You know, the other people in the manor don’t even know that Teacher Pete has rebelled. They absolutely obeyed Teacher Pete’s orders. Li Zedao, whom Pete asked them to sneak into, would never be merciful if they killed them. There are dozens of outstanding masters brought by Chief Mayer.

But when he didn't feel any movement, Li Zedao appeared in front of him as if he had returned to his home safe and sound. I have to say that this is indeed a miracle. More accurately, this young man is terrible. It was scarier than he thought.

"Oh, it can't be said to be a miracle." Li Zedao said modestly, although he also felt that he was awesome, "It was mainly Patriarch Mayer who took action on Teacher Pete, which allowed me to find an opportunity.

Patriarch Moss frowned slightly, and then sighed softly. He knew that even if Mr. Pete joined the Rothschild family, Patriarch Meyer would definitely be worried about him. It would be a matter of time before he got rid of him, but he did not expect Meyer can start so quickly.

"Oh, Teacher Pete, is he... okay?" Miss Mitty looked sad and worried. Even if he betrayed her, he still felt uncomfortable now.

"Suffering a serious injury, even if it does not endanger his life, I am afraid I will not be able to stand up in the future. Meyer asked his men to crush both of his legs." Li Ze said.

In fact, when the genetically superman attacked Teacher Pete, Li Zedao could do it if he wanted to save him, but Li Zedao did not make a move after all.

Since Mr. Pete chose to betray the Luciano family and cooperate with the Rothschild family, he should have the consciousness to be obliterated after being used up by Rothschild.

"Oh, God." Patriarch Moss wrung his brows tightly, and sighed again, Miss Mitty's expression was sad, her small face pressed against Li Zedao's chest.

"Where is Meyer? You killed him?" Patriarch Moss asked again, his heart slightly raised.

Killing Meyer will naturally be troublesome, and it is a big trouble. After all, people all over the world basically know that his baby angel is about to be engaged to the idiot William in Deakin Manor, and now, The servants in the manor began to get busy, preparing for the day after tomorrow's engagement ceremony.

Many people also know that Meyer is in Deakin Manor. If he dies in Deakin Manor now, then there will be an uproar. At that time, not only the entire Rothschild family will be completely agitated, but also Other dependent Rothschild families will also find trouble for the Luciano family. Even the U.S. official will start looking for opportunities to make things difficult for the Luciano family. It can be said that Luciano will be completely put on the fire by then. The situation is extremely dangerous.

Of course, let’s bake it. Patriarch Mayer is also willing to go. The big deal will be the end of the Luciano family and the Rothschild family.

He still has this kind of courageous spirit.

"Oh, I didn't kill him, nor did I hurt him." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I killed one of his bodyguards. In addition, the members of the Rothschild family who guarded in Area A were all caught by me. Fainted."

"Oh, where are Meier and Teacher Pete now?" Moss nodded and asked, feeling relieved. Myer’s not dead means that there is no need to take the entire Luciano family to fight with others. It also means In turn, he can humiliate the old **** fiercely, and it is even more necessary for him to make good compensation for his mental losses these days.

"They are all in Teacher Pete's room, but..." Li Zedao hesitated.

"Oh, but what?" Patriarch Moss's heart raised slightly again.

"Uncle Moss, you can check it out." Li Zedao said, his face was thin, so he was really embarrassed to say what happened to Chief Mayer.

Two minutes later, the three people left the study.

It is very shameful to be trapped in his study for five days. At this time, he was able to come out. Patriarch Mayer's heart was naturally full of emotion. He had a feeling of escaping from the dead. In fact, he was already in his heart. The idea of ​​death has been made.

He knew that Chief Mayer would not kill him. In the same way, Chief Mayer fell into his own hands and would not kill him, because they were all targets that the other party wanted to humiliate severely.

That kind of humiliation is undoubtedly more unacceptable than death, so in the heart of Patriarch Moss, once that old **** Meyer dared to humiliate himself, he would definitely kill himself without hesitation.

Miss Mitty always wrapped Li Zedao's arm with her hands tightly, looking at him affectionately, her eyes reluctant to leave for a moment.

Patriarch Mayer’s study is on the fifth floor, while Mr. Pete’s room is on the second floor. When walking downstairs, you can see people who were beaten and lying there for unknown reasons. They were all led by Patriarch Mayer. The bodyguards who entered the Deakin Manor have now all been beaten up by Li Zedao.

On the second floor, you can see lights shining from the door of Teacher Pete’s room from a distance, Patriarch Moss sighed slightly, and Miss Mitty’s face was full of sadness. .

They can understand that Teacher Pete chose to betray them in order to cure their illness. They don't think it is wrong and will not blame him, but no matter what, the former family affection is basically gone. Betrayal is undoubtedly the biggest s damage.

The steps seemed heavy and came to the door. Patriarch Moss took a deep breath and walked in, frowning instantly. The smell of blood in this room was so strong that he was extremely uncomfortable.

It's not that he has never killed people, but it was a long time ago. Now that he wants to kill people, he doesn't need to do it himself, just a look and a word, and someone will get things done.

Then, his gaze fell on Teacher Pete, who was sitting there, looking awkward and old.

"Good evening, dear Patriarch Moss, Miss Mitty." Teacher Pete slowly opened his eyes and said with a slight smile. No matter the tone or expression, there is no difference from the past.

Patriarch Mayer felt sore, nodded and said, "Good evening, Teacher Pete."

The tone has changed, and his expression is not as respectful as before, and it is more heartache. Teacher Pete could not take his betrayal seriously and treat him calmly as before, but Patriarch Moss couldn't do it.

He also wanted to say, are you okay... But after all, he didn't say that. He couldn't calmly treat him as before. After he chose to betray, all the feelings of the past disappeared.

Of course, he would not kill him, and he would let people treat him well.

Seeing Teacher Pete so embarrassed, Miss Mitty bit her lip lightly, her eyes turned red, her mouth opened, and she tried to say something, but in the end she said nothing.

Teacher Pete smiled and nodded, and closed his eyes again. He was too tired to open his eyes. At this time, his heart was relieved, relieved, and relaxed and happy.

He was only now realizing that the idea that the safety of Patriarch Moss and Miss Mitty was more important than his own life had been incorporated into his blood.

Then, Patriarch Moss’s gaze fell on Meyer who was sitting there. Of course, Meyer was sitting with his back to him, so he could only see his head that was fainting, apparently fainting. Up.

At the moment, Patriarch Moss slowly walked to the front, and his eyes widened suddenly, as if he had seen the most incredible things in the world. He never expected to see such a scene. The thing on Er's blood-red thigh, he naturally understood what it was.

After stupefied for a few seconds, his second reaction was to laugh and laugh fiercely, but the unbridled laugh was not in line with his identity, so it was quite uncomfortable to hold back.

Mitty, who was holding Li Zedao's hand, also came to the front. After seeing this scene, she was dumbfounded, and then exclaimed "Ah...", and then immediately realized that it is shameful to see this thing. Not a lady, quickly cast away his eyes and looked at Li Zedao with weird eyes.

"Oh, it was bitten off by her." Li Ze said, pointing to the Great Yangma who was shocked. Of course, this is not to say that it has nothing to do with him. In fact, although it is the mouth of the big Yanma, it is actually Li Zedao who is doing the ghost secretly.

When Patriarch Meyer used obscene and obscene words to humiliate Miss Mitty from time to time, Li Zedao was naturally very depressed when he heard it, and he dared to humiliate his own woman like this, really **** it!

So, when the genetic superman brought by Patriarch Meyer completely kicked Teacher Pete’s knees to the knees, Patriarch Meyer was enjoying the service of the Great Yanmar while planning to use words to humiliate Teacher Pete, hide Li Zedao, who was in the dark, simply flicked a twist in his hand, hitting an acupuncture point on Dayangma's body.

Hitting the acupuncture point will not cause any harm to your body, but it will make your teeth clenched involuntarily, and it is the kind that is critical. So, the big Yanma is critical, and then the tragedy of Patriarch Mayer Up.

"Oh, dear, I want to bite too." Miss Mitty's blushing face, charming eyes looked at Li Zedao like water, then she stood on her toes and whispered in Li Zedao's ear.


"Ze Dao, he's not going to die, right?" Patriarch Mayer forced a smile and looked back at Li Zedao and asked. He believed that Patriarch Mayer's thing was naturally bitten by his woman, but he was more willing to believe that this matter must have something to do with Li Zedao.

Didn't you do it on him? This is already killing him!

"Don't worry, Uncle Moss, I have simply helped him stop the bleeding, but I still have to treat him quickly, otherwise he might really die." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said.

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