The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1768: Shy sister

Right now the fat man groped for a while in his trouser pocket, and finally took out a box of business cards from it, took out one and handed it over.

"Introduce myself, I'm a scout for Transcendental Entertainment, and we are currently preparing to film "The Fate of the Sword", I think you are very suitable for playing a very important role in it..."

"Not interested." Meng Jing was lazy to pick up the business card.

The fat man was decisively stupid. This woman's reaction was completely beyond his expectation. In his prediction, when she said this, she should nod or just take care of it. It's right to make a silly laugh and say that it's not good.

The fat man thought her ears were a little problematic or her IQ was in arrears and didn't understand what she said, so he planned to explain: "Uh, miss, it's like this..."

"Go!" Meng Jing had the urge to beat someone. The fat man seemed to her no different from an annoying fly.

"Miss, what's your attitude? Do you know that what is in front of you is an opportunity to turn you into a big star?" Fatty's face turned red rapidly, and Meng Jing's attitude made him very accurate.

Meng Jing didn't say anything, but looked at Li Zedao and said that you can start beating people.

So Li Zedao slightly twisted his neck while taking a step forward, smiling at the fat man.

"What do you want to do?" The fat man became a little wary, mainly because this little white face smiled too badly, and he was gearing up. Is this planning to do it on himself?

But vigilant is vigilant. Fatty doesn't have any reason to be afraid. Although he is a civilized person, his tonnage is there. So when you really start, Fatty has reason to believe that he is still dominant, and pressure can crush you.

In the next second, there was an inexplicable feeling in his mind. From the appearance, it seemed appropriate for this kid to play the protagonist Qin Feng of "The Fate of the Sword", especially his unkind smile. When he got up, he looked more like Qin Feng, and when Qin Feng smiled, he felt very unkind.

"You mean Handheld Entertainment? "The Fate of the Sword"?" Li Zedao looked a little weird, thinking that he really had a lot of fate with this Handheld Entertainment and what TV series.

"Yes, Handheld Entertainment, Legend of the Sword...You are also a fan of this super big IP, right?" When the fat man looked at Li Zedao saying this, the greasy pancake had a hint of arrogance on his face, shrugged Shrugging his shoulders regretfully said, "So, you should know what a chance it is to put in front of your girlfriend? Unfortunately, your girlfriend didn't grasp it."

Hmph, even if you beg me, I wouldn't recommend you to play that role, unless... the fat man glanced at Meng Jing, and the obsceneness in his eyes flashed past.

"Uh, no, I just happen to know what the director of this TV series is called Jin Libo, right? And what is the name of the general manager of your Handheld Entertainment... Huang Han? What is the chief producer named Liang Zhicheng? They have been discharged from the hospital. Right?" The corners of Li Zedao's mouth curled up slightly with a strange range.

The look that the fat man showed when looking at Meng Jing made Li Zedao extremely upset.

" know them?" The fat man looked at Li Ze with wide eyes, his expression changed. Knowing director Jin Libo, of course it’s okay. After all, the candidate for the director has been announced long ago, but he still knows about President Huang and President Liang, and even that they are hospitalized, so the fat man does not pay attention to each other. .

"Oh, I saw it in a coffee shop a few months ago, but it was not that pleasant, so I sent them to the hospital." Li Zedao said casually.

"..." Fatty's eyes almost fell, his face was full of shock, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Don't you believe it?" Li Zedao asked.

"This... kid, don't make such a joke, otherwise it will annoy you." The fat man said with an ugly face. He is not a fool, how can he believe it? Just such an ordinary little white face can have the kind of ability to get President Huang and President Liang to enter the hospital?

"I'm telling the truth, not kidding." Li Zedao explained that he hated others who didn't believe what he said, and even the way they looked at him, just like looking at an idiot.

Being seen by an idiot as an idiot made Li Zedao very depressed, not to mention that the idiot stared at the senior sister with such rude eyes.

"Look, you're joking again... I said why you are so provocative..."

The fat man hadn't finished a word, Li Zedao simply kicked over and kicked the fat man directly on his stomach, and he simply kicked the fat man to the ground. The pain caused his face to be twisted into a ball, just like a bun. Like.

In the next second, the mouth was even more open, but on the contrary, no sound was made.

Li Zedao ignored the fat man who was lying on the ground holding his stomach and rolled. He looked back at Meng Jing and smiled: "Let's go, Senior Sister, let's continue."

"Yeah." Meng Jing smiled and nodded slightly, the appearance of this fat man was an episode for her, and at most it affected her a little bit of mood. Of course, she didn't bother to ask Li Zedao what happened before.

The two continued to shuttle in the crowd. Unknowingly, one of her hands hugged Li Zedao's arm, and the other pointed at the stall, with a hint of coquettish voice, and said, "I want to eat that... …And that, too."

After sweeping the snack street, Li Zedao then left the snack street with an expression of unsatisfactory meaning, but with a bulging belly, the two walked into a cake shop.

At the moment, Li Zedao chose a cake that was enough for the two of them, but it was very delicate, and after Meng Jing saw the cake, the expression of expectation in her eyes that had been so soft for a long time.

"Where to celebrate your birthday?" After walking out of the cake shop, Meng Jing asked in a low voice, her heartbeat speeding up inexplicably and her face starting to get hot.

After the whole day, the relationship between the two has actually settled down. Even in the movie, the two kissed so dimly that Meng Jing almost fainted because of lack of oxygen. So next... is it time to go to the hotel? It's all performed in idol dramas, and given the **** of this bastard, how could he let him go... If he dared to let go, he would be dead.

This made Meng Jing's heart very nervous, but she was looking forward to it, so now she was 100% sure, she was completely obsessed.

She also seemed to understand why so many women liked him and accommodated him, because he did have such magical powers.

"Where do you want to go?" Li Zedao asked back.

Meng Jing didn't answer, she lowered her head slightly and looked at her feet, and there was another urge in her heart to look at him fiercely.

Shouldn't this kind of thing be the initiative of boys? And you have such a thick-skinned face... and, even if you make any unreasonable request, I... of course will refuse, but if you are a bit more aggressive, I can't refuse, can I? Am I not your opponent?

"Senior Sister, I thought for a long time. I didn't know what gift to give you. Finally, I thought about it. I will give it to you. Please don't dislike it." Li Zedao smiled and looked at this obviously not calm, obviously very shy, but yet Said the woman who tried to pretend to be calm, and nothing happened.

" can I not dislike it, you...are not the original product?" Meng Jing didn't dare to face Li Zedao, her teeth bit her lip and whispered.

Once, she did dislike this guy to death, and even when she first came into contact, she was still seriously doubting whether the wife had admitted her wrong son. How could such a stupid kid be her son?

After that, she felt that this guy was too carefree, and people really wanted to beat him up.

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that the reason for wanting to beat him is because he is more or less jealous.

"...Senior Sister, I am disgusted. I am so disappointed. I need your comfort, so let's find a hotel." Li Zedao looked disappointed, but what he said was as shameless as ever.

He stretched out his hand and put his arm around Meng Jing's waist. He looked forward and said with a pleasant face: "Sister, look, it's a coincidence, there happens to be a hotel there, let's go over."

"Oh." Meng Jing replied shyly like a mosquito.


In the middle of the night, at the entrance of the Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, which was already quiet, a black shadow appeared there quietly like a ghost, and came to the red BMW car parked there before Li Zedao.

At this time, the surroundings are already quiet, and there is no such hustle and bustle as a few hours ago. At this time, this luxurious metropolis has a rare tranquility.

On the side of the road not far away, after someone spread a few newspapers directly on the ground, they simply fell asleep. This kind of sleeping directly on the side of the road is extremely common in Yanjing, an eye-catching luxurious metropolis, especially in the square in front of the railway station, where people lie down.

Many of them are young people who came to this city with dreams and struggled, but the cruel and cold reality forced them to make such a move.

At the moment, the black shadow squatted down slightly, reaching under the car and stroking it. Soon he stroked a foreign object, and the corner of his mouth was already slightly tilted.

With a slight force, he tore off the foreign object, took it in his hand and scanned it a few times, then took out a Swiss army knife from his pocket, and quickly disassembled the foreign object.

In less than two minutes, this card-sized foreign object was simply divided into two by him. Then, he glued one half of it back to the bottom of the car again, and put the other half in his pocket.

He stood up, patted his butt, his figure flashed, and disappeared there quickly, as if he had never appeared before.

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