The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 182: 15 minutes of silence!

The huge snow curtain covered the sky and moved across the sky.

In just a moment, it broke into everyone's sight, and it came raging!

Witnessing the scene in front of him, Lu Yu reacted at once, frowning slightly, his expression extremely complicated.

It's an avalanche!

He didn't know well, but he didn't panic. He pulled out the ice axe and used both hands and feet. He rolled and crawled, and quickly moved to the lower left of the ice wall!

No matter when and where, when you encounter an avalanche, you must never run down the mountain immediately.

Because this is a deadly act!

The speed of an avalanche exceeds your imagination, and you cannot escape from birth by any means with two legs alone.

The correct approach is to move quickly to the left and right sides in parallel.

Avoid the strongest impact of the snow as much as possible, and then find a way to escape!

Judging from the snow eruption, this is a common airborne avalanche on glacial terrain.

The so-called airborne avalanche is slightly different from the wet avalanche when ice and snow melt.

Airborne avalanches often occur in severe cold and dry environments.

The cause is the continuous drifting snow, which falls on the existing solid ice, and eventually the snow overflows, and the accumulation is less, and then the collapse occurs.

When an avalanche occurs, the powdery snow will roll at a speed of 90 meters per second.

If you can find the bunker in the first place and cover your nose and mouth, there may be hope for survival.

Once the best time is missed, the probability of escape is almost zero!


With the loud noises, the wind and snow in front of the camera, chaos!

I couldn't tell the difference from top to bottom, left and right, and it was all covered by wind and snow.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room also read a clear one.

It's not good to know big things.

The barrage increased in just an instant, and everyone's heart could not help but immediately tighten.

"Lying trough! Avalanche!"

"Nima, Feather God runs!"

"Run? I have to run!"

"Grass! It's really terrible!"


Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise!

Snow and gravel flew across the screen, and the cold wind raged.

In the silvery white, Lu Yu used all his strength, desperately moved to the left side of the ice wall, and walked along the way to find.

In a hurry, his eyes suddenly flashed!

On the lower left ice surface less than twenty meters away from me, a raised mountain rock came into sight in an instant.

It was a dark brown rock.

The volume is large enough.

It is the only bunker near by.

It is also the only safe haven that can help you avoid this disaster.

Between the electro-optical flints, Lu Yu couldn't help but say that he immediately unlocked the waist safety buckle and removed the climbing rope.

It's too late to say, it's fast.

In the blink of an eye, ten million tons of snow fell down, and it was almost there before me.

Upon seeing this, he hurriedly stood up and sat down on the ice, close to the ice wall.

Flying through the thick snow mist, flying likewise sliding down!


The sound of breaking the sky came, and a "Reality Show" about life and death racing began.

Behind him, the snow-dancing silver snake and the soaring snow wave splashed more than three meters high.

Shock the world!

It's a matter of time, life and death!

This is no such big scene in the movie!

For a time, the audience in the live broadcast room had different surprises and their hearts were suspended.

Almost everyone is staring attentively in the misty snow fog, the black dots that are falling rapidly!

Next second!

The fast-moving snow drifted behind my ears.

Seeing that Lu Yu is going to swallow it completely!

At this time, the rock below finally broke into sight!

Block all interference.

Lu Yu's eyes gleamed, opened the eight-character loop on the climbing rope, bypassed the pickaxe of the ice axe, and quickly tightened, and then struggled to shake his hand!


The ice axe quickly flew over the rock, and then vertically down again, hooking the bunker.

Upon seeing this, Lu Yu rose up and ran several steps on the ice wall with the help of the crampons.

Immediately afterwards, he fell to the ground instantaneously, drifting out of a beautiful arc, and then grabbed the handle of the pickaxe that was spinning around, inserted it into the waist, and hung his body with a climbing rope.

Afterwards, he lay prone on the ice, covering his mouth and nose, waiting for the coming snow wave.

At the same time, the snow falls all over the sky.

In the blink of an eye, I swallowed everything!


Endless loud noises resounded through the plateau and valley.

The live broadcast was full of wind and snow.

But it quickly returned to peace and fell into darkness.

After a while, the audience in front of the screen gradually reacted from the shock.

Subsequently, the barrage struck again:

"How about Feather God?"

"The live broadcast is over?"

"Ooooo, will the anchor be in trouble?"

"This time there is less fierceness!"

"Feather God, I will give you all my fish balls, please don't die!"

"No? Anchor, come here!"


One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes!

Soon, a few minutes passed, but the situation remained unchanged.

The picture is still dark and no image can be seen.

At this time, the staff of Douyu TV was also a little flustered.

Everyone held their breaths with different expressions and stared at the screen.

In the big office, there was no sound except for a slight gasp!

Although everyone hopes that miracles will appear, in fact, many people know that in the face of this catastrophic avalanche, the survival rate of the victims is really minimal!

Under normal circumstances, airborne avalanches will not kill people.

If you can escape from it within 15 minutes, the survival rate can be as high as 90%.

But if it exceeds 45 minutes, the survival rate is only 20%-30%.

If they were buried for two hours, even if they were fairies, they would not be spared!

At this moment, all the audience watching the live broadcast around the world are silently standing in front of the screen, calculating the time.

five minutes!

ten minutes!

Fourteen minutes!

at last.

Everyone was silent.



Rongbuk Temple.

Pour hot steamed ghee tea into the cup.

The bubbles appearing in the cup burst one after another.

The shabby robes were covered with oil.

A dry hand slowly picked up the cup and took a sip.

"Master, that person angered Shenshan and was buried under the snow. I saw it in the news!"

A girl about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a gray-black Tibetan robe, pushed open the door in a panic, rushing towards the old monk in front of her.

Beside the candle.

The old lama's eyes were muddled, looking out the window, the towering snowy mountains hidden in the night, pondering a little.

Finally, he said a few Tibetan words: "Dolma, this is God's warning."

In the past few days, the news that Lu Yu challenged Mount Everest has been circulating in the Tibetan area.

Many Tibetans have seen relevant reports in the news, and they are extremely puzzled by this behavior and have repeatedly accused them.

Everest has always been a mountain in the hearts of Tibetans.

In their view, climbing the holy mountain is equivalent to angering the gods.

God will bring sin to the world!

Punish everyone who tries to step on it.

For a time ~ ~ panic, major temples, worship Buddhist prayer, chanting incense, praying for forgiveness of the gods.

Under the dim candlelight, the old lama put down the rosary in his hand, slowly got up and walked outside the temple, and struck the Vatican bell endlessly.





The heavy bells floated towards the stars and spread.

Dolma asked: "Master, will he survive?"

The old lama read a few secret words.

Finally, only one sentence was left, and he turned away

"God is merciful."

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