strange but handsome face.

Nangong Meili is willing to swear by her charm, she has never seen this face, but what is strange is that his squinted eyes and a bit of a mean smile are so familiar.

It's him? It's him! He changed his face and became uglier than before.

He rescued himself from the terrible man.

"Student Meili, didn't you want to say something?" Li Zedao looked at this nominal fiancee softly.

Nangong Meili's big eyes quietly looked at Li Zedao's eyes, and asked, "What should I say?"

Li Zedao is a little helpless, do I still need to teach this kind of thing?

"I died for nine years, killed countless enemies, and finally rescued you, so you won't be moved a bit, such as agreeing with my body..."

Li Zedao couldn't speak because his mouth was tightly blocked.

After bringing Nangong Meili back to the backyard of Panlong Temple, Naxumiyu joined the girls, Li Zedao did not stay in Xumiyu for too long.

He knew better than anyone else that after his trouble, the ignorant sect master was afraid that he would join forces with the Dragon Master again.

What he will face afterwards will be the joint strangulation of sixteen powerful men of his level. Even if it is clear that they are all afraid of death, Li Zedao can't help being careless.

Therefore, he quickly left Xumiyu and stayed away from the foggy city to avoid unnecessary danger to these women.

A few days later, Li Zedao's figure appeared in front of the ruins in the Great Desert.

Before, Li Zedao and Princess Long discovered that a building in the ruins had not closed down, but was also enveloped by a certain powerful defensive soul formation, which made Li Zedao a great interest.

He seriously suspected something extraordinary in this building.

Anyway, being idle is also being idle, Li Zedao came over and took a look, maybe there was something unexpected.

Of course, before coming, Li Zedao also asked the Empress Boya to learn about the situation of the building enveloped by the powerful soul formation, and the answer was: This emperor is not too clear.

For thousands of years, the snake people have lived in this ancient city with gratitude.

This quaint building is shrouded by the soul formation, which means that the original owner of the ancient city did not want anyone to enter here, so the snake people never thought of trying to enter this building, and even consciously stayed away from this building. Over time, this building It has also become a forbidden place for the snake people, even if it is the Empress Boya, they cannot approach it.

When Li Zedao heard it, he was deeply moved by the grateful heart of the snake people.

His mood swings so great that he hugged the woman and gnawed several bites on her mouth.

Entering the ancient city, walking to the standing building, Li Zedao reached out his hand and placed it on the cold stone gate that was shrouded by the vicious sunlight.

The door made a dull and heavy sound, and was slowly pushed open, revealing the distorted wall.

If you want to enter, you must crack this soul array.

This is not an easy task, it takes a lot of time, and even if you rush it, there is a risk of soul damage.

Under the premise that the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Great Masters will not be killed, Li Zedao has time, so he is not in a hurry.

Li Zedao spent the next ten days in absolute silence.

In this ruined ancient city, he seemed to be the only one who could breathe, and none of the poisonous vultures living in the desert were seen.

Li Zedao tried to break through the formations, or enter a sweet dream, to comprehend the aura of heaven, improve his cultivation, and live a quiet and comfortable life.

Soon, his peaceful days were completely broken.

On this day, Li Zedao clearly felt that several terrifying auras swept like a tsunami.

After a while, sixteen terrifying auras surrounded him in a circle, trapping him firmly in the middle.

The Eight Spirits and Eight Ambassadors are here!

Li Zedao raised his head, and the calm and abnormal eyes swept across the eyes of these powerful men one by one.

These sixteen terrifying powerhouses really shamelessly joined forces, and Li Zedao expressed quite disgusting.

He is fairly familiar with the eight ambassadors, especially the ignorant master.

He was also familiar with the little turtle, dragon master, old ghost, Lord Gu and the civet among the eight spiritual gods.

The remaining three spirit gods, a bird, a rabbit, and a cute puppy that will definitely make dog lovers completely obsessed at first sight.

The puppy looks fierce, and its breath is extremely terrifying, but it turns out to be quite funny but quite cute.

Of course, this is only one form of the spirit dog, it can also become very large, its hair becomes very long, and its appearance becomes very cruel.

Just like a small turtle can change its size and the color of its shell.

Rabbits have nothing to say, they are similar to the rabbits Li Zedao once saw in the zoo.

As for the bird, slap big, look like a sparrow, and round, Li Zedao was worried that it would not fly because it was too fat.

Staying with the tall and stalwart Eight Great Lords, the Eight Great Spiritual Gods are like pets raised by the Eight Great Lords, so the whole scene looks a little funny.

Of course it was funny, but Li Zedao couldn't laugh at all, and even under this terrifying coercion, Li Zedao's little heart trembled, and he was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

"Master Turtle."

In the end, Li Zedao's eyes fell on the little tortoise again, and he made a slight gesture to express his respect.

In any case, he was saved many times by Little Turtle, gave him the golden cover, instructed him to blend into the golden pupil, and helped him awaken the astral body, these are all facts.

Therefore, Li Zedao was still grateful for this turtle with a rather smelly mouth.

The little turtle's face twitched, and her little heart was trampled crazily by a large group of Cao Nima.

Xiao Daozi greeted its great tortoise alone, it is undeniable that among these guys, only its tortoise has an impressive charm!

But the point is, when you say hello like this, it seems that the turtle and you are in the same group and have reached an agreement.

The little tortoise stared at her eyes and cursed: "Your sister’s little way, don’t make Master tortoise know you very well. Your sister’s master tortoise doesn’t know you at all, okay? What is your name? I don’t even know, your sister!"

"Your sister's little Daozi, you disgusting traitor, if you had no face for a long time, Master Tortoise would slap yourself to death with a tortoise paw... Or would you kill yourself? Save Master Tortoise yourself."

Li Zedao directly ignored the little tortoise's babble, and the other seven spirit gods also looked at the little tortoise with disgusting eyes, indicating that you were too noisy.

The little tortoise is very injured. It feels that it has failed too much. Even the **** like Xiaodaozi can insult itself. What is the law of nature?

Li Zedao glanced at these terrifying powerhouses fearlessly again, and sneered: "You can easily defeat me by joining hands, but defeating me and killing me are two different things."

"So, I am curious what you will do."

"It should be killable."

The ignorant sect master said: "Although you are a cultivator of heavenly secrets and possess a very powerful soul, you are not really an astral body!"

"Your soul is much more fragile than those demons. When the sixteen of us work together to strike, it should be damaged."

"Kill a few more times, and you will be gone." Long Shi added.

This is their so-called plan, no one is allowed to hide their privates, and they will attack together until his soul is gone!

Li Zedao looked at the Dragon Master, then looked at the ignorant sect master, and said helplessly: "It sounds like I am an idiot, and I will stand there obediently and let you kill."

"You can't run away." The Sixth Entry Master said grimly.

Li Zedao grinned: "Really? It's undeniable that the power of your sixteen combined blows is enough to seriously damage my soul, but don't forget, you have a fatal weakness."

The old ghost said lightly: "What weakness?"

The smile on Li Zedao's face is even brighter, revealing a mouthful of white teeth: "You are afraid of death!"


"Being surrounded by you, I became a bird that fell into the net, and there is basically no hope of escape. In that case, why don't I struggle hard to see if I can tear this net through a crack?"

The eight great spirit gods and eight ambassadors frowned, and they found that they had overlooked an extremely serious matter.

If this traitor rushes towards any of them with an attitude of dying together, they will inevitably evade its edge. In this way, the net is equivalent to being torn apart.

Li Zedao laughed quite awkwardly, slowly drew out the long sword, and said sternly: "Why don't you discuss it first and see who is going to stop me with the determination to die, so as to create a chance for the others to work together to kill me?"

When the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and Eight Ambassadors heard this, you look at me and I see you, and they are all very depressed.

How could there be such a person among them?

Because they didn't want to die, it was quite disgusting and humiliating to let the other party continue to live under their noses, forming the current situation of confrontation.

The little tortoise was anxious and couldn't help but yelled: "Your sister's little Daozi, can you not be so shameless? If you have a kind, just head to us!"

Li Ze said with a smile: "Master Turtle praised it."

The little tortoise is very angry, did the tortoise praise you? You shameless trash!

"The little ones are just like you guys and want to live. If you don't want to survive, the little ones can only help them...or else, let me put your back on your back?"

The little turtle's face twitched violently: "My sister! Are you an idiot, Xiaodaozi? You don't know that the turtle's back is hard? Your sister's!"

It wanted to say that the old ghost had a soft back, but he didn't dare to be beaten.

However, its tortoise eyeballs desperately looked at the old ghost diagonally, winking at Li Zedao, reminding Li Zedao that if it is to be used as a cushion, the old ghost is most suitable.

Li Zedao twisted his neck, and suddenly exploded out of his body that was enough to compete with the terrifying aura from the surrounding sixteen attacks.

In an instant, the entire space was shrouded in an extremely terrifying killing.

The eight great spirit gods and eight ambassadors frowned again, extremely solemn.

Especially Long Master, it was surprised to find that the aura on this person seemed more terrifying than before.

In other words, in just a month or so, he has grown up again!

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