The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 288 The party resumes

"The important event is about to begin. Instead of continuing to fight, it is better to let your master recover first." Looking at the imminent situation, Sairaorg said coldly.

"Are you kidding... You're a waste of the Barr family, I'll kill you!" Zeffadolu said ferociously, struggling to stand up on the ground, and was knocked unconscious by a punch in the name of so many people. The shame of the child can only be washed away with the blood of the other party.

"It's really embarrassing. Is this the best of the young demons, the blood relative of the Demon King Asmodeus, and the next head of the Gezhiara family? It's really embarrassing."

Looking at Zefa Duolu who was still showing off his rhetoric, Ye Yu shook his head with some disappointment.

Originally, when Gulefia specifically mentioned his name, Ye Yu was still a little cautious and attentive to what kind of person this guy was, but after seeing it, Ye Yu was really disappointed.

What he saw was just a second-generation ancestor who relied on his family background to do whatever he wanted after he had decent strength.

"Where did you come from, a bastard?! How dare you call Lord Asmodeus by his name!"

Although he said it very nicely, in fact no one dared to trouble Sairaorg. Ye Yu who suddenly spoke at this time naturally aroused their thoughts. Although Ye Yu lowered his voice and muttered to himself, the people present were all demons, so naturally they could easily hear what he said.

Seeing this bold guy hiding behind Sairaorg, Zefador's family members all pointed their fingers at him.

However, even though the finger was pointed at Ye Yu, because Sairaorg was standing in front of him, several of his family members still did not dare to act rashly, and they were just using their words.

"I'm just a soldier under the Gremory family, and...there are some things you shouldn't say nonsense."

Ye Yu was insulted, and just when Rias couldn't help but want to take action, Ye Yu raised a hand and pointed in the air. A chilling chill instantly passed through everyone's bodies. Before anyone could realize what had happened, the guy who made the rude remarks was covered with a light layer of frost and fell down screaming. .

A slender ice pick penetrated his shoulder, completely piercing it.

Ye Yu still remembered Gurefiya's words not to kill people randomly at the party, otherwise the ice pick would appear on his head.

"'s's so cold!"

The demon who screamed and fell to the ground was twitching all over, and the ice condensed on his body was getting thicker and thicker. The companions around him wanted to help but were unable to do so, because as long as they touched his body, they would be affected by this. Ruthless frost stings.

"Don't worry, he won't die... Well, he won't die for the time being."

Ye Yu spoke with a smile, and the other family members of Zefaduolu who were caught by his eyes couldn't help but shrink their bodies.

The genius soldier of the Gremory family once used ice to extinguish the flames of the Phoenix family in a fair ranked game, and fought against the fallen angel leader Kirkbolt to push back the terrorist organization "The Disaster Group". The heir to the Demon King Leviathan escaped completely from the self-destruction.

The legend about this mysterious newborn demon can be said to have spread throughout the underworld, but many people don't take it seriously, thinking that this is just the Gremory family building momentum for their next head of the family.

But after seeing this legendary soldier take action today, everyone knew that all his legends were true!

Don't touch Ye Yu's frost at will, otherwise you won't even know how you died.

Only now did they realize clearly that this statement was not alarmist.

"Hmph, if you dare to insult my Gremory family, just sightseeing is enough to kill you ten thousand times. Now take your master and get out of here!"

Ye Yu's brazen attack made Rias feel extremely relaxed. Stepping forward from behind Sairaorg, Rias unreservedly released her eldest lady aura.

"Go away, this is your last chance. Also, princess of the Agares family, go and put on your makeup. You can't bring evil things to the event."

"I, I understand." The bespectacled Grand Duke's daughter quickly left with her family members. As for the bad dependents who ran faster, they probably went to report the situation.

"Haha, he is indeed known as the strongest soldier in the underworld. When are you going to compete with me?"

After the room calmed down, Sairaorg patted Ye Yu's shoulder heavily, the fighting spirit in his eyes was very strong.

"Well... let's forget it. Our fighting styles may not match. If it's an ordinary sparring match, I might not be able to perform well."

Looking at the hot flames in Sairaorg's eyes, Ye Yu smiled bitterly and said, he was the most helpless against such a violent fighting maniac.

"A normal battle? So, what if it's a life-and-death fight?" Sairaorg's face became serious, and just when Ye Yu had a headache, what should he answer, a familiar voice rang.

"Rias, you guys are here too."

Wearing a gorgeous evening dress, Sona came to Rias and others alone. In order to prevent Ye Yu's identity from being exposed, she specially arranged her family members in the side hall.

Looking at the beautiful girl who appeared in front of him, Ye Yu couldn't help but show a hint of apology, while the latter shook his head as if he didn't care.

"Your honor, Lord Sairaorg."

Bowing slightly towards Sairaorg, Sona tonight had less of a bookish aura and more of a power, because now she came to the gathering as the next head of the Sidi family.

After the commotion just now, the hall has been repaired by the staff who arrived using magic power, and it has been restored to its original state. The young demons also gathered again, and everyone except the bad guy and his followers gathered around the table.

"I am Sigbala Agares. I am a Grand Duke and the next head of the Agares family." The bespectacled girl who returned to the hall after finishing her clothes was the first to introduce her with a little respect.

"Guan, I am Rias Gremory. The next head of the Gremory family."

"I am Canna Sidi. The next head of the Sidi family."

Rias and Sona also made brief introductions one after another.

"I am Sairaorg Baal. I am a high-ranking king and the next head of the Baal family."

Sairaorg's self-introduction gave off a domineering feeling, and it was only natural that the No.1 of the younger generation should have such an aura. At this time, a weak voice that didn't sound like a man at all sounded.

"I am Theodora Astaroth. The next head of the Astaroth family. Everyone, please give me your advice."

The seemingly frail young man had a gentle and kind smile, but Ye Yu took an extra look at him.

Of the four demon kings, Lucifer represents the Gremory family, Leviathan represents the Siddi family, Beelzebub represents the Astaroth family, and Asmodeus represents the previous bad character. The Rashiyarapos family.

The next head of the Demon King's family, Sairaorg of the Baal family who is second only to the Demon King, and the princess of the Archduke Agares' family who is responsible for conveying the Demon King's orders, these six young demons can be said to be the epitome of the top leaders of the underworld in the future.

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