The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1478: Can't feel breathing

In the eyes of many forces, Luciano has encountered a big problem, otherwise, how could he marry the Rothschild family? Of course, the marriage is still being promoted. It should be said that it is a pity to beg and to please, otherwise how can the noble and beautiful Miss Mitty be engaged to the simple-minded and underdeveloped idiot? ?


The Venetian Hotel is the world's largest investment hotel with casinos and comprehensive entertainment facilities. The hotel is based on the theme of the water village of Venice, imitating the famous clock tower and Piazza San Marco in Venice. Although the imitation cannot be fake, it is indeed amazing. Especially the man-made Grand Canal inside the hotel, the indoor scenery is like daytime. You can even pack a flat-bottomed boat and roam the Grand Canal. While enjoying the scenery, you can taste the delicious Italian ice cream on the trolley in the square. It is a great pleasure in life.

Li Zedao and Bei, who are posing as middle-aged couples visiting Las Vegas, stay in this hotel.

This hotel is very familiar to Li Zedao. This hotel is actually an invisible stronghold of the Rothschild family in Las Vegas. There are many masters sent by the Rothschild family. Before that, Tom was the demon Dongfang Ming. Blew up his head in this hotel.

At this moment, in the hotel room, Bei, who had already taken off his mask, stood in front of the window, with a lighted cigarette between his white sleeves and fingers.

She is wearing a shirt from Li Zedao, and this is the only one. She would have been boring to watch some romantic dramas that seemed to her to be bloodthirsty for many nights when the wind was high. The women in the play liked to wear their own men's clothes.

Bei didn't understand why this was at that time. Now, she understands, because men's clothes are big enough, and they are really comfortable to wear, because they have his own taste, and because... wearing this way makes men easy to go crazy.

Bei never thought that one day she would take the initiative to "seduce" a man. It was a very strange and impossible metaphorical feeling. She just felt that he used amazing or idiotic or even * Looking at him with his eyes, he will feel extremely satisfied in his heart.

this is Love?

Of course, if other men dared to stare at her with that kind of eyes, Beihui would pass by as always.

Glancing at Li Ze, who was standing aside and staring at his chest unscrupulously, said: "So, it was not the Luciano family and Rothschild that secretly reached some deal, but Teacher Pete betrayed the Luciano family. Refuge in the Rothschild family? This is too hard to believe."

Li Zedao moved his eyes away from her chest and fell on her delicate little face. He smiled bitterly and nodded: "It's really incredible."

How could Teacher Pete betray the Luciano family and join the Rothschild family? What bargaining chip is the Rothschild family using to make Teacher Pete unable to refuse?

Bei nodded, and she couldn’t understand. Teacher Pete got some benefits from the Rothschild family that he couldn’t refuse, causing him to betray the Luciano family. After all, they are both rich and powerful, Rothschild can provide Yes, the Luciano family can do the same.

"Where is Miss Mitty?" North asked.

"In Deakin Manor, with her father, I was put under house arrest by Teacher Pete." Li Zedao said, his heart was completely relaxed, because Miss Mitty did not betray her, this is more important than anything.

At the same time, Li Zedao was also very ashamed and self-blame, because at a certain moment he doubted whether Miss Mitty was involved in this matter.

After all, Li Zedao is a master with the ability to return to nature, so his speed and his concealment of aura have reached an extremely terrifying level. Because of this, he is very relaxed from the guarding power of Deakin Manor. The weak southern door sneaked into the manor, and successfully avoided the sight of the guards and hid it around the reception hall in Area A. He clearly overheared their conversation, and after that, he saw that Teacher Pete looked pitiful. The Chuchu Miss Mitty and Patriarch Moss are under house arrest in Patriarch Moss' study.

Li Zedao did not immediately rescue him. After all, Su Ri'an is a master of returning to innocence, but Teacher Pete and the hundreds of experts in Deakin Manor are not vegetarian anymore. The most important thing is that Li Zedao worried that Teacher Pete would jump the wall in a hurry. Something that hurt Miss Mitty came out, and under the instruction of Teacher Pete, the masters brought by Patriarch Mayer were able to enter the Deakin Manor. This way, it should not be underestimated. If you act rashly, you may suffer a loss. .

"You didn't save it?" Bei gave Li Zedao a surprised look.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and put his arms around her slender waist, and said embarrassingly, "I want to spend a few days in Las Vegas with you."

"Go away, speak normally!" Bei said angrily. Although I knew that Li Zedao was trying to be poor with her, he felt sweet in my heart when he heard what he said.

"First of all, she is not in danger, at least not now." Li Zedao said, "Although Mr. Pete has restricted her actions, he still does not allow Meyer to do anything wrong with them."

"In addition, I do have the ability to rescue her, but what about Patriarch Moss? I can't save two at the same time, so if I take the shot, I will startle the snake instead. Then, they may be hurt unnecessarily. I care the most. The thing is, one of the dozen or so bodyguards brought by Patriarch Mayer, I always feel that he is different from the others."

Bei frowned: "What do you mean? The opponent is a master who can rival you?"

When did Rothschild appear such a master? You must know that Rothschild's first combat power is Firefox, and Firefox is naturally not enough to see in front of Li Zedao now. Could it be that there is a hidden one that is stronger than Firefox?

"I can't feel his breathing." Li Zedao said with a slightly solemn expression.

With his current ability, even a master like Teacher Pete can follow him, and Li Zedao can easily see his whereabouts. After all, a person needs to breathe while alive, and a master like Teacher Pete is naturally no exception, but such a master has always breathed. It's all there and nothing, if it's not for the extremely strong perception ability, it really can't be felt.

But when the bodyguards Meyer brought into Deakin Manor one by one, Li Zedao, who was hiding in the dark, was surprised to find that he couldn't feel the last one that looked different from others. The breath of a bodyguard wearing sunglasses.

In other words, you can't feel any breath on him at all, as if this is a lifeless corpse.

Bei's expression also became solemn in an instant: "You mean...Genetic superman? The genetic superman that the Rothschild family assisted in the secret research of the United States? Is it now next to Patriarch Mayer?"

Strictly speaking, Gene Superman can be regarded as a corpse that can walk freely, which means that they can actually be regarded as a dead person.

They have extremely powerful combat effectiveness. They don't know tiredness, don't know pain, they don't have living human thoughts, and all their actions are controlled by chips implanted in their brains.

Therefore, they are not breathing.

Li Zedao shook his head and said: "I really can't feel any of his breathing. You know, even I can't hide all the breath, so... things are really strange. As for whether the United States is working **** it. That kind of genetic superhuman is not so clear."

"What should I do now?" North asked.

"I have a hunch that the engagement banquet after a week will definitely not be held." Li Zedao said with squinting eyes.

"Nonsense!" Bei said angrily. She didn't believe that Li Zedao would allow her woman to be engaged to another man, even if forced to do so. So Bei knew very well that Li Zedao would definitely find a way these days. Take Miss Mitty away.

Moreover, she also knew that there must be a trap in Dickon Manor, specifically to deal with the trap of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao was not dead, for Teacher Pete and the Rothschild family, it was like a fishbone stuck in the throat, making them sleepy.

"Is the suspected Gene Superman used to deal with you?" Bei asked with a frown.

Li Zedao reached out his hand, took the cigarette held by Bei's finger, put it in his mouth, took a sip, and then spit out a puff of smoke and said, "Not necessarily, maybe, it was used to deal with Teacher Pete."

Bei nodded. Although Teacher Pete had defected, it was still an uncertain and extremely threatening factor for the Rothschild family.

"Moreover, I guess that old pervert Mayer will not be able to wait." Li Zedao narrowed his eyes and said, his eyes already showed a hint of murderous intent.

"What do you mean?" Bei clearly felt the change in Li Zedao's breath.

"I have clearly noticed how evil his eyes are when he looks at Miss Mitty, and he may soon lose control of himself." Li Zedao really wanted to dig the eyeballs of that old pervert. The urge to come out, fucking, dare to blaspheme my goddess with such disgusting eyes, absolutely can't forgive it!

"Just like you? The look you just looked at me was evil... You can control yourself."

"..." Li Zedao was almost choked to death by Bei's words.

With a flick of your finger, the cigarette **** flicked a beautiful margin, and entered the trash can on the side without error, then looked at Bei and said viciously, "I'm so courageous, dare to say this to your husband. You don't know how good I am."

"Fuck... what do you want to do?" Bei Jiu's eyes were familiar to him and felt very beastly, and the ears started to get hot again.

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