The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1744: Haggard Sun Lingfei

Michiko Haneda, of course, could see that Sister Kita liked Yoko from the bottom of her heart, rather than pretending to do it. She also believed that Li Zedao's other women would also like Sister Kita, and love Yoko more.

And she didn't have to worry about Yoko's condition as before, because Li Zedao was already helping Yoko for treatment. Every other day, after Yoko fell asleep, he would fill Yoko with silver needles.

"The happier things are yet to come. Compared with Sister Bei, my mother must spoil Yoko even more. I may wish to give her everything by then. You'll know this afternoon." Li Zedao smiled, and he could imagine it. After seeing Yoko in the afternoon, mother and them would definitely want to hold her and not let go. Later, Yoko will be spoiled too.

Michiko Haneda pursed her lips and smiled and nodded. She kissed Li Zedao's face with her lips, and said softly: "Michiko will go to the bathroom first and come back to eat."

Li Zedao smiled, pointing to his left cheek and said, "Kiss and go again."

Michiko Haneda smiled charmingly, and Yiyan's scented lips kissed Li Zedao's left cheek again before she got up and walked towards the bathroom.

At the same time, a woman stepped on her high heels and walked towards her head on.

Women are obese, about forty years old, but a thick layer of foundation is applied to their face, which barely hides a lot of wrinkles, so the actual age may be a bit older than it looks.

The most eye-catching thing is of course not her face and her figure, but the pair of thin heels that she wears on her feet. This kind of dress is not sexy, but has a bit of spicy eyes.

Many people will sympathize with those high heels silently in their hearts. What a **** and beautiful pair of shoes, how can they be ruined like this?

And obviously, fat women obviously can’t control such high-heeled shoes well, so the walking posture is a bit funny, quite like a duck walking, and it is inevitable that people want to squeeze a cold sweat for her. I'm really worried that she will be beaten all at once.

When she was about to pass Haneda Michiko, the woman's feet suddenly smashed, and she sat on the ground simply, and then subconsciously let out a scream that seemed so sharp.


This sudden scream drew a lot of eyes instantly, and it also frightened Michiko Haneda who was closest to her.

Of course, Haneda Michiko knew that she was a stumbling fall. After all, a few seconds ago, seeing her stepping on such a pair of high heels and walking towards her head on, the kind-hearted Michiko would inevitably worry about her.

Looking at her walking posture, she knew that she simply couldn't control this kind of hatred, and it would be sooner or later to be afraid of falling. Among the women Yoko knows, I am afraid that only Yingzi can control this kind of high heels perfectly, and even she can wear this kind of high heels for a 100-meter sprint.

At the moment Michiko Haneda smiled friendly at her, stretched out her hand, tried to help her up, she did not speak, after all, she hadn’t learned Huaxia yet, she didn’t think this woman had understood the island language. . Moreover, because of ethnic reasons, Chinese people are not too friendly to islanders, just as islanders are not friendly to Chinese people. This is another reason why Michiko Haneda did not speak.

Seeing this woman smile to herself, the hot face of the woman instantly became cold.

Sitting on the ground in front of these many people, the woman naturally felt embarrassed. If there was a gap in the ground, she would want to get in.

And now, this **** woman dared to laugh at her in front of her, which made the woman's anger suddenly popped out.

Her big, fat hand slapped the friendly hand of Michiko Haneda very hard, her tone was extremely bad, and her voice pointedly cursed: "Smelly bitch, why are you laughing?"

"Pop!" Haneda Michiko's hand was patted, and the hot pain made her brows frowned instantly, although she could not understand what the woman said next, but from the expression and tone of her face , She is undoubtedly angry, angry at herself.

This made Michiko Haneda somewhat stunned and innocent. She didn't know what happened, and she didn't know why this woman was angry with herself.

Li Zedao, who was sitting there eating, saw this scene, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he got up suddenly.

"Smelly bitch..." The woman cursed again sharply, holding the table with her hand, standing up with difficulty, and then pointed at Michiko Haneda and cursed, "You bitch, you must apologize to me... It's not that you hit me with your eyes, can I fall? You must apologize to me! Otherwise, I will make you unable to eat!"

A heavy fall under the crowd is naturally extremely embarrassing in the eyes of a fat woman, but if he fell because of a hit, he would naturally not be so embarrassed.

So the women simply poured such a pot of dirty water on Michiko Haneda's head.

Michiko Haneda looked at a loss. She couldn't understand what this woman who seemed so anxious and frustrated was saying to herself. When she was about to ask Li Zedao for help, she had already seen Li Zedao appear next to her.

"Michiko doesn't know what happened." Michiko Haneda looked at Li Zedao and said with a soft smile, with a slightly wronged tone.

"It has nothing to do with you, she fell by herself, but she feels that she is losing face, so she intends to rely on you and find some face on you." Li Zedao briefly explained, stretched out his hand and gently picked up Haneda Michiko's The little hand, still hot on the back of the hand, said distressedly: "It's all red, right?"

"Michiko is okay." Looking at Li Ze who was blowing gently towards the back of her hand, Michiko Haneda felt that her heart was filled with honey in an instant. The sweetness was abnormal, and that small grievance disappeared all at once. Disappeared.

"If something happens, it's all red. Who dares my woman to do it, I will let her doubt life!" Li Zedao said very domineeringly.

"Yeah." Michiko Haneda smiled ambiguously and nodded slightly. She didn't mind Li Zedao helping her get justice. More accurately, even if Li Zedao was going to grab the bank now, she would help him out there obediently.

"Oh, it turned out to be two island country devils, I said, men are wretched, and women are lewd and cheap."

Of course, fat women don't understand the island language, but they have seen pigs run before eating pig heads. For example, she can understand the words "flax drop", so of course they know that they speak island language.

At the moment, staring at the dog men and women from the island country with slanted eyes sneer, and their voices are extremely sharp, as if everyone in this huge restaurant can't wait to hear her.

For a time, many eyes fell on here, pointing and whispering, it was obvious that the identity of the island nation completely attracted them, and it could even be said to stimulate their nerves.

If the islanders dare to dress up in China, they really don't mind letting the islanders feel the "hospitality" of the Chinese people.


In front of an elegant seat in the corner of the restaurant, a girl dressed in simple black sportswear with such a haggard face was sitting there cutting steaks. Her movements were very light and casual, so after cutting for a long time, she could not Cut a small piece from the big steak.

Her eyes are very beautiful, but their eyes are dim, there is no focus, and she looks absent-minded.

There was another beautiful girl sitting opposite the girl. When she saw her girlfriend making gestures for a long time, she didn’t even cut a piece of meat, didn’t eat a bite, and her face was worried, her mouth opened, she said. A sigh.

She had persuaded her too many times, but it had no effect. His death hit her too much, so she simply lost her soul and made her forget how to laugh.

Su Meng knew that when Sun Lingfei left the villa that night, she didn't want to wait in the villa silently, wait, and endure the unbearable suffering and pain, but wanted to go to the island country alone. Believing that he died just like this, she wanted to find him back.

On the third day after leaving the villa, she appeared in the island country dj. She stayed for more than fifty days and nights. During these fifty days and nights, she walked all over the corner of the dwarf dj. When the body is gone, she will rush over.

She was terrified and terrified to say that the corpse was the man she thought of day and night, but she passed by with great fear.

And every time she found out that it was not, she would breathe a sigh of relief, then smile and cry and coaxed herself and said, it's not him, not him, he is still alive.

It wasn't until some time ago that Sun Lingfei's father was ill, and Sun Lingfei left the island country and returned to China to take care of his sick father.

Su Meng knew that after her father got better, Sun Lingfei would definitely leave for the island country again.

She is a person who admits to death like this. She believes that he must not be dead, he must be somewhere in the island country, but he can't contact the family temporarily when he is injured. She wants to find him, and she wants to bring him back.

What Su Meng can do now is to accompany her every day, try hard to make her happy, and try hard to get her to eat more. She is so emaciated that Su Meng feels distressed.

"Feifei, let me cut it for you." Su Meng said distressedly.

Sun Lingfei raised her head and looked at Sumen. There was a little more color in her eyes. Then she stopped the unconscious meat cutting movement in her hand, and said in a hoarse voice: "Then you can cut it for me."

She thinks the meat is too hard and the knife is too blunt, otherwise why can't it cut it off?

She didn't want this girlfriend to worry too much, nor did she want her body to break down, she had to go to him. So I tried very hard to eat more and force myself to sleep.

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