The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 302: Who is the hero? See also epic mission cards!

Next second!

When audiences all over the world saw the image of Lu Yu through the lens, the fiery scene only disappeared for a moment, and then began to recover!

Because the protagonist appeared.

There has always been no lack of applause!

At this moment, the appearance of Lu Yu once again made people's eyes wide open, and once again deeply realized the fact:

He succeeded!

Really succeeded!

This Huaxia, who finished this extreme challenge that many people call a fantasy in a clean manner, left the most beautiful parabola above Kilauea!

For a while!

Barrage! gift! Cheers!

Never stop!

It was like a flood that suddenly broke the dike, ushering in the final big explosion!

"Niu Break... (stunned)"

"Seriously doubt that this person can really fly!"

"70 meters! A leap! Or on the volcano? My three views!"

"It's handsome, stop talking!"

"Short Xiaoyu is going to make a name for herself, it's really long..."


After parking the car, Lu Yu was very excited to take off the helmet.

Blushing and panting.

He smiled unbearably at the corner of his mouth, facing the camera: "Brothers, it's really cool..."

"It's nothing more than a thrilling motorcycle ride! Kilauea, I successfully conquered it and proved it to myself in my own way, who is the hero... this is the hottest zone on earth On the one hand, many people have changed their conversations and dare not move forward."

"But today, its enthusiasm has cooled down under my feet!"

"Friends, this is something to be proud of, isn't it?"

Looking at the calm crater in front of him, Lu Yu sighed.

Here, his voice just fell, and there was an endless cry in the live broadcast room!

Almost a mess of porridge!

Everyone was in Lu Yu's declaration and action, shouting loudly!

Soon, after breathing for a while, Lu Yu put the helmet on the seat and walked down the iron ladder.

As soon as he reached the ground, three or five staff members wearing heat-resistant clothing gathered around him, and asked him to get on a scooter and head straight for the base camp.

After a while, the car reached the safe area.

Before waiting for a stop, a large number of reporters yelled at the landing feather across the warning band:

"Mr. Lu, I am a reporter from the North American Times. Can you accept our exclusive interview?"

"Mr. Lu, say hello to our audience!"

"Mr. Lu, how do you feel now?"

"Mr. Lu? Mr. Lu!"

At the moment, many fans who came to Fanji couldn't sit still, and they all shouted regardless:


"God! You are my idol!"

"Feather! Look here!"

"I really want to ride his motorcycle! It's really cool!"

"Wow! He seems to be looking at me?!"


On the other side, as soon as she stepped off the scooter, Anna immediately took the safety team members around.

"how do you feel?"

"very good!"

After hearing the affirmative answer, Anna nodded at ease, showing a long-lost smile: "That's good, welcome back!"

"Thank you!"

"They have been waiting for a long time, do you want to be interviewed?"

Looking at the reporters outside, Anna asked for the landing feather's advice.

The next second, seeing Lu Yu looking forward, the reporters' enthusiasm rose again.

I wish I could break through the warning band and throw this man who jumped over the volcano to the ground!


With that said, Lu Yu took the water bottle handed over by a staff member, took a big sip, walked in front of the reporters, and greeted everyone:

"Hello everyone, this is Lu Yu."

Waiting for the voice to fall to the ground, countless flashes are on at the same time, and they snapped for a long time before stopping!

Then, in coordination with the security personnel, the order on the spot was maintained, and the reporters asked round after round, and finally began.

For a time, various problems swarmed.

Beauty reporter A: "Mr. Lu, how are you feeling now? Has your physical condition been affected? Will there be psychological pressure during the challenge?"

Lu Yu smiled and said:

"There is no impact, everything is normal! Extreme sports is not self-abuse, but a process of incomparable enjoyment. I never feel that challenges will produce stress. I say it more purely. Not only is there no stress, but it is full of motivation! "

Beauty reporter: "..."

Reporter B: "Mr. Lu, why did you set the challenge location here this time? Is there any special meaning?"

"It doesn't have any special meaning. I just think that such a magnificent scenery should be conquered by humans!"


The words fell and the audience was in awe!

All the listeners were deeply shocked by Lu Yu's creed and bold words!

what is this?

Isn't this the pioneer of extreme sports, should he have the courage? !


The white reporter with glasses looked at Lu Yu, his eyes full of admiration!

Afterwards, reporter C did not dare to show weakness, and hurriedly asked:

"Mr. Lu, what are your plans after this challenge? Or, next time, will you bring us a different live broadcast?"

In fact, the moment the challenge ended, the system's reminder sounded long and long.

Because of this volcano challenge, there will be an epic mission card reward, so, according to the urine of the system, the next live broadcast is definitely not a good kind!

Although I don't know the specific content yet, this does not prevent Lu Yu from selling a pass first!

So he thought about it and said:

"I haven’t thought about this issue yet, but I promise that the next live broadcast will definitely be more exciting than the Alberian skiing and volcano leap. At that time, I will lead my team to a wider world and try my best. Work hard to show everyone the danger zone hidden on the earth."

"Okay, thank you! Looking forward to it!"

"You're welcome!"

Immediately afterwards, many reporters raised their own questions.

Lu Yu also refused to come, and there must be answers to any questions.

However, among them, he also automatically ignored some non-nutritive problems.

After a while.

Answering the reporter's question, Lu Yu had another interaction with the fans who came to the scene, and it took a long time before going back to the prepared lounge.

"Okay, friends, please remember me, my name is Lu Yu, this live broadcast will come to an end here, please continue to follow my channel!"

"Let's go live next time!

Sitting on the sofa in the lounge, Lu Yu sorted out his equipment while bidding farewell to the fans.

After the broadcast, he took off his heavy racing suit, asked the doctor to do a physical examination, then took another bath, and ate something casually.

When the staff left completely, he awakened the system as soon as possible, flipped his backpack, and revisited this task reward from beginning to end!

"Attribute point x 3!"

"Skill points x 8!"

"Adventure Rune × 20!"

"Fusion Potion × 1!"

"Epic mission card × 1!"

Reward one without falling ~ ~ exactly as described in the task details.

For these reward items, Lu Yu is most concerned about, it is an epic mission card!

As for other regular rewards, he really can't mention any interest at the moment!

After all, it is an advanced mission card!

There is nothing more attractive than this!

Not only are the rewards generous and exclusive props available, but they are also extremely challenging and absolutely impossible to meet!

Thinking of this, this guy didn't say anything, immediately moved his mind, with a strong curiosity, slowly opened the epic mission card...

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