The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1543: Beast boyfriend

Yang Ze looked affectionate and continued to ask: "Then do you love me?"

"Love, I love you very much." Su Meng was shy again. Can you fall in love if you don't love? If you don't love, can you deliberately choose various gifts for you? If I don’t love you, I can cooperate with you to wear such shame clothes, do such shame actions and say such shame words...

Compared with Sun Lingfei who was thought of by Wei Monkey, Su Meng felt that she was utterly blissful. She felt that she was the happiest person in the world, and no one was happier than herself.

"Do you really love me?" Yang Ze smiled badly, "Does that mean you are willing to do anything for me?"

Su Meng bit her lip and nodded shyly. She probably knew what Yang Ze was talking about and was willing to cooperate with him and do these things for him.

" can do something for me." Yang Ze held the delicate silver spoon in his hand, gently stirring the cup of coffee in front of him, and said, "To be precise, it's to help me get a person. "

"Huh?" Su Meng was taken aback, looking at Yang Ze with big eyes, "Get a person? What do you mean?" Who is this going to beat? I'm not good at doing this kind of thing myself.

Before, Sun Lingfei said, Xiaosu, you are so weak, you don't have the capital to fight back if you are bullied. Come, this lady will teach you some tricks.

So Su Meng was taken by Sun Lingfei to practice taekwondo for a few days, but she really couldn't bear the kind of pain, and she even dangled her waist and gave her ankles, and then she gave up.

"Fixed my dad’s boss, that is, my boss’s boss, Director Cai, that is an old pervert. If you look so beautiful, he will be very happy to see you. As long as you make him happy, he won’t It will embarrass my dad, and my life will be better." Yang Ze looked at Su Meng affectionately and said, "So, Xiao Su, in any case, you must do me a favor and help me fix the director Cai. ."

Xiao Su's originally big eyes became bigger, and he stared at Yang Ze blankly. The heart that was full of happiness instantly collapsed, and he was in a mess. So, he asked himself to accompany that director Cai... to sleep? No, no, how could Yang Ze, who loves himself so much, let himself do this kind of thing?

So Su Meng took a deep breath and asked, "Yang Ze, I... don't understand what you mean too much."

"It means, how do you usually seduce me and make me cool, you find time to use all that set on that director Cai, make him cool, and then help me." Yang Ze I patiently explained that at the same time, there was a trace of distress and tenderness in my eyes, and my hand stretched out and placed it on Su Meng’s little hand that was beginning to tremble, "Xiao Su, thank you very much. I will definitely treat you twice as much in the future.

Su Meng's face was already pale and bloodless, and her body trembled as if she had been severely chopped by thunder for several times. She stared at the increasingly strange face in front of her, and her heart fluttered. , And then his vision began to blur, and he suddenly pulled his hand back.

"Xiaosu...Xiaosu..." Seeing Su Meng's expression, Yang Ze knew that it might not be easy to convince this woman, so his expression was sincere, and his voice became pleading, "Really, Xiao Su, as long as you Helping our family get through this level, I will treat you twice as much in the future... If you don’t help me, Director Cai will definitely play with me and my dad. Then, I will have a great future. It's gone..."

"You should change your... future? When you made this request, did you really think about my feelings?" Su Meng's voice trembled, and she almost couldn't explain it clearly.

She felt so cold, as if she was in an ice cellar.

"Of course I thought about it. I know you are wronged and uncomfortable, but you have to believe in yourself. You can. Then you can close your eyes and imagine him as me..."

"Get out!" Su Meng suddenly yelled. She looked so angry, that fleshy little face was almost deformed, Su Meng didn't understand, how could he say such shameless words Take it for granted?

Yang Ze saw strange eyes projected around him, a little guilty, and quickly tried to comfort Su Meng's emotions: "Xiao Su, don't get excited, don't be angry, Director Cai has been embarrassing my dad, me and my dad. The life in the game is not easy, I have no choice but to want to... Xiao Su, for my future, for our future, you..."

"Yang Ze, you beast, you are not as good as a beast! I didn't expect you to be such a person! You... even... If I am blind, I will fall in love with a **** like you, from now on, You have nothing to do, how far you rolled..." Su Meng’s expression was so painful, tears began to roll down like broken pearls, and the whole person looked as if his soul was half gone. of.

Compared with Sun Lingfei before, Sun Meng only felt that she was really happy to death. Her boyfriend was so spoiling and loving herself, but now... it turns out that she made a poppy-like thing that looks beautiful but it is so terrible. dream! Like that Wei Monkey, Su Ze is so disgusting and disgusting, and he is even worse than Wei Monkey!

At least, because of Wei Monkey's life and domineering, even other men looked at Sun Lingfei a few more times, it is estimated that he wanted to goug the other's eyeballs, let alone who Sun Lingfei went to bed with.

"Xiao Su, didn't you say that you like me to do anything for me?" Seeing this woman disagree and let herself go, Yang Ze's mood suddenly became extremely bad, and he asked loudly, Ye Gu I can't catch the gazes projected from the surroundings.

In fact, it was not Director Cai who was embarrassing his father, but when Director Cai accidentally saw the picture of Su Meng in Yang Ze’s phone at a dinner, the old pervert was worried about it, and then slapped it sideways. ...Xiao Yang, Director Xiao is about to transfer his position but he is vacated. Although you are young, you are promising. I am very optimistic about you... Oh, yes, your phone screensaver That girl looks a lot like the daughter of an old friend of mine. Isn't it such a coincidence?

Yang Ze second understood what Cai Ju meant. For him, this is a rare opportunity for promotion, and the price he needs to pay is so insignificant, just let Su Meng sleep with the old satyr.

But he didn't expect that this little sheep, who is always obedient to him, would have such a big fire, which made him feel unhappy and unhappy!

Su Meng's vision was completely blurred, and her heart was gloomy, and she hissed: "Go away, you go away, I don't care what you say, I won't promise you, if you want to please your boss, you can send your mother there. Ah, she loves you so much, she will definitely agree..."

"What are you talking about?" Su Ze's expression turned ugly, stinky bitch, dare to say that to my mother.

"Say let your mother go!" Su Meng shouted loudly, as if venting.


Su Ze, who was in a bad mood and with a grim expression, slapped Su Meng's face with a heavy slap, and immediately knocked Su Meng to the ground.

"Bitch, shameless, don't you?" After smoking, he cursed with a squalid voice.

For a while, more eyes were attracted.

At the same time, the waiter in the coffee shop saw the couple who had been okay in a quarrel, and even started to do it, and quickly tried to persuade them.

At this moment, a roar sounded: "Yang Ze, do you dare to hit our Xiaosu?"

The person who yelled this sentence is naturally Sun Lingfei.

When she walked into the cafe with Li Zedao, she saw Su Meng and Yang Ze sitting in the corner, but she was slightly surprised that the two seemed to be red-faced, arguing about something, right now Hurry up and have a look.

At this moment, she actually saw Yang Ze slap Su Meng's face directly with a slap, and saw Su Meng slipped from the chair and sat on the ground.

I heard the sentence Yang Ze said clearly: Bitch, shameless, right?

Therefore, Sun Lingfei directly exploded, and the whole person instantly turned into a little female leopard in a state of anger, and when he roared that sentence, the whole person had already rushed towards Yang Ze!

Facts have proved that the strength of taekwondo masters with red and black belts is still very scary for ordinary people. Not to mention that Sun Lingfei is angry now. When she is about to rush to Yang Ze, the whole person is already high. Gao jumped up, and then kicked to Yang Ze's face.

After Yang Ze heard the roar, he subconsciously looked back, and then he could clearly see the lines on the sole of the sneaker that Sun Lingfei was wearing.

Then, his pupils opened wide in an instant, and his mouth opened wider. Instinctively, he wanted to avoid, but his body was rigid and couldn't move at all.

After that, he couldn't see anything.

Sun Lingfei patted Yang Ze on the face, and another beautiful whip leg.

"Bang!" Yang Ze's body soared into the air, then slammed heavily on a table, then rolled down to the ground again, and also overwhelmed two chairs by the way.

Then, Sun Lingfei fell to the ground in an absolutely handsome posture.

The waiters who came over to persuade and those who watched the excitement were dumbfounded, looking at Sun Lingfei with an incredible expression. They never thought that such a weak-looking girl would have such a strong skill and explosive power, all of a sudden. Kicked the tall man.

After a successful blow, Sun Lingfei didn't continue to make a move like before, and she kicked it a few more times, but with a distressed look, she helped Su Meng, who was holding her face and crying, shaking and shaking.

"Xiaosu, are you okay? Let me see, let me see..." Sun Lingfei was so distressed that she almost cried.

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