The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 255: return! Open an umbrella! Finally landed!

In this world where all people lack wildness, ordinary sports are already noticeable enough.

A long-distance champion who broke the world record.

The heat is naturally not too bad.

If he can be the spokesperson for the new series, both the sales of the product and the appeal of the brand can be consolidated.

Absolutely not wrong.

At least, David thinks so.

As a marketing manager with more than ten years of experience in sports brand advertising, this is currently the most satisfactory choice.

As for that crazy Chinese man...

Although that guy was crazy enough, his various acts of death also coincided with his own advertising slogan "Done and finished", but this approach, David still feels inappropriate.

His ideas and practices are too radical...

It would be unfriendly for the brand side if he was invited to be an endorsement in case of bad public opinion guidance.

"Boss, do you think about it again?"

Joyce smiled slightly and shook his head decisively: "David, there is nothing to consider. Believe it or not, within three days, there will be countless sports brands in North America looking for him..."

"If this cooperation is successful, the Chinese market will surely make a lot of waves. This person's potential is not comparable to any long-distance champion, do you know? He can fly..."


David was confused by his leader, and he had no idea what he was talking about?

Joyce smiled, waved at him, and opened Lu Yu's live room again.

Soon, in the real-time cached picture on the screen, a guy in a black flight suit and helmet appeared.

At this moment, he was flying freely over New York at a speed of 190 kilometers per hour...

"My God... this is Times Square? What is he doing..."

A pair of eyes stared at the shadow, and David frowned and murmured.

On the contrary, after experiencing Lu Yu's "baptism", Joyce's expression was much easier.

"Speaking, you may not believe it. He wore this special flight suit and jumped from the World Trade Center building... It took less than a minute to mess up the whole New York... ...Really cool..."


Jump off the building of the World Trade Center?


Although this swearing was not spoken, it can be seen from David's slightly trembling muscles and expression, his attitude towards this matter...

"If this flight suit is to produce energy in the future, I will definitely convince the board of directors to print the Nike logo on it!"


Print the Nike logo?

I bet you may not be able to sell this "death suit"...

Apart from this maniac, which normal person would jump from a skyscraper over 500 meters high?


my God!

Listening to the words of his superior boss, David was speechless.

Don’t look too far, but never look directly at the computer screen...



After continuous rolling, Lu Yu found the rhythm of flight again.

Before the runaway time was over, under the urging of adrenaline, he decisively spread his bat wings, adjusted his center of gravity, rushed out of the alley in one fell swoop, and flew to the wide road!

Because of the previous flight environment, it was narrow enough.

After seeing the light again, Lu Yu did not delay, and hurriedly used the shift of the center of gravity to complete the change of direction!

Under the watchfulness of countless passers-by, the streets of the traffic-ridden streets glide up!

At this time, the height count value on the built-in screen is about to approach 100 meters. It is changing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye:

130 meters, 120.5 meters, 120 meters, 119 meters...

As the height decreased, Lu Yu's image finally became clearer in the eyes of passers-by.

Every detail on the flight suit can be seen clearly.

"Hey! It's him! It's him!"

"My God, it's really cool!"

"Can I fly if I wear this dress?"

"It doesn't seem to be possible. It may take years of physical training to control!"

"This guy is definitely a rich man. It is said that each of his equipment is specially customized!"

At the same time, when Lu Yu appeared, many cars on the street also stopped.

Countless heads, protruding out the car window, looking at this dark shadow gliding in the sky!

Some people even jumped out of the car, took out their mobile phones, and began to capture this wonderful scene.

Fear of missing a minute and a second because of a momentary loss.

Soon, the scene where the shadows passed, the scene became more and more lively.

There are naturally more and more people.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this was an orderly road, and because of this sci-fi movie-like trapeze, it became a popular supermarket.

The sound of discussion and exclamation, without stopping for a moment, resounded over the city!


During the flight, Lu Yu has been looking for the best landing.

Strictly speaking, the terrain ahead is really not suitable for the final landing.

But now that the matter is over, I can only try to come.

Without conditions, conditions must be created.

At this time, there are many cars on the road.

Airborne directly on the road will certainly not work.

The sidewalk is not the best choice.

Although there is no impact of traffic flow, trees and trash cans also become roadblocks that hinder landing.

Between the electric light and the flint, Lu Yu took advantage of the idea transmission function of the drone and tried to find while sprinting.

But because the speed is too fast, the scenery in the field of vision, just like the movie, is too late to look at it.

I can only see...


It's artificial.

Because of the help of a drone, he finally found a landing place that he could use at the intersection 30 meters further ahead.

Although not perfect, it may be the best choice right now.

The four corners of the cross road ahead.

There are many tall buildings.

There are office buildings, insurance companies, supermarkets, but the focus is on Citibank in the northeast corner of the street.

The bank's Gothic style dome is very conspicuous.

The main body of the whole building is typically below the upper circle.

The top of the ancillary floor is located at half of the main building.

It is a lot shorter than the main body.

The square area formed around it has a large area.

The length is about 20 meters.

The surface should be smooth marble.

From the analysis of several necessary conditions, whether it is the length of the buffer zone or the size of the left and right space, it is enough to help yourself complete the landing.

But compared with the open land, such fixed-point landing, especially the fixed-point construction!

It is really invisible, adding a lot of difficulty!

But There is no way to pull a big man out of the squad and choose a general from the dwarf.

Rather than taking a variety of risks and landing on the road, try it.

After getting his attention, Lu Yu began to concentrate, determined to go all out.

Between life and death, the speed of gliding is unconsciously faster.

The altitude is also falling rapidly.

The values ​​on the screen are flying all the way: 110 meters, 105 meters, 102 meters...

at last.

When the height drops to 100 meters, the height alarm in the helmet sounds!

Hearing the sound, Lu Yu did not dare to delay, immediately raised his hips and abdomen, grasped the handrails, and at the same time, pulled the umbrella rope hidden under his right shoulder!


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