The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 338: Original rucksack, trumpet fish basket! (2 in 1)

  The preparation process of bamboo basket is very simple.

  After all, this thing is a utility after all.

   is not a bamboo craft that pursues beauty.

   As long as the technique is sufficiently skilled, scornful and rigorous, even if it is crucial to close the cage, there is no special difficulty.

   The only headache.

   is that there is no professional tool to fix the square base.

   It takes a lot of effort to weave.

   needs constant adjustments to ensure that the shape of the bamboo basket is not deviated.

   Otherwise, it's easy to give up the past and push it over.

   In addition, the reformed bamboo sticks have unusually sharp edges.

  If you don't pay attention, your palm may be hit.

Fortunately, Lu Yu's skill proficiency has been filled up, the first bamboo stick has been enclosed, and he soon found a feeling.

   In this way, the progress of weaving began to advance by leaps and bounds.

   in front of the camera.

   bamboo sticks one by one, one by one on the basket, put in and out.

  Just a moment later, the general shape of the basket body was smashed out by Lu Yu.

   "Closing the enclosure is the second process of weaving the bamboo basket."

   "At the same time, it is also the key link that determines the ultimate weight of the bamboo basket."

   "Therefore, when slandering, please make sure that weaving is tight enough, regular enough, and pressing together."

   "Only in this way can the bamboo basket be strong after being formed."

   "As for the method of knitting, it is still the old routine, continue to use the cross knitting method... we need to knit up vertically one circle after another."

   "However, one thing to pay attention to, these bamboo sticks are actually very sharp."

   "If you are not careful, your palms will be scalded. Well, you see, I am careful enough, but still..."

   sat on the ground, Lu Yu stretched his right hand while breathing cool air.

   shows the small wound on the handle to the audience.

as predicted.

   It hasn't been a while yet.

  The sharp bamboo stick cut his fingers, palms, and back of his hands, and cut them open.

   Various small wounds are not uncommon.

   "The wound is not deep, but it is not painful and itchy, which is really uncomfortable, so be careful or try to be more careful."

   After complaining, Lu Yu shook his head bitterly.

   Concentrate on your attention and continue to work.

   "It hurts to watch!"

   "Distressed Yushen for three seconds!"

   "It doesn't hurt? You are really thick skinny, anchor!"

   "Nice, if I can't take it anymore!"

   "Do you all play basketball? What is this minor injury?"



five minutes later.

  With Lu Yu's efforts, the basket body became higher and higher.

   Four faces, with edges and corners.

   But thanks to the toughness of bamboo sticks, the transition is very smooth.

   is square.

There is a circle in the square.

  At this time, the progress of the cage has been completed by 80% or 90%.

  The diameter of the bamboo basket is a little larger than the square bottom.

   about 50 to 60 centimeters in height.

   Carry it up, not tall or short.

   should be just right.

   Seeing the bamboo sticks left in the basket, there were not many.

   Can accommodate up to two weft bars to reach the top.

   So, Lu Yu simply stopped, wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, and slowly said:

   "Wall cage, even if it comes to an end..."

   said that he gestured with his hand over the basket:

   "The next thing to do is to break off the bamboo sticks that are out of the basket, and then use the bamboo to lock the edges to make the basket more flat."


  Lu Yu treated all the bamboo sticks that were out of the basket and cleaned them up.

   Then, he took two long bamboo sticks and surrounded them.

   And fix it with rope at the key position.

   Then, the side was sealed.

   A sturdy, beautiful bamboo basket, even if it is done.

  Lu Yu picked it up and put it in front of the drone's camera to show it.

   Compact bamboo sticks stacked on top of each other.

   looks like a hand-made texture.

   is not lacking in rough original taste.

   In addition, because of the toughness and thickness of bamboo sticks also pass.

   The flexibility of the basket is beyond imagination.

   As long as it is not irresistible, it is basically difficult to damage.

   "666, really TM God!"

   "Pray for the same paragraph as the **** of feathers!"

   "This is really amazing!"

   "I really didn't expect that Yushen actually has this craft?"

   "Mom asked to kneel!"

   "Brother, come and chop me to give to the anchor plane × 10!-666, please take my knees!"

   "The super rich little rich lady presented to the anchor Super Rocket × 10!-ah ah ah, so beautiful!"


   Put down the bamboo basket.

  Lu Yu turned back to the hut.

   took three of the bark ropes and five bamboo tubes left when the hut was built.

   is going to make a simple carrying system for the bamboo basket.

   "The harness and carrying system must be made with bark rope."

   "There is nothing to say about the strap, just wear it in the gap of the bamboo basket and adjust the appropriate size. The most important thing is to carry the system."

   "The word carrying system comes from an outdoor backpack."

   "A backpack with and without a backpack has a world difference. A backpack with a backpack can not only reduce the burden on the shoulder, but also make you more comfortable."

   "The role of the bamboo basket is to facilitate the collection of materials. If you carry a piggyback, it will definitely have a double effect..."

   Talking room.

  Lu Yu has put two bark ropes on the bamboo basket longitudinally.

   and adjusted the appropriate size.

   Then, he picked up four bamboo tubes.

  Started to make a backpack.

   Place a rectangle on the ground that is slightly larger than the bamboo basket.

   Tied the four corners with rope.

   As for the last bamboo tube.

   is fixed in a rectangular frame, centered.

   Soon, laid the frame.

  Lu Yu untied the strap and passed through the frame.

   Then fixed the bamboo basket on the rope again.

   Carrying a framework is the key to reducing the burden.

   But this is not enough to allow the waist to share the strength of the shoulders.

   Therefore, you need to take another rope and tie it to the frame to act as a carrying belt.

  When you carry the bamboo basket, you just need to tie it around your waist, and the carrying frame can be firmly stuck on the buttocks.

   In this way, the weight of the bamboo basket will naturally be part of the waist, not relying on the shoulder to bear the weight.

   To achieve the purpose of weight loss.

   Of course, not just weight loss.

   This has another advantage.

   That is, it can greatly extend the life of bamboo baskets and shoulder straps.

   "OK, almost, how about trying it on your back..."

   Connect the connected one.

  Lu Yu carried the bamboo basket up.

  At the same time, the **** the frame was tightly tied around the waist.


  Strict silk seam.

   is quite suitable.

   The frame fits the bamboo basket very well.

   back is very light.

   I saw it in the live broadcast.

  Lu Yu holds a stone knife in his hand.

   wearing straw shoes and skirt.

   has a bamboo basket with a perfect carrying system on the back.

   is simply full of style.

  The next second, after seeing this scene, the barrage in the live room suddenly increased:

   "666, this look is so handsome!"

   "My world has a sense of sight!"

   "Old rogue style, 2333333"

   "Invincible, have a fight with Guizi into the village!"

   "It's time to go to the catwalk, absolutely hot!"

   "Haha, I am wearing a mask, can you not make me laugh?"

   After showing the bamboo basket to the audience without dead ends, Lu Yu untied the strap and took a breath and said:

   "With this bamboo basket, we can search the island's materials without any care, such as coconuts, such as cassava, if possible, it can even serve as a hunting bag, very practical."

  One morning, I was not busy.

   For this "primitive rucksack", Lu Yu was very satisfied.

  With this tool, when collecting supplies, his hands can be completely liberated.



   Time came to noon unconsciously.

   Back to the hut.

  Lu Yu casually ate some cassava, then took a stone axe to defend himself, and went to a hunting spot.

   But the result is still the same.

   has no prey.

   Seeing this, Lu Yu smiled at the camera and said:

   "Looks a bit bad luck... but that's okay, I have patience."

   looked at the trap under his feet as if he thought of something.

   Then the words changed:

   "Brothers, let's do something more than stare here."

   "Maybe, it's time for "two-pronged approach"."

   "In these days, because of the construction of the hut, I couldn't get away from going to the beach to search for materials, and I haven't been fishing in the sea for many days."

   "In the next few days, I may have to find a way to build a vegetable garden and cultivate cassava..."

   "Because this is the most important thing, you can't delay it. But the seaside supplies can't be wasted like that. Don't forget, this is an island, and the marine resources are very rich, so we have to find a way..."

   Talking room.

  Lu Yu played bamboo's "idea" again.

  The camp also has some bamboo and bamboo sticks.

   Add up.

  It should not be a problem to compile a fishing basket.

  Having a fish basket is equivalent to having a shoreline fishing spot.

   No need to go in person, you can easily collect all kinds of seafood every moment.

   kills two birds with one stone.

   "Take advantage of the time now, let's make another fish basket and then drop it to the shore. In this case, it is equivalent to adding more hunting spots and a relatively stable way to obtain food..."

   got this plan.

  Just do it.

  After returning to the camp, Lu Yu immediately became busy again.

  Fish baskets, which can only enter and exit, are a weapon for catching various types of seafood.

  Island's marine resources.

  Rong Yu Yu stuttering, it should not be difficult.

   Once compiled, the fish basket can be like a hunting spot.

   Once and for all.

   Not much time, after arriving at the place, Lu Yu did not rest for a moment.

   hurriedly took out a half of the bamboo tube left when making the bed legs.

   looked up.

  The bamboo tube is very thick.

   is about 50 cm long.

   The diameter is slightly smaller than the slap.

   has bottom.

   is hollow inside.

  The skin is very thin.

   After looking around, Lu Yu put his hands on the palm, and then nodded with satisfaction:

   "It's just right, you don't need to make drastic changes, you can use it directly..."

   came out of the hut.

sit on the floor.

  Lu Yu gathered the remaining bamboo sticks from the previously woven bamboo basket together as a spare.

   Then, stand the bamboo tube in front of you.

   Take out the stone knife.

   compared the size of the bamboo tube mouth.

   After confirming the centerline formally, go straight down and divide it into two.

   However, this knife did not hit too hard.

   reached the bottom of the bamboo tube and stopped.

   did not split the bamboo tube completely.

   "A long time ago, our ancestors learned to use local materials, and even more so than they understand the truth of eating from the mountains and from the sea."

   "The fish basket is the product of that time."

   "This thing is simple to make and cleverly designed. With it, you don't have to work hard to catch fish in the sea. All you have to do is wait for the prey to run to the door..."

   After the bamboo tube is divided into two.

   Lu Yu was immediately on top, subdividing bamboo sticks.

   "Most fish baskets are oval, so when choosing bamboo materials, try to choose this kind of bamboo tube with a bottom, the advantage is that there is no need to seal, because the bottom of the bamboo tube is an excellent seal."

   "Next, you only need to subdivide this bamboo tube into a number of bamboo sticks, and use it as the main body of the fish basket. Everyone, open your eyes and look carefully--"

   said, Lu Yu's hand fell.

   Follow the previous method.

over and over again.

   Until the bamboo tube is split into countless thin bamboo sticks, it is not a break.

  From the beginning to the end, there was no knife at the end of the bamboo tube.

   Therefore, the bamboo sticks always stand intact on the bottom of the tube.

   Gently shook his hand.

   The whole bamboo tube was split in a split second.

   "This is the body of the fish basket."

   "At that time, as long as the bamboo basket is made, another bamboo stick is used as a weft, interlacing with the warp on the tube body, and using the cross knitting method, weave up all the way until an oval basket is formed."

   "Made the main body, the natural back cover of the bottom of the basket will shrink the body of the basket a little, and seal the fish and shrimp swimming in from the mouth of the basket..."

   "Well, friends, still the old rules, go round the cage first."


   Reserve a half-finger distance at the bottom of the basket.

  Lu Yu used both feet to clamp the bottom of the bamboo tube.

   Put the stone that was used to press the square bottom on it, and expand the bamboo sticks on the bamboo tube completely.

   Then, he took another bamboo stick.

  Snake walking through the bamboo stick on the barrel.

   Press one by one.

  Wrap slowly for a week.

   Then, starting from this bamboo stick.

   Then take the bamboo sticks and wind them up.

  Until the entire body is completed.

  With the bamboo basket as the base, Lu Yu's bamboo knitting skills are becoming more and more sophisticated.

   Soaring proficiency.

  After a while, I got a third.

   At this time, the shape of the fish basket has already taken shape.

  Seeing Yu took the stone out, and then continued to wind up the bamboo strips circle by circle along the established trajectory.

   The whole knitting process lasted about half an hour.

in a blink.

  The last bamboo stick is settled.

   The main body of the fish basket finally appeared in front of the camera.

   From a distance, the bamboo fish basket looks like a big horn.

   The body and the wiring of the enclosure are also perfect.

   is very close.


   "The anchor is so good, right?"

   "Another perfect craft!"

   "Can this catch a fish? Express doubt!"

   "Doubt +1!"

   glanced at the barrage, Lu Yu put the semi-finished fish basket in front of the camera and explained:

   "It's just that, there must be no fish, because there is no organization yet."

   "The so-called institution is actually very simple. After all, this is not a professional crab cage. However, the principle of both is the same, and it is a fish that swims in and there is no back and forth."

   "If you want to come and go, the mystery is in the mouth of the fish basket."

   said, Lu Yu pointed the mouth of the fish basket to the camera and made a gesture:

   "We can install a funnel here."

   "The mouth of the funnel is the same size as the mouth of the basket, but the bamboo sticks under the funnel cannot be sealed. They should be spread out and become bamboo curtains.".

   "Bamboo has toughness."

   "When the fish runs down the funnel mouth, breaks through the bamboo curtain, and swims into the basket, the bamboo curtain will automatically shrink and close them directly in the fish basket..."

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