He did not expect to say that this guy is not a human!

More accurately, this is a soul, just like those demons who escaped from the devil's den, possessing an extremely terrifying soul body. They don't need a physical body at all, and they can be directly exposed to everyone's sight.

Even ordinary people who are not Soulsmiths and do not possess the power of soul can clearly see his figure.

But compared to those demons, this man seemed even more terrifying.

Because the souls of those demons were distorted anyway, but the soul of this man was not distorted.

In any case, people with powerful astral bodies are undoubtedly quite terrifying, because in a sense, they have true immortality.

Li Zedao understood that the naked woman I saw before was actually a powerful soul.

Only the soul and the soul can be so intertwined as one wishes and not be attacked by the terrible coldness of the other party.

The man's mouth split, and a satisfied smile appeared: "Your performance is better than I thought."

He thought this kid would be frightened and silly, or his blood was rushing through his seven orifices, but he calmed down all at once, as if nothing had happened.

The man even wondered if this kid was a man.

Li Zedao said coldly: "I'm afraid you will let me go?"

"No." The man smiled.

Li Zedao looked at the man like an idiot: "In that case, why should I be afraid?"

The man smiled: "I probably know that you also have an extremely terrifying soul. Even if you destroy your ugly body, you will not really die. However, I have the means to destroy your soul. Really not afraid?"

Li Ze Daoxin suddenly sank to the bottom, he was actually scared to death.

But the momentum can't be defeated, so he said coldly: "Even if you really have that kind of method, what good is it for you to kill me?"

Li Ze Daoxin wanted to share legal knowledge with this shameless guy, and let him know that killing is worth his life.

"Who said that killing people must get some benefits? Maybe it is to satisfy one's own pleasure, maybe it is a powerful means to prove oneself, and there is no benefit if you let go, right?" The man does not Too much agree with Li Zedao's point of view.

Before Li Zedao could speak, the man said again: "Don't say I can work for you and be your dog, I don't need it."


Li Zedao is quite innocent, I didn't want to say such things.

Suddenly thinking of something, Li Zedao frowned and his voice was extremely cold: "Wait, you started following me from the nameless cave halfway through the magic mountain?"

In the past few days, Li Zedao has often felt like being peeped by a pair of eyes, but he has never found any suspicious figures. In the end, he can only blame the excessive use of the eye of the demon, which has caused serious damage to the soul. From time to time, he will have hallucinations. .

So, it was not an illusion at all, but there were indeed a pair of eyes that were peeping at him in secret.

"It's true." The man admitted generously.

This kid is too stupid, and only now reacts.

Li Zedao's face became gloomy again.

The man's eyes fell on Li Zedao's hips, and he smiled: "I have been expecting you to have something to happen to that beautiful little purple pupil, but unfortunately, are you afraid that there is a problem with that thing? Or are you facing that kind of stunning woman? Is it time to feel inferior? You can only use that kind of pitiful language to express your own strength?"

Li Ze said angrily: "Lao Tzu's is much more majestic than your poor caterpillar."

After all, he didn't get up and take off his trousers, and show his treasure to blind this guy's dog eyes. He was not an exhibitionist.

The man said indifferently: "I will not argue with a weak person who is about to die."

"..." Li Zedao felt that he was insulted to death again.

The smile on the man's face was even worse: "Look back, I'll help you fix that woman."

Li Zedao heard that, that face became cold, looking at the man as if looking at a dead person: "What do you want to do?"

"It's all men, don't you understand what I mean? Is it possible that you really are not a man in the true sense?"


Li Zedao's breathing became irritable, almost frantic, and shouted: "Who are you?"

The man showed a charming smile: "Through observations over the past few days, I found that you are a very good person and seem to know many things... Can't you guess?"

Li Zedao was silent, took a deep breath, and said the name that made him unbelievable.


The smile on the man's face was even worse, it made people feel quite demon, and even gave people a feeling of abnormal mentality.

This is a neuropathy, looks very handsome, and the strength exceeds the little turtles and their neuropathy.

It's not crazy, so why would you want to say that you want to violate your descendant Princess Long?

"I am Vulcan."

It was Li Zedao who had guessed it, but when Vulcan himself admitted, his heart still couldn't help speeding up, and it was getting faster and faster, and in the end it was almost from his throat Bounced out.

Vulcan did not go to the Demon Realm, and was not beaten to death or suppressed by Panlong. He always stayed in the Demon Realm, and he still lived well.

He is still so terrifying, and a random formation can trap him, a celestial cultivator who has absolutely suppressed the celestial mirror top-grade peak cultivation, and become a caged bird.

After a while, Li Zedao calmed down his turbulent mood, and his whole person became extremely calm again.

He is actually very angry and terrified, but he has experienced too many storms before. He knows that anger and fear are useless at all, they will only corrupt your thoughts.

In the face of any danger, calmness is often more important than your own strength.

There is a trace of appreciation in the bright eyes of Vulcan, this kid is actually not that bad, and if he trains more, he should have a future.

If the beasts around Panlong were trapped here, they might not be so calm.

Li Zedao frowned and asked, "So, this is a trap?"

The map and the key were left by this guy on purpose, just to achieve some ulterior purpose.


Vulcan smiled and shook his head: "I didn't put any traps, I just made some deductions before falling asleep, and then made some arrangements, that's all."

Li Zedao did not understand.

He said: "I am idle anyway, do you want to elaborate?"

Vulcan didn't seem to mind saying a few more words to Li Zedao, his eyes that looked like stars in the sky showed a trace of recollection.

"At that time, after a battle with Panlong, I still failed. I was about to be blown away by Panlong's fist."

When talking about this matter, Vulcan's tone was indifferent, without the slightest anger or resentment, as if this was a trivial matter too small.

Li Zedao understood a bit, this guy's soul body was not distorted, and it seemed to be stronger than those demons who escaped the devil's den, but it was not.

Those demons with astral bodies can't help them even Nuwa, there is no way to disperse their souls, they can only choose to seal them.

But this guy was almost beaten by Panlong.

It seems that there is a difference between the astral body and the astral body.

Li Zedao thought, this guy said that he has the means to destroy his soul... bragging right? Do you think you are a powerhouse like Nu Wa and Panlong?

"I can't beat Panlong at all, I can only run away, try my best..."

Li Zedao interrupted Vulcan's words: "I don't think you can escape."

Vulcan smiled and said, "I can't escape naturally, and how I escape, I will definitely not escape Panlong's chase and kill, just like how you are struggling, you will never escape the cage I arranged."

Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth twitched, feeling that what this guy said later was really unnecessary.

"It's just that, at that time, Panlong was panicked. The accident happened. At that time, Chilong had led the group of demons to smash out of the valley of the devil and smashed towards Shenlong City, and Panlong couldn't take care of it. Me."

When talking about this, Vulcan was smiling, and it was full of gloat.

Seeing such a smile, Li Zedao felt cold in his heart.

It can be seen from this that this is an extremely evil person, in order to achieve the ultimate goal, he can reduce the entire God's Domain into a hunting ground for demons.

"Finally, I managed to escape to the nameless cave."

Li Zedao coldly said: "In order to escape the chasing of Panlong, you broke the conveyor belt. Don't you think this is too much? You don't know that many people will die?"

Vulcan's eyes looking at Li Zedao are no different from looking at idiots: "What does it have to do with me if many people die?"

"Besides, who said I broke the conveyor belt?"

Li Zedao's pupils shrank violently, and asked aloud, "Not you?"

Vulcan shook his head: "No! Even I have never owned a sky-breaking axe, I don't know what a sky-breaking axe looks like!"

"Who is it if it's not you?"

Li Zedao spoke with difficulty, he knew that Vulcan had not lied, because he had no need to lie to himself.

Vulcan frowned, and this problem had bothered him for a long time.

Later, I thought that even if the conveyor belt was broken and Chilong led the group of demons to kill, it had nothing to do with him, so I didn't think so much.

"I don't know who did it, but Panlong said it was me, so it can only be me." Vulcan was somewhat helpless.

As the patron saint of God's Domain, Panlong said no one would dare to question who was guilty, and he could not even have any doubts at all.

Vulcan thought that even if Panlong said that **** could be eaten, his ignorant people would eat **** immediately.

Li Zedao rubbed his extremely stiff face, wondering what the **** was going on?

"Even, I don’t even know if the conveyor belt was really broken by the Sky-Breaking Axe, but I think it should be. After all, only the god-defying artifact like the Sky-Breaking Axe can forcibly open a channel from the middle of the magic mountain. , And crush the conveyor belt."

After a moment of silence, Li Zedao's eyes burned with the gossip of the burner.

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