The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 893: Unlucky Flying Dragon

Seeing the giant gate leading to the other world finally formed, many pedestrians were attracted to the past, Zhang Chunbao wanted to vomit why all the dragon sets in the film and television animation are so bold

In the face of unknown circumstances, it is not how far you run, but how close you are.

"Captain" looked at the flow of people gathering towards the gate, Zhang Chunbao shook his head and asked. Reading, .o

"Let's go." Lao Wu nodded and said.

With this order, the five of them suddenly changed their clothes again.

It's just that this time it's much simpler, just take out the guys who are packed in backpacks and bags.

"Everyone backs out, it's dangerous to step back"

Zhang Chunbao, who intentionally changed into a camouflage dress, said he pulled the trigger at the gunpoint.

"Bub Bab Bab Bab"

It has to be said that at this time, gunshots are more useful than shouting.

No, there was a gunshot, and the foolish and bold people who had gathered at the gate were tempted at once

Facing the terrified sight of everyone, Zhang Chunbao, who was more like a bandit with a single-handed gun, splashed the dirty waterway casually:

"The Self-Defense Force Special Operations Team is performing special tasks, please leave immediately"

"Otherwise, we will be tried for treason and we have the right to kill those who obstruct the mission on the spot"

However, regardless of the world and the era, there is always no shortage of those who have a sense of justice and do not know what is right or wrong.

No, just after Zhang Chunbao shouted, a sister jumped out and accused:

"How can you do this, you are violating the rights and interests of citizens, you"

Before it was changed, Zhang Chunbao might really hesitate to use the girl's best condition to have a face and a face and a figure and a figure.

But now, he didn't give the other party a chance to talk, and he just shot it.



After the gunshot, the beautiful girl suddenly fell into the pool of blood.

Well, it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that, after all, Zhang Chunbao hasn't been as cruel as the Devil Squad.

The pretty girl was shot, but it was not a fatal wound, but a shot on the shoulder or a bruise.

"If someone wants to die, I don't mind sending him a ride." Zhang Chunbao, who is armed with a gun, has a big smile on his face.

But this smile fell on the sister's paper that was sitting on the ground with her shoulders covered, and the eyes of the onlookers around it, but it became a devil's smile.

Just when Nai Meizhi still wanted to fill in with indignation, he didn't know that Naizhi's companion was still a strange kindhearted person, and he stepped forward and dragged the other party away quickly.

With such a ready-made example, the remaining silly and bold can still react.

In less than a minute, both sides of the street in front of the gate had become empty.

"Thank us, if it were not for our presence, God knows how many people will die."

Looking at the shadowy figures in the buildings on both sides of the street, Zhang Chunbao whispered and then pulled the trigger in his hand again.

This time it wasn't a human being, but buildings on both sides of the street.

Ye Gucheng, who was very interesting and wanted to try it, was stopped by the saints before he even started.

"Just kidding, you're a Vulcan cannon, I really want to kill someone." The Vulcan cannon's firing device was fixed with his mind, and the saint said angrily.

"Cut the small Japan, and kill if you kill it." Ye Guheng, who failed to succeed, replied disapprovingly.

"I don't have any opinion on how you want to kill when you switch to something else. Now it's better to focus on the task." The saint who just loosened his mind and fixed it once reminded.

At this moment, Han Xiang who was facing the gate with Lao Wu suddenly said:


"Get ready" said the old dance immediately.

Almost as soon as the voice fell, I heard "Hula" a burst of wind breaking from the heads of the five.

A huge black shadow flew by, rushing to the sky

"Don't rob me, this is mine," the saint said, and raised the Gauss rifle in his hand. "Boo hoo hoo" came in three bursts.

Immediately after that, he just rushed out of the gate and prepared to soar in the alien sky. By the way, the flying dragon, who was the scout for the army over the gate, suddenly stiffened and then fell from the sky.

The huge figure means huge weight, plus the inertia falling from the sky.

"Boom" made a loud noise, and this flying dragon, who died before he could die, smashed into the street outside a building, piggybacked and destroyed several innocent cars.

The flying dragon is fast, but the process from rushing out of the gate to flying to high altitude takes a little time.

In normal times, this time is nothing.

Not to mention that no one in the original plot was prepared, that is, no matter how powerful the sharpshooter was, it was difficult to hit the target.

Furthermore, although the dragon is only a dragon, it is also a dragon

Ordinary rifles hit the body, even if the damage caused by the defense is limited.

But the death is not dead, the saints have refined their minds and energy, and the invisible mind is definitely more powerful than any aiming system.

Even if it hits at a very long distance, it is impossible to miss the target at this distance.

Coupled with the bullet fired by the Gaussian rifle, whether it is muzzle velocity or power is deadly for the flying dragon.

So, the big guys who flew over from the door first fell before they could even have time to experience the world.

Although it was impossible to use too much power, the saints still used the invisible mind to make these flying dragons fall on the streets not far behind.

Zhang Chunbao didn't use this weapon, otherwise the pretty girl's paper would end badly.

"Dabao" carrying the machine gun in his hand, Laowu head shouted without looking back.

"Roger that"

Zhang Chunbao flicked the ak47 in his hand to the back, and then waved his hands in succession, throwing out **** of the size of a ping pong ball.

"Bang bang bang bang bang ~ ~ In a series of non-violent muffled noise, the thick mist quickly spread out on the street, including the bodies of the dragons.

It ’s also weird to say, it ’s enough to let people reach out and see the dense fog of the five fingers, just covering the street behind the old dancers and the five people. In the eyes.

"I said the saints, before the time has passed, hurry up and grab the two alive" Zhang Chunbao shouted before entering the fog.

"Leave it to me." While the saint responded with a smile, a faint blue light flashed in his eyes.

At the next moment, the two flying dragons that had just rushed out of the door felt as if their eyes were black, and then there was no more.

After all the dragons rushed out, it was followed by the Allied Forces.

When these hogs, kobolds, and a variety of exotic humanoids appeared on the streets of Ginza, Tokyo, police calls and media calls across Tokyo were instantly burst.

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