The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 187: Snowstorm strikes and loses temperature outdoors!

The wind and snow from the surprise attack whizzed past in the ear.

Sounds like the last warning from the mountain to the climbers!

Immediately afterwards, a terrible thought came to Lu Yu's heart: a blizzard was coming!

On high-altitude snow mountains, snowstorms will come in person anytime, anywhere.

There are no signs and no prompts.

Even the most advanced weather forecasting system cannot fully grasp its laws.

That year, Yan Genghua, who was the first person to climb Mount Everest in China, was unexpectedly hit by a snowstorm on the way to the summit.

The ultra-low temperature of minus 75 degrees caused his body to be instantly frosted, and then he fell asleep.

Low-temperature frost caused by snowstorms is more likely to occur as it approaches 8000 meters.

Sometimes, climbers just want to take a short break, and as a result, they can never wake up in the snow.

But for now, low temperature is not the first boss to bear the brunt.

The raging cold wind is Lu Yu's number one killer!

Because the incident was too sudden, everything in front of me was too late to respond.

Next second!

Before he could react, the ruthless storm and snow stormed it directly to the ground and blew it to a distance of 100 meters!




Roll over and over!

Three flying everywhere!

Turning around in sight.

Can't see clearly.

It is even more unclear where to stay.

Lu Yu is at the mercy of the whole person, drifting with the waves in the snow and snow, following the trend!

For a time, the unique terrain of the Yanxue mixed zone fell to him, with no sense of direction.

However, under the strong support of epinephrine, the pain on the body was not so obvious, and I felt dizzy.

Want to vomit, but it is like a guts in the throat.

Stuck in the middle, it's hard to release.

In a short moment, the brain suddenly went blank.

Without feelings, without consciousness!

It wasn't until severe pain came from the waist that the nerves recovered again and suddenly awakened from the faintness!

In a hurry, Lu Yu snorted and shook the ice axe back in his hand. He didn't care much, but he slammed hard against the snow!


The sharp edge fell.

It happened to pierce a rock crack and temporarily stabilized my body!

However, before waiting for some action, the powerful snow and snow attack is coming again!


The wind is blowing in the snow.

Lu Yu's whole person was lifted high, and he was crumbling in mid-air.

The center of gravity just maintained seems to be destroyed at any time!

This time of escape, the audience could not stand the tongue and bridge, dumbfounded, all shocked the terrible of Everest!

"Yu Shen hold on!"

"It's really dangerous!"

"Lying trough!"

"Everyone is blowing!?"


"Between life and death!"

"The 99th wiping shoulder with Grim Reaper!"

"Li Shizhen's awesome!"

"The most darling man in the world!"



The ice axe's blade is in the most exciting contest with the rock crack.

If the two are separated, the lotus root is broken.

In the sight, the snow mirror is frosted, and everything is blurred.

Seeing it subconsciously, there was nothing else besides a turbulent silver.

The surroundings were dim and dark, cold, exhausted, and powerless, eating away the climber's fighting spirit and patience a little bit.

Even wearing a windproof mask, it is still difficult to withstand the crit of strong wind and snow!

Ice axe is Lu Yu's last bargaining chip.

It is also a hope of turning over.

No matter what happens, you can't let go.

Because once let go.

The whole person will descend vertically from a height of 7000 meters with the strong wind.

At this height, even if you wear a protective suit, you have to fall apart.

Everyone has to fold.


There is absolutely no possibility!

But now, if you continue to do nothing, it will be even sooner or later.

While fiercely confronting Fengxue, he looked around.

It is a pity that there is almost no place to stay.

The only thing that can be used is the slightly raised rocks on the snow.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu moved against the wind.

While holding the pick handle in the right hand, slowly pull the body, trying to lower the center of gravity and return the feet to the ground.

However, this is not easy.

I tried four or five times in succession.

Not only did he not control the center of gravity well, but he broke the force limit of the rock joints. For a time, the ice pickaxe was in danger, and it seemed that he would let go at any time.

It's a dilemma.

Both advance and retreat are unsatisfactory.

The situation stalemate.

However, Lu Yu still did not give up. While resisting the pressure, he reached out and took off the climbing rope at the waist. With his left hand, he gripped the ice cone above and spurred a stab forward!


When the sound of breaking the sky came, the ice cone fell, but because the center of gravity could not be stabilized, the first thorn did not succeed!

Immediately after that, another stab!

Still unsuccessful!


After swearing in his heart, Lu Yu settled his mind and tried to control the area of ​​the body affected by the wind, then tried his best and tried again!


Finally, the sharp ice cone finally penetrated into the rock crack and firmly controlled the crumbling body!

Looking at the fluttering figure in the wind and snow, many audiences were amazed by their unyielding will while being shocked by this scene!

Can break the situation in such a difficult and dangerous wind and snow, and seek a first-line vitality.

The legend of this matter can no longer be described in words.

At this moment, the live broadcast room fell into endless silence.

Everyone was watching this thrilling and wonderful snow and tiger fight intently.

The next second, in order to occupy a place in the raging snow, while clenching the ice cone tightly, Lu Yu pulled out the crumbling ice axe and struggled to split into the rock crack.

After that, he raised his head slightly and lowered his legs with the help of the wind.

Stepping on two rock spots separately, it finally crawled on the snow.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed, the wind and snow couldn't stop, and it didn't mean to stop.

But compared to before, it has weakened a lot.

Taking advantage of this, Lu Yu tried to move his hands and feet.

The resistance is greatly reduced, but it is still not the best time to escape from the big tuyere.

The prolonged low temperature has caused a rapid loss of heat in the body. You can only wait for the wind and snow to stop and the body temperature to return to normal levels before you can act.

Under the blizzard, Lu Yu took off his backpack, took out the tent and sleeping bag around him, and kept his temperature as high as possible.

"I'd rather sweat sweat than blow cold."

This is the iron law that must be followed after snowstorms in mountaineering activities.

Can not be ignored.

At this time, no disturbances are allowed, and no climbing activities are allowed.

Otherwise the body will lose a lot of precious calories!

The heat generated when resisting wind and snow cannot drive body temperature.

Continued activities will only exacerbate the loss of temperature and cause irreparable consequences.

The correct approach is to stand by.

Use all available cold protection equipment to maintain body temperature and add heat to meet the material requirements of the body as much as possible.

Wiping off the snow on his face and opening his cracked mouth, Lu Yu panting wildly while eating beef jerky frantically.

After that, he put a lot of snow into the 78 pots and drew into his arms.

At this time, you cannot drink hot water.

Never eat any hot food.

Because of this, not only can not quickly rewarm, but will dilate blood vessels violently, leading to hypotension, further lowering the core body temperature, causing rewarming shock!

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