The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1011: Aunt and uncle

"Something is going on." The shadow looked at the South Pole with a low voice. The teardrops continued to roll, and they were about to fall.

"Tell me?" Antarctica said, a little distressed. So far, in addition to the brothers of the Shenlong organization, she has two sisters who can talk about it. One is Susan. In front of Susan, she seems to have become a stupid sister who doesn't understand the world and fashion.

Susan will tell her all kinds of things and help her dress up.

The other one is shadow, but in front of the little girl who is like a little ghost, she naturally becomes a sister.

Antarctica enjoys being dragged by Susan to go shopping when she is a younger sister. She also enjoys being her sister listening to the shadow over there saying some shocking and even shocking words... She enjoys the fun and calmness. life.

The shadow looked sadly at the South Pole, then continued to stare at the gloomy sky blankly, holding his chest with his hand, and muttering, "There is a little pain here."

"..." Li Zedao's chest is also a little bit painful, shit, does this devil really consider herself a sentimental young literary girl? Come on, you have to take the route of the rotten girl, so why have to change to the sentimental route?

Look at your face, look at your face. You are so sentimental. People who are so sentimental will not sympathize with you at all, but will find a brick and smash it at your face, okay... Li Zedao now wants to find a brick to smash it!

"Because, I left the whip at home." Shadow gave Li Ze a fierce look in his eyes, and the tears that had been brewing for a while finally fell. "How can such a genius and beautiful girl spank him? Directly? No, no, if your hands are not pure then you can't chop them?"

"..." This time not only Li Zedao spurted blood, but also the Antarctic.

This rotten girl, this is so sad and so sad, it turns out that she forgot to bring her whip? I push you ass! How Li Zedao wanted to jump straight in and then tore off her pants and slapped her over.

"Don't can replace it with branches..." Antarctica looked at Li Zedao and gave an idea. "The about the same?"

"..." Li Zedao's eyes looking at the Antarctic were so grievous, please, who are you in the same family?

"Yes, you can use branches." Shadow clapped his hands and laughed, "And what is this place? Is the island country! What is the most famous thing in the island country? Blockbuster! There must be many kinds of props... Sister Antarctica, tonight Let's go out and buy a whip...Oh, what else candle handcuffs fox tails..."

Antarctica's face blushed with choking at these words, and I don't know how to continue.

Li Zedao's face was extremely dark, just like the black sneakers on his feet. The hand clenched into a fist, but silently turned and walked aside. He was scared, away from this little witch. If you get too close, you might get a life case.

He took out the phone that had been turned off in his pocket, and while turning it on, Li Zedao glanced at Tom, who was holding a professional camera on his neck, who was not far away taking pictures, and his eyes narrowed.

At the same time, the tour guide Mei Mina came over through the loudspeaker: "Lovely uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, the car that came to pick you up should have arrived long ago, but it broke down on the road. Now the company Another car has already been sent over, so please wait patiently for a while..."

"Let me briefly introduce to you our itinerary for the past few days... Naturally there is no arrangement today. When everyone arrives at the hotel, we will have a meal in the hotel, and then we will have a room for two people, so couples don’t need to talk about it. Others can be freely combined..." Meimei's voice was a little ambiguous, "Of course, as long as both parties agree, a combination of men and women is also possible..."

"Can we have a room for three people?" The shadow holding the Antarctic hand interrupted the tour guide and said, "My sister and I have a room with our Husky."

"...This... is also possible." Meimei glanced at Li Zedao not far away with a weird look, then glanced at this woman named Wang Zhao (Antarctic) with the same look, thinking about these three people. They are all amazing! That man's name is strange, and this pregnant little beauty is even more strange... My husband has been raising a small three, a small four, a small five, and even brought it home, even saying that he is willing to let the bed out to sleep on the floor.

As for this Wang Zhao, it is even more weird. He is in the same room as the couple...

"Bitch!" An unpleasant voice rang from Antarctica and behind the shadow.

When the two looked back, they saw a very fashionable young woman staring at them both with a bad face, and behind her, followed by an embarrassed man.

The shadow is not the kind of sufferer at all, his eyes suddenly rounded, and he pointed at the woman and cursed: "Damn, who are you talking about? You slut, dressed like a bird on a cold day, Are you selling across the ocean or making that kind of blockbuster movie? Damn, you have been embarrassed to a foreign country. The beautiful girls of this genius are embarrassed for you..."

"You... bastard... bastard..." The woman pointed at the South Pole, her body trembling with anger, her face was extremely ugly, "You are the kind of **** who likes to seduce other just came to sell ..."

The expression of the man standing behind him was even more embarrassing: "He grabbed the hand of the fashionable woman and said, "My dear, stop making trouble, no one seduce me..."

"No? Why don't you look at people drooling without you... I just stared at this **** secretly from the back, my soul is gone..." The woman yelled angrily, and she passed it. , Stepped heavily on the back of the man's instep, and screamed out of him simply.

"Damn, he secretly looked at this genius and beautiful girl, that's because his eyes are not blind!" Shadow rolled up his sleeves, it was like a street curse, "Is it possible to look at you? Auntie!"

"Aunt?" The fashionable woman instantly felt a sense of insanity. The words "Auntie" were rapidly and infinitely enlarged, and hit her heart heavily!

She is only twenty-four years old, how can she call herself "auntie"?

So the next reaction of the fashionable woman is to immediately look for a mirror, look in the mirror to see if there is anything wrong with her dress today, otherwise, why would anyone be blind and behave like this? Do fashionable young girls consider them an aunt?

"Hey, and you, uncle..." The shadow looked at the man and reminded him kindly, "For your drooling at this genius and beautiful girl, I would like to remind you to stay away from this kind of aunt, otherwise you This small body was quickly squeezed dry, not to mention, even... huh, you didn't find your head to be green?"


"...You... my old lady tore your mouth..." If it wasn't for the man who grabbed her arm tightly, the woman would rush towards the shadow.

"Just your little body with excessive indulgence?" Shadow's eyes are full of disdain, "Don't think that this genius girl can't see it, you have a long night toss and turn, careless sleep, love cucumber and eggplant love banana, insomnia... Oh , I'm sorry, for a woman like you with no brains, you don't understand such a professional medical name..."

"..." The woman really didn't understand, her head was confused, and other people watching the excitement were also muttering, what kind of disease is this weird disease with such a long name?

"So this genius and beautiful girl will help you explain this disease for free... Simply put, it's sex-hunger-thirst!" Shadow sneered.

"You..." The woman's face changed drastically, and she roared, "I killed you, I killed you..."

Shadow sneered again, and even raised his **** provocatively.

" don't want to kill this bitch..." The woman was almost mad, and even more so, she caught five blood marks on the back of the man who was holding her arm tightly.

Meimei, the tour guide who was explaining, was about to fight when she saw this, and she hurried over to dissuade her. Of course, how could she be able to persuade a little tour guide?

Of course Li Zedao knew that the shadow was scolding others over there, but he just chose not to see it. On the one hand, he felt ashamed and really embarrassed; besides, if you move your mouth, the other person is no match for the shadow. You will be tortured to death by Antarctica, so don't worry at all.

In the end, Li Zedao also knew that the shadows were deliberately picking things up at all. In this way, they would have enough reasons to leave the tour group. After all, they had to perform tasks later, and even rescue Zhou Qian. Where is there any idle time? The group left? In other words, even if there is no such woman who is jealous over there, the shadow will leave the group casually.

On the other hand, Li Zedao anxiously waited for the phone in his hand to ring... To be precise, he was waiting for Tom to call him. After all, Tom had said before that he would call himself when he arrived in the island country.

The fashionable woman said furiously that there would be no me if there is this bitch, and asked the travel agency to pay back the money, but the old lady did not wait.

Antarctica sang the white face, she pulled the shadow behind her, and then apologized to the tour guide Meimei, saying that it was her sister’s young, ignorant, and fooling around, and that they had friends in the island country and left the group. It's possible to find a friend, and the travel agency does not have to repay the expenses already paid.

Regarding Antarctica, the tour guide is so impressed by Meimei, even thank you, and indeed, now the two are so stiff and immortal. If they continue to be together, sooner or later they will make trouble. Even bigger things come out. The most important thing is that the other party does not need to refund the travel expenses from the travel agency. Why not?

At this moment, the bus sent by the hostel arrived. The members of the tour group got on the bus in an orderly manner. Naturally, before the woman got on the bus, she gave a murderous glance at the shadow, while the tour guide Meimei repeatedly Express my gratitude, and then get on the bus.

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