The trumpeter who leads the way

Chapter 231 Team Maple breaks through and enters Yong

No one expected that the Shura Regiment would be defeated so quickly.

Everyone only saw that the Maple Team counterattacked very quickly. Every time they attacked, they would definitely take away the Shura Regiment's land and approach [Li Yang] at an extremely fast speed.

When the people who paved the way for Shura Group realized that they should give up the land for card exemption, it was already too late. Team Maple didn't give them a chance at all, and they pushed directly to the gate of [Liyang] in the blink of an eye.

The troops are approaching the city!

But other regiments in northern Xinjiang have not yet arrived.

The Third Regiment of Bingzhou had not even attacked the land where the fortress was parachuted, let alone sent support. Looking at everything that happened at the level, I could only feel helpless and furious. Of course, it was impossible to blame the Shura group for not being stuck, for fear that their mentality would go wrong at the critical moment.

"You're too late!"

Han Feng looked at the number of troops in the Shura regiment's fortress group on the other side of the pass with an expressionless face and muttered to himself.

Not long after the counterattack of his troops reached the [Liyang] level, his remaining troops had basically reached 7788. Of course, there were still some that were not in place, but that was not important.

All Han Feng has to do is break quickly!

"Everyone has it! Attack at the last second!"

A thought was shot out, and all the fortresses sent out troops one after another, automatically rushing towards [Li Yang] at the same time.

Northern Xinjiang Command Group

Yu Yu: Grass! Are these people just going to attack from a distance like this?

Hongyue: A bunch of lunatics!

Ruthless: Confidence comes from execution!

Yu Yu: That’s true. Their execution ability is indeed terrifying. I have never felt this powerless in the Conquest Season before. I can only say that there are some things that I lost due to my laxity. As long as I pay more attention, I can save it to some extent.

Yuyu: But it’s impossible to do it with the group of people in front of you. It’s very powerless.

Hongyue: Hahahahaha

Qijie: Uh, why are you attacking the city...

Yu Yu: Aren’t you giving the command?

Qijie: I am at work during this time. I don't have time to take command. Now that I have some time, I came up to take a look. I didn't expect that the other side was attacking the city.

Yu Yu: Dizzy. If you don’t have time, you should talk about it in the command group!

Qijie: I forgot, I was too serious about work...

Hongyue: Damn, then I have to really thank you for your boss! Damn it, [Li Yang] is going to be lost!

Seven Realms: ...This is a level seven level, so it shouldn’t be that easy to defeat the opponent! Besides, they are still a long shot.

Wong Lao Kat: Don’t underestimate their obsession. You may not know that their Maple team wiped out the sixth-level city in the middle of the night with the night buff.

Hongyue: I have heard about this. When I first heard the news, I was stunned. It’s not good to fight during the day! As a result, they were even more exaggerated during the day and started directly attacking the level 7 city, so this group of people were a bunch of lunatics and would not stop until they accomplished their goals. I even feel like they didn't capture it this time. They will also immediately launch a second concentrated fire attack. Until this level is defeated.

Wong Lo Kat: Agreed.

Yuyu: Now we can only hope that Douduan can help withstand it. Even if our Bingzhou Third Regiment came over, it would be useless. We are not in an alliance. The most we can do is help you attack their fortress outside. It's up to you to guard the place.

Seven Realms: I understand. @Hero, how are your troops coming?

Hero: The nearest brothers have passed away, and some brothers are still on the way. I can only say that they will arrive in half an hour.

Seven Realms: OK. Hurry up and come over, I feel like it's a bit difficult for me to defend this wave by myself.

Hero: Try your best.


"Who are you looking down on! Only 13 teams are stationed!"

Han Feng looked at the garrison at the checkpoint and sneered. The pure mantis of the Shura group was acting like a car!

Han Feng didn't care about this small number at all, and the main force of more than 40 red teams instantly overwhelmed [Li Yang].

The 13th team stationed at the checkpoint a second ago were defeated in an instant and ran back.

All 13 teams were wiped out.

Injuring Han Feng, both teams were full of red kitchen knives.

After briefly looking at the battle report, there was nothing to be proud of, so Han Feng chose to go back and continue the attack in seconds.

This time the attack was also mixed with the meat steps and demolition teams that were in place later.

Northern Xinjiang Command Group

Seven Realms: /Laughing and crying, what the hell is this?

Seven Realms: [Battle Report Sharing]*12

Seven Realms: Two teams of Manhong Kitchen Knives directly chopped down our 12th team, and everyone was paralyzed.

Ruthless: The Chopper Team is already level 38. If I remember correctly, this should be their fourth team.

Seven Realms:? ? ? ? Team 4?

Ruthless: Yeah. I basically know their team. The first three teams from No. 1 to No. 10 are Team Guilu, Dudu and Roubu respectively, and the fourth team is the Chopper Team. I didn't expect that after not seeing each other for the past few days, their fourth team has grown to level 38. It's really scary.

Yu Yu: The defenders were penetrated by them, and they began to fight for endurance.

Hero: Hey, I got chills all over when I saw their siege report.

Yuyu: What’s wrong?

Seven Realms: /Laugh and cry, everything is full of red. Except for the kitchen knife, which is level 38, the others are all 40+. The most exaggerated thing is that two pairs of Oni Lu teams are already level 44.

Yu Yu: ...I know that. I saw it when we were members of our group. They were fighting all the time, so it was normal for them to have a high level.

Hero: I think it's too late. The durability dropped too fast. It dropped more than 2W this round. If this happens two more times, it will be gone...

Yuyu: Can’t your reinforcements keep up?

Hero: This is not a matter of catching up or not, but a matter of not being able to withstand it. Even if we catch up with this kind of attack, we can't defend it!

Yu Yu: Well, if you work hard, you can carry it as long as you can.

Hero: Brothers are already on board, and we will leave it to fate later.

Han Feng looked at the garrison troops shooting from a distance and silently marked the several fortresses that sent troops. They would definitely give priority to the fortresses that would send troops later, and they would be merciless.

20 minutes later, there was another precise round of concentrated fire.

The Doudou regiment's garrison is destined to be in vain. This level of attack should not be defended by a single regiment with just a few people.

According to Han Feng's words: How many people are here to garrison? Who do you look down on?

To put it bluntly, the Maple team's current offensive would be difficult to cause much resistance to the Maple team without the obstruction of more than 150 people from three regiments. The current Maple team is half a point stronger than when the three regiments joined forces to attack the city. Trying to block Han Feng with just two regiments is simply a dream.

When [Liyang] had 13 minutes left to refresh its durability, its durability was finally beaten to 0 by the Maple Team.

"Ding! Youzhou Alliance [Feng Organization] successfully occupied Yongbin Pass [Liyang] Lv7!"

System announcements spread throughout the region.

The Maple team finally attacked Yongzhou.

Faced with the shocking things done by the Maple Team, everyone has become accustomed to it.

The experiences of Bingzhou players can be seen everywhere on Tieba these days. It’s so miserable.

The earth was overthrown and the city was destroyed!

Every player, whether you are a high-profile boss or a commoner, is trembling and living in fear of being dominated by the Maple Team. As long as you are approached by Team Maple, you will be gone. Even Jesus can’t keep you.

This tragic situation directly frightened the 440 war alliance. Seeing their allies in such miserable condition, and then learning that the so-called thugs Tianqiong Group they had found had wandered two days ago, they were paralyzed for a while.

I dared myself to persist for so long, only to receive the news that my ally had collapsed.

Zhanmeng said that he was very hurt and lost his strategic direction for a while.

In front of him, Xuzhou was being suppressed and beaten by Jiuyou's double core battle group. Not to mention Yangzhou, he was pinned to the ground and rubbed by the elites of 437.

But none of the allies said they were giving up, and the alliance members couldn't say anything. They still persisted in silence, even though they knew that this season was probably going to be bad.

PS: First update

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