The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1480: Unreasonable request

After hanging up the phone, Patriarch Mayer's mind could not help but think of Miss Mitty's eyes that look like the most precious emeralds in the world, thinking that if those eyes were charming and even lewd. Looking at yourself, what kind of feeling would it feel.

Just thinking about it, I can't bear it.

As a result, a passionate live-action small movie was officially staged.

The ocean horse who had massaged his back began to gallop.

The woman's body swayed severely up and down, and even the bed made a hoarse cry. She shouted all kinds of obscene and swear words made up of English letters, not only did not destroy the atmosphere of the battle, but made Chief Mayer even more excited.

Patriarch Mayer likes this way of going on and off with women. One is because he is a little older after all, and his performance in recent years has become more and more inadequate, so he can save his energy. In addition, he likes to admire the expressions of women when they get crazy doing this kind of thing... Oh, this is the most beautiful scenery in the world.

He prefers women to swear swearing when doing this kind of thing, because it can vent the violent factor in his bones unscrupulously. Every war ended, he had a kind of invigorating feeling.

Of course, if the woman who is galloping at this time is replaced by Miss Mitty...

Patriarch Mayer tried so hard to imagine... unable to carry it, and delivered the goods directly.

From beginning to end, the man standing at the door always stood there like a cold wood, motionless, as if he didn't know that he was going through a very beautiful scene.

After the song was over, Dayangma carefully helped Chief Mayer clean up the tools for committing crimes. Only then did Chief Mayer get out of the bed naked, walked to the table, opened the drawer, and took out a needle from the inside.

There was half a tube of aquamarine liquid that was strangely green in the needle tube. Looking at the needle tube in his hand, the corners of Patriarch Mayer's mouth had already floated a little strange.

He took the needle and walked to the man standing by the door, looked at the cold face wearing sunglasses with a weird expression, smiled and said, "Oh, **** Walker, you are a fool."

"Yes, Master, I'm just a fool." The man said. The sound was as sharp as an electric current, and the strange thing was that although the man responded with a sound, his mouth did not move, that is to say, the sound did not come from his mouth.

Chief Mayer laughed, his expression very proud.

This Walker is actually a genetic superman. Of course, it is a junior version, so it has a lot of serious flaws. For example, he can't speak like a human, and the sound he makes is emitted through a horn implanted in the body.

For example, his skill can't reach the highest limit that the human body can reach, but it is also enough to rival Mr. Pete, which is very likely to exist.

In addition, he can't "exist" for too long. For example, if the tube of medicine in his hand is injected into his body, then after three days, the body will be directly rigid and completely useless.

Of course, in addition to the strong combat power, such a genetic superman has a huge advantage, that is, he will not betray, he will do things exactly according to the master's instructions, and if the master does not issue any instructions, he will It stands there like a piece of wood.

"Oh, **** idiot, stick out your tongue." said Chief Mayer.

"Yes, Master." The sound resembling an electric current sounded again, and then Walker, like a robot, stretched out his tongue stiffly.

What kind of tongue is that? Normal people’s tongues are all fleshy red, but now the tongue that Walker sticks out is green, the same color as the liquid in the needle held by Chief Mayer.

"Oh, **** it, it's disgusting." Chief Mayer said disgustingly, but carefully pierced Walker's tongue with the needle of the needle in his hand, and then bit by bit the liquid in the needle was pushed there. In the tongue.

As if not feeling any pain, Walker remained motionless from start to finish, and the muscles on his face did not twitch, at the mercy of Chief Mayer.

Soon, all the liquid in the needle entered Walker's tongue, and then Chief Mayer pulled out the needle and cursed: "Oh, damn, you idiot, don't you quickly retract your scary tongue?"

"Yes, Master." The electric current sounded again, and Walker retracted his green head.

Patriarch Mayer threw the needle in his hand, already with a cruel and hot smile on his face.

"Oh, beautiful and noble Miss Mitty, it’s a sin and a blasphemy to keep you waiting for so long. This is something God can’t forgive." He muttered to himself, how evil the expression on his face is. Evil, "Then tonight, tonight you will lose your nobility, your pride, and take my punishment well."

"Oh, my dear Meyer, I want to be punished by you too." The Great Yangma, who was half lying there, posing in a charming and seductive posture, said with a lewd expression and a seductive voice.

"Oh, my baby, how could I let you down?" Chief Mayer said with a smile, "You will join me to punish that **** tonight."


A few minutes later, Chief Mayer, who was already neatly dressed, brought Walker to the door of Teacher Pete's room and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door was opened and Teacher Pete appeared there.

"Good evening, Patriarch Mayer, something is going on?" Teacher Pete turned aside and let Patriarch Mayer come in as he said Kung Fu. Although I hated this sly old guy in my heart, he didn't give a good face, but Mr. Pete still gave him the most basic face.

"Oh, good evening, Mrs. Pete, there is indeed one thing I want to discuss with Mrs. Pete." Meyer smiled and nodded, "Walker, just stay outside."

"Yes, Master." Walker's voice was as sharp as an electric current. Of course, Mr. Pete didn't think much about it, and didn't even glance at the bodyguard wearing sunglasses and pretending to be a bully.

He has never bothered to look at the weak.

Entering this room that was a hundred or so flat, Mr. Pete invited Patriarch Mayer to take a seat, and then looked at Mayer's face with a slightly ill-intentioned smile, and said faintly: "What's the matter?"

Teacher Pete didn't bother to talk about polite remarks and went directly to the subject.

In his opinion, Meyer asked him for two things. First, how to eat the entire Luciano family faster, and second, about the preparations for the engagement banquet.

"Oh, dear teacher Pete, it is like this. In my eyes, you are the strongest man in the world, representing the strongest fighting force in my Rothschild family. You are my relatives, so I respect your meaning. So , I now have an idea in my heart, hoping to get your consent." Chief Mayer said.

Teacher Pete didn't nod or shook his head, even in a somewhat rude tone, and said, "Patriarch Meyer, it depends on what it is."

"That's it. I have long admired Miss Mitty. Therefore, I hope that Miss Mitty can spend this long night with me tonight. How does Teacher Pete feel?" Meier said seriously about her. idea.

"..." Teacher Pete's face was pulled down all of a sudden, and there was an inexplicable murderous flicker in his muddy eyes. He didn't expect that Meyer would dare to say this in front of him. Such rude words come... Is he desperate?

"Oh, Teacher Pete, please trust my ability, I will make Miss Mitty very comfortable." Chief Mayer said seriously.


So, he is serious, he is not joking, he is very serious and tells you, I want to go to Miss Mitty, I am very powerful, I will make her very comfortable... Teacher Pete wants to kill.

"Patriarch Meyer... is this drunk?" Teacher Pete asked coldly. Although he was very angry, he decided to give him a step down. After all, his life had to be continued by the other party.

"Oh, dear Teacher Pete, I am not drunk. I am telling you this matter very seriously. I hope that Miss Mitty can appear in her arms at this moment and be crushed by me... Oh, It’s okay to press me under my body, I like that position better..."

Teacher Pete stared at the Maier clan coldly, and interrupted his words coldly and said: "It seems that you are not planning to keep your promise to me."

Of course Mr. Pete knew that Meyer could never let go of Chief Moss and Miss Mitty, but he never thought that this moment would come so early and so suddenly, too early, too early, suddenly too suddenly. Up.

Chief Mayer smiled and said, "Oh, no, Teacher Pete, I will keep my promise to you, otherwise, why would I come to ask you now? I hope you can change your mind."

Teacher Pete’s face was already full of murderous, and he said word by word: "Swear in the name of God, if you dare to think like this, I will send you to see God, even if you are Rose Chief Mayer of the Childe family! In addition, many elite backbones in your family have to be buried because of your stupid thoughts!"

Patriarch Mayer was full of hot smiles: "Oh, this is a threat?"

"Yes." Teacher Pete nodded seriously, "Don't doubt what I said."

Chief Mayer sighed softly and said, "Mr. Pete, it seems that I'm too gentle and kind to you."

Teacher Pete stood up and smiled coldly and said, "Oh, I hope you continue to maintain your gentleness and politeness, otherwise the consequences may not be what you would like to see, Chief Mayer."

Teacher Pete doesn't mind if he starts to beat up this arrogant and damned guy, at least he has to twitch his mouth.

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