The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1019: Not pharaoh

"I promise you that I will tie Zhang Yue'er and throw it in front of you." Li Zedao promised to pat the shadow's little head. At this moment, the shadow was shooting on Antarctica's arms with teardrops. Because of crying too hard, his big eyes were already red and swollen, just like two peaches hung there... Li Zedao suddenly wanted to eat peaches.

The eye sockets in the Antarctic were also red, and she patted the trembling shoulder of the shadow, very distressed.

"Yeah." The shadow raised his head and Li Zedao nodded, and then... blew a bubble.

Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth twitched, except for helplessness or helplessness, please, can't you be so cute? Do you know that I would want to laugh when you blow bubbles in this kind of atmosphere that should be sad?

"After you catch her back, the beautiful girl of this genius will give you the whip, handcuffs, and fox tail candles so that you can bully her casually." Shadow said, "Then the beautiful girl of this genius will be shooting on the side. It will become the biggest selling film in the world on the island country, and the money you earn will buy you sweets..."

"I'm eating your sister!" Li Ze said angrily. He said so bluntly that something like that would really happen. My taste is not that heavy, okay?

Antarctica gave Li Zedao a fierce look, and the threat in his eyes was obvious. If you really dare to do that, you will be dead!

"Anyway, after you put on that wretched mask, she doesn't know who you are? Maybe He Xiaoyue, who is so wretched enough to see you, will willingly cooperate with you in various actions...Oh, no, the picture is too disgusting , I'm going to throw up..."

"..." Li Zedao's face became even darker. Dare to love this little witch's mind already beginning to fantasize about scenes that can't bear to look directly at it?

A few minutes later, the heartless shadow had returned to normal, and continued to torture Li Zedao like a little witch, saying that someone's **** was too ugly, as if only two turtles were lying there.

Li Ze was so angry that he almost spewed a few catties of blood, tortoise, your sister's, have you ever seen such a white tortoise?

"Shut up, I have something to say to Ze Dao." Antarctica finally couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted sternly.

The shadow is still very afraid of the Antarctic, so she stuck out her tongue cutely: "I have downloaded a lot of movies of this kind, such as the human-dog battle, the human-horse battle, the human-donkey battle, and so on, and even the kind of guy that the big fool likes the most. The don’t see it."

"...Look at it for yourself." The Antarctic face became darker. "Put on the headphones and I'll talk to Zedao."

Li Zedao was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. When did I like **** men? I like lesbians, OK?

With a mentality of seeking knowledge, Li Zedao actually wanted to open his eyes to see what a human-dog fight looks like, but...I'm not embarrassed, his face is not as thick as a shadow.

"I contacted Master, and Master agreed, but..." Antarctica looked at Li Ze with some worry, "We two are joined together, and it may not be his opponent. Besides, according to intelligence, he is now in the palace. Guests of the Emperor of the Island Kingdom, I don’t think we can sneak into such a place. As for the snake head, it is said that it will be sent to the Yasushi Shrine. You know that place. It’s not so easy to invade."

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, shook his head and said in a deep voice: "How to invade the imperial palace and the Jingwei Shrine, let's not talk about it. Together, we two will be able to beat him."

"He is your master. You know his ability. Will he underestimate him?" Antarctica said, "Yanhuang said, only in terms of skill, he can't keep God's hand, Yanhuang also said, God's The brain of the hand is more terrifying than his skill."

"If... he is not the hand of God at all, isn't it my master?" Li Zedao said, with a deep sorrow in his tone.

"What?" Antarctica was taken aback, "You mean... he is not the hand of God?"

"No." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "The face of a person can be changed, but his eyes can't be changed. Besides, I also found a very important flaw, which proved that the person who ate with the Emperor of the Island Kingdom Not my master, the hand of God..."

Although the shadow was staring at the computer screen while wearing a headset and eyeballs, there was no sound, so naturally, he heard the conversation between Antarctica and Li Zedao.

At the moment, he took off the headset from his head and brought it together: "Damn, the beautiful girl of this genius has long suspected that it is not Pharaoh. How could Pharaoh do such a thing? What's more, Pharaoh might already ..."

Shadow's little face was sad again.

"Go and get that picture out." Li Zedao said, scanning the computer screen, and almost instantly falling off his eyeballs and getting goosebumps.

Antarctica glanced at the screen and quickly moved it away. Similarly, with goose bumps, the picture was so beautiful that I couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Soon, Shadow shut the thing off and adjusted the picture of the "patriot" Wang Zi, who is now circulating on the Internet, having dinner with the Emperor of the Island Kingdom. Then he looked back at Li Ze and said, "Big fool, flaw. where is it?"

"Eyes!" Li Zedao stared at the eyes in the photo and said.

The black line on Antarctica's face, how is this flaw different from what you just said?

The shadow stared at the eyeballs of Lao Wang in the photo without blinking, and then... imagined in her heart that she tore Li Zedao to pieces, and then burned, flooded, buried...

Damn, where is the flaw?

But Shadow wouldn’t be stupid enough to expose his ignorance, so he nodded sharply and said, "Well, um, yes, yes, yes, the eyes are indeed very big... flaws... um..."

"Let's listen." Li Zedao was amused by the shadow's pretense.

"Huh, why did this genius and beautiful girl tell you?" Shadow raised his head, glanced at Li Zedao, snorted coldly, with a very disdainful expression, and continued to tear Li Zedao to pieces in his heart, and then burned, flooded, and buried!

I knew that before he took off his trousers, he should have kicked it. Yes, next time he would do it. See if he would dare to be so arrogant.

"Look at it carefully. Are his eyeballs... royal blue?" Li Ze said, pointing to his eyeballs.

"Navy blue?" Both Antarctica and the shadow were taken aback, and then both stared at the smiling eyes in the photo with wide eyes.

"It seems... it's really royal blue..." Antarctica said with some difficulty.

"Damn, it's really royal blue!" Shadow exclaimed, "Pharaoh's eyes are royal blue? Damn, why doesn't this genius girl know? Does he wear US contact lenses?"

"Do you have a picture of him in your phone? If you upload it to your computer, it will be clearer." Li Zedao looked at the shadow and said, feeling a bit sorrowful in his heart. The dignified hand of God has now been condemned to death and ruined. , It is really unexpected.

"Yes, I have a selfie with Lao Wang in my mobile phone. It was the last time I saw Lao Wang, before Lao Wang left." Shadow said, quickly found the mobile phone and uploaded a photo in his hand to the computer. Then open that photo.

"Tsk tusk, you said, why is this genius and beautiful girl so beautiful?" Shadow looked at his photos and became shamelessly intoxicated.

"...Do business!" Li Zedao urged with a black line on his face!

Shadow turned his head and glared at Li Zedao, without saying anything. He moved the mouse and put the two pictures together. After the comparison, it became more obvious.

The face was still the same, but the eyes of the old king who was eating with the Emperor of the Island Kingdom were obviously a little smaller, lacking the kind of lazy, wise look in his eyes. Moreover, it is really blue! As for wearing cosmetic contact lenses... just ignore the shadow. How could the hand of God do such boring things?

It can be seen that this guy who gave the snake head as a birthday gift to the Emperor of the island country and also had dinner with the Emperor is not Wang Zi at all, and even, it is basically certain that this is a European or American person.

"Sure enough, he is not your master!" Antarctica looked back at Li Ze and said with a moved expression.

"No!" Li Zedao said with a deep breath, "and one thing is basically certain."

Antarctica's face was a little ugly and nodded. She understood what Li Zedao meant, that is, something happened to the hand of God, even, it was dead! Otherwise, how could he tolerate someone pretending to do such a thing and corrupting his reputation?

So from the time the snake head was lost, to the suspected appearance of the snake head, it was finally "sent" into the Demon Cave Forest by Lin Sen, to Li Zedao risked his life to enter the Demon Cave Forest and brought out the safe and Lin Sen's corpse, but there was nothing inside. The head of the snake is the bronze statue of **** and the note left by Li Zedao by the hand of suspected god, and now "Wang Zi" has appeared, giving you the real snake head as a birthday gift to His Majesty the Emperor of the island country... all these things Was it the same person or force? When the snake head was lost, the hand of God actually had an accident? The big head and the iron hand weren't wiped out by the hand of God?

But the person or force that can do this kind of thing must be terrifying, but what is his ultimate goal? Is it simply trying to corrupt the reputation of the hand of God? Not only do you want him to die, but you want him to become a stinky mouse? Become the most humiliating traitor?

All kinds of unanswered questions lingered in the heart of Antarctica, and also entangled in Li Zedao's heart so hard that his breathing was a little difficult.

"Do you want to report to it?" Antarctica asked after taking a deep breath.

Li Zedao shook his head: "People are more willing to believe what they saw with their own eyes, so it doesn't make any sense. What we have to do now is to get him out..."

"Yes, then grill him on the bed, whip him, drop him with a candle, and poke the fox's tail in... It's disgusting..." Shadow felt cold and pointed at Li Ze, "Fool, let this matter go." Here you are."


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