The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 247: Wings! The most amazing unpowered flight of this century!

The black flight suit glowed with a different kind of brilliance in the sun, and had a full texture.

The wide bat wings, which are touching the limbs, look like a dashing flying squirrel. They will open their hidden wings at any time and flutter their wings.

Looking at it coldly, this dress is really cool.

But even if they want to burst their heads, the audience still can't imagine how this kind of thing achieves wanton gliding?

Is it a bit too whimsical...

Standing on the edge of the roof of the building, Lu Yu held the helmet and looked at the barrage slowly: "Friends, the wing-mounted flight movement is not groundless."

"It's inspired by bats. Audiences familiar with bats should know that when flying, bats can combine the flapping of wings and the flexibility of wings to achieve flying and hovering."

"According to this principle, I had a whimsy and found many professionals to design this winged flight suit."

"It is made of nylon material that is full of toughness and tension, which can greatly reduce the air and help the pilot complete the flight mission."

"Look, what is this?"

With that said, Lu Yu slowly raised his right arm, preparing to show the bat wings of the flight suit to the audience in all directions.

Soon, in the camera, a huge sail-like cloth unfolded from his armpit.

It looks like a black flag.

"This stamped inflatable airbag hidden under my arm is the most important part of the wing. When the pilot jumps in the air, the air will quickly enter the airbag, which will fill the wing with gas and generate buoyancy. With buoyancy , I can use the movement of the body in the air to freely control the height and direction of the flight."

"This process may sound a bit cumbersome, but in fact, the sport is not cumbersome at all, and even very interesting."

Lu Yu's eloquent introduction greatly mobilized the emotions of the audience in the live and live broadcast rooms.

In one or two visits, many people are full of anticipation for this exciting flight!

However, there are still quite a few people who feel that this thing is not reliable...

"Feather! Please don't show it, I feel a little dangerous!"

"Yeah, anchor, don't be impulsive!"

"I don't believe it is only me who feels that this sport is unreliable!"

"Unreliable +1!"

"Another great torture tool!"

"Too ridiculous? Anchor, if you can succeed this time, I will stand up and wash my hair!"

In fact, the audience is not to blame.

Because in the previous life, when the wing-mounted flight was born, it was also questioned.

One master flight after another, one after another, has caused people to talk about "flying" and changing colors.

In human history, the first true wing-mounted flight began in the last century.

At that time, a 33-year-old Barlow tailor named Franzreichelt made landing equipment similar to wing-mounted flight for the first time, and conducted the first flight test from the Eiffel Tower.

Although Franz completed the first winged flight in human history.

Unfortunately, this strange man died in less than two seconds.

When jumping from the tower, this guy landed his head on the ground. In just a moment, he smashed a big pit of nearly 15 cm on the ground, and he was killed on the spot...

Immediately after franz, countless people around the world have tried to do so.

But the final outcome is still unmatched.

These people either died directly or were seriously injured.

According to relevant media statistics, between 1930 and 1961, a total of 75 pioneers of wing-mounted flight died in wing-mounted test and flight skills test...

For a time, no one could break the equation of winged flight and death.

The American Skydiving Association even banned the use of flying wings in skydiving...

However, even if this is the case, this does not prevent the wing-mounted flight from becoming the most extreme sports!

In the long development process of just a few decades, this ultra-stimulating low-altitude gliding sport has been sought after by countless extreme sports enthusiasts, and finally formed a very mature operating system!

But for this world, all this is still in its infancy.

Because of this, when Lu Yu was seen wearing a flight suit, the reaction of the people was so great!

However, this is also impossible.

After all, something new.

It will take some time for the public to truly accept it...

Soon, ignoring the doubts of the audience, Lu Yu gave you a brief introduction to other equipment and preparations before the flight.

Everyone is exposed to this sport for the first time.

Driven by the freshness, whenever Lu Yu took out a piece of equipment from his backpack, the audience would start a heated discussion in the barrage.

For a time, one topic after another emerged endlessly.

The popularity and attention of live broadcasting are naturally rising.

Less than ten minutes after the start of the broadcast, tens of millions of viewers were gathered in the two live broadcast rooms.

At the same time, there were more and more fans who heard the news on Times Square. The entire Mancton was empty, and many people were attracted to this live broadcast.

The roof of the World Trade Center.

After installing the altimeter and anemometer, Lu Yu stood up and pointed to the street under his feet: "Everyone, jump from here and reach the ground, but within three or five seconds."

"During this time, I have to complete a lot of preparations, start, adjust, open the bat wings, and finally enter the glide state... What is the concept of three or five seconds? You can imagine, maybe just raise your hand..."


Lu Yu's words fell, and the audience surrounded by Times Square burst into a pan!

The exclamation sounds like a frenzy, one after another, enduring!

"Oh no!"

"My God! God..."

"Is he really going to jump?"

"Fak! My body is shaking!"

"Crazy behavior, who can save this child!"

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room could not help but take a breath!

But anyone who knows some common sense of physics knows, what does this time mean?

It is no exaggeration to say that there is no difference between this and free fall, right? !

"Oh my god! It's so scary!"

"Anchor, what are you doing? Don't play like this! You will die!"

"Just live-streaming?"

"Don't dare to jump..."

"Anchor, how did you stop yourself during the flight? You don't want the prostate to brake!"

On the rooftop, Lu Yu was observing the wind speed while sensing the airflow around him.

When someone asked about landing, he smiled and said: "In addition to the flight suit, the wing-mounted flight equipment must also have a parachute, because after flying to a certain safe altitude, I need to open the parachute to slow down. Help land, so please don’t worry.”

"However, the parachute is just a landing aid. Most of the entire challenge is gliding through the flight suit. After all, this is the essence and fun of this sport!"

During the speech, Lu Yu put on a helmet and compared the wind speed.

Then, he adjusted his position again, so that the toes of his feet protruded out of the roof, and he prepared the posture before the flight.

After half a everything is ready.

Immediately afterwards, a long, deep breath sound slowly flowed out in the live broadcast room, touching everyone's heart...

For a long time, when the last breath in the body was exhaled, Lu Yu faced the drone's camera and solemnly said, "Okay, friends..."

"Next, my challenge is about to begin."

"To be honest, I was really excited..."

"Everyone may know that. It is conservatively estimated that the mortality rate of this sport is about 30%. During the flight, any detail will affect the balance of the outcome, and accidents may occur anytime, anywhere. Everyone knows!"

"Ok friends, the most amazing unpowered flight in this world will be shown in front of you soon! Below, let's glide freely above the city together!"

After the words fell, before the audience reacted, Lu Yu cheered with bursts, very light, and jumped down!

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