The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1725: Face draw

"What do you say? With his kind of IQ, I would definitely think that we were doing ghosts when we were in the island country. Otherwise, why would he return to China without telling us in such an identity?" Director Yang shouted at Sumen Tao.

Director Yang really wanted to beat up the old man, and wanted to slap himself a few slaps. On that day, because of a suspicion that seemed very likely to be out of nothing, he wondered if Li Zedao had reached an agreement with the Skeleton Organization. He also planned to do something unfavorable to China, so their digging made Li Zedao jump, and they wanted to completely obliterate him!

So, how can there be no complaints in that kid now? Does he even think that his woman is dead, so he plans to create something in the dark? Otherwise, why would he return to China in secret without hiding their sight?

"What else can I do? He dare to fail with fc? Besides, even if he guessed something, what evidence does he have to prove that those things have something to do with us?" Seeing that Director Yang was so excited, Su Men calmed down. Then he drank the sprinkled tea in his hand and responded with a sneer.

He really didn't think that kid dared to make things big, because his family had too many big business women, too many scruples, and simply couldn't afford it.

"Anyway, I can't let that kid know that his woman is in our hands. If you want me to say, just kill her to death?" Sumen poured another cup of tea for himself.

A fierce wind hit Sumen's old hands suddenly, smashing the cup he had just picked up, and finally hit the wall heavily and shattered.

"Sumen, I warn you, if you dare to have this kind of thinking, don't blame Laozi for not killing you emotionally!" Director Yang's voice was cold, looking at Sumen as if watching. Like a dead man.

He knows very clearly that if the woman dies, there is no room for recovery. This is tantamount to offending that kid's rebellious scales. With that kid's temperament, he will definitely be desperate. Killing! He dared to enter the stronghold of the Skull and Crossbones organization in DJ, and he dared to enter the headquarters of FC!

Seeing Director Yang with a murderous look, Su Men squeezed his already numb hand, his face turned overcast, and he gave a cold snort without saying anything.


"Who the **** are you?" Wang Hui raised his brows as he watched this scene.

He probably knows that Pan Xiaoting had several boyfriends before, specifically in order to express how much he loves and love her, naturally he didn't know much, so this guy is also one of her ex-boyfriends? Her previous taste was so unique? Or is he a very rich guy? But judging from the cheap clothes he was wearing, it didn't look like it at all. Or is it because I was rich in the past but now I have no money?

Li Zedao ignored Wang Hui and looked extremely pale, Pan Xiaoting, who had stiff muscles, continued with a wry smile and said, "That's why I'm back."

Wang Hui's complexion was overcast, this **** is too arrogant, right? How dare you ignore yourself?

"It's too late to come back, it's too late...I..." Pan Xiaoting bit her lip and pushed Li Zedao abruptly away. She covered her face and squeezed away from the crowd. She quickly disappeared from Li Zedao's sight.

Then her only self-esteem trend, she ran away quickly, and if she continued to stay, she would only be embarrassed to the extreme.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly again. He knew that Pan Xiaoting had no face to see herself. Of course, he didn't blame her at all, he was not qualified! After all, I am not good.

"I won't see you in the future?" Li Zedao's heart pumped inexplicably. He knew that this girl would be depressed for a long time, and he said that nothing would appear in front of him.

Moreover, it's not just Pan Xiaoting who left, right? Those women won't appear in front of them in the future, right?

Li Zedao's heart twitched, and then he was quickly filled with anger. He wanted to punch someone, and wanted to think about it.

"You shouldn't make such an excessive request for your own benefit, let alone hit her." Li Zedao closed his eyes and looked at Wang Hui, saying word by word.

Wang Hui's heart trembled inexplicably, mainly because the other person's eyes were too terrifying, as if he was looking at a cold corpse.

Then Li Zedao took a step forward.

Subconsciously, Wang Hui took a step back. It is because when a person encounters danger, his body will instinctively make a move of avoiding backwards.

Then, Wang Hui felt that he had been seriously insulted. How could he be afraid of such a guy who is not as tall as he is, is not as strong as he is, and as handsome as he is? How can he avoid it? Is this kind of performance a bit too cowardly? He dared to take a step forward, so he should take two steps forward!

The behavior just now was that he himself insulted himself, but Wang Hui would not think so. If this **** guy didn't show up, would he accidentally insult himself? will not! So it's all this kid's fault!

So Wang Hui simply went forward three's not too late to make up for it, isn't it?

Wang Hui felt that he had to show his strength to this arrogant boy in front of everyone, so he looked provocatively at the face that was far less handsome than him, blushing and sneered, "I just What can you do?"

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped Wang Hui's face with a straight slap, and he used a lot of strength, so Wang Hui simply turned around twice, but he felt his ears buzzing, his mouth, The nose and ears were all bleeding, but the inside of the brain was blank, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

He has been completely stunned.

The people watching the excitement are not too big of a problem, so they all stared at this place with bright eyes after seeing the hands. They believed that after such a slap, that guy would definitely make the strongest counterattack, and they were willing to help him cheer and applaud.

Wang Hui’s family background is not too bad. Although he is a young man in Wei Lingyun’s circle, being able to enter the circle is also a manifestation of his strength, so naturally a lot of flattering him from childhood, even people in the circle, The ridicule is ridicule, and no one dares to slap his face so simply.

Therefore, after Wang Hui was stunned, he was simply irritated, his eyes filled with red light, and his eyes were staring at this **** guy.

"Asshole, do you dare to beat me? I will definitely make you worse than death..."

Snapped! Li Zedao simply came over with another big ear photon, and said: "You snatched my line, this sentence should be right for me."


Snapped! Li Zedao slapped again and said, "Can you still hear me? It's okay if you can't, as long as you know that you are still being slapped by me."


At the same time, in the box on the second floor of the Nebula Club, Wei Lingyun and his party were standing in front of the huge bright French window, watching downstairs Wang Hui was not able to resist at all by the man who suddenly did not know where he came from. Then one by one slapped the ears, even, they seemed to be able to hear the crisp applause, the muscles on each face twitched wildly, they couldn't believe what they saw.

"Shall we not come forward?" One of the men's eyes fell on the back of Wei Lingyun who was standing in the front, and said with some difficulty. After all, they are people in their circle, and they feel shameless now that they are stunned.

Wei Lingyun shook his head strangely and said, "I'm looking at it."

Wei Lingyun felt a strange feeling inexplicably, something seemed to be wrong.

He was another slap in the face. Now Wang Hui couldn't even stand steady at all. He was shaking and almost sitting on the ground.

"What do you think I can do?" Li Zedao said coldly, then twisted his neck slightly, the warm-up was over, and it was time to be a bit cruel.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zedao simply kicked over and kicked directly under Wang Hui's crotch.

Wang Hui, who had been stunned, suddenly stopped fainting, but he clearly felt the sharp pain under his crotch, and then his swollen pig-headed face was simply twisted into a bun, and At the same time, he covered his crotch with both hands, and then collapsed on the ground.

All the sensations in his whole body were gathered and standing at a certain point. His brain was blank due to the pain, and all the negative emotions brought by being drawn several times in public were gone.

Of course, this is still over, Li Zedao passed by again, this time kicking on his right arm covering his crotch.

"Kacha!" The crisp sound of broken bones sounded.

"Ah..." A screaming scream came out of Wang Hui's mouth, and Li Zedao's right hand, which he had previously shot Pan Xiaoting a slap in the face, was completely scrapped.

"What can you say to me?" The cold voice without any human emotion sounded again.

The pain was so painful that Wang Hui couldn't speak at all. There were beads of sweat on his extremely distorted face, his mouth was desperately sucking in cold breath, and his body trembled extremely badly.

Then, Li Zedao walked over again and stepped directly on his right calf.

"Kacha!" There was another sound of bone fracture that made the scalp numb. His previous attempt to kick Pan Xiaoting's foot was also simply abolished by Li Zedao.

At this time, Wang Hui didn't even say a word. He rolled his eyes and passed out.

"I can make you worse than death, and let you live in the shadows forever!" Li Zedao said in a voice without any temperature, and then he stepped over again. This time he did not step on Wang Hui, but stepped on it. He fell on the phone beside him and smashed it hard.

When he lifted his foot, the phone had completely turned into a pile of waste.

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