The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 322: Arrival of Casillas

In the Marvel world, while the Avengers are guarding the earth, other forces are also using their own power to maintain the stability of the world.

The three bases in the world to resist the attack of the great devil are London, Hong Kong Island, and New York. This setting also seems reasonable. The representative of the American city, the representative of the Eastern city, and the representative of the British home city. It couldn't have been more perfect, more balanced.

Since Tang Tian entered this world, he has observed a lot of Strange. For example, when Dr. Strange took out the bullet from the patient, he told his assistant that the sound of your watch is too loud.

Then, at the end of the operation, Strange opened the drawer, and dozens of shiny new and expensive watches appeared in front of Tang Tian's eyes. Then, Strange came to Tibet and encountered gangsters who wanted to rob his watch. Mordo rescued him and introduced him to Gu Yi.

After the apprenticeship, Strange gently placed the broken watch on the windowsill, and finally put it on again. It can be seen that the time symbolized by the watch, Strange also knows that his mission is to guard the time.

Master Gu Yi created a mirror-like world like Inception space for him, as well as a complex environment that changes endlessly and makes people confused. When Strange learned about this spell, he learned about it by manipulating time. more secrets.

And Casillas, who betrayed the ancient one, believes that time "kills" people, so as long as there is no time, the world can be made a better place.

What he ignores is that time also makes people born and grow up. Although Strange can use spells to manipulate time, he is still in time, just as even if he takes off his watch and forgets the existence of time, he is still changed by time without any change.

So, by virtue of the control of time, Strange changed from a rookie to a junior mage, from just wanting to heal his hands to a messenger guarding the enchantment.

"Strange, you have your own mission!" Tang Tian patted Strange on the shoulder and said seriously.

"I sensed a dark force that was about to join the group!" Kuang San came over and said seriously to Tang Tian.

"It seems that Casillas is about to have his own moves." Tang Tian looked at Kuang San and said without hesitation.

"So, is there an enemy coming?" Strange asked in astonishment.

"Yes, that's right, it seems that we need our help a little bit." Tang Tian said confidently.

Then, a spark flashed across the void, and Mo Du looked at Tang Tian's eyes in surprise, as if he had something to say.

"Modu, what do you have to say?"

Tang Tian looked at Mo Du's eyes calmly and said lightly.

"I heard what you said, so what should we do to deal with Casillas' men."

Mo Du asked Tang Tian sincerely, because he knew that he could almost be a friend of the ancient master, Tang Tian naturally had amazing power, and being able to learn magic in an instant also proved Tang Tian's strength.

"You don't have to do anything?" Tang Tian waved his hand, and countless Terminator robots came out of the shadows on the ground. They came out fully armed, but it surprised Strange and Mordo. Know why Tang Tian summoned those things.

"Technical weapons, are you ready to help us?"

Just when Strange and Modu wanted to say something, Mage Gu Yi first asked Tang Tian.

"Of course it's to help you." Tang Tian said without even thinking, facing the crisis faced by Master Gu Yi, he still wouldn't stand idly by.

"But they also lack experience." Master Gu Yi shook his head and said.

"Dormammu will cause heavy losses to the earth. Especially the power of wizards." Tang Tian thought for a while and said, looking at Master Gu Yi.

"I also know this, I have observed the timeline."

Master Gu Yi nodded and said that he did not object to Tang Tian's words.

"My idea is to keep most of the power for the wizard, and I know in the future." Tang Tian smiled at Master Gu Yi.

"Okay." Master Gu Yi said in agreement.

Then, under Tang Tian's order, Kuang San brought those Terminator robots to the temple for defense. He knew that even when Dormammu was there, it was impossible to resist the full force of those Terminator robots.

Although Tang Tian's scientific and technological strength is not special, it is enough to deal with all this, so Tang Tian is well prepared and wants to face the powerful dark wizard.

That's right, a wizard of Dormammu's earth, and he is very talented. One day he discovered the existence of the dark latitude, so he abandoned his body and became the master of the dark latitude. Not everyone can resist the attraction of power. .

When Tang Tianjing dealt with everything in an orderly manner, it didn't take long before he felt the sound of fighting where Strange was, accompanied by the attack of the Terminator robot laser gun, and the screams, he didn't think anything. , and went inside.

"What happened? Strange."

When Tang Tian walked in, he saw Casillas and was directly controlled by Strange, who was also wearing a red cloak.

"Lord Dormammu, is about to come to this world." Casillas continued to Strange excitedly.

"Hmph, he has the ability to come and talk."

Strange said disdainfully, he didn't think Dormammu could fight against the Ancient One Mage.

"Master Gu Yi, who absorbed the power of the dark latitude, also violated his oath."

Casillas roared and said, which made Mordo's face change.

"How is that possible? I don't believe that the teacher would do this?" Mo Du said loudly, as if he didn't believe it very much.

"Idiot, you don't even know such a simple trick."

Tang Tian glanced at Mo Du casually and said coldly.

Mo Du has always used Master Gu Yi as an example, but when Master Gu Yi failed to meet the requirements in his mind, his heart also collapsed. Facing the comfort of Tang Tian's spiritual power, Mo Du immediately recovered.

"Pfft!" Mo De condensed a mass of energy in his hand and slammed towards Kasilias, only to see Kasilias spit out blood and looked at the icy magic degree in disbelief.

"Damn it, you also have two strokes." Kasilias knew that Tang Tian's eyes were full of anger when he was playing tricks, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Casillas could clearly feel the terrifying power of Tang Tian and the incomparably dark magic power. He didn't know that they should be accomplices, and he was even more unclear why Tang Tian helped Strange.

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