The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 338: flashpoint world ends

After Thomas Weir finished speaking, a huge flash lit up the entire sky, and the nuclear explosion spread rapidly. If this trend is followed, the entire earth will be turned into dust in the universe in the nuclear explosion.

The Flash looked at this scene in shock, none of them in the Flashpoint world were winners, they were all losers, especially the Flash.

When he thought that he had the ability to change the world that was eroded by zombies, everything did not develop as he thought, and it seemed that it was about to end.

Tang Tian could feel a violent reaction in the reactor, which seemed to be some kind of technology from Atlantis, releasing astonishing power.

Countless rays of light like the sun continued to spread, swallowing every inch of the land, and it was dangerous to look closer and closer. The Flash knew that time was pressing and no hesitation was allowed.

"The Flash, run! The possibility of correcting the timeline is on you."

Tang Tian looked at Barry Allen, who was slightly injured, but he gritted his teeth and insisted, running up countless arcs entwining around him.

"I know, don't worry, I will definitely handle everything." Barry said firmly.

As The Flash ran with all his strength, he only saw that his speed was getting faster and faster, turning into a meteor and a ray of light.

Maybe even the Superman of the Justice League can only sigh and sigh in the face of this speed. This is the difference between heaven and earth.

Countless Speed ​​Forces continued to flow out of his body, and Speed ​​Forces were also boiling. Therefore, the Flash entered the time-space tunnel. Tang Tian smiled and followed after seeing such a scene.

Barry Allen burst into an amazing potential, overdrawn his strength and ran without life, only to see flames gradually burning on his body, and the intense pain made Barry not give up.

Finally, in the colorful tunnel of light and shadow, he saw another red figure running fast in front of him. The lightning generated by the golden speed force continuously circled the red shadow, and the crackling seemed to open another parallel world.

"It looks like this is Barry from the past!" Tang Tian looked at Barry and followed.

The figure in front of him is none other than Barry Allen, the past who tried to change history and save his mother.

The future Flash gradually caught up with the past Flash. Seeing that the exit was right in front of him, the two Barry Allen both saw their mother who was putting candles on the birthday cake, and also saw the approaching reverse lightning from behind.

"Stop, Barry, you can't save our mother," Barry said loudly to his past.

"Who are you?" the past future asked suspiciously.

"I am you, and I am your future."

Barry growled and said that he also knew about these situations.

Both are The Flash, but the difference is that one is trying to save his mother in order to pursue his own selfish desires, and the other is trying to stop himself in order to save mankind from danger. The future Barry Allen came from behind, with tears and hope, he jumped hard and grabbed his past.

Although the world full of zombies in the past may be a little worse, it is not known how many times better than the destruction of the entire world in the future. This is also something that Barry knows.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in the entire timeline, the sunlight fell on the ground again, and Barry waded in the cutting-edge laboratory, as if sleeping.

"It looks like a timeline, it's recovered." Tang Tian looked at the Zhongcheng in front of him and showed a smile.

"Mom, I'm so sorry." Barry's eyes were full of tears, and he lost and found it again, and then the loss was not a bad blow to the Flash.

"The Flash, we did it." Tang Tian looked at Barry and said with certainty.

"Yes! We did it." When Barry heard Tang Tian's words, he woke up and smiled reluctantly.

"Master, this world has undergone amazing changes." Suddenly, before they finished speaking, Skynet said to Tang Tian with certainty.

"what happened."

Tang Tian asked Skynet in surprise, not knowing what happened.

"This timeline seems to be ahead, and I haven't found the spread of the virus." Skynet said seriously.

"Really? Call the surveillance of Star City immediately, we need to know where Clyde Madden is?" Tang Tian heard Skynet's words and gave an order.

"This means that we have a way to restart the timeline."

Barry said brightly, maybe there was no chance to change in the past, but he created a flash point, no doubt created time.

"Wait, Don, I have to give Thomas' letter to Batman." Barry thought about it, looked at Tang Tian and said.

"Okay, no problem." Tang Tian looked at Barry and nodded.

Then, Barry turned into a golden arc and disappeared before their eyes, handing Thomas Wayne's handwritten letter to Bruce Wayne.

"Hey, Flash, why do you have time to come to Gotham City?" Batman looked at Flash and asked suspiciously.

"I have a letter to give to you. It belongs to your father."

Barry spoke slowly, and slowly told everything about the Flashpoint world.

After Batman heard what The Flash said, he took the letter and looked at it, with some words written on it.

Dear Son:

I only know one thing about life.

I know that some things happen by accident and some are caused by us.

Barry Allen has been haunted by the past.

But since he became The Flash, he has put those unpleasant memories behind him. He found true love, family, and friends.

Barry thinks he has escaped the shadows of his but some people won't let him escape the harsh reality.

When Barry asked me for help, I turned him away. I am not the protagonist of this story. I'm just a man corrupted by his own unbearable pain. I'm just a guy with blood on his hands and called a good guy. I am a person who has no nostalgia for life, until the day I met The Flash, he told me that you are alive and well in another world.

The first time I met Barry, I nearly killed him, but he gave me hope and was a bridge for me to pass on something to you.

Like I said, I am not the protagonist of this story, you are, so please cherish what you have now.

Your father: Thomas Wayne.

After Batman read the letter, tears flowed down, and Batman, who has never been beaten, was full of warmth.

"B...Barry, thank you, this is a really good gift!"

Batman said sternly, but his eyes were full of hope, which his father wanted him to have.

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