The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 232: Ghostly, gorgeous underwater diving!

Multiple undercurrents, intertwined, flocked in all directions, breaking the pattern that should be underwater.

Sudden and dark pictures are filled with messy water flow.

In the live room.

The audience can only see Lu Yu struggling from the turbulent water.

Although I don't know what happened, I just looked at it, and felt the cold in my back.

On the other side, plunging into the water on the other side, regardless of the crisis, Lu Yu immediately grabbed the surfboard and pressed his chest tightly to the surface of the board. Using the core control force, the body was tightly constricted to reduce the sea water. Force area.

However, because of the flow of the undercurrent, it is really elusive.

For a time, almost no suitable and safe outflow area was found.

Can only follow the waves, waiting for the time to come.

This is the only way.

It is also the best way.

Because the continuous upset will cause the sea to become turbulent when it comes.

At this time, the waves will definitely be photographed so that the north cannot be found.

You must wait for it to weaken and plan again.

Compared with it, underwater is much safer.

But pay more attention, if you are involved in the undercurrent, it is not a joke.

However, with the addition of passive skills [with ease], when under water, Lu Yu was handy enough to cope with the current harsh environment.

The sense of restraint is almost negligible.

Not long after, he dashed underwater for a while, and the continuous upset waves on the sea seemed to ease a lot.

Seeing this, Lu Yu tried to move his limbs.

Sure enough, I didn't feel much resistance.

So he laid his body on the board and spread his legs, preparing to provide power for his dive.

Duckdive, as the name suggests, is duck diving, a technique for sinking a surfboard underwater.

Mastering this technique, the surfer will be like a duck, freely attached to the surfboard, floating up and down, very suitable for avoiding this continuous upset.

Diving technology, in addition to showing off skills, the biggest effect is to make surfers more at ease.

Will not be beaten back to the shore regularly.

In this way, naturally there is no need to waste too much effort in the paddling area.

At the next moment, feeling some water and underwater movements, Lu Yu began to swing his legs and floated to a suitable position, waiting for the wave in front of him to pass.

The method of judging the passing of the wave head is simple.

Just feel the changes in buoyancy and water flow.

For a surfer, this is not difficult.

When thinking about it, the buoyancy began to increase and the current began to weaken.

Seeing this, Lu Yu propped up the surfboard with his hand, keeping it parallel to his body, and swam to the bottom of the next wave in advance.

Opposite the wave head.

Upset often forms waves after waves that have not yet broken.

The wave will continue to move forward in a circular motion on the sea.

And create one vortex after another underwater!

This vortex is the natural power for diving, and it is also the top priority.

Called "the third hand of the surfer"!

When diving underwater, it will first "pull" the surfer under the wave, and then "push" to the wave out area behind to complete the water.

The next second, it was too late, then it was fast.

The pulling force of the vortex suddenly struck.

Too late to think, Lu Yu hurriedly supported the edge of the board with both hands, pushed the head forward and downward, and pressed the surfboard down as much as possible with the power of the shoulder.

At the same time, the left foot kicked the tail hard.

The right foot lifted like a scorpion, maintaining body balance, waiting for the waves to pass.

After a while, the surfboard began to fall over time, gradually paralleling the bottom of the wave.

Aware of this change, Lu Yu immediately bent his arm and pulled his body onto the surfboard as the wave passed over him.

Immediately afterwards, when the wave completely crossed the border, Lu Yu raised his head slowly.

The next second, the buoyancy of the board instantly cheered him up!


Behind him seemed to have a pair of big hands, dragging himself upward.

However, Lu Yu did not immediately get out of the water.

Instead, he waited until the waves passed completely before breaking through the water.

After not knowing whether the wave has completely passed, the force of the vortex may pull the surfboard back, so you have to be careful.

In the live room.

After a wonderful wave of underwater diving, the audience was stunned for a moment, and they were all silly.

It was not until the water broke out that the barrage became lively again:

"Lying trough! Can you hold your breath underwater for so long?"

"Too strong? Is this an iron lung?"

"6666, I may not be able to hold even for 30 seconds!"

"Upstairs, you are already amazing..."


After returning to the water, Lu Yu gasped, breathing heavily, enjoying the oxygen, and was also baptized by the wind and rain.

The turbulent ocean carried him ups and downs, and he was always unsteady.

When hesitating, he hadn't waited for his reaction, and the waves continued to strike again and again.

Seeing this, Lu Yu propped up his surfboard and launched into the water again.

Using the previous method, first dive to the bottom of the wave, and then use the pull and thrust of the vortex to bring the body out of the water!

For a time, a red and blue figure on the broad sea surface disappeared from time to time, and sometimes appeared out of nowhere. In the tight Pacific waves, the ghosts appeared in a haunt, attracting the audience to shout.

The violent continuous wave continued for a long time before stopping.

When drifting on the sea and looking back at the shore, the scene was already blurred.

The rain is still raining and the wind is getting bigger.

The sky is dim and gloomy.

The turbulent sea water made the picture very trembling.

Holding the surfboard, after hearing the system's prompt, Lu Yu summoned the drone to the front of him with a thought, and made a gesture towards the camera.

In the RV on the shore, Anna has been paying attention to the movement of the landing feather. Seeing him sending a signal, he hurriedly responded, picked up the intercom and shouted: "Chris! It's your turn! Take him back!"

At the moment, inside the cockpit of the helicopter.

Chris didn't drink the coffee in his mouth, he was deeply attracted by Lu Yu's live broadcast, and had long forgotten its existence.

"Chris! It's your turn! Take him back!"

The sudden sound on the intercom shocked Chris.

An unstable, hot coffee, all spilled on the crotch...

"Oh! fak! oh--"

Anna's voice came again in the intercom: "Chris? Chris?"

Tooth covered his key part with a Chris picked up the intercom and said with a sad face: "iknow! lknow!"


That's about three or five minutes.

The situation at sea, somehow, suddenly got worse.

The wind and rain are much more intense than when it was broadcast.

Wave after wave, from time to time, Lu Yu will arch the old high.

Then he turned down a few meters and drowned it completely.

The entire live broadcast picture, except for the huge waves with high and low fluctuations and a few meters drop, there is nothing else.

It looks very scary.

In the wave, every time Lu Yu disappears, it will last for more than ten seconds to appear again.

For a time, the hearts of all the audience were following him together, beating up and down...

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