When you arrive in Yanjing, one of the dishes you have to eat is naturally the famous roast duck, and the most authentic roast duck can only be eaten in Judequan, so Judequan’s business is extremely hot, and it is not a simple matter to find a location. ...At least for the average person.

For a young man like Sun Jundong, it is easy to book a spot in Judequan, so when Li Zedao called him, he quickly assigned the box, and immediately rushed to Juquande. At the door, waiting for the arrival of Li Zedao.

Not long after, a taxi slowly stopped at the gate of Juquande.

Sun Jundong looked at this taxi and felt so depressed. Would you dare to park here if a broken taxi? Do you know if you stopped like this but blocked my sight. In case Li Shao’s Maserati came over, I couldn’t see the first time Li Shao was angry. You are responsible...

Just as he was about to go over and berate the other party and hurriedly roll away, the car door was pushed open, and then... like a trick, Sun Jundong's originally very upset face instantly bloomed with a dog's tail flower.

"Shao Li..." He looked at Li Zedao, who had come down from the position of the co-pilot, and laughed. He was ashamed. Look at Li Shao, who is so arrogant that he went out and took a taxi. What about yourself? You still look down on driving taxis. This shouldn't be true. You have to change, you have to change, and you won't be able to drive a sports car when you go out. Take a taxi!

And when I saw two women on the back seat, one of them made the hormones soar, and the eyes were reluctant to leave*, and the other made people want to hurry over and hug her in his arms and take a pity for the delicate one. Loli, the shame in Sun Jundong's heart has evolved into admiration. Shao Li is Shao Li. What kind of top-notch women can win. I am really a role model.

"How are the two sisters-in-law..." He quickly said to the two women.

"Sister-in-law..." Zhou Qian bowed her head shyly, a flush of blush already appeared on her face.

He Xiaoyue was taken aback for a while, looked at Li Zedao, with a faint smile on her face and said: "Hello... I heard that you helped to fix the position? It's a hard work." This feeling of taking advantage of it seems pretty cool. .

"It's not hard, it's not hard." Sun Jundong said quickly. His sister-in-law was so polite to him, which made him feel flattered. Which dog's tail flower on his face was even more tangled. There is nothing I need to do, just give me a call, I will definitely..."

Li Zedao speechlessly patted Sun Jundong on the shoulder and said, "Okay, go in."

"So stingy..." He Xiaoyue glanced at Li Zedao with a smile, the corners of her mouth had an alluring range.

Sun Jundong led the three people in and arrived at a pre-booked box. Sun Jundong hurriedly left... Can't you sit down and eat roast duck together? He is not so courageous.

After the three of them sat down, slices of roast duck and various delicacies were quickly delivered one by one.

He Xiaoyue was full of praise for the roast duck: "This taste is much better than the steak at a western restaurant called Jade that my cousin and cousin took me to in Phoenix, of course. It’s not that steaks are not authentic, but that the cuisines of other countries seem a bit eclipsed by the cuisines of China."

"The Emerald Restaurant?" Li Zedao was stunned, thinking that he and He Xiaoyue seemed to be really related.

"Well, what's the matter? Have you been to that restaurant too?" He Xiaoyue asked.

"I have been." Li Zedao nodded, thinking that I am still the owner of that restaurant. I used to talk to the proprietress in that restaurant's office... Li Zedao suddenly missed Nintendo.

Then his body became a little hot inexplicably, so he quickly changed the subject and diverted his attention: "Listen to your brother He Xiaoyang, you are from Phoenix?"

Sure enough, those who are close to Zhu are black and those who are close to ink are black. When I was in the island country, I got along with the little witch of the shadow so that there are unhealthy pictures in my motionless mind. It seems that I have to find some books such as spiritual chicken soup. Wash your own soul that has been polluted.

"Yes, a very authentic person from Phoenix, who grew up by the sea." He Xiaoyue smiled, "When I was a teenager, I crossed the ocean with my father to the island country. Now my second uncle’s son and daughter I live in Phoenix, and they took me to the airport in the morning."

"It turns out." Li Zedao nodded and didn't ask much.

"I heard Sister Zhou said, are you a college student from Phoenix University? Or the top pick in the college entrance examination?" He Xiaoyue asked.

Li Zedao nodded and smiled: "Actually, I am also from Phoenix City, and my home is in Phoenix City. I will go back when I finish my work in these two days."

"Really? I didn't expect that we were still fellow villagers." He Xiaoyue smiled, a little surprised. I didn't expect to spare a circle, and I would go back to Phoenix City, where she was born and raised. It seems that my cousin must help her. Find out for yourself if you have a suitable housing, and you will live in Phoenix in the future.

"I can't cry." Li Zedao said.


Out of a certain mentality, He Xiaoyue introduced her cousin and cousin who lived in Phoenix to Li Zedao without a sentence: "My two cousins, one is a policeman, and the other One... It happens to be an English teacher at the University of Phoenix. You are a student of the University of Phoenix. You might have heard of..."

"Uh...police? The...English teacher from Phoenix University?" Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, and then shook his head. How could it be such a coincidence? Yes, it's impossible...

"What's her name?" Li Zedao asked, holding up the bowl of duck skeleton soup, and drinking.

"She's He Xiaoyu, a big beauty, don't you know?" He Xiaoyue asked.

"Ahem..." Li Zedao almost squirted the soup out of his mouth without holding back, his eyes widened with an incredible expression on his face.

Zhou Qian, who was immersed in a delicate mouthful of food, also raised her head, looked at Li Zedao in surprise, then at He Xiaoyue, and then continued to eat.

"What's the matter? I was choked?" Seeing Li Zedao's choking, He Xiaoyue quickly asked, standing up to help him take a picture of his back.

"Uh...I'm fine." Li Zedao recovered and said quickly, wiped his mouth indiscriminately, and asked with some difficulty, "You said your cousin's name is... He Xiaoyu?"

"Yes, it seems that you know each other." He Xiaoyue smiled.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, more than just knowing? Even her body is most sensitive, she knows exactly where she is. He immediately asked, "Then your cousin is He Xiaofeng, right?"

He Xiaoyue was taken aback: "Do you know him too?"

"Yes, he is my eldest brother-in-law, how could I not know him?" Li Zedao said with a wry smile.

"..." It was He Xiaoyue's turn to stare wide-eyed, with a very shocked expression on her face.

When I dared to be in the emerald restaurant, the boyfriend who I said that the excellent man she wanted to pursue and the cousin He Xiaoyu said made her eyes bright and happy is The same person... Oh my god, your joke seems a bit big!

He Xiaoyue felt very embarrassed when she thought of how to face her cousin when she returned to Phoenix City, and her face was a little hot.

Li Zedao was also a little embarrassed. He changed the subject and said, "Remember a little girl named Zhang Ying?"

"Zhang Ying?" He Xiaoyue was taken aback, and then her face changed. "The daughter of Zhang Hailong and Fujiwara Sakurako? Isn't she the same as Sakurako, is she dead?"

Back then, He Xiaoyue followed Zhang Hailong with all his heart, even if he did something extremely extraordinary to herself, He Xiaoyue still loves him wholeheartedly. Because she has lost her fertility, Zhang Ying, a weird elf little The girl also gave her some taste of being a mother. At that time, she really regarded her as her own daughter.

After that, Zhang Hailong was attacked, and then Fujiwara Sakurako and Zhang Ying were also attacked. Fujiwara Sakurako was killed, but Zhang Ying's whereabouts were unknown, but He Xiaoyue knew that this little girl who was just a few years old was probably also For this reason, He Xiaoyue was depressed for a long time before she came out of that grief.

Then, she opened her eyes and looked at Li Zedao and asked, "I seem to understand, is it because Zhang Hailong is still alive now because of...she?"

Li Zedao nodded and said, "She didn't die, was rescued, and later adopted. The reason why Zhang Hailong was still alive was indeed because of her, but she didn't want to recognize this father, but she didn't. Want him to die..."

Li Zedao looked at He Xiaoyue and added awkwardly: "She is also one of my women now."

"..." The muscles on He Xiaoyue's face twitched violently, feeling that the joke God made with her was even bigger. This time, she was not only pursuing the man of her cousin, but also The man who pursued her daughter...Although she was not her biological daughter, Zhang Ying called her mother when she was a child.

The look in Li Zedao's eyes was a little bit resentful right now, so how could I pursue you without restraint! At least, she has to think about the feelings of her cousin and Zhang Ying, right?

"Want to see her?" Li Zedao asked.

He Xiaoyue nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

"I'll call her later." Li Zedao said, "but I can't guarantee that she wants to see you because she has a lot of trouble with you. It was Zhang Hailong who ordered the killing of their mother and daughter, but Zhang Hailong did not I had the heart to attack my daughter, but I didn't want my daughter to hate him, so I kept my eyes on him and played tricks to let Zhang Ying know that it was you who chased their mother and daughter."

"..." He Xiaoyue's expression changed drastically. She always thought that the person who pursued and killed the mother and daughter belonged to the same force as the person who attacked Zhang Hailong. She didn't expect Zhang Hailong to order it, and even Zhang Hailong was so shameless. It's really hateful to play like this.

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