The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2348: Humiliated

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "But I can't guarantee 100%. I have to touch the dean and his elders. Now I can only give it a try, so I ask the seniors to prepare for both."

Pharmacist Qing Niu nodded, even if Li Zedao didn't remind him, he would still prepare with both hands.

It is nothing more than a rather stupid act to pin all hopes on such a shameless guy.

Li Zedao immediately wrote a letter and handed it to Pharmacist Qingniu: "Senior, I have important things to do, so I have to leave. I also ask Senior to take this letter to Buzhou College by myself. If you don’t move the dean, then Just run away."

"Thank you!" Pharmacist Qing Niu took a deep breath, and solemnly accepted the letter.

At this moment, this spirit fairy mirror cultivation powerhouse, the Fourth-Rank Soul Artisan was not calm.

Li Zedao said very casually: "Oh, yes, that Xumi Jie can still hold some things, that..."


In the murderous roar of Yao Shi Qing Niu, Li Zedao escaped.

Li Zedao was upset in his heart. This old man was not a thing at all. He helped him so much and he was so stingy that he would not give him a few broken herbs.

On the ninth floor of the Pharmacist Tower, and then entered the secret passage through the door, and soon Li Zedao returned to the courtyard.

Without staying much, Li Zedao immediately left Wucheng. After two days, Li Zedao returned to the Underworld Mountain.

At this time, the underworld mountain was still shrouded by the downpour, and the lightning that resembled a terrifying dragon and snake poured down mercilessly, and the muffled sound that shook the mountain on the ground, as if the world would be shameless. The shady scene was completely torn apart.

There was also the extremely violent wind, which made Li Zedao almost unable to open his eyes, and it became extremely difficult to even walk a step forward. If he didn't pay attention, he would be blown away by the wind.

"It's really one of the ten most fierce places in God's Domain. With my current cultivation level, I am afraid of being killed by the thunder." Li Zedao licked the rain at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately his heart, which was a little relaxed, suddenly became depressed again.

This place is just like this, full of sin, full of **** death, without any gleam of sunshine, no hope in sight.

Staying in such a place for a long time can easily make people feel violent.

Even Li Zedao, who can be said to be extremely powerful in heart, was affected without exception.

After taking out the ten mature inner alchemy from Xumi Yu and hiding Xumi Jie, Li Zedao continued to move forward.

The soul has been integrated into the jade card issued by the old man before the departure. Therefore, even if he does not discern the direction and does not know where he is at this time, Li Zedao can clearly feel that there seems to be a voice helping Lead the way by yourself and tell yourself which direction you should continue to head.

I don't know how long I have been walking, a flashing blue cold lightning struck down suddenly, and the night was like day.

This powerful lightning seems to have changed the surrounding nothingness, making this area, as if the passage of time, become different from before, as if isolated from the world.

Immediately, Li Zedao felt a terrible suction pulling himself into the void. When he reacted again, others had already appeared in the incomparably dark passage.

This terrible suction is the strength of Sumiyu itself.

In case someone is held hostage and come here, the terrible suction of Xumiyu will only transfer the soul into that jade card to Xumiyu, and those who are held hostage will be blocked.

Walking out of this aisle and coming outside, Li Zedao saw the old man responsible for registering and issuing jade cards sitting there, his turbid old eyes slightly squinted at the top, as if he was thinking hard, and he didn't seem to think about anything.

"came back?"

The old man raised his head and glanced at Li Zedao.

"Yeah." Li Zedao nodded.

The old man lowered his head and registered, and then Li Zedao felt his body trembled involuntarily. At the same time, there was already an extra jade card shining with strange light in his hand.

"Senior, here." Li Zedao returned the Yuka.

"Senior? Don't dare to be, you still call me old fish head like before." The old man took Yuka and said lightly.

"Old fish head." Li Zedao changed his words, only then did he remember that his identity at this time was a ghost face.

"Really hopeless?" The old man glanced at Li Zedao's crotch.

Li Zedao felt that his crotch was trembling, but he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I was uprooted, what do you think? I can't even pee normally, let alone make my own contribution to the revival of my Nuwa clan. ."

"Old Yutou, you don't know, I have pain! How much I hate! I am ashamed of the Nuwa clan!" Li Zedao's face was dull and added.

The old fish head nodded and said nothing more.

Li Zedao nodded, then turned and walked towards Xuhai Peak.

Not long after, Li Zedao returned to his dark and cold hut at the foot of the mountain on the north side of Xuhai Peak. After a little tidying up, he carried the ten mature inner alchemy and walked towards the medicine department halfway up the mountain. .

As before, Li Zedao encountered many extremely ugly guys along the way.

After these guys saw Li Zedao, without exception, their complexions became hot, or they were arrogant or mocking, or their eyes were compassionate, and they pointed and said something.

Li Zedao was the same as before. He didn't even dare to look at them. He looked humble and didn't dare to see people. He didn't lift his head.

Even so humble, someone came over to kick Li Zedao and spit a few saliva on him.

Li Zedao knew that the reason why he had such a treatment was not only because he was to be looked down upon after he was rooted, but also because the ghost face was too arrogant and domineering before, and bullying was a common occurrence.

Now that he is down, those who have been bullied by him will naturally be bullied back.

Not long after, Li Zedao came to the medicine department, but this time he stood very humble at the gate, looking like he wanted to go in but didn't dare.

About half of the time, a man with a very ugly face came out from inside. When he saw Li Zedao standing there shrinking, his mouth curled up with a hint of extremely playfulness: "Jie Jie Jie... this is not our famous name. The rootless son?"

Li Zedao looked at this ugly monster who was extremely strange to him timidly, and said, "Big Brother..."

"What is Nima's elder brother? Who is your elder brother? Isn't this taking advantage of Lao Tzu? Did you know that you are an incomparably humble waste? Lao Tzu is your uncle bear!" The man's mung bean-sized eyes widened, and his mouth sprayed. Li Zedao made a look.

The big hand slapped Li Zedao's face hard, and the corners of Li Zedao's mouth bleed from the corners of Li Zedao's mouth, who had no intention of defending.

Li Zedao almost grabbed his throat without holding it back, and then stuffed the Wugendan into his mouth, which was still in time for clinical trials.

"Damn, what do you look at? Haven't you seen such a brave and invincible handsome guy? Don't you hurry to kneel down for Lao Tzu? Are you such a waste qualified to stand in front of Lao Tzu? Nima's!" The bear gave another big slap in the face. past.

After another slap, Li Zedao knelt on the ground with his knees soft, but he still had a humble smile on his face, it was as humble as dust, and there was no dignity at all.

Dignity had long been torn from his body by Li Zedao himself and buried deep in the mud.

In time, when the height of fear is reached, Li Zedao will dig out that dignity by himself.

"what is this?"

After spitting out a few saliva on Li Zedao, the bear glanced at the bag that Li Zedao was holding tightly in his hands, and his little eyes were a little surprised.

"Master Gou Xiong, these are ten mature inner alchemy ordered by Master Cat." Li Ze said with a smile.

The bear's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't believe it was true.

Shen Gongmao gave this rootless waste half a month for him to bring ten mature inner pills and let him become a member of the pill department.

What the bear did not expect was that this guy really completed the task.

You know, he is only a medium-level cultivation base in the spirit and **** realm, and any poisonous beast with a mature inner alchemy is enough to tear him into pieces.

"Just give it to Lao Tzu, and the cat doesn't have time to see you this trash." Gou Xiong said coldly.

"Yes..." Li Zedao hurriedly handed over the ten inner alchemy to Lord Gou Xiong.

"Master Gou Xiong, that little one entered the medicine department..."

"What nonsense? If you really bring back ten mature inner alchemy, the cat can still rely on you to fail? Don't you hurry to get Lao Tzu? Remember to use it! Nima's rootless waste, Lao Tzu sees you Annoying." The bear kicked Li Zedao to the ground.

"Yes, yes, let's roll, let's roll..." Li Zedao curled his head and continued to roll on the ground like last time.

Like last time, this roll rolled to the foot of the mountain.

Like last time, this scene was seen by many people, but each looked like it was lively. The expressions should be more playful and playful. Some even cheered Li Zedao while applauding.

"Get out! Get out! Get out of Nima..."

Among them were a few people who had been bullied by ghost faces before. When Li Zedao rolled over, he stepped forward to humiliate them again.

"Ah, rootless waste, I'm sorry, you said I drank too much or something? Why did I accidentally step on you."

"Bah... I'm sorry, sorry, I accidentally spit on you again, you won't blame me?"

Another piece of bone that didn't know where it was flying from, hit the back of Li Zedao's head heavily, and blood flowed directly.

"Damn, if I had left here long ago to kill a few more **** God's realm people, and then you would die with a **** damn God's realm person with a high-grade cultivation base of Spirit God Realm or above!"

"So cheap? I seriously doubt that he is a member of my holy Nuwa clan."


Li Zedao Gujing rolled forward without waves, silently bearing all this he should bear.

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