The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 98 What should archaeologists do when faced with a curse?

"Look for the dragon and divide the gold to see the mountains. Each mountain is a barrier."

"If a door is closed with a thousand locks, there must be a prince living here."

Natsume Mika looked at his cheap master Higashino Takeshi.

Although under the training of Higashino Takeshi, Natsume Mika feels that his sword skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

But Natsume Mika also discovered that his master... seemed to have something wrong with his brain.

After Natsume Mika handed over the research information left by his father to Takeshi Tono, Takeshi quickly located the burial cemetery of another super-ancient warrior Kuuga besides Rick.

Although the location recorded in the ancient books in the research data is very detailed, time has changed and it is unknown how many years have passed since the super antiquity, so now we can only determine the approximate location.

If you want to determine the location of the ancient tomb, it will take at least one or two months to dig and search using archaeological methods.

Natsume Mika can wait, but Higashino Takeshi can't.

So Higashino Takeshi and Natsume Mika formed an archaeological team with no salary, no insurance, no provident fund, and would go to jail if caught.

Higashino Takeshi adheres to the principle of loving what he does. He has a Xunlong ruler in his left hand, a Luoyang shovel in his right hand, and a black donkey hoof in his arms.

I have to praise Natsume Mika's little classmate here. Even after experiencing unscientific things like Kuuga and Gurungi, Natsume Mika still believes in science.

Especially since his father is an archaeologist, Natsume Minaga 10% or even 90% doesn't believe in Higashino Takeshi's stolen... archaeological methods inherited from the Celestial Dynasty.

Do you use the archaeological methods of the Celestial Dynasty to dig Neon’s grave?

"Why, do you look down on my master's archaeological methods?" Takeshi Higashino moved his dragon-seeking ruler, and then pointed at a big tree to the right of Natsume Shika. "Dig down fifteen meters, and you will find the remains of another super ancient warrior."

Seeing the unlucky disciple standing there motionless, Higashino threw the shovel to her and said, "Hurry up! Do you still want to take action for the master?"

The reason why Higashino Takeshi was able to determine the location of the tomb was of course not relying on the dragon-seeking ruler that cost 2.5 yuan with free shipping. He released the negative Talos in this place and the detection was completed in three minutes.

Negative Talos: It’s okay for you to treat me like a dog. If you don’t fix my negative electricity train, you’ll be waiting for me to bite you to death!

But when Natsume Mika started doing illegal work, Higashino Takeshi disliked her clumsiness and slow digging.

If he hadn't been unable to defeat Higashino Takeshi, I'm afraid the Luoyang shovel in Natsume Mika's hand could have been judged as a murder weapon at this time.

Higashino Takeshi directly sprayed out black flames, burning through more than ten meters in one breath, reaching the entrance of the tomb.

Natsume Mika looked at his cheap master with a death gaze. The meaning in his eyes was very clear: So what is the meaning of teaching me to dig holes?

The two entered the tomb, and Natsume Mika couldn't understand Higashino Takeshi's operation.

"Master, why did you light a candle?"

"This is the rule of the old thieves and archaeologists. People light candles, ghosts blow out lamps, and when the rooster crows and the lamp is extinguished, gold is not touched." Takeshi Higashino explained to Natsume Shiga, "Although there are some superstitious elements, it's just a matter of lighting a candle." , can test the oxygen content in the tomb to prevent suffocation in the tomb.”

"But, Master, you bought the electronic candle."


Although it is not possible to pretend to be beeping, there is nothing wrong with the tombs of super ancient people.

Only one coffin was placed in the tomb.

If the guess was correct, besides Rick, there was the second warrior of ancient Lindo lying inside.

To be precise, he should be the predecessor of the super ancient warrior Rick.

However, the senior's coffin was much simpler than Rick's. It was just made of piled stones with some ancient Gurungi characters written on it.

"Disciple, can you translate what these words say?"

Although Takeshi Higashino has also watched Kamen Rider Kuuga, he can only say that he knows nothing about Gurungi writing.

Of the ancient Gurungi characters engraved on the tombstone, Takeshi Higashino could only understand the warrior mark belonging to Kuuga.

As for Natsume Mika, not only did she have a family background, but she also studied Kurōki writing for a period of time with Sawatari Sakurako from Seonan University. Although not very proficient, there is still no problem in translating text.

"The Tomb of the Lindo Warriors."

"Here sleeps Lindo's first warrior."

"Facing the ferocious hunting tribe Gurungi, he brought the Yaguru belt that had not yet been developed to fight against the invasion of Gurungi."

"Although Grungki was repelled, the undeveloped belt still plunged this great warrior into ultimate darkness."

"The second before he lost his mind, he took his own life in order not to harm his tribe."

"In memory of his greatness, Lindo buried him here."

"The one who opens the coffin will die!"

After reading the last sentence, Natsume Mika was stunned for a moment, then stepped back and said: "Master, please."

"Idiot!" Higashino took out two sticks of incense and a small piece of paper. "You actually believe these frightening curses! How many times have I told you to believe in science!"

"Then what are you doing with the incense in your hand?"

Higashino Takeru said seriously: "Of course we have to pay homage to this great warrior. Without him, I'm afraid humanity would be extinct."

After finishing speaking, Higashino Takeru respectfully placed a stick of incense on the sarcophagus in front of him.

After the incense was extinguished, General Higashiye opened a small gap in the sarcophagus, and then quickly stuffed the small piece of paper in his hand into it.

"Master, what did you just stuff in?"

"My boss's business card." Higashikata touched his chest and said, "It's okay. This old man has a tough life and can withstand any curse."

Ryuhei Sonosaki: I am lucky to have employees like you.

With the old man's business card protecting his body, Higashino Takeshi opened the sarcophagus.

Unlike warriors like Rick who have sealed Gurungi in the flesh and whose bodies still exist thousands of years later, the warriors in this sarcophagus are truly dead. Their bodies have turned into ashes over time. Inside the coffin All that was left was a Yaguru belt.

As soon as Takeshi Higashino took out his belt, his Stag Beetle cell phone rang. The caller was Sumiko Ozawa.

"Dongye, come back quickly. Both Glacier and Yajituo were attacked by Gurungi."

"Gong glacier has lost too much blood and was sent to the ICU."

"Yajituo has also been seriously injured and is unlikely to recover in a short time."

"Many Grunki and angels have appeared now, and you are the only one on our side!"

Ozawa Sumiko's plea for help was filled with infinite sadness. Without Higashino Takeshi, she might have been truly desperate.

Higashino Takeshi nodded, hung up the phone, threw the belt to Natsume Mika, and said calmly: "Disciple, let me show you how Master pretends to be beeping."

Cavalier Terrier Encyclopedia:

1. Gurungi: The language used by ancient Gurungi is a language modified from Japanese. It is very difficult to understand, but Xiao Ming understood it immediately after traveling through it.

The Gurungi clan also has its own culture, its own arithmetic (nine system), and its own class. It can be said that I really spent a lot of time on the settings back then.

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