The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1746: Arrogant mixed race

The fat woman who was originally aggressive like an old hen who just gave birth was even more frightened. The other's expression and eyes were like tearing her up, making her feel cold. , Her mouth opened, after all, she didn't have the guts to repeat what she just said.

"Now, I give you two choices, kneel down and slap yourself, or I will help you." Li Zedao twisted his wrist slightly, and he had reason to believe that this person likes to look for her. A fat woman who looks back will not kneel down and slap herself.

Kneeling down and slap her in the face, she wouldn’t do such a loss of share. The more important reason is that she didn’t believe that she was about to be beaten severely. She thought that the other party was just saying a few words. I dare not do it.

Of course, if it weren’t for her too much pumping, Li Zedao didn’t even want to do it. As soon as she saw the cracked foundation on her face, Li Zedao felt sick. If she slapped it, the nausea seemed to be the same. It seems to make no difference to shit.

Hearing what the other party said, the fat on the woman's face started frantically, and the thick layer of foundation smeared on her face cracked directly, and then brushed to the ground, making her face look even more scary. Up.

Li Zedao wants to cover his face. Mom, he looks ugly and draws such exaggerated costumes. It is not your fault to wear such high-heeled shoes that attract people's attention. After all, is it true that everyone loves beauty? But it's your fault to be scary.

When those who watched the excitement heard Li Zedao’s words, they all looked strange. Although they were somewhat frightened by the aura emanating from him, they also felt that his words were too arrogant and too bullying. Too bad.

Some people even want to come and help when they can’t see it. Do you think you are a "hybrid" with an islander descent, and you think you are noble? Do you think you are a native of an island country and come to China to be a distinguished foreign guest?

Damn, you try it, don't you believe it, we will punch out your green shit?

Well, after being misled by the fat aunt, they all thought that Li Zedao was a Huadao hybrid.

"You still have ten seconds to consider." Li Zedao said again, and then grabbed a solid wood dining chair on the side. I just thought about it. It seems that I can't make it with my hands dirty. If that's the case, let's hit it with a chair.

"Uh..." When the fat woman saw that this **** really planned to do something, instead of being scornful, she was afraid and angry at the moment, so that her body trembled even more, and at the same time she took a step backward subconsciously, but Because the high heels on her feet were a bit too high, she squeezed her feet and sat on the ground with a heavy butt, which made her scream again in pain.

"Do you... do you know who I am? Do you know who my brother-in-law is? If you dare to mess around, I promise you will die miserably." The woman screamed, her vicious look in her eyes Screamed with a trace of panic.

"I only know that you are going to spend a long time in the hospital." Li Zedao shook his head and raised the chair.

Who is your brother-in-law? Forget about fighting father, even fighting brother-in-law? Of course, Li Zedao was still willing to believe that the relationship between this fat aunt and her brother-in-law was very simple.

"Hit people, help...Islanders hit people..." The fat woman screamed, the voice so harsh, as if she was about to overturn the ceiling of the restaurant.

"What is it? You hit a woman?"

"Yes, you have a kind of hands-on try, I guarantee you will not get out of this restaurant."

"Little devil get out..."

"Come on, little devil, let's find a place to practice, I will beat you to death with Tai Chi."


Many **** people around them decisively couldn't stand it anymore. They all stood up and stared at Li Zedao with threatening eyes. However, the threats return to the threats, the threats return to the threats, but no one dares to get too close. After all, this islander is holding a "weapons" in his hand. If he is smashed, he can't commit have to go to work this afternoon.

More importantly, they lack an early bird. If someone takes the lead, they will definitely get a warm response from many people. What everyone likes to do is this kind of icing on the cake.

It’s a pity that this restaurant is quite high-end. The people who dine here are basically people like the boss, shopping mall elites, not the ordinary food stalls and barbecue towns, many of them are people who teach and teach, so fight this kind of thing. They are really not good at it, so after everyone weighs their own combat power in their hearts, it's better not to be the first bird.

"Xiao Su, it's him, it's really him, only he can be so handsome when he hits..." Sun Lingfei clenched her small fist, and her eyes filled with tears were already full of idiots, then The tear-stained face was already covered with a brilliant smile, and the body was trembling slightly with excitement.

If it wasn't for his handsome and heroic posture when he hit people, or if he suddenly relaxed so that his body was light and fluttering, and temporarily lacking strength, Sun Lingfei wanted to jump at him now and threw heavily into his arms. , And then took a few heavy bites by the way.

Not only because I really miss him so much, but also because my heart is beginning to accumulate depressed emotions. Since I'm back, why don't you let me know? Bastard!

" handsome, so handsome." Su Meng felt so sad. During this period of time, she worked so hard to coax her, telling various jokes and doing all kinds of funny actions. She was stunned. Laugh, now she is brilliant as soon as he shows up, she's a typical forgotten friend.

However, it is really handsome. So Su Meng also started to become idiots, and the woman who didn't want to be him didn't prevent her from loving him.

Li Zedao directly ignored the threats of the mother who seemed to him, staring at the fat woman on the ground with cold eyes and no human emotions, and said word by word: "Ten seconds are here."

Then, the chair in Li Zedao's hand was about to hit the fat woman fiercely.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Before the chair was smashed down, the fat woman let out a scream of earth-shattering crying, as if being rounded by hundreds of big guys.

In her heart, the fat woman cursed viciously the **** around those who only screamed, but did not dare to step forward to stop this atrocities.

Still not a man? Still not from Huaxia? Is it bloody? Is there any national dignity? The islanders are so arrogant and domineering to beat the Huaxia people in Huaxia, but no one of you dared to go up. You are ashamed of your ancestors and the nation. You are not worthy of being Huaxia, and you are not worthy of calling yourself descendants of Yanhuang! You all go eat shit, bastard...

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind: "Stop!"

After hearing the familiar voice, the fat woman almost cried. This is simply the sound of nature.

With the sound of the cold stopping sound, only a woman and two men who knew they were bodyguards came quickly.

This is a very capable woman who is about twenty-seven and eighteen years old. The woman has a decent appearance and a proud and arrogant breath. At this time, her beautiful eyes stared sharply at Li Zedao who was holding the chair, but the cold light was constantly flickering. Obviously, she was not an easy character, at least her background was not too small.

Li Zedao naturally heard this cold threatening voice, but he didn't stop, even without turning his head, he stopped when others threatened him, so he still shameless?

Many times, Li Zedao is a face-saving person, so Li Zedao directly smashed it!


This chair smashed firmly on the fat woman’s arm, and instantly discounted the fat woman’s hand. The crisp sound of broken bones made no one who heard the sound feel numb. The ground trembled a few times. This islander was really too ruthless, too arrogant, and too unscrupulous.

These people were secretly rejoicing while taking a cold breath. Fortunately, they didn't become the first bird, otherwise they might be the ones who broke their hands.

"Ah..." The fat woman let out a stern scream, rolling on the ground with pain, her fat face was completely twisted into a ball, and Dou sweat kept coming out.

She said nothing, that this **** island nation not only dared to do something to her, but he did it.

"Um, were you talking to me just now?" Li Zedao raised his head, his eyes falling on the beautiful woman.

The little face of the glamorous woman was simply dull. Obviously, she didn't even think about saying that when she stopped her voice, the man started even more ruthlessly, and directly interrupted her cousin's hand.

Then, her little face became completely gloomy, looking at Li Zedao as if looking at a dead person.

" are going to have him beat him to death. If you don't kill him, Cousin will be beaten to death by this **** islander..." As if she had found the backbone, the fat woman cried out. Yu cried and said, the look in Li Zedao's eyes was so vicious and hideous.

"Interrupt his two hands for me." Yang Qinglian didn't even look at the howling cousin on the ground, her eyes still staring at Li Ze.

Auntie cousin made her hot face, and felt extremely ashamed.

Of course she wanted to kill this **** bastard, but it was obvious that it was impossible, but it was okay to interrupt his two hands first.

As soon as the voice fell, the two black-clothed men standing behind her rushed towards Li Zedao straightforwardly, aggressively and unstoppable.

In the next second, everyone's scalp was numb, and a roar of mind appeared.

Because the two men in black who rushed over fell directly in front of the island man, and even they didn't even see whether the island man was in the act.

Yes, they didn't see it.

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