The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2337: Believe in your character

"Roar!" The dragon python made a harsher hiss, and then its huge body rushed to the woman who flew out.

The woman's complexion was severely pale, her body numb, and she was obviously unable to resist. If she was hit by a dragon python, she would definitely die.

Seeing this, Li Zedao, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't indifferently see this woman being killed by the dragon python after all.

Of course, if it were the other way around, Li Zedao was afraid that he would not be able to watch the dragon python being killed.

After entering the Xumi domain and listening to the ghost face telling what happened in the past, Li Zedao's whole mentality completely changed. He is not partial to God's Domain, nor to the descendants of Nuwa.

He just wants to follow his heart, he just wants to protect the people he wants to protect.

As for being pregnant with Nuwa's blood...Let's take care of Laozi's ass, this is not an option for Laozi.

With a flick of Li Zedao's finger, a big idiot carrying a terrifying wind, fiercely struck the dragon python, taking its blood-red left eye that was filled with brutal light.


The dragon python felt danger, and while the blood bowl opened his mouth and roared, the sharp claws carried the blood red halo and slapped the big fool fiercely.


The explosion sounded, and the rising smoke quickly enveloped the **** claws of the dragon python.

Because of pain and anger, all the ferocity of the dragon python was thoroughly aroused, and its cruel eyes were completely replaced by blood red.


The dragon python's extremely angry neighing sound made Li Zedao's eardrum buzzing and uncomfortable.

The heavily injured woman was even weaker to resist the horrible roar, her body fell to the ground in embarrassment, and her eardrum was shocked, and blood spilled directly from her earholes.

Immediately, the huge body of the dragon python simply fell to the ground, smashing a large hole out of the ground forcibly, but his head was weakly stuck there, and his brutal eyes could not be opened. Since he was poisoned by the big fool.

When the woman saw this, she was so stupid that she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing.

Why did the ferocious dragon python fall by himself? From the look of it, it seems to have suffered a serious injury.

Li Zedao's figure flashed Li Zedao's woman who fell down on the ground looked at the woman condescendingly, and said lightly, "Can you still get up?"

As for the dragon python, Li Zedao did not intend to kill it.

Li Zedao privately divided the vast Divine Realm into three powers. This power is the tens of thousands of Divine Realm people. The second power is naturally the descendants of Nuwa hiding in the Xumi realm. Then this third power is exactly he himself.

The first force and the second force are incompatible with each other, and the third force is pitifully weak.

The only thing Li Zedao can do at the moment is to let these two incompatible forces fight life and death, while hiding in the dark and trying to improve his cultivation.

In time, when his strength is enough to suppress the old ghost, the little tortoise, and the master of the eight sects, then he will be what he says at that time, and whoever dares not to accept it will slap to death.

Therefore, if this woman is rescued, the dragon python cannot be killed.

The woman's eyes widened all at once, and she looked at the person who suddenly appeared next to her with a stunned face, she was truly shocked in her heart.

Although I didn't see him making a move, the dragon python fell to the ground at this time. I want to know that he was knocked down by him, so easily defeating a dragon python, how terrifying is his strength?

"Much...thank you senior for saving your life." The woman struggled to get up and said respectfully.

senior? Li Zedao helpless, am I that old? I seem to be younger than you at my age, OK? Faintly said: "It's better to leave here early."

Since the dragon python appeared here, other Nuwa descendants might also be dangling around here, they are much more difficult to deal with than the mentally insufficient dragon python.

If this woman falls into their hands, the only fate is to become a tool for reproduction.

"Thank you, Senior." The woman said again, and said immediately, "Senior, please wait, wait for me to kill the **** dragon python!"

Meisou fell on the fallen dragon python, already full of murderous intent.

It was the first time that he was so embarrassed and almost lost his life when he grew up.

All the women wanted to peel off its skin, twitch its tendons, and cut off its flesh piece by piece.

"I can't bear to see that you were killed by the dragon python, so I tried to save you, and naturally I can't bear to see you kill the dragon python." Li Zedao coldly said.

"Huh?" The woman looked stupid and couldn't believe what she heard.

But he didn't dare to disobey Li Zedao's meaning, only when this terrifying senior was too merciful, and even the bloodthirsty and brutal dragon python was unwilling to harm him.

Really pedantic!

"Yes, senior." The woman said.

Li Zedao nodded, turned around and wanted to leave.

The woman glanced bitterly at the dragon python, and then followed Li Zedao: "Senior, please stay."

"What are you doing with me?" Li Zedao stopped and turned around.

Wouldn't it be the hero's scene of saving the United States that will happen to himself again?

Thinking of his terrifying face hidden under the black veil, Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

The premise for a hero to save beauty is that the hero must be handsome.

Immediately, Li Zedao remembered that he was now hiding that extremely ugly face tightly, which undoubtedly produced a kind of hazy beauty, plus the strong breath that he released from his body was as strong as that of the opposite sex. It's a deadly poison, so maybe.

"Hey, it's not my fault that the charm is too big." Li Zedao was deeply moved.

The woman said again and said: "Senior, please don't be angry. The little girl just wants to ask Senior to come back home with me. I want to thank Senior for your life-saving grace."

"No, I save you with nothing more than a simple effort. You can also say that I have nothing to do when I am idle." Li Zedao said lightly. Without the slightest interest in you, how can I have time to go to your house?

"..." The woman almost choked to death without Li Zedao's words.

I can only do it again: "Senior's life-saving grace, the little girl Pharmacist Zilian is unforgettable. If his predecessors ask for anything..."

"Ah? Wait, you said you called Yao Shi Zi Lian?" Li Zedao's complexion became weird, of course, because of his covering, so Yao Shi Zi Lian naturally couldn't see the change in the expression on his face.

"You are not from Wucheng Nadangu, are you?" Li Ze asked.

"The little girl is indeed from Dangu, and Yakushi Green Niu, the master of the valley, is the little girl's grandfather." There was a hint of arrogance in the voice of Yakushi Zilian.

But it’s not surprising that the other party knows his origin after hearing his name. After all, Dangu’s reputation is far-reaching in the realm of Gods. No forces dare to despise Dangu. Anyone who hears the word pharmacist will immediately think of his reputation Dangu.

Li Zedao's face that was blocked by the black gauze showed a slightly weird smile, thinking that Zhengshou didn't know where to go and the whole soul gathering bottle, but the other granddaughter of Yao Shi Qing Niu appeared again. This is really no effort at all.

"It turns out to be the granddaughter of Dangu Valley Master Pharmacist Qing Niu. It's no wonder that she has such cultivation skills at a young age." Li Zedao nodded.

However, there was no hint of awe in the voice. It felt like this Dangu was a small place, just like that, nothing special.

This made Pharmacist Zilian feel a little puzzled, wondering where this guy really came from.

Such a cultivation base, I am afraid it comes from a power that is not inferior to Dangu? For example, Yingzhou College? Still not Zhou Academy?

I am afraid that only people from such superpowers will be so arrogant, and will have such a normal reaction when mentioning Dangu?

"Since you are from Dangu, do me a small favor." Li Zedao said.

"Senior, you said." Yao Shi Zi Lian nodded quickly.

"That's it. I accidentally smashed my soul gathering bottle, and I was anxious to refine a soul pill. For a while, I didn't know where to find a soul gathering bottle. You must have a gathering in Dangu. Soul bottle? Give me one if you have one." Li Ze said.

"Soul Gathering Bottle?" Medicine Master Zilian's eyes widened suddenly, and her words became calmer: "Zhou...Senior, are you a soulsmith?"

"I am indeed a Soulsmith, but nowhere near your grandfather of the Fourth Grade Soulsmith, I am just a mere Grade One Soulsmith." Li Zedao nodded and said.

It feels like, yes, I'm so good. If you don't have anything to do, you can worship me.

"That's amazing too." Yao Shi Zi Lian exclaimed.

If you want to become a soul crafter, you must first become a nine-tier alchemist, which in itself very few people can reach this level.

How many alchemy masters in their lifetimes have not reached the height of the nine-tier alchemy master.

What is even more difficult than becoming a nine-tier alchemist is that you must also have the astral body. The astral body has to be awakened to produce astral power. This is even more one in a thousand. This is why, Nuo Great Divine Realm, the number of soulsmiths The reason is extremely rare.

Unexpectedly, the person I met by chance turned out to be a soulsmith.

Wait, if he becomes an alchemist who joins Dangu and becomes Dangu, wouldn't Dangu's strength be even higher? In this way, it will be more helpful for father to become the valley owner of Dangu in the future, right?

After making up his mind, Medicine Master Zilian said, "Senior, Dangu naturally has a soul-gathering bottle. I also ask senior to go to Dangu with me. The little woman will give the soul-gathering bottle with her hands to thank senior for her help. Yep."

Li Zedao simply refused: "No. There is a small town called Qingping Town not far from Wucheng. You should know that? You will send the soul gathering bottle to that town at this time tomorrow, and I will show up. If so. You haven't shown up in Qingping Town at this time tomorrow... Oh, of course I don't think you are a villain who doesn't know about Entubao, but I really can't delay anything, so I will leave first."

I thought I’m not stupid. Going to your house at this time, isn’t that going to send someone away?

"..." Yao Shi Zi Lian was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words once again.

I thought that if I hadn't appeared in Qingping Town at this time tomorrow, I would have become a villain who didn't understand Entubao.

"Senior, please rest assured, this time tomorrow, the little girl will bring the soul gathering bottle by herself." Yao Shi Zilian said.

"I still quite believe in your character." Li Zedao nodded.


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