The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 322: Seafood dinner, explore the plan! (Four K, 2 in 1!...

The red spotted grouper is scarce and the cost is always high.

Secondly, because of its specific living environment, the cost of capture is also very high.

It is never an easy task for a fish to go ashore from being salvaged to being put on the table.

Not long ago, a red spot of less than two kilograms in Tsukiji Market was once photographed at a high price of 400,000 yen!

And Lu Yu hunted this, conservatively estimated to be more than three kilograms.

If such a large natural red spotted boulder is available on the Tsukiji market, the price cannot be imagined.

After going ashore.

Lu Yu took a breath and carefully placed the fish in front of the camera.

For the audience, a brief introduction to the ins and outs of the red spot grouper:

"This kind of fish has extremely high requirements on the sea environment, and the climate and water quality are indispensable. There is almost no possibility of artificial breeding. It is for this reason that it has created high prices. After all, things are rare and expensive!"

"Many rich people spend a lot of money, not only spending tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands, but also not necessarily able to taste this delicious..."

In front of the camera, Lu Yuzhen Zhen has a word.

However, despite what he said, there are noses and eyes, but for most ordinary audiences, they still feel that this matter is still a bit ridiculous.

Just a fish.

No matter how expensive you can go?

Can I change the second ring and one suite?

"Feather, is it a bit exaggerated?"

"Isn't it just a fish? Who eats it? Are people stupid and rich?"


"I feel like it's just priceless, right? I won't eat it anyway!"


It is normal for viewers to have doubts.

After all, ordinary people don't pay too much attention to this kind of thing.

However, for some local tyrants in the live broadcast room, as well as fairy-level foodies, they are winding around, but they know better than anyone!

The preciousness of the red spot blob is even more exaggerated than the bluefin golden spear.

Especially in recent years, it has almost reached a level where it is hard to find a fish.

It’s not unusual to spend tens of thousands of dollars and eat a fish.

Therefore, some people in the barrage sniffed at this, and immediately popularized:

"Yu Shen is right, this fish is really very expensive..."

"I'm Hui Ge, the anchor of the seafood live next door. The price of the red spotted grouper has always been very high, tens of thousands of dollars, and it is commonplace."

"Lying trough? So expensive?"

"Nima, poverty limits my imagination!"

"Feather God made a big profit this time!"

"Lying trough, a windfall!"

"Great, my brother!"


Returning to the camp, Lu Yu carefully used a stone knife to make a small gap at the mouth of the fish, wore a bark rope inside, and hung it in the crack of the rock.

Then, he was ecstatically said: "Brothers, you can enjoy it again tonight..."

After grinning with anger at the camera, Lu Yu picked up the harpoon, left the audience's line of sight, and walked along the beach towards the water.

"Before it's sunset, I have to go to the water source first."

"After having a perfect water collection system, as long as you have time, you must observe and check diligently. In this way, even if an accident occurs, you can find it in time and avoid waste. In this case, every drop of water It’s all important, so don’t neglect."

Talk while walking along the way.

After arriving at the place, Lu Yu gently turned down the surrounding stones and leaned over to look around.

as predicted.

A few hours passed.

At this moment, the water in the pit is really over half.

The coconut shell is also very fruitful.

"Have you seen it? If you don’t check it in time, you will just let it go overnight and waste at least 200 ml of water. After all, it’s not a luxury time..."

Talking, Lu Yu knelt on the ground and drank the water in the pit.

However, it is not addictive.

So he drank the water in the coconut shell cleanly before putting all the items back in place.

With fresh water, Lu Yu's survival rhythm finally slowed down.

This is a good thing.

At least, don’t worry about finding water.

Secondly, the saved time to find water will also allow him to think better and plan his next journey to the desert island.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.


Leave the water source.

On the way back, the fiery red glow blew up the sky.

On the second day of coming to the uninhabited island, it is coming to an end.

Sitting in the shelter, before officially embarking on the dinner, Lu Yu summarized his survival status:

"Along the way, after some hard work, my survival needs have been basically met. Fresh water, food, bonfires, knives, fish spears, and even places to sleep are guaranteed. It is everything."

"Not to mention how long it can last, but at least this system is established."

"This strengthens my confidence to continue, and also makes me full of strong interest in this uninhabited island... Next, I will take a step closer, on this basis, let my means of survival become More abundant. If there is no accident, I decided to go to the island tomorrow."

"Try to see if you can find a better camp, better food, better supplies, better tools, and then step by step, build an original civilization on the island that belongs to me..."

Speaking room.

The sunset is over the mountains, the afterglow is everywhere.

After explaining the past and the past to the audience, Lu Yu picked up the stone knife, cut some firewood at the edge of the jungle, and placed it beside the rock.

Then, putting down the stone, he picked up the fish spear again and scattered the burning charcoal fire.

The grouper was removed from the rock.

"The grouper has extremely high nutritional value, the meat is delicious and delicious, and the raw food is very good, but now the conditions are limited, I am not allowed to do this, so we still cook it before eating."

When talking, the blade was on the belly of the fish and creaked across the camera.

The dark internal organs flowed to the ground.

After being completely ripped, Lu Yu ripped off his internal organs and took it out carefully.

Put it on the palm leaf.

Explain to the audience:

"Grouper's internal organs are a good thing, except fish gills, other parts can be eaten. Don't underestimate them, these things, the calories are super high, although only a little, but it can bring me at least 800 calories."

"800 calories, I have to eat six coconuts to make it up, so it's really precious..."

Between talking, busy.

After the fish body was completely cleaned, Lu Yu blew the red charcoal fire for the first time, and then directly threw the fish body on it.

As for the internal organs, it was wrapped with palm leaves, tied tightly and buried in the sand under the charcoal fire.

"To cook grouper, you don't need too many fancy cooking techniques. Only the simplest way of cooking is the shortest way to get the most delicious."

"Don't worry about the carbon ash polluting the fish meat. Audiences who have watched my live broadcast should know that the grass ash is not dirty and sticks a little.

While waiting for the food to be released, Lu Yu was not idle.

Chatting with the audience all the time.

The content is varied from south to north.

Sometimes think about it.

Although survival is difficult.

But just watching the setting sun, sitting in front of the campfire, and waiting for the food to come out, it's still pleasant.

In a moment.

About ten minutes later, the roar of grilling sound came, and the plume of green smoke came out of the fish.

A scent of fresh fish, floating in the nose, greedy Lu Yu saliva.

It is worthy of the top deliciousness from the ocean. That taste really teaches people to stop...

Seeing this, Lu Yu endured the heat, picked up the charred fish tail, and turned over.

Then, peel off the charcoal sticking to the fish skin.

The burnt fish meat is very rough.

But judging from the tiny bubbles that come out of the exposed fish fiber from time to time, they are still delicate!

If this is bite down.

I don't need Lu Yu to say more about that taste, the audience will also feel it!

"Wow, drooling!"

"One bite loves crazy 11, I really want to try it!"

"To die, to poison again?"

"Sexy anchor, poison online!"

"Halazi streamed a screen..."

"A certain anchor spends his money, and a grilled fish is worth millions!"


One said one.

It was really unexpected that Lu Yu could catch such a rare red spot.

If you don’t take it, it’s a surprise!

Perhaps this is what Kojima gave to himself?

In an instant, time was flying fast, and the light around him gradually dimmed.

The scent of grilled fish is getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing this, Lu Yu reached out and pressed on the fish.

The age is moderate and the heat is just right.

So he said:

"My friends, it should be almost... I don't know how it tastes, but it smells really good. I have been hungry for a long time, and if I don't say much, I won't be polite to you!"

If the words fall, this guy is really unkind.

Pick up a palm leaf, place the grilled fish on top, and then aim at the fish belly, it is a big mouthful!

Fish belly is the essence of a fish.

After grilling, the fatty fish belly tends to become firmer.

The fragrance will be more explosive!

It's like fat on skewers.

Fat but not greasy, incense burnt!

The next second, at the moment of the entrance of the fish belly, the hot air spewed out, and greasy appeared!

The taste buds that haven't been satisfied for a long time will suddenly rise ——


Eating grilled fish, Lu Yu nodded like garlic, and his expression was also exaggerated.

"It's really's so delicious. Even with all the adjectives I can think of, it's not enough to describe its taste--fresh! Fragrant! Tender! The fish meat is not that kind of soft lie, but... ...Especially chewy."

"The taste of the saury, the deliciousness of the eastern starfish, and the greasiness of the eel, are absolutely amazing..."

In the live room.

After listening to Lu Yu's introduction, many audiences swallowed involuntarily!

But even so, the taste buds that are eager to try are still not satisfied.

It's midnight!

It's too much!

"Late poison at night!"

"It's so fragrant..."

"Please don't say it, we all know the taste..."

"Where do you eat fish? It's money!"

"Yushen now has a contract with hundreds of millions of dollars. This small amount of money is really nothing to him. Can he afford it every day?"

"Mom, I want to eat grilled fish too!"


All of Lu Yu's attention was attracted by this fish, and he had no time to take the barrage!

One bite after another, one after another.

Enthusiastically experience this extraordinary taste!

Corner of mouth.


Even the chest is covered with oil.

Soon, in less than two minutes, this three-kilogram red spotted spot was cleaned by him.

Only one fishbone left...

However, this does not count.

After eating the fish, Lu Yu broke another coconut.

Then, face up to the sky and drink them all in one breath!


The dinner is over.

Lu Yu let out a long breath, his face full of satisfaction.

"It's really cool. This may be the most delicious grilled fish I have ever had in my life. The taste doesn't need to be said. One word, praise. But the most important thing is the taste. Sorry, everyone, forgive me. Poor..."

After a short break.

The charcoal fire finally burned out.

Upon seeing this, Lu Yu took out the charred palm leaf from the sand and then opened it carefully.

Then, a mass of black paint and oily things appeared in front of the audience.

"These internal organs may look a little weird, but it is definitely a rare good. It is said to be good, not just taste, and most importantly, it can provide me with a lot of calories."

"Try it first."

After speaking, Lu Yu, regardless of three, seven, twenty-one, reached out and grabbed.

Then he put all his brain into his mouth.

Chewing all the time.

"My friends, the taste is okay, it's a bit bitter, but it's still acceptable..."

"This kind of thing is best enjoyed with spices, in order to exert its power, otherwise, you know."

Although the offal is not as delicious as fish, it is good food as long as it can provide energy to the body and bring hope for subsequent survival.

There is really no reason to refuse.

Eat and chat.

Accompanied by the night, a seafood dinner was finally dropped in the audience's spit.

After eating, Lu Yu set up a campfire, drilled into the shelter with the drone, chatted with everyone for a while, and then ended his live broadcast the next day.

The sea breeze stretches.

The tide is ringing.


Very stable.

For some reason, the "unknown visitors" in the jungle on the island did not come to visit themselves.

This night, I had a good sleep.

It wasn't until 6 o'clock in the morning that Lu Yu slowly opened her eyes in sleep.

After getting up, he didn't start broadcasting for the first time.

I went to the beach to clean up my personal hygiene.

I brushed my teeth with charcoal burning last night.

Then I ate a few more coconuts and opened the live broadcast room.

Because there is enough heat, the popularity at the time of the broadcast has been rapidly improved!

In less than a blink of an eye, millions of people flooded into the live broadcast room.

Seeing that it was almost time, Lu Yu stretched hard and then said immediately:

"good morning everyone."


Standing on the beach, he put his hands on his hips and showed his muscles.

After thinking for a while, he murmured:

" is my third day on the desert island. I can only say that everything is going according to plan. Although there are many twists and turns, I have overcome them one by one."

"Yesterday, I harvested fresh water, harvested a spear, and accidentally caught the rare and delicious taste of a civilized society."

"Right now, I have solved the basic survival problem. So next, I decided to go to the hinterland of the island and go around in the forest to see if I can get a bigger harvest."

"Okay, before we set off, according to the usual practice, let's collect fresh water first. If nothing happens, the water in the pit should be full this night. Well, without further ado, let's start now."

With that said, Lu Yu maintained a good fire and picked up the fish spear.

Follow the previous route all the way to the east.

Step by step, the water slowly enters.

Overlooking his figure and footprints on the beach.

The subtitle in the lower right corner of the live broadcast room was slowly typed: "Surviving the Desert Island, the third day"

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