The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1134: I'm going to be a father

The muscles on the engineer's face twitched, and the hostility in his heart was boiling. He felt that his cousin was really useless. Isn't he the son of Xiao Qiangwei? Isn't it Baili Changhe and Qin Yiping's son-in-law? Don’t you own a big group and a luxury hotel? Why did you pass out?

If you faint in this way, will the words behind me that I have not had time to say will stop your little heart?

So the engineer was very depressed and slapped his cousin to wake him up.

Sun Yizhou woke up leisurely, his face was dead gray, and his voice was full of despair: "Cousin, I... am I dead?"

"If it weren't for me to go to Phoenix, my uncle would have been helping you prepare for the funeral now." The engineer said with a speechless expression, "It's all right now..."

The engineer glanced out vaguely, making sure that Li Zedao had left and couldn't hear his own voice, then cleared his throat and said, "He still has to give my face."

As a result, the image of the engineer was infinitely magnified in Sun Yizhou's eyes.

"Cousin, I didn't say you, how did I tell you before? Don't get those stinky tempers. You think you have a hard fist all day long and you just look for soft persimmons, but now you... …I want to beat you up." The engineer said very depressed.

Sun Yizhou was ashamed and innocent and said, "I...I really like that little nurse, that's...who knew that the two gang would have such a great friend? I'll break up with her when I go back..."

The engineer slapped him on the forehead and said angrily: "Break up with your sister, do you think Li Shao troubled you because you robbed his buddy's boyfriend? Li Shao troubled you because you were looking for death. Ask him to trouble him first and then trouble you, okay?"


"As for his buddy's girlfriend was snatched by you, he said his buddy deserved it, you did well."

"..." Sun Yizhou seriously doubted whether Zhou Yan made friends carelessly, and then felt a little sad, why didn't he "make friends carelessly"?

"So treat other girls well, if you let me find out what you guys are doing all the time, see if I don't smoke you." The engineer asked.

Sun Yizhou raised his hand and swears: "Cousin, I promise, I really like her, I like the way she committed the second, I like her stubborn temper, and I also like her violence..."

"Okay, you can shut up!" The engineer said depressed. Is this guy still handsome and affectionate? Stimulate him as a single dog, right?


Li Zedao was silly and silly while driving, the whole person seemed to have eaten bee poop, and there was even so many times that he almost drove the car into the green belt.

Nintendo, who was asleep in the back seat, suddenly opened his eyes, that face was a little dark, and sat up and stared at Li Zedao, very uncomfortable and shouted: "Little man, believe it or not the old lady kicked you out of the car. go with?"

What's wrong with this kid? I usually drive fast and steady, but now it is slow and swaying. Don't tell my mother that the car has lost balance because the front of the car was hit.

Li Zeda turned his head and said with an idiotic smile: "Sister Ren, I am going to be a father."

"..." Nintendo had an idiotic expression.

"Bang!" With a muffled noise, the car rushed onto the sidewalk and hit a telephone pole.

Nintendo hit her head against the back of the front seat, but she still looked at Li Zedao with an idiotic expression and said, "Little man, you just... said what?"

"Sister Ren, I said, I'm going to be a father...hehe...I'm actually going to be a father...hehe..." Li Zedao looked idiotic and silly, he only felt like he was stepping on there. It was kind of extremely soft cotton, even he ignored that the car had hit a telephone pole and stopped.

"Who is pregnant?" Nintendo calmed down and asked. She knew very clearly that the woman she was pregnant was not herself, because she had just left for a few days during her period.

"Antarctica... Haha... Antarctica is pregnant... Haha..." Li Zedao continued to laugh idiotically.

Nintendo put on shoes without saying anything, then pushed the door and got out of the car, and opened the driver's door: "Little man, go to the passenger seat."


"I won't go back tonight, I will toss you to death!" Nintendo said viciously, "I am ranked fourth. She is ranked outside ten. Why should she get pregnant before me? Little man, you are eccentric due to uneven rain and dew. Ah, my mother refuses to accept, my mother is going to get pregnant and have a baby..."


Seeing Li Zedao looking at herself with a silly look, Nintendo suddenly thought of something, then touched her flat belly and shook her head and said, "Forget it, it's still not going to give birth...the shape of the baby is deformed." Then she touched her flat belly and shook her head. As if nothing had happened, he returned to the back seat, threw off his shoes, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

"..." Li Zedao turned around, his pupils widened suddenly, and said with hindsight, "I...hit a telephone pole?"

"Little man, if you didn't drive well, my old lady kicked you out of the car." Nintendo said without opening his eyes.

Li Zedao could hear that there was a slight emotion in her voice.

Also, my own man is going to be a father, but the child's mother is not me. Anyone will feel a little uncomfortable. Although they live peacefully with each other, they understand and love each other, but the invisible rivalry between them is jealous. It is inevitable.


In the Antarctic room, Li Zedao looked strange but fiercely staring at the belly of the Antarctic sitting there.

"What are you looking at?" Antarctic frowned slightly.

As soon as this guy came in, he sat there honestly, and then kept looking at himself very dishonestly...Of course, he had done this before, but the place where he was aiming before basically hit the chest or thigh. Come on, look at your belly now?

And what's the matter with his eyes? Is it hot and weird again? There is occasionally a smile on his face, just like an idiot, and what's the matter with his hand? Why did you stretch out and still stroke...

Is he "satisfying" his belly?

"Look at your stomach..." Li Zedao said casually, with a silly expression on his face.

"..." Antarctica had an urge to throw a knife and said, "Don't show me such an idiotic smile."

" don't have anything to say to me?" Li Ze said with an expression that I already knew everything.

"No!" The corner of Antarctic's mouth twitched, this guy is evil? You know, their usual communication is not like this.

"Really not?" Li Zedao smiled ambiguously, saying that you don't lie to me. You must have told me something long ago. Don't hide and hold back. How hard is it? Actually I already know...

Antarctica with a black face: "Get out!"

"Well, I actually met engineers when I came back." Li Zedao said.

Antarctica was taken aback: "He came to Phoenix City?"

"You do not know?"

"Why should I know?" Antarctica said grimly, "The engineers didn't tell me, nor did the master contact me... to perform the task?"

"Well, perform the mission." Li Zedao nodded and said, "I found the whereabouts of the snake head again, so Yanhuang asked the engineers to come and go out with me to bring him back."

Antarctica's expression moved slightly and said: "There really is a snake head where, where is it?"

"Las Vegas, Casino." Li Zedao said, "It's just not known whether it is a genuine or a fake, but according to the latest information, the fake hand of God has broken up with the royal family of the island nation and has fled the island nation. In Las Vegas, I carry a snake head with me."

Antarctica frowned slightly, and said, "How do I feel that this is a round?"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "I also think that Las Vegas is a casino, and it is also the location of the Luciano family's base camp. The hands of false gods carrying snake heads that are not known to be true or false appear there, and it is not a secret appearance There, a high-profile appearance, naturally quickly aroused the idea of ​​the Huaxia official. In this way, even if the snake head is still fake, the Huaxia official will definitely send someone to check it..."

Li Zedao looked at the delicate face of Antarctica and said, "Who do you think will be sent?"

"You and me." Antarctica said without hesitation, after all, she and Li Zedao were tracking the snake head.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Last time this false **** used me to deal with Ito Junichi. This time, you don't want to use me to deal with Luciano family?"

"You mean... The Luciano family's hands are the same as Ito Junichi, and they also have a safety clasp. That false god's hand wants it?" Antarctica nodded thoughtfully.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "It's just a guess, I don't know what exactly, but this time I will definitely not allow Zhou Qian to happen again.

"However, you said something wrong just now." Li Zedao looked at Antarctica's belly, his eyes full of enthusiasm and expectation.

"Which sentence?" Antarctica asked. I wondered if my belly is unusually sexy, otherwise, why is this guy endless?

"This time, instead of sending you out to carry out the task, but to let the engineers go out with me." Li Zedao said.

Antarctica was taken aback: "Why?"

"Baby, you have to ask yourself...Don't hurry up and confess. Actually, I already know it." Li Zedao's eyes were hot and ambiguous, his voice was extremely soft, and his hand stretched out, slightly trembling slightly. Placed on the belly of Antarctica.

Antarctica slapped his hand off and said with a black face: "Are you sick? Speak normally!"


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