The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 314: Heat reflecting wall! Can everything be sunscreen? (Five/five, four...

It is not accurate to say that it is not open.

But it's not too bad.

However, it does not look like a cave.

It's like an aberration caused by seawater erosion and weathering.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu lit up and hurriedly turned the camera, pointing to the rocky road in the distance:

"Brothers, have you seen the gap under the rock? We went over to look at it, maybe there will be unexpected discoveries."

With that said, he took three steps and made two steps and hurriedly walked past.

at last.

Come near.

The panoramic view of the rock.

The huge narrow and long gap is at the bottom.

There is a lot of space.

The deepest point may be 20-30 meters from the coastline.

The inside of the gap is very smooth.

I saw at a glance that this was a trace of seawater scouring over the years.

In addition, the white salting on the rock surface is also the best proof of this argument.

After looking outside for a while, Lu Yu walked straight into the gap, looked around for a while, and finally came to the conclusion:

"This place is good, although it is not a cave, but it is enough to shelter from the wind and rain."

"You see, this is a typical phenomenon of seawater erosion. The ebb and flow of the day after day makes the waves sculpt a large and narrow space at the bottom of the rock...To be honest, this is definitely a very good In a natural camp, you don’t need to do much, you just need to hide here and start a fire, then you can get a firm foothold first."

Talk about it.

Lu Yu turned his attention to the present again, and carefully observed the gap.

Immediately afterwards, he bent down and moved slowly to the deepest point, confirming the tide line.

The most important thing to build a shelter on the coast is to observe the tidal line.

Whether it is a sloping house or a natural shelter, always have a rest place on the tide line.

Only in this way, the rising and falling waves will not disturb you.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu slowly said to the camera:

"Friends, when setting up shelters in such places, you must pay attention to the tide fluctuation line, whether it is tailored to the local conditions or self-acting. As long as you live around the beach, you must pay attention to this."

"Because no one wants to, when sleeping at night, they are suddenly awakened by the waves, so this is particularly important."

Facing the camera, Lu Yu said while making gestures.

Tell the audience about the intertidal zone and how to judge.

Various professional knowledge, I heard everyone stunned.

Almost all were almost surrounded by Lu Yu.

But it still sounds interesting.

"The water level line when the sea is at high tide is the line, and the water level line after low tide is called the low tide line, and the intertidal zone is the area between the high tide line and the low tide line."

"All we have to do is to ensure that the shelter is always above the intertidal zone."

"The method of judging the intertidal zone is very simple and straightforward. You only need to observe the texture of the beach and stay away from the tide pool, that is, the small pools that are all over the low tide line, and you can know a rough range."

With that said, Lu Yu did it himself.

According to this method, combined with the situation at that time, a tidal line was planned, and his shelter was placed within a relatively safe range.

To be honest, it's really good here.

Although the space is large.

But it is very compact.

The rock above is completely a natural shelter, a perfect single roof house!

Secondly, the vision is also very good.

Backing against the rock, you can see the general situation in all directions along the coast.

Of course, these are all secondary.

The most important thing is that in front of the shelter, there is actually a small and large rock.

"This rock can really be regarded as a magical stroke, it is just right."

Looking at the rock, Lu Yu murmured.

However, the audience did not seem to understand this right!

One by one, all asked in the barrage:

"Isn't it just a broken stone?"

"Yeah, feather god, what's so strange about this?"

"Can't it be a precious jewel head?"

"Upstairs, your brain is really big. This kind of stone is everywhere in our house. If it's a gem, wouldn't I send it?"


In the barrage, everyone held their own opinions and said everything.

Here, Lu Yu did not continue to sell Guanzi, and directly gave the answer:

"Brothers, this stone, although an ordinary stone, is a treasure to me."

"The location of the rock is right in front of my sanctuary. It is just a distance away. One more point is farther and the other is less. If a bonfire is lit under this rock, it will immediately become a qualified heat reflection. wall!"

Heat reflecting wall?

The audience was a little unclear at first, so the screen was full of question marks.

Seeing this, Lu Yu continued to explain:

"In fact, it's easy to understand. We all know that heat is actually a wave, and it can be reflected."

"Yes, it's that simple."

"Without this rock, most of the heat emitted by the campfire will be wasted. But with it, it will be different. At that time, the heat emitted will pass through the rock and feed back the heat to my location continuously. To avoid the loss of heat."

"In this way, at night, as long as the bonfire does not go out, I will spend the whole night in a more comfortable temperature."


Upon hearing Lu Yu say this, the audience suddenly opened up!


"Great, bring a physicist?"

"It seems that without culture this year, I can't mix it up!"

"Don't make sense to me, I just want to watch live streaming without code!"



Soon after choosing the shelter, Lu Yu was busy all the time.

Along the bushes along the coast, I walked for a while and got a lot of palm leaves.

"Although there is a heat-reflecting wall, the moisture-proof work cannot be ignored. I once said in the live broadcast that the moisture-proof work is the most important part of the process of arranging shelters."

"Even if you have no time to build a shelter, you must not give up this link, because moisture protection is really too important."

"Especially here, sleeping on the beach is almost equivalent to seeking death."

"The specific heat of sand and stone is smaller than that of air. During the day, when absorbing the radiant heat of the sun, the sand of equal mass is higher in temperature than the air near the ground. The heat transfer is transferred from sand to air. At the same time, due to the ratio of sand and stone The heat is small, and the sand and stones absorb heat quickly, so that the air near the ground also heats up quickly."

Speaking, Lu Yu placed a large handful of palm leaves next to the beach in the rocky shelter.

While making a bed for himself, explaining the importance of moisture-proof work for the audience:

"But once at night, the situation will change. The surface radiates heat to the air, the air convection, the sand and the cold air near the ground exchange heat, and the sand and the air transfer to the air to, at night , The temperature along the coast will drop sharply."

"At this time, if you are unprepared and sleep on the ground like this, the heat in your body will be quickly lost at an unimaginable speed, good luck, maybe you can still see the sun the next day, bad luck Yes, I really fell asleep..."

This is not groundless.

The principle that sand is smaller than heat is also known to the audience.

So on the next hearing, everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem.

At the same time, I finally felt the danger of wilderness!

If you don't pay attention, you may die!

"I wipe, the consequences are so serious?"

"Big brother, what do you think..."

"If you don't pay attention, you will die?"

"It really is!"

"Feather God, I know so much!"

"The anchor is too powerful? Is there an encyclopedia in your mind?"


Has been busy arranging shelters, at this time, Lu Yu did not have time to talk to the audience.

Right now, the sun is gradually going west, and it is estimated that it will not take long before sunset.

Therefore, it is time to hurry.

Take advantage of the bright day now and quickly finish the work at hand.

At that time, if there is enough time, maybe a fire will start before the dark.

For now, although fire is not necessary.

Even if it is not available, it does not affect anything.

But with fire, it will undoubtedly be more comfortable.

Especially in the early stage of capital accumulation.


It can really help.

In addition to warming people and grilling food, fire also has an important role.

That is, it can appease the restless hearts of the survivors and gain vital light in the dark.

Sometimes, perhaps this is the biggest meaning of the campfire.


After a few busy days.

Lu Yu breathed heavily.

At this time, the sandy ground of the shelter was no longer monotonous, covered with thick palm leaves.

Looking at his masterpiece, Lu Yu was not nonsense, he sat on it for the first time and felt it.

"Although it looks crude, there is no doubt that after having it, I can sleep well tonight."


Sit in place.

Lu Yu rested while chatting with the audience.

At present, the three elements of water, food and shelter have been initially achieved.

With these three things, the next action will not be overwhelming.

After all, the basic needs for survival have been initially established.

In the process, even if you encounter setbacks, there is room for maneuver.

For Lu Yu, the first day of the desert island, such a start can be considered very smooth.

However, in addition to the need for survival, there is another biggest problem that cannot be ignored either.

That is, mentality.

Because here, it is not only a place where you can temper your mindset, but also a place where you can burst your mindset!

No one looked up.

With the tree.

For modern people who live in civilized society all year round, this is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

After a short break, Lu Yu slowly stood up from the beach, picked up a few palm leaves, prepared to go back to the birthplace, and took back the remaining coconut shells.

They are also of great use.

On the way back, in order not to let the live broadcast stand cold, Lu Yu was not idle.

Walk along the beach and walk along the way and say:

"The loneliness brought by this island will become stronger and stronger with time."

"If your mental quality is not good enough, it is likely to stay here for a few days, and you will be on the verge of collapse. It will strike the whole body..."

"Humans are social animals. If a person stays in a closed space for a long time, he will really go crazy, so the key to survival is not only water, food, shelter, these external factors, but also the most critical. You need a strong heart."

"This is the most indispensable quality for conquering the unmanned state."

If you listen to these words casually, you may not be deeply touched.

But as long as you know it.

The thoughts in it are terrifying, and they will gradually surface!

You will not be in contact with people for two months, and the huge desert island is only you. This kind of thing, as long as you think about it, you will feel terrible!

"Feather God! Come on! You must adjust your mentality!"

"Thinking about it!"

"A person staying at home for a day will explode in their state of mind. The most important thing is to worry about food and clothing..."

"It feels too difficult for the anchor!"

"Give me a computer, I can stay for two months..."

"Upstairs, I won't give you anything. There are computers and farts!"

"Feather, won't you suffer from depression?"

Looking at the barrage, Lu Yu smiled broadly and explained:

"Don't worry about it. After all, I have been communicating with you. Although I can't see you, text communication is also a kind of communication. As long as you are talking, some people are listening, and some negative emotions can be relieved to a certain extent. "


Soon, along the beach, all the way back to the point of birth.

At this time, it was getting westward.

approximate time.

It may be around three o'clock in the afternoon.

After picking up the remaining coconuts, Lu Yu faced the camera and slowly said:

"Although there is no coconut milk, these coconut shells are still very valuable. You can collect them. You must collect them as much as possible. After the fire, the coconut meat inside can be roasted to eat. I secretly tell you that the taste is very good. I Bet, you must have eaten this delicacy in the live broadcast room."

The words fall.

On the entire screen, almost 1111.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu continued to explain:

"Coconut meat is endosperm. It is not only a great source of carbon water, but also contains a lot of protein."

"Of course, in addition to these nutrients, there is a secret in coconut meat, that is coconut oil."

"Fresh coconut oil is the favorite natural sunscreen for Polynesians. It can resist at least 90% of UVB rays. Applying coconut oil to your face can effectively prevent sunburn."

"It can be seen that the ultraviolet rays here are still very strong, so you must do sun protection work, if you get sunburned, it will be very troublesome."

With that said, Lu Yu immediately took the coconut shell in his hand along the crack and split it in half.

Then, sticking out his fingers, a small piece of coconut meat was buckled inside and crushed finely.

Apply it to cheeks, neck, arms, shoulders in turn...

A big man, standing naked on the beach, applying sunscreen to himself.

This picture seems to be a bit inconsistent.

Although I knew it was for survival, it still inevitably caused the audience to laugh loudly--

"Laugh pee!"

"Feather God, you live so fine!"

"It was mud last time, coconut oil this time! Can everything be sun-protected?"

"Lovely feather god!"

"Look for the same sunscreen link!"


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