Sometimes, however, it's really a matter of being afraid of something.

Just when Song Zu and Lin Lang just walked out, they saw that the door was already surrounded by water.

After seeing the two of them come out, they immediately rushed forward.

"Song Zu Song Zu, is it really

you!" "Song Zu, I like you so much, can you help me sign a name!"


Because none of them expected that there would be so many people waiting for them at the door.

And looking at this situation, there are more and more people who feel it.

Lin Lang frowned a little unpleasantly, and was about to say something to let them disperse when a large group of people in front of him spoke again.

"Song Zu, I like you so much

!" "Song Zu Goddess, Song Zu, Goddess!" "Song Zu, ah, ah, do you have any plans to make a TV series recently

!" "Song Zu, are you on any variety shows!" Song Zu

felt that his ears

were a little unbearable, and subconsciously reached out and rubbed his ears, and smiled by the way:" Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm just out for dinner today, I don't know if you can make a way?"

Song Zu spoke in a particularly polite tone, and there was also a hint of pleading.

Maybe to be a star, that's it.

However, it was okay that Song Zu didn't say this, and as soon as he said this, the fans present immediately gossiped.

"Song Zu, who is the person next to

you!" "Yes, Song Zu, he looks so handsome!"

"Song Zu, is it your

boyfriend?" "When did you get a boyfriend?"

Hearing their more and more ridiculous speculation, Song Zu couldn't help but have a big head.

It's okay now, originally he just blocked himself and didn't let himself go out, but now he completely shifted his attention to the identity of Lin Lang next to him.

Although she really has nothing to do with Lin Lang, will the fans listen to it?

Not at all!

Song Zu can even imagine the news headline early tomorrow morning.

"Shocked!The popular little flower Dan Song Zu secretly met with a mysterious boyfriend late at

night!""Song Zu had dinner with a strange man in the middle of the night, are they a couple, or is it something else?"

"A certain restaurant saw Song Zu make a high-profile appearance, and the mysterious man next to him was so handsome!

" "......"

No, when she thought of these titles, she couldn't help but shudder.

If these titles really appear, then will she continue to be popular

! She doesn't want to have the slightest scandal!

Lin Lang looked at Song Zu's remorse, and probably knew what Song Zu was thinking about now, so he simply had him by his side, so he would help Song Zu.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, I am Song Zu's boss, and I am also a colleague of Song Zu's new drama.

After explaining this, Lin Lang seemed to feel that it was still a little insufficient, so he simply continued to add.

"Song Zu is also a person with a normal life, so I hope everyone will pay more attention to her works and less disturbance to her personal private life, okay?"

Song Zu couldn't help but have a strong admiration for Lin Lang's words, what he said was simply perfect!

Fortunately, most of the fans who were sending the master at the scene made way for Song Zu after hearing Linlang's words, but their shouts still did not stop.

"Song Zu, Song Zu, I love you. It's like rats love rice. "

Song Zu, I really like you!" "Song Zu

, I hope you can have one." Very good prospects.

Then Song Zu didn't forget to thank them one by one after hearing these words again.

"Thank you! Thank you for your support to me, I will repay you with my better works, thank you, I'll go first, everyone pay attention to safety on the way home!" After

hearing Song Zu's heartwarming words, those fans almost cried with excitement!

They had never met such a heart-warming star. After seeing this, they all waved their hands to Song Zu one after another.

Finally squeezed out of the crowded place, Song Zu immediately got into Lin Lang's car, and then took a big breath of fresh air.


Lang looked at Song Zu sitting in the car, hooked his lips and smiled, and reached out to hand over a bottle of water.

"Thank you.

After Song Zu drank the water in his hand, he turned his head to look at Lin Lang on the side, and exclaimed: "It's worthy of being my boss, you react fast enough! What you said just now is simply amazing!

If it weren't for the fans at the scene, I would definitely give you a big thumbs up to praise you well!"

Song Zu said excitedly, she didn't even notice Lin Lang's doting eyes.


the way, after Song Zu stretched out his hand to straighten out his hair, he said in fear: "Scared me to death, fortunately I didn't remove my makeup when I just came out of the studio, otherwise it would be really dangerous!"


Lin Lang cast a puzzled look, and then looked at Song Zu.

"I'm a big star, if those fans see my appearance without makeup, then I won't be embarrassed, although I look very good without makeup, but girls, if you go out without makeup, you won't have confidence, and in the end, you won't look good with makeup.

Hearing this, Lin Lang reached out and touched his nose.

I really don't know where to find such a narcissistic guy, even when I am worried and scared, I don't forget to praise myself!

"Yes, you look good without makeup!" Lin

Lang said very unwillingly, and then drove to Repulse Bay.

When he stopped at the door of Song Zu's house, he looked at her and said directly: "I filmed for a day today, so go to bed when you're tired."

"Don't forget that I'm going to continue filming tomorrow, I'm going to sleep at home tomorrow, so I won't accompany you." "

Wow, boss, how can you be like this, a boss who doesn't accompany employees to film is not a good boss. "

Then did your former boss accompany you to film?" Lin

Lang's question made Song Zu stunned.

But her reaction was still very fast, and she directly hooked her lips and said: "So, didn't I kick him and change the boss!"

Lin Lang couldn't refute this, so he could only reach out and touch Song Zu's head: "Good girl, I'll go later tomorrow, you go first."

Song Zu saw that Lin Lang said this, so he had no choice but to compromise.

"Good, good night boss. "

Good night.

When Lin Lang returned home, Phoenix was still sitting on the sofa, looking like he had something to tell him.

"Young master, the residence has been built, just wait for you to open your business, young master. "

Okay, then we'll be officially open tomorrow afternoon, and I'm going to do something tomorrow morning." "

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