The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1796: No cell phone signal

Precisely because the old nun looked no different from having passed away, Li Zedao only felt that his weak little heart was beating "pounding", and he was almost shocked by a heart attack.

If these nuns insist that they exhausted their master by themselves, wouldn't they cry?

"Amitabha Buddha, Master is in concentration." Wang An said, holding back his anger, and almost hit people. It's really short hair and shorter knowledge, you have passed away!

" long does it take for the teacher to be too calm?" Li Zedao secretly took a deep breath and calmed his mood. The old nun was only half talking. More importantly, Li Zedao wanted to know from her where the nameless cave was.

"The shortest one is ten days, and the longest one lasts as long as one month." Wang'an said.

"..." Li Zedao couldn't help sighing in his heart. As expected, she is a goddess. Entering Ding can last such a long time. It seems that waiting for her to wake up here is simply impossible.

Even if you want to stay, maybe these nuns can't let it? Even if...Li Zedao thought for a while, it was too dangerous. Doesn't this mean sending the fat sheep into the tiger's mouth?

"Then, can you force the teacher to be too determined?" Li Zedao asked cautiously.

"Amitabha Buddha, this is okay, but Master will be very angry." Wangan's eyes look at Li Zedao is no different from that of animals, and his attitude becomes unfriendly again.

"Uh...I'm just kidding." Li Zedao smiled with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Amitabha Buddha, benefactor, please come back. As for Sister Wangchen, Master has already told us and we will take care of her." Wangan simply issued an order to expel the guest. For this dare to say that the master has passed away, he intends to force the master out. Ding bastard, plus, he is still a flower picker, so even if he is a master of returning to nature and a disciple of the secret, he has no good impressions anymore.

"It's too much to have a teacher," Li Zedao said politely, "That... can I make a presumptuous request."

"Amitabha, since it's presumptuous, don't you need to talk about the donor?" Forgetting looked at Li Zedao's eyes a little wary.

"...I mean, can mine know the teacher's or your contact information? After the teacher's appointment, I have important questions and want to consult her." Li Ze said, shocked by the nun. It is false to say that he is not embarrassed, but his face is thick enough.

"Amitabha, monks don't use mobile phones." Wang An said.

"..." Li Zedao almost spit out old blood, thinking that it was not that he didn't use a mobile phone, but that the incense of the nun's nunnery was too low, so I didn't have money to buy a mobile phone?

Look at those monks and nuns in other temples, who is not a senior white-collar worker holding the national salary? Let alone use a mobile phone, the car going out is still a Rolls Royce.

"Well, I will leave my mobile phone to you, Senior Sister." Li Ze said.

"Amitabha, monks don't use mobile phones." Wangan's eyes looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot, and he emphasized again.

"Besides, there is no signal here, even no electricity." When Wangan said this, his tone was somewhat depressed.


Li Zedao took a look at the phone and almost cried. Sure enough, the phone had no signal at all!

"If that's the case, then leave." Li Zedao said helplessly. Of course, before leaving, I did not forget to take away the golden box of bitter and sweet tea on the table.

Li Zedao really can't disobey the intention of an old man.

As for Forgotten's extremely depressed eyes, he simply ignored it.


In Hee Hee Ma’s airport, two well-dressed men, a man and a woman, are particularly eye-catching.

The man's sunshine is handsome and the woman's personality is hot. What's more interesting is that the woman is still a blonde foreign woman.

So no matter how you look at it, this is a sweet couple whose love has already crossed national boundaries.

Sure enough, that sentence is right. Love has no borders, no age, no gender...

"Oh, dear boss, what are we going to do in Yanjing?" Mia's eyes fell on the boss who had been following for almost a month, and asked with a charming smile, her eyes were watery, as if Seduce people to commit crimes.

As she said, she stretched out her hand and hugged Li Zedao's arm.

After getting along for nearly a month, Mia has a deeper understanding of this boss. On the surface, this is a young, handsome and sunny boy. The boy is occasionally shy, just like a little virgin who has just started his love.

But if you stare at his eyes very seriously, you will quickly capture the depth, the kind of precipitation that peers don’t have, the kind of gloom that seems to have insight into everything around, and occasionally there will be The electric light is flickering, it will make you have a feeling of being electrocuted. For a girl, such a look is undoubtedly a kind of poison and a deadly one.

At least, Mia felt that she was poisoned.

Of course, compared with General Skull, this new boss is undoubtedly better to get along with. General Skull smiles at you gloomily and will force you to do some very dangerous things. If the task is not completed, he will use the most Punish you harshly.

And this new boss, he has nothing dangerous for you to do, he won’t hold his face to you, he won’t speak loudly to you, and he won’t restrict your freedom...Although he has taken medicine to control you Body again.

The most important thing is, is he handsome?

Men like to stay with beautiful women, and women are no exception, like being with handsome guys.

In addition, I have been in the dark for a long time, so the current Mia undoubtedly likes the sun and the noisy city life, so Mia is quite satisfied with the current life.

The reason why it is fair is because there is a little regret. If the new boss is willing to help her solve her physical problems, then this kind of life is perfect.

She is a very normal woman, so she is in need.

A few nights ago, Mia, who had been unable to get any physical needs for ten days, approached Li Zedao, and put forward her request shamelessly, wanting to use the body of the boss.

Without a word, the boss took her directly to the place where she usually works... the kitchen.

Mia thought that the new boss liked this kind of tune, but the next second she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, thinking that the boss is worse than the beast, Li Zedao even opened the refrigerator, and then found two cucumbers and one inside. Eggplant, if it’s not enough, there is still in the refrigerator, oh, if it doesn’t work, I will buy you durian tomorrow.

After that, Li Zedao ran away with Miana's murderous eyes, and did not forget to close the kitchen door when escaping from the kitchen.

The next day, Mia fried a cucumber and made an eggplant sauce, but in the end no one moved the chopsticks for these two dishes, and the eyes of the boss women looked so weird when they looked at her, which undoubtedly made Mia even better. I wanted to vomit blood, and I felt insulted to death.

Who is she? She is one of the twelve holy knights of the Skull and Crossbones organization. She does not blink her eyes when she kills. She is still a **** and fashionable beauty. How could she be so miserable that she would fall into using cucumbers and eggplants to satisfy herself. Point?

If you really need a man, you just need to come out and hook your fingers. Those **** can't come over and lick their feet quickly?

It’s just that Mia is a very high-sighted and extremely picky woman. She doesn’t like those bastards. At present, the only one who can fall into her eyes is the boss. Unfortunately, the boss is too stingy. I am too busy to help.

This undoubtedly made Mia quite resentful.

Early this morning, when Mia was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, Li Zedao suddenly appeared behind her, and simply said that after breakfast, go and pack things. I want to go out and you will be with me.

So after breakfast, Mia, who simply packed up her luggage, drove to the airport with the boss.

None of the boss’s women gave them away. They were busy with what they should be busy with. So it was inferred from this Mia that the boss should want to do something very easy this time, and there is no danger, otherwise his Those women would not be so indifferent, as if the boss would go back in two or three days.

Of course Mia also understood why the boss brought himself, he was not at ease with himself.

Mia didn't care so much about the boss's distrust of himself. After all, he had done more than distrustful things.

"Last time I ruined your travel plan. I was really sorry. In addition, you have worked hard during this period. So, as the boss, I decided to take you on a trip. Don't be too moved." I carried a small bag on my back and pushed it in my hand. Li Zedao in a suitcase responded with a faint smile.

He is not a casual man, so he tried to break free from the woman's hand, but instead he was hugged tighter by her, and simply followed her.

Oh, damn, can you speak such a bad excuse? When Mia secretly despised Li Zedao, she already had a shy face with an expectant smile, her head drooped slightly, her eyes filled with water, and she whispered: "Oh, so, just me and the boss Two people?"

"Then who else do you think? Just the two of us." Li Zedao's eyes were a little wary. This woman was always thinking about her body, which made Li Zedao feel too dangerous. Well, we must beware of this woman looking for a chance. I got drunk or even drugged myself.

"So, there is no proprietress to follow, right? So you reserved a room, right?" Mia smiled very charmingly.

"Uh... the room hasn't been decided yet, but I think it is enough to book a suite. I sleep in the master bedroom and you sleep in the second bedroom. What happens in this way, so that you can take care of it immediately." Li Ze said very seriously. Considering this question and saying, "I can't guarantee that I have concealed that from that general skull."

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