The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2318: Heavenly breath

In fact, Li Zedao had never felt the so-called aura of heaven in his body.

When they were in the Mortal Realm, Old Sun and the others felt it, but no one mentioned it in this God Realm.

Naturally, Li Zedao didn't know that a strong man at the level of Little Tortoise had already felt the aura of heaven on his body, and even took a few bites because of his special body.

"It's just that no one knows that the aura of heaven and earth is more domineering and extremely rare than aura. This aura is extremely pure and unsullied, and can't tolerate any pollution."

"That is to say, even if you have realized the aura of heaven and possess the soul space, as long as you have a trace of aura in your body, although the aura of heaven can enhance your strength and strengthen your soul, it still cannot be used by you. It will even overflow. But now your dantian has been destroyed and your aura has been lost, so now the heavenly aura in this astral space can already be used for you." The consciousness left behind by this Nuwa explained.

Li Zedao heard the words and gradually understood the mystery of this heavenly atmosphere.

That is to say, I have both the dantian for storing spiritual energy and the soul space for storing the breath of heaven in my body, but because the existence of the dantian pollutes the breath of heaven, the breath of heaven cannot be used for my own... Or, the breath of heaven can only be used to treat insomnia Symptoms, used to resist the endless pain, besides, there is no other use.

Even because of possessing aura, the aura of the heavens disdain to be with aura, so it will run out of the astral space.

But now the dantian was completely shattered, and there was no more aura in the body, so the heavenly secret could be used for himself.

"In fact, the power of the soul we are talking about is actually the aura of heaven that has been seriously polluted. Because it is polluted, it can barely coexist with the spiritual energy and coexist in the dantian."

"What?" Li Zedao was stunned again, but at the same time, his mind gradually became clear.

If the spiritual energy is compared to the spiritual skill of the lower rank, then the power of the soul is undoubtedly the spiritual skill of the middle rank. As for the aura of the heavenly secret, it belongs to the upper rank of the heaven.

If this is the case, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing that the dantian is crushed.

The kind-hearted Li Zedao suddenly felt that the **** pig was not so excessive...

Li Zedao wanted to slap himself fiercely, don't be so cheap, okay? That **** pig is not too much? He ruined his own cultivation base, let himself take that **** medicine and almost emptied his body. He also snatched his golden cover and let himself drink urine. He also used extremely brutal means to kill Tai Shu Wuji also has two women...

All these crimes are so cruel that it is not an exaggeration to let him die 10,000 times!

"From now on, you only need to continue to comprehend "The Scroll of Secrets of Heaven", the celestial aura of this soul space will naturally become more and more rich, and the aura of this celestial will quickly restore you to your previous cultivation level, or even higher After that, as long as you are talented enough, the aura of this heaven is enough to make you a peerless powerhouse like Nuwa, a soulmaker like Nuwa, and refine the most powerful Horcruxes, even if your cultivation level surpasses Nuwa. Uncertain." The consciousness said again.

Li Zedao nodded, his eyes flashed with strange light, and his hand was slightly clenched into a fist.

"This is an introduction to Tianji cultivation, you are optimistic."

Before he finished his words, Li Zedao felt that there was a flash in front of him, unexpectedly a huge light screen appeared, and one after another large characters flashing with mysterious light appeared on the screen.

Li Zedao looked up and read the big words silently.

"Tianji training is divided into six levels, namely, empty valley, mountain range, Xiangyun, starry sky, slaughter, master, and chaos! Among them, the empty valley realm corresponds to but absolutely suppresses the top-grade peak cultivation base of the spiritual **** realm, and the mountain realm corresponds but absolutely suppresses. The quasi-spirit fairyland, the Xiangyun realm corresponds to but suppresses the middle-grade peak of the spiritual fairy mirror realm, the starry sky corresponds and suppresses the top-grade peak of the spiritual fairy mirror, Tuxian corresponds and absolutely suppresses the top-grade peak cultivation of the spiritual fairy mirror, and the master corresponds and absolutely suppresses the spiritual A strong man of Yujing cultivation base!"

The more Li Zedao watched, the faster his heartbeat, and the wider his eyes.

It feels like someone who is completely desperate has accidentally won a lottery ticket and won a five million prize.

In other words, once he enters the mountain realm, he can absolutely suppress the guy who used drugs and soared in strength he encountered before.

Even if it was the weakest Konggu realm, he could barely fight the drug-drinking guy.

"As for the chaos realm, that only exists in the legend. In these long years, only one person has reached that realm. It is Pangu who has opened up one plane after another with the sky-breaking axe!"

Li Zedao's mind roared violently, and a huge wave rose in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Pangu? Axe?

This is the sky-splitting axe that the little tortoise and the old ghost asked themselves to take back? Unexpectedly, it was the axe used by Pangu to pioneer the world!

"Tianji repair is that every time you upgrade a level, the soul space will change. At this time, the soul space is a valley, which means that you are now in the empty valley.

Li Zedao's hand clenched into a fist was trembling, which means that although his dantian was crushed, he did not lose his cultivation level, and even improved even if he met someone with a quasi-spiritual mirror cultivation level. , It can barely be a battle, with a golden cover, enough to save your life.

Throwing a big idiot out without knowing it, then killing the opponent is not a great thing.

Unfortunately, the golden hood was taken away by the **** pig.

"We must find a way to get back the golden cover!" Li Zedao thought.

"A cultivator of heavenly secrets can suppress the aura on his body at will. Therefore, even if you are a person with a spiritual mirror cultivation base, you cannot see through your cultivation base, and because you have the soul space, even if the body is destroyed, the soul will enter. In this astral space, it will not become a void, and a fleshy body can be reborn at any time."

Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, and now he is in this astral space, you really belch?

As for borrowing a piece of meat to give birth, Li Zedao has done it a long time ago.

Once in that cave, he used Wu Ming's body to be resurrected with the help of his master, and then brought to this God Realm through that teleportation, and then used that Li Zedao's body to resurrect.

Immediately, Li Zedao was ecstatic. Does this mean that unless his soul is severely injured, he will not die at all.

At this moment, the light screen disappeared, and the vicissitudes of life sounded in the ear again: "Your soul has indeed lost connection with the body, that is to say, you are indeed dead, but you can go out at any time. , Through that physical body is resurrected again, and you can also use anyone’s physical body to become anyone, even a strong person with the spiritual mirror cultivation base, there is no flaw!"

Li Zedao's mind trembled fiercely, thinking that if it was so, it would be really awesome.


A plate of cold water was simply poured on Li Zedao’s head: “It’s not that you can be resurrected indefinitely, you can only be resurrected five times at most. After five times, your soul is immortal, but it can only be in the form of a soul. Exist, remember to remember."

Five times?

Li Zedao smashed his mouth. Although it was less, it seemed to be enough.

The body is not clothes. How can you change it whenever you want? I'm really tired of looking at this face, and it's a big deal to get a plastic surgery.

After waiting for a while, there was no more sound in my ears.

"Are you still there?" Li Zedao couldn't help but speak.

There is still no sound, it seems that consciousness has completed its mission and has now disappeared.

There was an inexplicable gloom in Li Zedao's eyes, and then his heart moved, and the surrounding scenery had completely changed. He once again returned to the gloomy cabin where he was before.

Of course, he was floating there in the form of a soul body, so he didn't feel anything.

He could not feel the air or any temperature.

Unless someone with the power of astral walks into this hut, no one will even want to see Li Zedao.

On the ground, the devastated corpse was quietly curled up there, the eyes were still round, and the extremely unwilling light had not dissipated.

After pondering, Li Zedao floated towards the flesh.

After a few breaths, Li Zedao resumed the flesh smoothly.

That dead fish eye suddenly became bright, like a star in the sky!

At the same time, the limbs and corpses were unspeakably comfortable, and the physical pain had disappeared without a trace.

Feeling the breath of the lower body, sure enough, although the dantian is broken and the majestic aura no longer exists, there is an aura completely different from the aura in the body. This breath is extremely majestic and powerful. Li Zedao felt that he Even a strong person who is facing the spirit mirror cultivation base can still fight.

However, although the physical body is no problem, the pain in the soul still exists, which severely stimulates Li Zedao's nerves.

What is now placed in front of Li Zedao is still a difficult problem.

Although his current cultivation base has not only recovered, and even reached a higher level, this does not mean that his situation is safe. On the contrary, his situation will become more dangerous.

Once those people discover that his cultivation is restored, there will be more cruel methods to deal with him.

Besides, the ultimate goal of coming here is to get that sky-breaking axe! So even if there is a chance to escape, you must never leave here.

"What should I do to survive better and have the opportunity to get close to the axe?" Li Zedao thought.

Anyway, he didn't want to drink the disgusting urine and eat the **** and terrifying meat.

At this moment, an extremely weak movement came from outside.

At this time, the cultivation base was not only restored, but even higher, so Li Zedao clearly captured the movement.

When Li Zedao thought, he already had an idea. With a hand stretched out, he grabbed the **** piece of meat on the ground and exerted a slight force.

In an instant, that piece of meat was directly crushed into powder.

At this moment, the heavy iron gate was pushed open again, and the tall and thin figure of ghost face floated in and came to Li Zedao. At the same time, he had an extra chair in his hand.

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