The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2191: Something is wrong

"Little brother, what are you doing?" Concubine Shui Ling asked in surprise.

Nangong Meili's eyes widened slightly, not understanding what Li Zedao was doing.

"I heard that many people lost their direction soon after entering this lost forest, and then they started to circle in place." Li Zedao said, "I am planning to make a small thing now, and that thing will help us guide the direction, not the original. The ground goes in circles."

Both Shui Feiling and Nangong Meili were surprised, and they didn't understand what Li Zedao was going to make.

In fact, their hearts are full of uncertainty. They are afraid that as soon as they enter, they will get lost and then completely lose their direction and start to spin around, then have to withdraw, or even be permanently trapped in this lost forest.

Unexpectedly, Li Zedao seemed to have thought of countermeasures a long time ago.

However, he saw that Li Zedao took out a small iron wire, and then rubbed the iron wire on the raincoat made of some kind of animal fur.

What Li Zedao wants to make is naturally a compass, the simplest kind.

In his opinion, this place is actually the earth, but the earth in a different parallel space, of course, it may also be other planets, and there are also magnetic fields in all likelihood.

Sure enough, through his previous experiments, he was right.

Rubbing the iron wire with the animal's fur in the same direction will cause the iron wire to generate a weak current, which can be made into the simplest compass. This is the most basic common sense.

However, in God's Domain where everything is so backward, there is naturally no such common sense, just as Lao Jian saw that the convex lens made of ice could ignite the wood, and the whole person was directly stupid.

Li Zedao now wants to thank his physics teacher so much for imparting such knowledge to himself.

Sure enough, that sentence is correct. If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you are not afraid to travel all over the world!

After rubbing in the same direction nearly a hundred times, Li Zedao threaded the iron wire into a small piece of extremely light wood that had been prepared long ago, and then put the wood into the bowl.

Shui Feiling and Nangong Meili's eyes fell in the bowl, but they saw that there was nothing special except the iron wire that passed through the small wooden block floating on the water.

"It's done!" Li Zedao said.

"Little brother, what is it?" Shui Feiling was a little puzzled.

Li Zedao's mysterious mystery made her have an urge to hit people, making her very idiotic.

"Look at this thin wire carefully."

Li Ze reached out his hand and flicked the small piece of wood lightly. The wire began to turn, and after a few breaths, he stood still on the water.

Immediately, Li Zedao bounced again, and after a few breaths, he stood still again.

"Do you understand?" Li Ze asked.

Shui Feiling's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking a little, and then her eyes widened: "Is this iron wire always pointing in the same direction?"


Concubine Shui's spiritual hand also bounced off the small wooden block, and sure enough, when the wire was still, she still pointed in the direction ahead.

"This...why? Why is it always pointing in the same direction?" Shui Feiling was dumbfounded, her mind roared violently, and an unprecedented huge wave was set off in her heart, and she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing.

Nangong Meili's reaction was almost the same as that of Shui Feiling, and her eyes were extremely incredible.

This is far beyond what they can understand.

"This is because... a natural phenomenon, as if the sky would thunder and rain."

Li Zedao really didn't know how to explain to them, he couldn't say that there was a magnetic field in this world and so on.

"This is what I discovered accidentally. When the thin iron wire rubs on the animal's fur, it will always point in the same direction, but it is not permanent. After a period of time, it must continue to rub."

"Monster!" Concubine Shui said with a slightly weird expression.

Although Li Zedao said that he discovered this accidentally, the woman's instinct told her that the little brother must have concealed something.

Damn little brother, there are a lot of things to hide from sister.

Remembering that Nangong Meili had said before that there was one or more women waiting for him to return somewhere, she was so depressed that she wanted to kill.

"But with this thing, you really don't have to be afraid of losing your way, just walk in the same direction all the time." Shui Feiling said.

In this way, I don't worry about going around in circles after entering the lost forest.

"Sister Shui, you take this bowl to guide the direction in the back, I row the boat in the middle, you pay attention to the movement in front."

Li Zedao handed the simple compass to Concubine Shui Ling, then looked at Nangong Meili and said.

The two girls had no objections. Concubine Shui Ling's strength was the strongest, and it was indeed the most suitable for watching the movement behind him. After all, most of the attacks were behind him.

At the moment, the three of them swept the canoe into the water. Li Zedao gently moved the water with the oars in his hands. The canoe began to pass through the big trees and gradually entered the depths of the lost forest.

However, seeing the poisonous miasma in front of them become more and more dense, even if the three people's sights are better, it is extremely difficult to see the situation several meters away.

Concubine Shui Ling and Nangong Meili were secretly surprised. After all, they underestimated the dense forest in the water. If they hadn't held the thing that could be used to guide the direction, they would have been completely lost.

The only thing that is more comfortable is that as the trees become dense after entering, they are not washed away by the terrible rain.

However, because of the extremely low visibility, he didn't even know what danger was hidden ahead, so Li Zedao's paddle speed was extremely slow and his movements were very light.

He didn't want to disturb the behemoth living in such muddy water.

Concubine Shui Ling, like Nangong Meili, didn't dare to show any carelessness. In this famous fierce land, any carelessness could lose his life.

In this way, driving a distance of about a few hundred feet, the uneasy feeling in Li Zedao's heart that he didn't know when it surged became more and more intense.

Because, something is wrong.

It's not because of the neighing of poisonous insects and beasts coming from the surroundings, but because, the ** is quiet!

That kind of extremely depressing silence, as if there were no living things around.

This is undoubtedly very weird. It stands to reason that there will definitely be some kind of poisonous insects in this kind of dense forest, such as various mosquitoes and flies. No matter how bad, there must be a few fish in the water, right? There must be a few birds on the tree, too?

Didn’t it mean that millipede mosquitoes live in this forest? where is it?

But no, nothing... at least Li Zedao didn't feel it.

The sound made by the oars moving on the surface of the water made the silence around me especially obvious.

"Something's wrong!" Shui Feiling suddenly said, her eyes scanned the surroundings, and her body released an extremely terrifying pressure.

This is naturally to warn the poisonous insects and beasts where they are hiding. I am not easy to provoke, so don't come forward.

Although the mystery fox bloodline she possessed was forcibly eliminated, the instinct of that kind of beast still exists, that is, the ability to perceive danger. She always feels that there is a pair of very cruel eyes staring at them in a corner. .

Li Zedao felt even more nervous when he heard this.

Even Shui Feiling said that, it proved that there must be some unknown and extremely terrifying danger around.

Nangong Meili also became nervous, holding the long sword in his hand tightly, ready to give a sharp sword to the visitor at any time.

"Sure enough, something is hiding near here, be careful." Concubine Shui raised her brows.

She already noticed a strange fishy smell.

The powerful poisonous insects and beasts are extremely good at hiding their tracks, and they are also quite good at hiding the coercion on their bodies, but there is one thing they are difficult to hide, that is the kind of smell that the body is born with.

For example, if you let it take a bath tens of thousands of times, the Kunmon still has that strong smell.

For example, after taking tens of thousands of baths, I still have this body fragrance that makes my little brother indulge in...Shui Fei Ling wants to despise myself. Is it time to think about this now?

When Shui Feiling finds herself with her little brother, she always likes to think and think, and they are all special pictures.

"Sure enough, the ancients don't deceive me, those who are near Zhu are red, and those who are near ink are black! Those who are near little brothers are all lustful!" Shui Fei Ling felt infinitely emotional, feeling that a girl who was so pure was blackened.

Li Zedao swallowed and stopped paddling, his eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, especially the front.

Once something terrifying hits in front of him, he would rush to the front to protect Nangong Meili behind him.

At this moment, a strange sound came from the extremely turbid water, the originally extremely calm water began to fluctuate, and the canoe began to shake with the waves.

The nerves of the three of them are all tense, and their eyes are either nervous or solemnly looking at the surrounding water.

After a few breaths, the water surface fluctuated more and more, and the entire single tree was also swaying violently, as if the boat on the sea was experiencing a violent storm, and it was in danger of capsize at any time.

But fortunately, the three of them are strong, and they can easily stabilize their bodies, but the horror in their eyes becomes more and more solemn.

Because not only Shui Feiling and Li Zedao, even Nangong Meili also smelled an extremely strong stench.

Something scary is about to emerge from the water!

"Be careful!" Shui Feiling said in a low voice. Her whip has already appeared in his hand, and the whip is even more wrapped in circles of terrifying cyclones, and she intends to slam the whip against the water.

No matter what is hidden in the water, let's start first.

As soon as the voice fell, it was as if a cannonball exploded in the water. The terrifying energy directly exploded the entire surface of the water, and the entire single tree was directly blown into the sky.

Li Zedao, who had been prepared for a long time, took Nangong Meili and Concubine Shui Ling's figure and jumped onto the surrounding tree.

It's just that the attack came so suddenly that the three of them didn't have time to make an agreement at all, so that Nangong Meili and Shui Feiling rushed to the tree on the left, and Li Zedao rushed to the tree on the right.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

The flying single tree fell heavily back to the turbid water surface, and there was a huge wave.

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