The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2564: Historical truth

"As a descendant of Panlong, the high Princess Long, you should know that the entire Shenlong City is a terrifying defense formation."

Li Zedao said lightly: "This is a defensive array that will completely exclude the descendants of Nuwa and the devil."

"If I were a demon, would I be able to stay in this eight gods city so safe and sound?"

Princess Long nodded and said, "Because of this, I am even more curious about the origins of the predecessors. Who are you? Why do you want to oppose the Shenlong City? Do you want to risk the world's great evil to kill the Shenlong messenger and humiliate the dragon vein?"

Princess Long guessed that this savage senior should be a snake talent, so that could explain why he had to step on Yingzhou Island and then attacked Shenlong City.

After all, Shenlong City has an unshirkable responsibility for what happened to the snake people.

But this is not right, because if there is such a terrifying strongman in the snake-men clan, who went deep into the big desert twice and tried to destroy the snake-men clan's Huang Quan, I am afraid that the corpse would have been violently in the big desert long ago.

Baili Kuanglang, who had formed the snake slaughter team twice in a row, even had a dead body on the spot.

After all, even those who dare to slaughter the dragon envoys, naturally would not put these two people in their eyes.

Therefore, the reasonable explanation is that this savage senior is indeed a snakeman, but he did not stay in the clan, but cultivated in some deep mountain and old forest, and ignored world affairs.

Afraid that the occurrence of a major earthquake in the Great Desert was spreading to his ears and shocked him, so he appeared and went directly to Yingzhou Island to find Baili Kuanglong to settle the account.

Who thought he appeared at this time, so he took his anger instead of Baili Kuanglang.

Li Zedao sneered at Princess Long and said, "It seems that you provoke me first, right? I originally wanted to razing Yingzhou Island to the ground. Who would think that Princess Long came out, but just saw me. Just want to cut me off...If you can't get into your Princess Long's eyes, you deserve to be killed by you?"

Princess Long looked calm and did not respond.

Putting such a smelly foot in front of such a princess, isn't it blasphemous? Shouldn't it be dead?

Of course, Princess Long no longer thinks that way.

Recalling what she had done back then, she felt that there was not much difference between herself at that time and the dementia.

"Furthermore, are you digressing?" Li Zedao said again, "Isn't what you should be talking about at this time that terrible aura?"

Li Zedao had reason to suspect that this woman was afraid that she could not sleep in the middle of the night and talked to herself.

Does she even have a plan and plan to do something inferior to herself?

Li Zedao is even more vigilant. He feels that his current situation can be said to be very dangerous. If he is not careful, his virginity may be lost.

As a handsome guy, Li Zeda has always had little sense of security, especially in front of beautiful girls.

Princess Long thought for a while, she seemed to have really digressed.

So his expression became solemn again, and he said, "The devil who was sealed in the devil's cave on the top of the Demon Mountain broke the seal and ran out. If they are allowed to leave the Demon Realm, the Divine Realm will definitely fall into a **** storm."

Princess Long inexplicably thought of the woman in the mountains who took in herself but didn't ask for anything in return.

Such people are so humble, yet so simple.

There are tens of thousands of people like that, and they shouldn't become victims...At least Princess Long thinks so.

She thinks she should do something, no, she must do something.

Li Zedao looked dazed, what is the top of the magic mountain? What demon cave... Demon cave Li Zedao is familiar, but it is a mortal cave.

What is the realm of the demon, and what is the seal?

"Savage-senior don't know?" Princess Long asked.

Li Zedao was depressed and asked, "What do you mean by this? I should be clear?"

Princess Long thought about it again. There were very few people who knew the Devil's Cave, so it was only natural that Senior Savage didn't know.

So he explained: "In the old days, Nuwa teamed up with Chilong to attack God's Domain..."

Li Zedao's mouth twitched, even though he was disgusted with the actions of the eight ambassadors, no matter how disgusting the ugly people in Xumi's domain were to destroy those innocent women, but hearing what Princess Long said, it was quite annoying.

He interrupted Princess Long: "Since you have said so, then there is no need to continue talking."

Princess Long was shocked. For a while, she really didn't know why this savage suddenly became so hot.

"Savage senior..."

"Give you two choices, or let some **** dragon master come now, I don't mind fighting him!" Li Zedao said coldly.

It just so happened that a few days ago, he successfully broke into the starry sky mirror. Li Zedao really wanted to try how far he was from the powerhouse of that level.

"The second option is to go back to your Master Long to understand and understand the real history, and after that, come and talk to me."

"Savage senior..."

"Go out and turn right, don't give it away!" Li Zedao said with a cold face and waved his hand impatiently.

What about Princess Long? What about the strong man who can kill Father Mo? Even if it is Dragon Master, Li Zedao is not afraid!

Not to mention that he has a hole card!

It really provokes the dragon master or other spirit gods, Li Zedao has a big deal to move the little tortoise and the old ghost out, and just talk about it.

Princess Long frowned: "Senior Savage, I don't understand what you mean."

Li Zedao said coldly: "Go back and ask your Dragon Master, whether the Nuwa clan has invaded the mortal realm! Once you have an accurate answer, come and continue to tell me what you want me to help."

Princess Long frowned even more, looking at that cold face, her mouth opened, and after all she didn't say anything, her figure disappeared in a flash.

"Nuwa teamed up with Chilong to attack God's Domain... to your sister!" Li Zedao said to himself rather uncomfortably, closing his eyes and continuing to sleep.


Dragon Palace, the highest point of Panlong Palace.

Master Long stood under the waning crimson moon and looked at the position prescribed by Demon Mountain.

Feeling the **** breath, his complexion was slightly solemn.

This matter, even their eight spiritual gods, felt extremely tricky. Even Panlong and Nuwa couldn't kill these demons, let alone them.

In addition, they are not capable of sealing at all, so the only thing they can do is to trap them in the Demon Realm.

Perceiving the breath behind him, Master Long frowned slightly, and said indifferently, "Why come back? You should know that time is running out."

Princess Long said: "I have something to tell Master Long."

"What's the matter?"

"I need a helper." Princess Long said in silence.

Master Long said: "I have extracted a part of the power from the gods and handed it over to you."

I didn't want to use the power of the gods, but I thought that the backlash of those demons would be extremely fierce, even if Princess Long is now strong, it is extremely difficult to stop those demons.

Therefore, the Dragon Master finally decided to transfer a part of the power from the God Realm to Princess Long.

Princess Long lowered her head and said: "I have determined the identity of that savage before and also know his whereabouts."

Master Long frowned slightly: "What do you want to say?"

Before Long Shi naturally knew that Princess Long had something to hide, but he didn't want to force him to say anything.

He is a very proud person. He disdains to persecute these weak people by any means, let alone Princess Long or Dragon Vessel.

Besides, even though the savage killed the dragon envoy and humiliated the dragon veins, the dragon master didn't matter at all, it really didn't matter.

In the eyes of Master Long, this is a very small matter. If it weren't for the old Dragon King to come forward and ask, he wouldn't want to care at all.

"The savage senior is not a demon, he comes from a family of snake people."

Princess Long said: "If he can get his power, it will definitely be able to stop those demons who are about to break the seal."

"Can you convince him?" Long Master asked.

"I can try." Princess Long said, "but I need to know the truth."

"the truth?"

"The Snake People hate the truth about Shenlong City." Princess Long looked up at the slightly vaguely short figure in front and said, "The Savage Senior once mentioned to me with great anger that the Nuwas did not invade God's Domain. ?"

Master Long was silent.

Princess Long said: "I got the inheritance from Panlong Ancestor, so I know that Panlong Ancestor did not master the means of sealing."

Master Long was silent.

Princess Long said: "Those who want to come to Dragon Master and God Realm have not mastered the sealing technique, otherwise I don't need to wait to stop those demons."

Princess Long knew that she actually got an extremely accurate answer that seemed so ridiculous and so unimaginable.

Nu Wa did not invade God's Domain, and even the demons in the Demon Cave should be sealed by Nu Wa.

Master Long understood what Princess Long meant, she wanted to apologize to the wild man, ask for his forgiveness, and then try to convince the snake man to get his power.

The snake man, who can easily kill the dragon messenger, seems to have mastered the methods of the demon... is indeed a good sword that can be used.

With him joining, it is indeed more able to resist those demons.

So Long Master said: "The Nuwa clan did not invade God's Domain. It was Chilong who invaded God's Domain. As for what happened later, I will tell you in detail later...or you can let the savage tell you."

"Go and tell the snake man that after the matter is completed, the Shenlong City will allow the snake people to live in the Seven Gods City, and will be protected by the Shenlong City from now on!"

"Yes." Princess Long thought deeply, disappearing in place.


While Li Zedao was sleeping, the door of the hut was pushed open again silently, and Princess Long's figure floated up.

Li Zedao opened his eyes and looked at this woman quite depressed.

Princess Long nodded and said, "Master Long said that Nu Wa did not invade the realm of God, and the demon in the Demon Cave were also sealed by Nu Wa."

"What then?" Li Zedao asked rhetorically.

He felt that this woman's IQ had become higher, but her EQ was still low.

"Master Long said that as long as Senior Savage helps resist those demons, he will allow the Snake Clan to live in the Seven Gods City, and will be sheltered by the Shenlong City from then on!" said Princess Long.


The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched uncontrollably. Apart from scolding his mother in his heart, he no longer knew what he should say.

It seemed that the Princess Long really regarded him as a snake man.

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