The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2500: Help wash your feet

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and said, "Even if your majesty has some friendship with my junior, even if I can really help you, how can you be sure that I will promise you?"

How easy is it to help the snake people who are excluded by the entire God Realm to find a new habitat? Even in those uninhabited, terrifying deep mountains and old forests, as long as the snake people dare to stay there, those strong people in God's Domain who have nothing to do with their meals will dare to lead people to kill them.

Huang Quan has taken people into the desert several times before and the snake slaughter conference initiated by Yingzhou College is a living example.

There are always people who are absolutely obsessed with so-called justice.

Besides, such a place is like a big desert, it is not a place for people at all.

After being silent for a while, Empress Boya said: "You can make your terms."

After being silent again, he said, "Any condition is fine."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly.

This woman is not an ordinary woman. This is a beautiful and powerful woman who is also an emperor of a certain country. So although Li Zedao is not a beast, he almost turned into a beast when he heard this.

Who thought, this powerful woman added another sentence: "This emperor kind of likes your junior."

There is no euphemism, no tweaking, no hiding, just say it so bluntly, as if saying something very ordinary.


Li Zedao was dumbfounded. It wasn't because this powerful woman said that she liked herself a little, so she drifted away. After all, isn't this a matter of course?

It just suddenly felt that no matter what conditions were put forward, he was no different from beasts.

Even if she doesn't help her, it seems that she is still a beast... at least I'm sorry for the little brother.

Li Zedao wanted to cry, but the key was that the junior brother was himself.

After being silly for a long time, Li Zedao looked at those incomparable eyes and cautiously said: "That...little brother often washes my feet, how about you also help me wash my feet?"

The proud and powerful Empress Boya stepped forward without hesitation, squatting down in front of Li Zedao like a little maid, and reaching into the water to hold Li Zedao's stinky foot.

Li Zedao saw that this terrifying woman was really moving, and his face turned pale in fright. He quickly rolled aside in embarrassment and said, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding..."

Just kidding, what if you let others know that the dignified Snake Empress Boya washes her feet, so she can't drown her with one spit?

Snake people must not put themselves on the top of the list of people to kill?

"The emperor will not make jokes." Empress Boya said, "If you want to wash your feet in the future, the emperor will help you."

I thought that he would wash you for you anyway, it doesn't seem like the emperor washes you for you.

"..." I don't know why, Li Zedao was quite jealous of his feet and wanted to chop them off.

"Your Majesty, I'm really joking." Li Zedao was bitter, but he was also in awe.

Such a powerful woman could actually squat down and hold a man's stinky foot for the sake of her clansman. This move is enough to make people move.

Empress Boya was silent, she silently told the other party that she was serious, and also told the other party that this kind of thing should not be used as a joke anyway.

Li Zedao looked at this extremely serious woman, and his admiration was so strong that he was silent for a while and said: "I think there must be such a beautiful island on the endless sea away from the tribe."

There was a little more color in the eyes of Empress Boya, and said, "Brother, are you still washing your feet?"


Li Zedao hurriedly hid his feet in his torn shoes, and said: "Let's talk to Baili Kuanglang, he is the most familiar from the tribe... Wait..."

Li Ze paused and looked at the woman with weird eyes: "You call me... brother? Why do you call me brother? How can you call me brother? Do you think too much of my master? How good is he? How can you become your majesty your master?"

It's not that Li Zedao's character and morality are really problematic and deliberately slander his master in front of beautiful women. It is mainly that his master is naturally quite a great figure in the mortal domain. It is not an exaggeration to say that the mortal domain is the strongest.

But when he comes to God's Realm, any strong person with a level of cultivation above the Spirit God Realm can beat him to death.

Empress Boya was silent, thinking what to do with your master?

Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, his face was slightly tense, his eyes widened, his small heart beating faster, he swallowed a mouthful of water and asked carefully, " won't really want to rely on my junior brother, right?"

There was a hint of stubbornness and pride in the indifferent voice of Empress Boya: "The emperor just wants him to like him."

"...Your Majesty, it's not that I want to slander my younger brother. Really, how can my junior brother, Ho De, make your Majesty treat him like this?" Li Zedao's heart beat even more, and he was embarrassed to belittle himself.

Empress Boya was silent again, she thought this had nothing to do with morality and talent, right? What's wrong with your expression? Does this seem to have nothing to do with you?

After a stick of incense, Li Zedao was "respectfully" invited to Baili Kuanglong by the creek. After listening to Li Zedao's request, the old face twitched uncontrollably, and his scalp was so numb that it was about to explode. There is a feeling of being struck countless times by lightning.

If this kind of thing spreads out, Yingzhou Academy and the Baili family can't be reduced to the same as the snake people, standing on the opposite side of the entire God's Domain, becoming the whetstone for those righteous people to sharpen their swords?

Even if the teachers and students of Yingzhou College knew about this, would they escape from Yingzhou College overnight, and Yingzhou College collapsed overnight?

Li Zedao patted Baili Kuanglang's constantly pumping shoulders, and said coldly: "Mr. Baili, I am not asking for your opinion. I will just inform you about what should be done and quickly make a plan. give me."

Baili Kuanglang's old face was completely unconscious, but he absolutely couldn't go against the meaning of this terrible young man, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

"My son, I have to plan and prepare for this matter. I must ensure that there are no loopholes, otherwise I will be doing useless work and even bring terrible and terrible consequences." Baili Kuanglang said bitterly.

At a certain moment, he almost couldn't help it, and was about to kill someone.

"Then don't rush back. Rest for two days in this place." Li Zedao nodded.

It just so happened that he was on the verge of breaking through. After sleeping for a few days, he should almost be able to break through, and the powerful woman Boya Empress was on the side, Li Zedao didn't worry about being disturbed at all.

Li Zedao patted Baili Kuanglang on the shoulder again and encouraged, "I believe that with Mr. Baili's talent, he can definitely come up with the best solution within two days."

It is rare for Baili Kuanglang to greet each other's 18th generation ancestors in his heart, and nodded bitterly, "Master, please rest assured."

Li Zedao waved his hand and sent away the violent waves.

Turning around, Li Zedao saw that Empress Boya was staring at herself with a very surprised look, as if she had seen a ghost.

Without waiting for Li Ze to say anything, Empress Boya asked: "You did it this way?"

"Convince people with virtue." Li Zedao looked like an outdoor expert, "Your Majesty, you know, I and my younger brother and I are both morally high-minded people, and we must subdue others at every turn."

Empress Boya did not respond again, as if she hadn't heard this. She thought to herself that this person was really like him, and they were quite shameless, boasting that she was quite ungrounded.

"This is not a trivial matter, nor is it an easy task. Let's take a rest for two days and see what plan Baili Kuanglang will come up with." Li Zedao said with a restrained expression.

Empress Boya nodded, without objection.

"Say to the emperor when you want to wash your feet."

"...I don't wash my feet!" Li Zedao wanted to vomit blood, and sat down cross-legged, closing his eyes to calm himself.

"I want to sleep for a while, don't let anyone disturb me." Li Zedao said this, then his body tilted and fell asleep.

The Empress Boya quietly looked at his back, the listener's breathing became even, and the figure reappeared in her mind, thinking that he also seemed to like to sleep very much.

Gradually, the figure in front of me seemed to overlap with the figure that always appeared in my mind little by little.

Empress Boya shook her head slightly, thinking that he was not him, although the two people really looked alike.

Two days later, his complexion became even more pale and haggard, and the bloodshot eyes came to the stream.

The Empress Boya simply stopped him and prevented him from approaching Li Zedao, who was still sleeping, and said lightly: "He said, don't let people disturb him."

Baili Kuanglang glanced at the figure that wanted to chop her thousands of swords, then looked at Empress Boya with indifferent eyes, lowered her voice and said, "You are tired, let him rest."

After saying such words that violated his conscience, Baili Kuang Lang felt that he was severely chopped by Thunder, and quickly changed the subject.

"Regarding this matter, I made a detailed plan. Your Majesty, please help the staff first to see where there are loopholes."

Empress Boya's eyes lit up slightly, and she nodded gently, saying, "Thank you."

Baili Kuanglang felt extremely ashamed, and wanted to spurt blood again.

At the moment, he took out a map about the tribe and analyzed it in detail.

Snake Island, this is a small island located at the deepest point from the tribe. It is closer to Yingzhou Island and is considered a subsidiary island of Yingzhou Island. There are terrible sea beasts living in the waters around this island, and the island is full of venomous snakes, hence the name.

Although the Snake Island is not big, it can accommodate tens of thousands of people and open up a few fertile pieces of land.

This island still retains the most primitive state and has not been developed by Yingzhou College, mainly because the island is used by Yingzhou College as one of the natural training grounds for training students. The poisonous snakes on the island are all student trials. Object.

Of course, many students died on Snake Island.

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