The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2391: Mechanism beast

At this time, this small town that was completely unranked in God's Domain had an influx of hundreds of strong men.

These people are without exception, they are all those with a strong cultivation level above the Spirit God Realm.

Although the notice issued by Yingzhou College did not have any requirements for cultivation bases, people with cultivation bases below the Spiritual God Realm had no guts to come over and join in the fun.

Before approaching the Black Seal City, Li Zedao deliberately compressed his cultivation base to the pinnacle of the spirit and spirit realm.

Among these people, such a cultivation base is neither high nor low nor low, so that it will not be underestimated, nor will it be taken too seriously.

Li Zedao has always believed that the mean is the best.

Walking on the street that became noisy, Li Zedao silently paid attention to the surrounding movement, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to face such a situation and help the snake people to resolve the crisis without a sword.

By now, it is obviously impossible for Baili Kuanglang to give up the strangulation of the snake-man clan. At least Li Zedao's face is not that great at all, even if he ran over to hold Baili Kuanglang's thigh rather shamelessly. , I cried and said, grandpa, I am the Li Zedao who has a marriage contract with your granddaughter, you can just let the snake people go on the face of the child...

Even if he is too close and exposed to the sight of Yingzhou Academy, he will be recognized if he is not.

In line with the principle of killing ten thousand by mistake and not letting go of one, Yingzhou College, even if it is only suspicious, thinks this figure is familiar, it is the one who killed the ancients, and will immediately do it.

Besides, even if you ran to Baili Kuanglang and said that you were mistaken, it was me who killed the ancient people, not the snake people, and Baili Kuanglang would not stop there and give up this strangulation of the snake people. .

After all, for a powerhouse of his level, face is undoubtedly the most important.

If you announce that you made a mistake in this matter, it has nothing to do with the snake people, you really feel sorry for the snake people... Isn't that a slap in the face?

Lifting his head and glanced at the gray sky, Li Zedao suddenly remembered something.

Baili Kuanglang came with such a murderous aura, he wouldn't let this snake slaughter conference become a joke, so he must be sure to find the snake people. "

"Why is he so sure? You know, Huang Quan hasn't been able to find the nest of the snake people for so many years." Li Zedao was puzzled.

"Damn, which **** ran to tell Baili Kuanglang that the ancient person who killed the old man came from the snake-man clan?" Li Zedao couldn't help cursing in his heart.

I'm handsome, handsome, and suave. How could he come from that disgusting snake-man clan?

Thinking of the face of the Empress Boya who was damaging the country and the people, Li Zedao was quite ashamed, and felt that he did not know enough about the snake people and really had no right to speak.

However, the most suspicious objects are those who are hiding in the dark. After all, they are very happy to believe that a large-scale conflict has erupted in God's Domain, and it is best to have corpses running across the wild and blood flowing into rivers.

Li Zedao also doubted Huang Quan.

Huang Men has been in conflict with the Snake People for many years, and Huang Quan has repeatedly taken people into the desert to try to slaughter the Snake People, so he also has the motive.

"It seems that we can only act by chance. Let's participate in the Snake Conference two days later." Li Zedao rubbed the distended temple.

At this moment, the sound of "creaking" came from the wheel.

Immediately afterwards, a man's voice came: "Keep away, don't get in the way!"

Seeing this, those strong men who were dangling along the road retreated to the side of the road with great interest. Obviously, the visitors were not good and couldn't provoke them.

Li Zedao looked up, only to see several large vehicles in front of him, all of them being pulled by the infinitely powerful alligator, and slowly moving forward.

The contents of the car are covered with canvas, and I don't know what is inside.

At the same time, there were several strong men standing on each of these large carts, some wearing Yingzhou College costumes, and some members of the public loser family. There was even a carriage behind this number of carts. The oppressive breath was being released from the carriage.

Obviously, what was in this carriage was a more terrifying strong man.

In this way, the things in the car are extremely valuable at regular intervals, otherwise there is no need for several powerful people to take care of them.

Those strong men on the side of the road all began to discuss in low voices, all wondering what was in the car.

Li Zedao's one-eyed squinted slightly, his eyes moved away from the cart and landed on the cart.

He clearly felt the aura that was full of oppression, fearing that only the powerhouse with the spiritual mirror cultivation base would have such a palpitating breath.

Therefore, the identity of the person in the carriage is ready to be revealed, and it must be the father Mozi from the family.

The things that can be personally escorted by the father Mozi are absolutely incredible.

and many more……

It stands to reason that this time the Snake Slaying Conference, the public-traveling family can be said to be soy sauce, and only the male-traveling Mozi, a strong spiritual mirror cultivation base, can come forward and press the line.

In other words, even if any valuables are transported to this Black Seal City, it is also a matter for Yingzhou College.

But now, the public transportation family is involved in the transportation, and the number of members of the public transportation family in that car is mostly, and even the public transportation Mozi has personally suppressed it.

As for the members of Yingzhou College, they seem to be helping with caregivers, so it is actually the public loser family who really transports this stuff?

"Why did the public transport family transport this thing to this Black Seal City? Could this thing play an extremely crucial role in the war of strangling the snake-men clan? Wait, it won't be the organ beast, right?" Widened, I felt more and more that my guess might be correct.

Legend has it that the public losers used the so-called mechanical principles to create five organ beasts with great lethality.

The five organ beasts are Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu, and the last one is called Potu Langjun!

Li Zedao has confirmed from Linglong Public Transport that there is indeed an organ beast in the public transport family. As for the power, she is not sure about it. After all, since she can remember, the family has never used this organ beast.

And it is the Gong Zhumozi and the few elders who usually indulge in the mechanism art who usually do not show up to defend these organ beasts.

As for the rest of the family, these organ beasts are usually not seen.

"Bai Li Kuang wave is above such a big movement, he will not let himself go back without success, he is sure to find the nest of the snake-man clan." This question once again popped out of Li Zedao's mind.

Why is Baili Kuangbo so sure? Just because he is a strong spiritual mirror cultivation?

Or... what he relied on was the organ beast of the public loser family?

Li Zedao looked at the big car, and the corners of his mouth had already drawn an inexplicable range.

If this is the case, it seems that Baili Kuanglang has found a way to retreat. He only needs to destroy the organ beast from the public loser family that he relies on.

Li Zedao's complexion became solemn again.

Although I probably knew that Baili Kuanglang wanted to rely on the organ beast of the public losing family to find the snake-man clan's nest, but it was easy to destroy the organ beast? I want to know that these organ beasts will definitely be placed under the eyelids of Gong Tumozi.

Wanting to destroy the organ beast under the eyelids of a strong spiritual mirror cultivation master is simply a dream.

Unless there is a strong person whose cultivation base is no weaker than Gong Zhu Mozi restrains Gong Zhu Mozi, he will have a chance to let him go.

When his thoughts were surging, Li Zedao followed these cars, trying to see where the things on the cars would eventually be transported to.

There are still many people watching the excitement behind the car, so it is not abrupt for Li Zedao to follow.

However, after the car drove up a small hill, these people watching the excitement were stopped by several strong men and were not allowed to approach.

Li Zedao could only see from a distance, these cars were pulled by alligators into a huge courtyard on the mountainside.

After staring at the courtyard for a while, Li Zedao turned and left.

Until now, I can only find a place to live first, and then think of a solution.

In the crowd, an unobtrusive black shadow stood there quietly. Like the others, the extremely bright eyes of the black shadow fell on the courtyard in the distance, but there was a biting coldness in the depths of the eyes.

"Wow!" All of a sudden, the black shadow disappeared in place, as if it had never appeared before.


Heiyin City suddenly flooded with a large number of powerful people, so those inns were already full. Many people simply sat in restaurants or teahouses, and some people rushed into those who originally lived in Heiyin City. Ordinary people come to a dove to occupy the magpie's nest, just wait for the snake slaughter meeting to begin.

However, because Yingzhou College has some restrictions, these people are rude and dared not to do too much. Therefore, in the past few days, there has been no murder and bloodshed in the city.

Even though local residents are full of complaints, they can only rot in their stomachs.

Li Zedao naturally couldn't find a place to live, so he could only wander around the street at will, unknowingly going further and further.

Looking up at the gloomy sky, a yellow wind hit, Li Zedao smashed his mouth and spit out the yellow sand that was blown into his mouth by the wind.

Looking at this posture, I am afraid that a sandstorm is about to occur, so I should find a place to hide first.

Li Zedao would naturally not do things like dove occupying a magpie's nest, but he could find an ordinary household, and then take out some gold coins or medicine, in exchange for the opportunity to live for a day or two.

Unconsciously, Li Zedao turned into an alley.

The place where the snake slaughter was held was in the city, which was also near the former Jijiabao.

Therefore, the crowd was basically concentrated there, and the alley far away from the city seemed quiet.

Li Zedao felt the surrounding movement, but his nerves became tense.

It seems to be a bit quieter here too. In the closed room on both sides of the alley, there seemed to be no one, at least Li Zedao heard no sound.

At this moment, Li Zedao vaguely heard a voice coming from the corner in front.

"Nima's, this house will belong to Lao Tzu from now on, you..."

The voice stopped abruptly, as if the speaker was suddenly choked.

"Kacha!" A strange sound rang, and the surroundings became more quiet.

Li Zedao's one-eyed shrank slightly, he knew that the neck of the person who spoke had been severely chopped off.

Presumably this guy intends to forcibly occupy other people's house, who knows that the owner is a ruthless person, and directly cut off the aggressor's neck.

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