When the little tortoise heard the words, he exploded: "Bitch, the tortoise is going to fight you to the death."

"All said, don't talk to the original god, the original **** has a cleanliness! Don't you understand the words after soaking in the water for a long time?" Purple Butterfly looked quite proud.

Little tortoise thought about it seriously, and understood, this **** **** is cursing his brain for flooding!

So the little tortoise became mad: "Bitch, today either you die or I die... I yeah, it must be you who died. Isn't it a slap in the face that the turtle master killed you?"

The tortoise's paws show up, and it's about to be shot.

"Smelly tortoise, do you really think that you are afraid of you?" Purple Butterfly snorted coldly, and its wings fluttered.

In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, causing Li Zedao to feel that his breathing was not smooth.

Immediately, the two terrifying auras began to collide, making a muffled sound.

Li Zedao was shocked in his heart. What kind of cultivation is this turtle and disc? Why is it so terrifying just to show a trace of murderous aura?

Li Zedao felt that he should stop it. If he really caused them to fight, wouldn't he be fucked?

"Master Turtle, Senior..."

"Shut up!" Little Turtle and Zi Butterfly said in unison.

Immediately, I felt that I was depraved. Otherwise, how could I say the same thing as the other party?

"My God has to stay away from you, otherwise you will be disgusting." The purple butterfly snorted coldly, and her wings flew away gracefully.

"Bitch." Little turtle cursed, but did not leave.

The tortoise eyes stared at Li Zedao very uncomfortably: "Your sister's little way, you actually stared at that **** **** with admiring eyes, do you believe the tortoise dug out your eyeballs? "

Li Zedao's eyes quickly changed, and he smiled and said, "Master Turtle, that butterfly..."

"What butterfly? That's a bitch! An unsmelling bug."

"Uh... yes yes, that... who is that person?" Li Zedao's little heart trembled, saying that he had no courage to spit out the word "cheap".

He is not a little tortoise, he can't bear the fan of the butterfly wings.

"Who else can it be? Just a bitch!" Little Turtle curled his lips, "Nowhere near as good a **** as Master Turtle."


The big tortoise yawned: "Master tortoise is going to sleep, don't disturb Master tortoise if it's okay."

As soon as the voice fell, the little tortoise had disappeared without a trace.

Li Zedao sighed in his heart that an expert is an expert, and he likes to do things like hiding his head and showing his tail, and feels that he is right to hug the little turtle's thigh.

This little tortoise of unknown origin is not only awesome, but also the strong men around it...Although it seems that the relationship between them is not good at all.

Resting on the spot for a short period of time, and swallowing a few pills, Li Zedao's aura recovered a lot.

He glanced at the Teng Lamu who was too dead to die. After thinking about it, he still searched him. Apart from some pills and a bag of gold coins, he found nothing precious.

Li Zedao couldn't see these pills and gold coins, so he didn't bother to touch them. Then gently picked up the Concubine Shui Ling whose face had recovered a little rosy blood, and swiftly swept towards the Gu Divine Mountain ahead.

Not long after arriving at the foot of the mountain, Li Zedao went up the mountain without hesitation.

As he expected, he didn't advance too long and he lost his way again, but Li Zedao was not in a hurry.


Li Zedao shouted, and then stayed still, waiting quietly for Yijiang to come and pick him up.


"If you want to wait for him to come back in this place, you can only stay in this colorless wall, otherwise it is quite dangerous. After all, the Silver King Gu will definitely feel your breath at the end, even if this is Gu Shenshan. They will definitely find it."

Looking at the expressionless Nangong Meili, Yijiang sighed softly.

He didn't think that kid could come back alive, so his own daughter might really have to stay in this colorless wall for a lifetime.

Under this circumstance, how could he rest assured to leave her here alone?

But if she doesn't leave, what should Yangdai do? Who will take care of her?

Yijiang really wanted to slap Nangong Meili away with a slap, but he was afraid to do so, perhaps he would completely lose this daughter.

Nangong Meili was silent, quietly looking at the cave entrance.

Yijiang sighed softly, just about to continue to say something, but his brows were raised, his face was full of surprise.

"I heard Ze Dao's voice." Yi Jiang said.

How can this be? How could he be able to come back alive? Or, after the snake bird sent him to the Gu Village, he was too scared, so he retreated?

Yijiang thinks the latter is more likely, otherwise it is impossible to come back so soon.

This contempt in my heart, this kid is not as man as he thought.

Nangong Meili's body had a meal: "Really?"

Yijiang felt sour in his heart. After I told you so much, you didn't say a word, and looked like you lost your soul. When you mentioned that kid, you suddenly came back.

"I'll take him back now." Yi Jiang said.

"Quickly." Nangong Meili urged.

Yijiang nodded, his figure flashed out of the cave, exchanged a few words with the snake bird, and then swept the snake bird's back, the snake bird spread its wings and swept down.

Soon, Yijiang and Snake Bird saw Li Zedao standing there waiting.

"Senior..." Li Zedao walked quickly to Yijiang.

"It's fine." Yijiang's skeleton hand patted Li Zedao's shoulder, his gray eyes filled with joy, and his eyes widened slightly, revealing a surprised look.

Because he noticed that the breath of Concubine Shui Ling in Li Zedao's arms turned steady and strong, and the pale face that was originally full of death was now a little more ruddy.

"Did you unlock the poison of Spirit Devouring Gu?" Yi Jiang couldn't believe that this was true.

"Solved." Li Zedao looked down at Shui Feiling, with a comfortable smile on his face.

"That's good." In fact, what Yi Jiang wanted to say was how could this be possible.

"How to solve it?" Yi Jiang asked.

"Oh, I caught a hostage, and then forced the other party to unlock the Silver King Gu's poison." Li Zedao said simply.

I can't say much about the little tortoise and the mysterious butterfly.

"Where are the hostages?" Yi Jiang nodded. I doubt it in my heart. If you know that all the densely packed areas around Gu Village are Gu worms, how could you be taken hostage so easily?

Besides, the other party agreed to help solve the Gu Poison, naturally because the hostage's status in Gu Village is not low.

How could such a low-ranking character fall into his hands and become a hostage so easily?

"I broke my neck."

"..." The corners of Yijiang's mouth twitched, and he felt that this kid must be hiding something important.

"It's okay, I'll go back and talk later." Yi Jiang didn't ask more.

At the moment the two swept the snake bird's back, the snake bird spread its wings and quickly returned to the cave.

Nangong Meili looked at Li Zedao who walked in, her nose was so sore, she felt like she was about to collapse, and even she herself didn’t know her nerves in this short period of less than two hours. How tight is the bund.

"It's okay?" Nangong Meili's eyes met Li Zedao's, and she glanced at the Shui Fei Ling in his arms.

"It's okay." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"Are you not hurt?"


"That's good."

"Student Meili, when those Gu people choose a saint, let's leave and go to Canghai City of the Middle Tribe." Li Zedao said.


"Mei Li, let you experience my persistence then?" Li Zedao smiled very shyly.

"Hmm...get off!" A blush appeared on Nangong Meili's face, she turned around, and said no more to Li Ze. This guy is really getting more and more annoying, and dare to say anything.

Thinking of the sound that seemed so charming two days ago, he was even more flushed, and for a while, his eyes didn't know where to look, and his hands didn't know where to put them.

Standing there, Yi Jiang coughed slightly, wishing to stretch out his skeleton hand and slap to death the kid who dared to molest his daughter.

Li Zedao laughed and walked into the small cave with Shui Fei Ling.

Two hours later, Shui Feiling suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly got up, but found that he was in the "bridal room", so that tight nerve was slightly relaxed.

Immediately, she looked at herself up and down a few times, and then felt her body, only feeling that the limbs and limbs were indescribably comfortable.

Meimou looked at the hole and heard a slight noise outside. It was Li Zedao's voice. He was talking to Nangong Meili in a whisper, at the same time, there was a tempting smell of barbecue. Came in.

So, the little brother successfully solved the poison on his body?

The corners of Shui Feiling's mouth were slightly tilted upwards, and she was full of brilliance in her eyes.

The growth rate of the little brother is really too enchanting. In just a few days, he has grown to the point where he even needs to rely on him and be protected by him.

In time, he will grow to a height that even he can't even imagine.

Li Zedao walked in quietly, eyes facing Shui Feiling's big watery eyes.

"Sister Shui, are you awake? How do you feel now?" Li Ze said, seeing that Concubine Shui's spirit was very good, and he seemed to have restored the noble but coquettish appearance of the past, and he was relieved.

He thought that Shui Feiling would have to sleep for a day, but he didn't expect that his body would have recovered within three hours.

Li Zedao's eyes flashed, and his body entered his arms.

"Little brother..." Shui Feiling was blowing the fragrance in Li Zedao's ear, extremely charming.

Li Zedao's body was tight, and he embarrassedly said, "Sister Shui, don't do this."

"Little brother, elder sister likes you, obviously you are a disciple but you like to pretend to be pure." Concubine Shui said lingering.

"..." Li Zedao was very helpless, he didn't need to pretend to be so pure.

"Little brother, thank you, thank you for not even wanting my life for me, thank you for your persistence..."

"..." Will this be too much.

The fragrant lips of Concubine Shui heavily blocked Li Zedao's mouth, and then it was full of spring light.

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