49 – Father Goes to the Conference

Assessment Office.

Aascal was away.

It was because he had embarked on a long journey to the imperial palace in order to become the empire’s best informant. He even managed to get a room in the palace to stay and eat there.

The office without the minister.

However, it was running just fine without any problems.

It was because Lia was filling Aascal’s empty position, effectively acting as the deputy minister.

‘I will definitely bring back achievements from the palace. When I’m gone, Lia, you’re no different from a minister. I’ll give you my stamp.’

Minister’s seal.

This seal was no different from an absolute power within the Assessment Office.

Lia, who had tried to follow Aascal all the way to the palace this time, ended up staying in the Assessment Office unavoidably, after seeing Aascal’s serious attitude, even handing over the seal.

“When will he come back…”

Lia sighed as she looked at the chief examiner’s chair, left desolate without its owner. Next to her, Susia, who was caught secretly picking up snacks, was kneeling down.

At that moment, Aascal, who was diligently carrying out his plan to resign with the emperor’s permission at the palace, encountered an unexpected situation.

“Count, try this. I managed to get this new dessert, which they only bake ten of a day.”

“Count, let me know your clothing size. Shouldn’t we start getting new clothes soon? I’ll give you a suitable outfit as a present.”

“Count, my daughter has been very patient.”

Full-grown adults were following Aascal around like little chicks.

Do they have nothing else to do?

That’s right. Nobles generally have nothing to do.

Unbeknownst to himself, Aascal was being called the new leader of the emerging noble faction, Count Erindale.

Among the flatterers, there was a consensus that he had managed to build an independent faction separate from the solid crown prince’s faction, the second princess, and the third princess.

And the emperor was taking on the role of advisor to the noble faction.


Aascal let out a contemplative sigh as if he had something troubling on his mind.

Immediately, Baron Seynan rushed over.

“Do you have any concerns, Count? Your concerns are also my concerns, so please share them with me.”

How sweet.

This was the typical characteristic of central nobility.

Unlike territorial nobles who had their own solid territories and soldiers, central nobles that had to survive purely by their own abilities in the capital had an extremely developed sense of support for each other.

In Baron Seynan’s heart, Aascal and he were practically one.

“I worry about the fiefdom His Majesty has bestowed upon me.”

Ascal had received the land of Erintail from the emperor.

In terms of beef parts, it was like the chuck eye roll, and in terms of chicken parts, it was like the chicken neck.

In fact, it was a land that did not actually need governing, so the emperor had given it to him in name only.

However, in Ascal’s heart, the triangle was still alive. It was still in good enough condition to attract the attention of one or two people if placed on the used market.

“What am I saying, my lord. Who directly manages their fiefdom these days?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Leave it to an agent. That’s what everyone’s doing these days.”


Ascal had an epiphany.

One shouldn’t underestimate a pseudo-medieval age. They had already adopted the auto-boutique system.

In fact, it was much more reasonable for a competent agent to manage the fiefdom than for him, who had risen to power so suddenly.

“If you’d like, I can recommend someone capable of managing your fiefdom.”

“Thank you. I’ll consult with you later.”

Viscount Seinan smiled.

Ascal smiled back.

No matter how many convenient systems and tools modern society had, they were still just imitating what humans could do. If possible, it was best to have humans directly do the work.

And the nobility was a privileged class that could employ as many people as they wished.

Leaving everything to others without having to lift a finger, this must be the life of a nobleman. It was so convenient.

At this rate, he might become corrupt as a nobleman.

‘Pull yourself together, Ascal.’

Ascal slapped himself on the cheek.

At a glance, the life of a central nobleman seemed perfect, but there was a fatal flaw.

They had a short average lifespan.

In the annals of history, a nobleman who had chosen the wrong line often went down with it entirely.

Despite appearing to lead an easy life, central nobility lived in a fiercely political world, coexisting with the subtle power struggles and line disputes. Viscount Seinan and Baron Trinio were not thoughtlessly following Ascal around like stalkers.

Now that the line of Marquis Sebeus had disappeared, their eyes had turned at the sight of Ascal, the suddenly appearing golden opportunity.

‘I’m sorry about that.’

But they would soon realize as well.

That the golden opportunity called Ascal would suddenly evaporate just as it had appeared, revealing itself to be nothing but a rotten semblance of an opportunity…

“Everyone was gathered here. hehehe.”

“Your Majesty!”

“Greetings, Your Majesty!”

“Relax, everyone. Are we not closer than mere strangers? There’s no need for excessive formality.”

The emperor, leaning back, strolled through the royal garden.

His shoulders were always slumped, and his voice, raspy from frequent coughing, made him appear older than his age. But these days, he seemed different.

Ever since he started drinking the crystal tea, his health gradually improved, and now his complexion was surprisingly better.

“Good. The weather is nice; let’s all have some crystal tea.”

Among the rising nobles, drinking crystal tea had become a ritual.

As if to prove their friendship and bonds eternal, they drank the crystal tea together…

“Come to think of it, Count Erindale, I have never seen you drink the crystal tea.”

“It’s a precious beverage; I thought it would be better to let others drink it more than me, so I haven’t had a taste.”

“Count Erindale.”

The emperor looked intently at Ascal, his expression serious.

Ascal felt embarrassed.

“I am always grateful for you. There have been many things happening lately. Only now have I realized how incompetent and foolish a ruler I have been.”

“Your Majesty, what-“

“Until now, you were always around me, concerned about my health, never asking me for favors or making any small requests. I see that you are fundamentally different from those rotten people who only care for their own interests while claiming to care about me.”

“No, Your Majesty. I am just…”

“But, Count. Excessive devotion can be poisonous. I now consider you my son as well as a subject.”

The emperor smiled and personally poured the crystal tea into Ascal’s cup.

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“Now it’s time to take care of your health. Come on, Count. Drink it all in a single gulp.”

“Your Majesty…”

Ascal looked down at the crystal tea.

It shone with a brilliant purple hue.

Earlier, he had seen the jewel frog being fed medicine, which produced the ingredients for the crystal tea.

“I gratefully…will drink it.”

Ascal was so moved that he shed tears.

The emperor nodded contentedly.


“Truly delicious… truly…”

“hehehe. It’s natural since someone brought it. Anyway, is there any way to know the recipe of this tea? I would like to make it a national treasure of the empire if possible.”

“The foreign merchant wouldn’t tell the secret.”

“Well, since it’s such a rare and precious tea, that’s understandable.”

Ascal vowed to take the secret of the crystal tea to his grave.

“Son, I’m here.”

“Father? Why are you here?”

“Russia called me here, didn’t they?”

Ascal was startled when he discovered that his father, Arthur Devere, was in the capital, who had come to visit him unexpectedly.

Come to think of it, one of Russia’s letters that Ascal received like spam mail contained:

-Now that the eldest brother is also a high-ranking official, isn’t it time to place some relatives and friends in key positions?

It was a natural thing in this era.

When a person succeeds, they place as many friends and relatives as possible in key positions.

Of course, if those people were to fall from grace, the rest would also follow suit and cross the River of No Return – there was considerable risk in putting all the eggs in one basket.

-We don’t have that many relatives anyway. Russia, you’re practically busy managing your territory and can’t really help. Perhaps the only possibility would be with my father.

Ascal indirectly rejected the suggestion in this manner, but Russia interpreted this as ‘send my father’ and did so.

Ascal didn’t think about the possibility that Russia might have sent his father, who did nothing at home and leisurely wielded a sword and rode horses, to the capital on purpose as he didn’t want to see him.

“Do you want to watch the festival while you’re here?”

“Sounds good.”

Most of the work is done by the Crown Prince. The Emperor is in a good mood. The national treasury is full.

These three conditions resulted in the palace hosting a festival whenever they were bored.

Today, the weather is nice, so let’s have a festival; today, the tea tastes good, so let’s have a tea party; today a horse gave birth to a foal, so let’s have a festival.

Thus, more than ten festivals have been held so far.

Ascal understood why the current emperor was called indecisive. He was easily swayed and moody.

“They’re holding a horse-riding competition.”


The horse-riding competition.

Among the entertainment venues of this age, it ranked at the very top, as a sport.

The reason was simple.

In this age where only the strong survive, knights were naturally treated as alpha males. And when alpha males compete with each other on horseback, clashing their lances and swords, and sweating in combat?

Even intense enough to cause death at times?

It was a sport that could only be described as stimulating for men at the genetic level. And, naturally, young ladies and noblewomen looking for their own knight often came to watch the horseback riding tournament.

And the victorious knights would sometimes hold the hands of the ladies and disappear.

In the end, the horseback riding tournament could be seen as a microcosm of society in that sense.

“I should participate too.”

“Wait. Father?”

Ascal tried to stop Arthur.

It turned out that he was such a dutiful son to call his father to the capital and then let him participate in a dangerous horseback riding tournament where even fatalities could occur.

But without any chance to dissuade him, Arthur went to the receptionist of the horse riding tournament, spoke to them, and entered the waiting room.

“See you later, my son. I’ll be coming back after making your new stepmother today.”


A few hours later.

<Tournament Final Round>

Arthur Devereux vs Cain Barba

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