The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1175: No longer brothers

In the afternoon, the ant's corpse was also secretly disposed of. The Shenlong organization wanted to dispose of a person's corpse. It was a breeze, even if it was in Las Vegas in the United States.

It’s just that a big living person turned into a small holding of ashes in a blink of an eye. It is inevitably unacceptable. At least the engineers can’t accept it. When taking the small altar of ashes from the penguin, this execution After the task, the man who looked a little careless in the extremely fine life cried into tears.

Afterwards, he babbled and told Li Zedao that he had a particularly good brother when he was in the Shenlong organization, and he also had a crush on a girl.

The girl who has a crush on is called Antarctica...also, as the only female animal of the Shenlong organization, the most important thing is that although this female animal is extremely violent and cold-blooded and ruthless, she draws a knife when she draws a knife, but she does not hide her flaws, she looks really beautiful and delicious, so she Not only the secret crush of the engineers and the penguins, but also the crush of all the members of the Shenlong organization.

The very good brother is the ant. The engineer said that the leg of the ant was scrapped to cover him, so it was him, not the ant, who was supposed to have a limping leg, and the ant suffered this crime instead of him.

After talking about it for a long time, the engineer said that he didn't want to do anything now, didn't want to perform any task to detect the enemy, didn't want the motherland or the people, he just wanted to drink.

Li Zedao agreed and said, "Your task today is to drink up all the wine in this restaurant."

Finally, the engineer found a box of Erguotou in the kitchen, a box of beer, and a box of that cheap and long-winded red wine. He carried the three boxes of red wine to the top of the building one by one, sat down, and was very careful. Put the ashes of the ant in front of him.

He looked at the ashes, opened a bottle of Erguotou, and said hoarsely: "Brother, I respect you!"

He raised his head, half a bottle of Erguotou, and then he poured the remaining half of the bottle in front of the columbarium.

After throwing aside the already bottomed wine bottle in his hand, he took another bottle of Erguotou, opened it, looked at the ashes and said, "Brother, go well... I will help you take revenge, I promise... …"

Then his head raised, half a bottle of Erguotou stomped again.

Penguin stood not far away looking at him, then looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Really let him drink?"

"Drink." Li Zedao said without even looking at him, "You can also drink, I promise, no one will sneak in and kill you this time."

After speaking, he turned and went downstairs.

Penguin looked at the back of his leaving, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised with a weird extent, then walked up to the engineer, sat down and said, "I drink too."

The engineer's already drunk eyes glanced at him and said loudly, "Drink..."

So the penguin picked up a bottle of Erguotou, opened it, and raised his head, as if drinking water, and a bottle of Erguotou, which was half a catty full, fell down instantly.

You take a sip, you take a bottle and I take a bottle, Erguotou drank that kind of U.S.-produced beer that looked like urine, and drank the inferior red wine that was indistinguishable from horse urine.

The sun set, and the extremely bewildering neon lights lit up around. The city, known as the perfect combination of heaven and hell, was illuminated by the charming lights and looked extremely intoxicating.

The two engineers, Zao Penguin, were not drunk by the scenery, and even they were not drunk by the wine at all.

But they drank and vomited a long time ago, and even the acid water that the injured penguin vomit was still red, but they continued to drink after vomiting, as if they would be anxious if they dare not let them drink.

To the back, the top of the building was filled with the extremely unpleasant stench and sour smell, but the two of them didn't feel the slightest disgust...Yes, who disliked themselves? Even vomit ejected from their mouths or even pulled stools.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, alcohol has severely paralyzed some of their nerves, such as their sense of smell.

"Oh..." The engineer squatted there, clutching his stomach and vomiting wildly. His eyes and nose were flushed with tears, and even the engineer felt that his internal organs were about to vomit.

In addition to the wine he drank, there was no extra food in his stomach, so he vomited out as alcohol. It was the kind of wine that hadn't been digested and broken down by the stomach and other organs of the body. It was the kind that had a strange sour taste. liqueur.

After retching a few times, even the acid water can't come out. The engineer then wiped his wet face with his big palm, not knowing whether it was sweat, alcohol or vomit, and then turned his head. Looking at the penguin, he said, "How much wine is there?"

"Two bottles of horse urine." Penguin said. They call that inferior wine horse urine. What is unknown is that they really drank horse urine. A few years ago, they sneaked into a certain desert while performing a certain task. Finally, when they could not find a water source, they chose to drink horse urine.

The taste is not much different from the inferior wine they drink now.

The engineer nodded: "Okay, one bottle per person, drink it."

"Okay, drink it." Penguin said, opening two bottles of wine skillfully, and threw one of them to the engineer.

"Fuck," the engineer said, raising his head again and blowing up the bottle.

The penguins were not necessarily slower than the engineers. In less than a minute, the two finished the last two bottles of low-quality red wine.

The engineer threw the wine bottle aside, and then looked at the penguin with scarlet eyes and said, "Penguin, I'm a mess."


"From now on, you are no longer the captain I once awed, and you are no longer the brother who I will not hesitate to block bullets when performing tasks. We are enemies, either you die or I die!" The engineer said word by word.

Penguin's complexion stiffened, and soon calmed down and smiled: "You have been drinking too much."

"You killed the ant." The engineer stared at the penguin calmly, but his tone was filled with the cold murderous aura that came from Jiuyou Hell.

"...This joke is not funny and can't be played." Penguin said, "You are drunk and talked about drunkenness. I will take you down to rest."

"I didn't drink too much." The engineer roared in a low voice, "I saw it."

"What did you see?"

"I saw you pinching the ant's neck, I saw you pinching his neck! I also saw you punching your own chest so hard that you broke all your ribs and then deliberately let your own The body hit me..." The engineer's voice was not loud, but like bullets, they kept shooting on the penguin's chest.

Right now his eyes were staring at the penguin, his fists were clenched, and the veins on his forehead were exposed and jumping. It is conceivable what kind of anger he is full of now.

Then, the engineer's complexion suddenly stiffened, because the penguin suddenly shot, and an untouchable neck fell into the opponent's hand, and even the penguin pinched his neck and lifted him up. Up.

That's how the ants were strangled to death by him? The engineer only felt that his breathing had stopped, and his wide-eyed eyes were full of great anger.

"It seems that the master who is not under the flames and yellows is going to carry this black pot once again." Penguin looked at the engineer with regret and shook his head.

Then, his hand was about to forcefully choke the engineer's neck.

In between the electric light and flint, the blade flashed.

The penguin roared, and his figure flashed backwards two steps quickly. The face that had been slapped so many times that he was red and swollen was already pale as paper, and his body was twitching slightly.

There was blood flowing from his arm... His entire wrist had been cut off neatly, and the blood kept flowing out like a fountain!

He raised his head and looked at the man who appeared in front of him. His pupils shrank suddenly, with an incredible feeling. At this time, shouldn't he lie on that **** bitch's belly and work?

At the same time, the engineer who had been pinched by the penguin fell to the ground, fell to the ground, and then tore off the penguin's broken arm that was pinching his neck, greedily breathing the dry and cold air. Then he looked up at the penguin, his face was filled with extremely strong murderous intent: "It's really you!"

When Li Zedao secretly told him that the person who killed the ant was probably a penguin, the engineer was dumbfounded and said it was impossible. He even thought that Li Zedao was malicious and seriously injured Penguin and wanted to do something with Li Zedao.

Li Zedao kicked him and said that we can act in a play, and we will know if the penguin did it.

The ant is dead, and the killer may be a penguin, so the engineer's mood is naturally extremely depressed. He told Li Zedao that he wants to drink, and only if he drinks too much his acting skills can be better.

So when the last two bottles of wine were left after drinking, the engineer deliberately said as Li Zedao said that when he was in the box, he didn't fall asleep and he saw everything.

Penguin believed that he wanted to kill the engineer and kill him. Then, Li Zedao, who had been prepared for a long time, appeared with great bang.

"It looks like I was being tricked." Penguin has calmed down. He held his broken wrist with his left hand, and then tried his best to straighten his chest.

"You have a guilty conscience." Li Zedao said extremely coldly. He was holding a dagger with a cold light in his hand, and a drop of blood was still flowing on the dagger. He just appeared in time and cut off the penguin's wrist with sharp means, saving the engineer's life.

Li Zedao wanted to learn about Ximen Chuuxue. After killing someone, he would blow the blood on the sword, and then force the grid to express that it was blowing blood, not Chuuxue... But what Ximen Chuuxue holds in his hand is a famous sword. A short dagger, the specifications are not enough, besides, now is not the time to pretend, I can only regret it.

"Why?" The engineer stood up and shouted.

Penguin looked at him and smiled, saying nothing.

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