The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2534: Little innocent

The steamed buns are very cold. It is because of the soul added. Besides, what is the unusual smell?

Li Zedao tilted his head and thought for a long time, and finally his eyes were bloodshot, but he still had no clue.

Therefore, it would be extremely difficult or even impossible to get that spirit medicine from that steamed bun... At least for others, it is exactly that.

Li Zedao's scarlet eyes showed a terrible cold light, thinking that you are forcing this young man to reconstitute a brand new spirit medicine!

Seeing a guard coming from a distance, Li Zedao hurriedly closed his eyes, as if he was afraid of being too hungry and unwilling to move.

There are too many such people in these eight cities, so Li Zedao's performance is not at all problematic.

But the guard stopped beside him and looked at him blankly, as if he were an annoying stray dog.

A humble and pleasing smile appeared on Li Zedao's face.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

The guard violently kicked Li Zedao and cursed: "Get up and follow Laozi!"

Li Zedao trembled, with fear in his eyes, he hurriedly got up, but did not dare to ask where he was going. Instead, he shrugged his head and followed him in fear.

One after another, someone was kicked by the guard, and then joined the team behind him.

These people exchanged flustered eyes from time to time, asking what happened and whether it would be dangerous.

But no one knows.

No one knew where the guard was going to take them, besides, no one dared to escape, let alone kill the guard who was walking in the front of the team!

In this Shenlong City, in front of the guards, they are the lowest class of ants, and even the ability to resist has been lost.

Soon, the guards actually took them to the huge square in front of the Shenfu. At the same time, hundreds of people had gathered in this square.

These people were brought back by other guards.

An extremely uneasy emotion began to spread in the deepest part of everyone's heart, then released, and finally filled the entire square.

Everyone knew that if he came to the Divine Mansion by himself, it would be fine.

But if you are escorted back to the palace by guards, then it means you will be out of luck.

Soon, these hundreds of people were divided into seven rows, and they were all asked to raise their heads. Anyone who dared to lower their heads was sent to the Shenshan Mine for mining.

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky, feeling that the strongest among the people around him was also the low-level cultivation base of the Spirit and God Realm, most of which were not even the Spirit and God Realm cultivation base.

I already understood why people like them were brought here, and why they were asked to raise their heads.

This is to identify the "suspect"!

In the hall, God sentenced the seven kneeling people on the ground with a glance, and said coldly: "I have brought all the people back to you. Then you can take out and identify them. Which six were the little sheep that were kidnapped by you the night before. , All have been found out, even if you make up for it, then I will condemn your crimes lightly."

The seven people cried with joy and quickly bowed down.

"Go." God sentenced his hand.

When he saw that the seven robbers were brought out of the God's Mansion, Li Zedao knew that his guess was correct.

The gods must have a headache for the bandit leader who killed them, and they are also guessing which of the few lambs he was doing. Therefore, he made such a big fight and took all these people back to the gods for the identification of the seven people. .

"What to do?" Li Zedao's thoughts surged extremely.

He is quite confident that he will not be discerned, but...what if?

"It should be nothing in case."

Li Zedao wanted to say that if he couldn't even pass this kind of hurdle, he still wanted to enter the Dragon Palace to find the treasure and burn Panlong's body? Quickly pat your **** and leave.

These seven robbers are all strong people above the level of spiritual **** cultivation, and their eyesight is extremely strong, so they quickly unearthed the six sheep that they had hijacked from the hundreds of people, including Li Zedao.

These six people were taken directly into the hall, and knelt in a row shivering. The eyes full of horror simply didn't have the courage to look at the **** sentence above that could determine their fate.

Except for Li Zedao, the other five people naturally didn't know what they had done wrong. Even if they were still victims, they were almost kidnapped by a group of robbers and even killed.

Of course, they would never say anything about this, because there is no evidence, and even more so because people are dead!

Not to mention, it was the robbers who just caught them!

God sentenced them coldly and scanned these people one by one for a long time, but they didn't find anything wrong.

Among these six people, the strongest is the one kneeling on the far right, and it is only a low-grade cultivation base in the mere spiritual and **** realm.

As for the other five people, they are not even in the Spiritual God Realm.

At this moment, a guard walked in, came to bring God's Judge, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Shenju's expression was a bit ugly, because Elder Ou couldn't see which of the five people had problems, they were all weak.

Ou Lao is a strong master at the top-grade cultivation base of the Lingxian Mirror. His eyes are quite vicious. Whoever is hiding himself can tell at a glance. He said that these five people are okay, so there is no problem.

But who of these five people who is not the strong man who is fascinating?

That little black room is too small, even if it is a strong person with a spiritual fairy mirror cultivation base sneaking in to kill, it is impossible for the rest of the people to find any ghosts.

It is precisely because of that kind of speculation that the **** judged that the person was either one of the seven robbers or one of the six little sheep.

Unexpectedly, nothing was achieved.

The God sentence was silent for a moment and ordered a few words in the guard's ear.

The guard left.

After a while, the guard returned again and whispered a few words in Shenpin's ear.

God sentenced his hand to show that he knew it.

Immediately, he looked at the kneeling six people with indifference in his eyes and said: "Why did you bring you to this shrine? You know yourself."

These people are at a loss, fear, and helplessness. What are we doing?

"Come on, confiscated the Shenlong Cards of these heinous people, abolished their cultivation base and sent them to the Shenshan Mine to knock out ore. Don't leave if you don't knock out a thousand ore." Shen Ping said coldly.

When these people heard it, their complexion changed drastically, and their bodies softened as they sat down on the icy ground.

"Big...sir, we...what's wrong?" One of them defended with a look of fear.

His words immediately infected five of them, stimulating the little pitiful resistance factor left in their blood.

"Yes, sir, why are we guilty?"

"My lord, please be aware of it."

"Even if this is a divine hall, you are a divine sentence, you can't force a condemnation on us? We are humble and insignificant, and we are also the people of the Dragon Emperor!"


"Shut up all of you!" God sentenced him in a low voice with disgust.

"The God sentenced you to be extremely sinful, and you are sinful and sinful, and you still can't be wronged? Who dares to call for injustice and be careful to break your tongue! Come on, abolish the cultivation base!"

Several guards appeared immediately, staring at these people indifferently.

These people are ashamed of their hearts, and their faces are extremely miserable, but they can only admit their fate and dare not say any more.

The guards raised their hands one after another, and they were about to rush to these people's dantian together, completely abolishing their cultivation.

These people closed their eyes weakly and silently accepted the upcoming fate.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Counting to the sound of blasting, these people were blasted out heavily by the guards, vomiting blood in each mouth, and their expressions were extremely depressed.

Immediately, they were shocked to find that the fist that the guard blasted over was even a few inches away, and did not blast on their dantian.

For a while, he forgot to continue vomiting blood, and looked up at Shen Jie with a dazed expression.

"Okay, the **** sentence is willing to believe that you are not guilty, and take it away." The **** sentence waved his hand impatiently.

The guards immediately passed by and carried out the few little sheep that had not yet reacted.

An old man appeared in the hall like a ghost.

God sentenced quickly got up and greeted the past, and respectfully said: "Lao is getting old."

The old man glanced at Shen Jie and nodded, "It's not them."

God won’t give up: "Really?"

Immediately reacted, this was questioning Ou Lao, and quickly added: "The subordinates mean, will that person be extremely tolerant? Even if his dantian is about to be abolished, he is indifferent?"

"What do you think?" Ou asked back.

Shenju smiled awkwardly.

No one can remain indifferent even when the dantian is abolished, especially the powerhouse of the spiritual mirror cultivation base!

When the pubic area was about to be abolished, the five people all chose to accept their fate because they were too weak and had to accept their fate.

But the strong of the spirit mirror cultivation base will never admit his fate! They will never watch their Dantian be destroyed.

Therefore, the strong man who killed the wolf dog was not among the five people.


After being taken out of the Shenfu, the guard waved his hand impatiently and motioned to get out.

These five can be said to have escaped from the dead. Naturally, they did not dare to have any complaints against the divine mansion, and they were even grateful. They were respectful of this divine mansion, and then they dispersed.

When he came to a corner with no one, Li Zedao's mouth curled up with a disdainful smile.

Smash the dantian?

Even if it was really shattered, Li Zedao's brows would not wrinkle any more, because his dantian had long been crushed by the foot of Hai Zhu.

Having successfully lied to those people in Shenfu, Li Zedao didn't have much pride, but his expression was rather solemn.

Not all idiots in the gods, on the contrary, their insight is extremely terrifying.

Their speculations were correct, but they encountered Li Zedao's abnormality, so there was no way to get it out.

It seems that we still have to keep a low profile in the future, and try not to make a move if you can, so as not to cause trouble again.

Li Zedao sat down on the side of the road and looked at the slightly gloomy sky worried.

Two hours later, it will be dark again.

If I don’t rush to exchange for the spirit coins, I’m afraid I’m going to violate the curfew and sleep on the streets tonight.

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